Minecraft Wiki

woodlandmansion not in the game code

I have no idea how the structure generation option "woodlandmansion" made it into the wiki, but it is not in the game's code of 1.12.2. Just generate a world with biome id 29 and try /locate Mansion Here is also the portion of the code that's responsable for testing the structure options:

   if (generateStructures)
       Map<String, Map<String, String>> map = this.flatWorldGenInfo.getWorldFeatures();

       if (map.containsKey("village"))
           Map<String, String> map1 = (Map)map.get("village");

           if (!map1.containsKey("size"))
               map1.put("size", "1");

           this.structureGenerators.put("Village", new MapGenVillage(map1));

       if (map.containsKey("biome_1"))
           this.structureGenerators.put("Temple", new MapGenScatteredFeature(map.get("biome_1")));

       if (map.containsKey("mineshaft"))
           this.structureGenerators.put("Mineshaft", new MapGenMineshaft(map.get("mineshaft")));

       if (map.containsKey("stronghold"))
           this.structureGenerators.put("Stronghold", new MapGenStronghold(map.get("stronghold")));

       if (map.containsKey("oceanmonument"))
           this.structureGenerators.put("Monument", new StructureOceanMonument(map.get("oceanmonument")));

   if (this.flatWorldGenInfo.getWorldFeatures().containsKey("lake"))
       this.waterLakeGenerator = new WorldGenLakes(Blocks.WATER);

   if (this.flatWorldGenInfo.getWorldFeatures().containsKey("lava_lake"))
       this.lavaLakeGenerator = new WorldGenLakes(Blocks.LAVA);

   this.hasDungeons = this.flatWorldGenInfo.getWorldFeatures().containsKey("dungeon");
Someone probably saw the other structures and added woodlandmansion without checking and it went under the radar. It happens.
It's removed now, thanks for bringing this to out attention. --Pepijn (talk) 13:19, 18 October 2017 (UTC)

Custom Superflats

Someone deleted this section because I added another custom Superflat preset to it right after saving the section, so I'm re-adding this section. Please don't delete it again.

CollapseFlat: 3;minecraft:leaves,2*minecraft:sand,minecraft:gravel;1;village

DecayFlat: 3;minecraft:air,2*minecraft:air,minecraft:leaves;1;village

BurnFlat: 3;minecraft:lava,2*minecraft:air,minecraft:planks;1;village

CrushFlat: 3;minecraft:bedrock,2*minecraft:dirt,1*minecraft:grass,50*minecraft:air,1*minecraft:leaves,15*minecraft:anvil,minecraft:stone;1;village

BoomFlat: 3;minecraft:lava,2*minecraft:air,minecraft:tnt;1;village

TNTSpleefFlat: 3;minecraft:air,2*minecraft:air,minecraft:tnt;1;village

Note about CrushFlat: Start in Creative Mode and dig down until you fall past the leaves to make them start decaying and get to where you need to be to start playing. Then, use /spawnpoint (so you don't go back above the stone ceiling if you die) and enter Survival Mode.

Another note about the presets in general: These are all very laggy since they all update often!

--Accountsoicanusegamepedia (talk) 22:29, 13 January 2018 (UTC)
