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UUIDs (Universally Unique IDentifiers) are 128 bit long numbers which are used by Minecraft to distinguish between separate instances.


  • Hyphenated string: A hexadecimal representation of the UUID, with hyphens separating the different sections into individual numbers.
    The hyphen are set to split the UUID into numbers of the format 8-4-4-4-12 with each number marking the number of hexadecimal digits fitting into the corresponding section. Further detail follows in the Technical aspects section.
    An example of this representation would be f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6.
    • Because every part is evaluated as an individual number, empty digits at the start of a section can be ignored.
      For example, 00000001-0002-0003-0004-000000000005 can be evaluated as the same as 1-2-3-4-5.
  • String: The same as the hyphenated string representation, but without the separation of the different sections.
    An example for this representation would be 00000001000200030004000000000005, where it is impossible for the majority of empty digits to be removed as opposed to the regular String representation.
  • Most/Least: A separation of the 64 most significant bits from the 64 least significant bits. Each of the two numbers is stored separately and uses the Long data type in the game.
    An example of this representation would be UUIDMost:-568210367123287600 paired with UUIDLeast:-6384696206158828554.
  • int-array: A separation into four 32 bit numbers. Each part is stored in an integer array ordered from most significant to least significant.
    An example of this representation would be [I;-132296786,2112623056,-1486552928,-920753162]


The following table represents the situations in which UUIDs are used in places accessible by a player:‌[upcoming: JE 1.16]

Location (general) Location (path) Format Use
All entities (NBT) UUID int-array Own UUID
Attribute modifiers (NBT) UUID int-array Own UUID. Used when equipping and unequipping the item to identify which modifier to add or remove from the entity.
Attribute modifiers (Loot table) id String Set UUID of modifier in set_attributes function
Tameable mobs (NBT) Owner int-array Owner
Projectiles (NBT) Owner int-array Entity that shot the projectile
Item entities (NBT) Owner int-array Target player for /give command
Item entities (NBT) Thrower int-array Player who dropped the item
Shulker bullets (NBT) Target int-array Entity targeted for attack
Conduits (NBT) Target int-array Entity targeted for attack
Player heads (NBT) SkullOwner.Id int-array Owner of the skin
Player heads (NBT) SkullOwner.Properties.textures[].Value.ProfileId String without hyphens Owner of the skin
Mobs (NBT) Leash.UUID int-array Entity that leashed the mob
Breedable mobs (NBT) LoveCause int-array Player who fed the mob
Zombie Villagers (NBT) ConversionPlayer int-array Player who is converting the Zombie Villager
Bees and Zombified Piglins (NBT) HurtBy int-array Entity that hurt the bee or Zombified Piglin
Villagers (NBT) Gossips[].Target int-array Player who caused the gossip
Target selectors (Commands) - String Selected entity
Dark Oak Sapling
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Technical aspects

Value range

A UUID can be expressed as a 128 bit number, which means that it supports all integer values from -(2^127) to (2^127)-1. It is important to note that this evaluation does not refer to the range of values generated by the game but instead focuses on the capacity of the format.

String format section names

String format UUIDs follow the pattern aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-ddee-ffffffffffff.

Section name Used symbol Bit range
From To Size
time-low a 96 127 32
time-mid b 80 95 16
time-high-and-version c 54 79 16
clock-seq-and-reserved d 36 53 8
clock-seq-low e 48 45 8
node f 0 47 48


Minecraft uses variant 4 UUIDs, which means that the entire number with the exception of the bits used for metadata is randomly generated.

A table with the locations and values of the metadata:

Bitwise version

Main article: UUID/metadata

Collapsed version

Main article: UUID/metadata1

Related tools
