Minecraft Wiki

Minimum working example or links to one

Are there any links to a minimum working example of adding dimensions solely by using a datapack (rather than by using "more world options" => "import settings" prior to world creation)?

I've found lots of examples of people importing world settings with custom dimensions, but zero examples of people creating dimensions via datapacks in the manner this article describes. Presumably you got the information in this article from somewhere; please provide a link so that I can figure out what they did (these should be in the article as reference links anyways). -- 02:51, 4 July 2020 (UTC)

From SlicedLime's 1.16 Pre-release 1 video: https://github.com/RainWarrior/test/raw/sure/testpack2.zip -- 17:59, 4 July 2020 (UTC)

"(these should be in the article as reference links anyways)" Not really, if it's already in-game, it doesn't need a reference link anymore, as people can just check if it works anyway. Reference links are only for mentioned, but not (yet) available features, or statements of devs, bug report links or alike. FVbico (talk) 20:28, 4 July 2020 (UTC)

Changes in 1.16.2

The datapack layout for custom dimensions changed. Specifically, from the patch notes

Custom world generation and dimension settings now use the same folder pattern in data packs as other resources (namespace/<type>/resource.json) 

If you created something in 1.16.1 that was is looking for a dimension type called mydim:cool, it was in data/minecraft/dimension_type/mydim/cool.json. It should now be in data/mydim/dimension_type/cool.json. I put this here because the error messages you get when minecraft cannot find the dimension type are less than helpful. I also ran into a bit of a stealth issue. With dimension types. coordinate_scale is now a required field. Foxfire133 (talk) 02:07, 12 August 2020 (UTC)

Duplicate keys under `biome_source`

