职业 |
企业教练、游戏开发者 |
国籍 |
瑞典 |
语言 |
英语、瑞典语 |
网站 | |
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推特用户名 | |
漏洞追踪器用户名 |
亨里克·克尼贝里(Henrik Kniberg)是Mojang Studios的前企业教练和游戏开发者,致力于Minecraft:Java版。他于2019年3月29日被宣布为团队新成员。[1]2019年10月14日,Agnes Larsson宣布Henrik已加入Minecraft游戏团队[2]并获得了正式的团队成员身份。[3]2022年5月31日,Henrik宣布他离开了Mojang。[4]
Henrik Kniberg是位于斯德哥尔摩的Crisp的组织顾问和开发者。他在Mojang从事企业教练和Minecraft开发相关的工作,而此前他曾在乐高和Spotify有过工作经历。正如他广受欢迎的书 Scrum and XP from the Trenches , Kanban and Scrum, making the most of both 和 Lean from the Trenches,以及他流传甚广的视频 Agile Product Ownership in a Nutshell 和 Spotify Engineering Culture 中所描述的那样,他乐于通过在产品开发的技术和人事方面的灵活而精简的原则来帮助公司取得成功。Henrik同时积极参与气候变化议题,他所创作的影片 Friendly Guide to Climate Change 也与GoClimateNeutral、Trine等其他该领域的创业公司有相关联系。[5]
- ↑ “New dev alert! Give @henrikkniberg a follow. You might learn some things! He came to Mojang as a coach and has apparently just pulled up a chair and started fixing things in Minecraft. 😉” – @Marc_IRL,2019年3月29日
- ↑ “I'm happy to announce @henrikkniberg as a new team member in the Minecraft Gameplay team! Send him a hug or just some random Minecraft thoughts ;). Henrik has been at Mojang for awhile and has helped us with lots of things, so it is truly lovely he now is a part of our team.” – @_ladyagnes,14 Oct 2019
- ↑ “Super excited about this becoming official! Henrik has been helping out for a while now and is really excited about getting to know the community and contribute to the game. Please give him your warmest welcome :)” – @cojomax99,14 Oct 2019
- ↑ “Hi folks, I'm leaving Mojang, at least for now, so I won't be posting as much Minecraft stuff. This has been really fun! Never met a dev team with so strong passion for their product & users. And the community has been super helpful with snapshot feedback & testing. Keep it up!❤️” – @henrikkniberg,2022年5月31日
- ↑ https://www.crisp.se/konsulter/henrik-kniberg/bio