This official Minecraft world is only available via download from the Marketplace.
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— Marketplace Description |
Sustainability City is a custom world released by Mojang for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition. It is available to download from the Marketplace for free.
This world is intended to be played in Adventure Mode. Sustainability City features a set of several locations where environmentally sustainable means of production are demonstrated and taught. Players begin in a classroom with a teacher NPC, who can be interacted with to guide players into one of the six Lessons.
To move along each part of the lesson, players must follow an orange sparkling particle trail. Alternatively, an electric bus on the road can be visited to instantly travel to any of the six locations corresponding to each lesson. At each location, players can interact with various NPCs and learn about each innovation and technology in sustainable production and living.
An orange arrow point downward will be displayed above the next NPC the player must interact with to progress in the lesson. For most NPCs, closing the dialog box will move the arrow to the next NPC; however, for some NPCs, a Continue button below the text must be pressed to move the lesson forward. Some NPCs are not required to be interacted with as part of certain lessons.
Each player's inventory is given 64 Steak, 16 "blackboards", and a Written Book with instructions on how to use the world. When used (thrown), blackboards return a player to the classroom.
Written Book[]
"Welcome to Sustainability Town!
-The teacher can send you on lessons.
-Follow the sparkles when on a lesson.
-Interact with people to talk to them and move the lesson along.
-You have a blackboard in your hotbar, you can use it to return to the classroom.
-There are electric busses (sic) in each area, you can use them to travel around town.“
”Good morning class! Tell me which lesson you would like to start.
Lesson 1, Food Production
Lesson 2, Water Treatment
Lesson 3, Green Building
Lesson 4, Sustainable Forestry
Lesson 5, Energy Efficient Housing
Lesson 6, Power Grid“
Button responses: Lesson 1 (creates trail), Lesson 2 (creates trail), Lesson 3 (creates trail), Lesson 4 (creates trail), Lesson 5 (sends system message), Lesson 6 (sends system message)
“Huzzah! Lesson Completed!” - Chat message upon returning to Town via the bus after completing a lesson
“Take the bus to the house” - Hotbar message upon selecting Lesson 5
“Take the bus to the power plant” - Hotbar message upon selecting Lesson 6
Bus Driver #[]
“Have you completed your lesson? I can take you back to town.” - After finishing interaction with the final NPC in a Lesson
“This electric bus can take you all around town. Just tell me where you would like to go.” Button responses: House, Water, Power, Farm, City, Forest
"Made from recycled materials" - Multiple signs on playground structures near school
”Enter scaffolding and hold JUMP to go up“ - Signs near Scaffolding in Lessons 3 and 5
Lesson 1[]
Where does your food come from?[]
“Do you know where your food comes from? I think it comes from a farm. I wonder if there is a farm nearby?”
Produce Clerk[]
“All these wonderful food products come from the farm behind the grocery store. Don‘t tell the boss but I’ll let you through here.”
”Hi! This is my farm. I raise all the food that you see in the grocery store. We work hard to make sure we are responsibly producing food. Go ahead and go inside to learn more.“
Agricultural Runoff[]
“Growing our crops takes a lot of water. We use a process called irrigation to get the water to the plants, but when there is more water than the ground can absorb it washes pesticides, fertilizers and heavy metals out of the soil into the water supply.”
Irrigation Tech[]
“Using efficient irrigation equipment can eliminate over-watering. It knows just how much water to use because it monitors temperature, soil moisture, leaf wetness, and humidity. Our computers share the information with other farms so we can all be as efficient as possible.”
Irrigation Tech (2)[]
“See this big piece of farm equipment behind me? It pulls water from the irrigation canal and sprays it onto the plants.”
Cover Crops[]
”After plants are harvested, their roots aren‘t there to hold the soil together anymore. This can cause the soil to wash away in the winter rains. We plant crops between harvests to hold the soil in place. When we want to grow again, we till them into the soil and they act as fertilizer.“
Crop Rotation[]
”Crop rotation is all about keeping your soil in good condition by planting different crops in each field each season.“
Button response: ”Crop Rotation“ - cycles day and night whilst removing and replacing crops
Crop Rotation (2)[]
“All plants use nutrients from the soil. Nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur will make plants grow well. Growing the same crop in the same area every season is not good for the soil because (sic) will deplete the soil’s nutrients.”
Compost Spreading[]
”We spread compost on our fields seasonally to improve soil properties, provide nutrients in a stable organic form, increase plant growth and health, and conserve water.“
“Compost is a great way to fertilize the soil, especially since it is a product of food waste. We get it delivered directly from the composting facility. Why don‘t you follow those trucks to see how compost is made. (sic)”
What is Compost?[]
“Hello! Did you know that all the yard waste that you set out at home comes to this facility here? Welcome to the composting facility, here we take yard waste and turn it into a valuable compost product. Go ahead and go in to learn more about the process.”
Finished Compost[]
”Compost takes time to make, we put them in piles called windrows. This windrow has been sitting here for 12 weeks and is just now finished.“
“A long pile, or windrow of compost is made by sandwiching biosolids in between two layers of shredded yard waste.”
Mixing and Aeriation[]
“This is a windrow turner. It aerates and mixes the biosolids and shredded yard waste.”
“The process of composting generates heat. Once the windrow is mixed and aerated, we stick in those temperature gauges and monitor the temperature.”
“We grind up the yard waste with this big tub grinder. The shredded-up bits of yard waste have a lot more surface area and will decompose faster.”
“Biosolids are a biproduct (sic) of water reclamation. After they are processed at the water reclamation plant, they come here to become the key ingredient in nutrient rich compost.”
Button response: “Bio-solids” - teleports player to Lesson 2 to interact with the NPC “Bio-Solids” (who allows the player to teleport back to Lesson 1)
What is Compost? (2)[]
“Hello! Did you know that all the yard waste that you set out at home comes to this facility here? Welcome to the composting facility, here we take yard waste and turn it into a valuable compost product. Go ahead and go in to learn more about the process.”
Note that this NPC, while a different character who players are directed to at a different point in the lesson from the other NPC of the same name, has the exact same dialogue as the other NPC.
What is recycling?[]
”Do you want to see how all the things that you put in the recycling (sic) get separated and processed? Go on in and learn.“
”Here we manually sort out the non-recyclables that accidentally make it into the recycling bins. We can‘t have anything contaminate the final product.“
Glass Screen[]
”The glass that comes through the facility falls down through this screen and is processed below.“
Ballistic Separator[]
”This is a ballistic separator. It forces the heavier items like metal and plastic down while keeping the lighter items like paper and cardboard on top. Go ahead and push that button to turn on the ballistic separator.“
Rubber Roller[]
”Paper sticks to these rubble rollers and is separated from the cardboard.“
Double Check[]
“Metal and plastic items are separated here, I’m making sure that no non-recyclables have made it past our other stations.”
Eddie Current[]
”Metal is pulled upward by the electromagnet here. It flies a little further off the conveyor belt than the plastic items. That‘s how metal and plastics are separated.“
”Up here you can see the balers, they smash the recyclables. We need to press each material into cubes so they can get transported.
Glass Processing[]
“Up ahead is where we process the collected glass. We only process glass from food and drink containers, glass from windshields and high temperature glass like Pyrex cannot be mixed with the glass processed here. Go on in and learn more.”
Molten Glass[]
“This furnace heats the glass to 2700 degrees Fahrenheit! That’s enough to melt the glass material into a liquid. Once it‘s liquified it can be shaped into whatever size or shape required.”
Recycled Glass[]
”Did you know that it takes more energy to produce a glass jar or bottle from new material than from recycled glass? Glass can be recycled endlessly without losing quality or purity. We should recycle more glass.“
Delivery Guy[]
”I deliver the newly recycled glass jars to the farm here, they look so clear you couldn’t tell the difference. I think they use them to package honey, anyways, I have to get back to unloading this truck.“
Honey Packaging[]
”We use recycled glass jars and recycled cardboard to package our honey. More manufacturers should package their products using recycled materials. These are ready for the grocery store.“
Lesson 2[]
Out-flow Reclamation[]
“This is the out-flow reclamation site. Out-flow is the water that comes from your sink at home, sewer drains and more. It‘s important to manage this responsibly as it prevents disease and makes sure we have clean usable water in the future.”
Bar Screens[]
“Screens prevent large pieces of material from entering the plant. Wipes and lumber are some of the items filtered out at this stage. There are even smaller materials that we call grit, and we remove it from the water in several grit chambers.”
Grit Chambers[]
“Grit chambers filter the water by setting out particles like sand, cinder, rock, coffee grounds (sic). This is done by reducing the speed of the water enough that grit will stop moving forward and fall to the bottom of the chamber.”
Preventing Clogs[]
“Removing these large materials first is essential so that pumps and pipes are not damaged or clogged during later processes.”
Primary Clarification[]
“Next the water flows into the primary clarifier, the water‘s speed is reduced even further so that solids sink and clean water floats.”
Primary Clarification (2)[]
”The solids leave the bottom of the clarifier and are off to bio-solid processing. The clean water flows over the top of a weir; this low wall only lets water trickle over the top.“
”Water is then pumped to the aeration basin where air and natural waste eating microbes are added to the water. This basin is creating the perfect environment for the microbes to grow, eat, and multiply.“
Secondary Clarification[]
”A second clarification step necessary to remove the microbes and remaining solids, these are sent back to the aeration basin to give the microbes more time to work on the solids. Over the next weir comes the cleanest water yet.“
”This next stage is where the water goes to get disinfected, eliminating disease causing bacteria. Running the water through filters here will further treat the water for use in irrigation. It’s ready to go back into the water system now.“
”Here is where we distribute the water to the local farm. Sometimes we have to use trucks to transport it, but this farm is so close we can pump it through a pipeline.”
Return to the Water System[]
“The water returns to the water system here. Our entire goal at the plant is to produce clean water that is safe to return to the environment.”
“The biosolids are heated in the boiler and natural bacteria break down the waste. We capture the methane gas produced by this process and use it to heat our buildings and fuel the boilers that heat the biosolids. The resulting product can be used in farming as nutrient rich Compost. (sic)”
Button response: “Compost” - teleports player to Lesson 1 to interact with the NPC “Biosolids” (who allows the player to teleport back to Lesson 2)
Lesson 3[]
“A large space takes quite a lot of energy to heat, and our goal with every new building is to reduce how much energy it takes from the pool of resources that we all share. This new building is heated by a network of pipes that exist between the walls and floors.“
”In the winter, the ground temperature is warmer than the air up here. In the summer, the ground temperature is cooler than the air up here. Inside the pipes a fast-moving liquid made from water and glycol that carry (sic) the desired temperatures up into the building.“
Button response: ”Continue“ (press required to move lesson forward)
Wonderful Stairway[]
”This building‘s stairway is surrounded by glass and made from beautiful materials so that you can’t resist climbing them. The views from the stairs will provide a look out into the town below. The more people that use the stairs, the less energy is consumed by the elevator.“
Button response: ”Continue“ (press required to move lesson forward; creates message ”Dive into the greywater system!“)
Greywater System[]
”All the water from the sinks goes into the building‘s greywater system. It travels down into a tank in the basement where all the greywater is collected. Then it is pumped up to the roof to be drip fed into a clever filtering device. Hop in to find out more!“
Synthetic Wetland[]
”The greywater drips into our man-made wetland where it is filtered and cleaned. The water may be pumped through this system several times before being distributed into a gravel drain. This will slowly release the water over time into the water table.“
Composting Toilets[]
”The waste from these toilets is transported downstairs to the composters. These toilets also don’t use as much water as normal toilets, in fact they use 96% less water. Every little step towards conservation helps us reach our goal to be more sustainable.“
Regenerating Elevator[]
”The elevator is equipped with a regenerator to make it more efficient. As the elevator travels downward, it captures the energy used to slow it down. A motor at the top converts this into electrical energy that can be used elsewhere in the building.“
Lighting and Windows[]
”The building‘s exterior windows cover most of the exterior surface. This will maximize natural light and reduce the energy consumption of artificial lights. Second, they have thick panes to keep the hot air out in the summer and cold air out in the winter.“
Button response: ”Continue“ (press required to move lesson forward)
Heat Exchange[]
”Ventilation is important to any building; we need it to distribute heated or cooled air evenly throughout the structure. In our building, we use this heat exchanger to warm the incoming fresh air with the outgoing stale air.“
Crane Operator[]
”It’s a big responsibility operating a crane. I had to work hard for 4 years to become a journeyman. I just got my license.“
Solar Roof[]
”One goal for this project is for it to produce just as much energy as it uses. The solar roof collects the most energy in the summer when the sun is higher in the sky. We store that energy and use it in the winter, when energy colleciton is less.“
Button response: ”Continue“ (press required to move lesson forward)
Lesson 4[]
Lumber Yard[]
“Welcome to the lumber yard. Here is where the town gets all the wood building product (sic) it needs. The logs come from a sustainable forestry project nearby. How about you go on in and check out how the whole process works. (sic)”
Lumber Yard (2)[]
“We just store the lumber here; it gets delivered by trucks from the forest.”
Sustainable Forestry[]
”This is the sustainable forestry project. Sustainable forestry ensures that future generations will have forests to meet their needs.“
Management Cycle[]
”As trees grow tall and full, we thin the site by taking out the weakest half to give the strong ones more room to grow. Once the trees are large enough they are ready for harvest. The entire process takes up to 40 years.“
Button response: ”40-Year Cycle“ (starts simulation of cycle with shifting daylight and tree growth)
“Areas with higher conservation value are either home to at risk species of plants and animals or a water source. We are conserving the biodiversity and providing public access to raise awareness. There is a nice overlook of the town at the end of the trail, check it out.”
“What a beautiful view! We should always keep in mind that everything we do impacts our environment. If we want it to stay like this, we should put forth the effort to take care of it.”
“A unit of forest is called a hectare. Before we cut anything, we always have an approved plan of where and how many hectares to cut. It‘s so important to never cut more than the number of sustainable hectares, so that future stock of forests stays at a sustainable level.”
Lesson 5[]
Sustainable Materials[]
“We are using sustainable materials that are produced without depleting a non-renewable resource. In this case we are using bottom ash from the waste to energy plant, lumber from the sustainable forest project, and glass from the recycling facility.”
Energy Efficient Housing[]
“We are building a new house. Our goal with all new housing is to reduce the impact that it has on the resources we all share. If we conserve energy usage with this house, we can take one more step toward a sustainable future.”
“Do you see that pink stuff in between the walls of this house? It‘s called insulation and it will slow heat transfer significantly. We have lined the walls and ceiling of this house to slow the heat loss during the cold months and slow heat gain during the warm months.”
“Moving the air around inside the house will make the heating system more efficient. Air inside the house is collected and distributed throughout the rooms by a series of ventilation ducts.”
Window Film and Smart Blinds[]
“I’m installing smart blinds on all the windows. Once they are connected to the house‘s temperature control system, they will open and close automatically to let sunlight in in (sic) the cold moths (sic) or block it out during warm months.”
Button response: “Test Blinds” (covers and uncovers windows)
Window Film and Smart Blinds[]
“Windows are one of the places that are most susceptible to heat gain and loss. A high-performance window film can make the glass resist heat.”
Button response: “Add Window Film” (changes clear glass to black glass)
Passive Energy Collection[]
“I’m installing solar panels on the roof. During months when the sun‘s angle is low, the system will collect less. When the suns (sic) angle is high during the warm months, the system will collect more. The surplus energy can be stored in batteries for use later in the year.“
”This machine next to me is the furnace, it heats the house. As you have seen, many other features of this house reduce the need for the furnace to run. If this was done for every dwelling, we could reduce their energy use considerably.”
Where does the drain go?[]
“Just doing some work on the sink here. Where do you think the water goes once it goes down the drain? Why don’t you hop in and find out?”
Lesson 6[]
Hydro-Electric Power[]
”Welcome to the hydro-electric power plant! This facility captures the energy from fast flowing water and converts it to electrical energy from (sic) the whole town to use. The energy that is generated here is renewable, and the process is very efficient. Head on inside to learn more.“
Penstock, Reservoir, and Turbine[]
”Here you can see the water traveling through the penstock, a channel where the water flows from the reservoir to the turbine. Fun and useful fact: the bigger the height difference between the reservoir water level and the outlet water level, the more energy is generated.“
Mechanical Energy[]
”The turbine turns when the fast-moving water moves through it. At this point, energy generated is called mechanical energy. Mechanical energy can‘t power your home as is, it must be converted to electrical energy first.“
“The shaft of this turbine turns the generator, this will convert the mechanical energy from the turbine into electrical energy.”
Generator (2)[]
“Inside the generator, the turbine shaft rotates electro-magnets past sets of conductors. When this happens at a constant speed, a voltage develops and outputs electrical energy. We transfer this energy through power lines that deliver the electricity to the town.”
Pumped Storage[]
“Did you know that the flow of water through this dam can be reversed? The town uses electricity mostly during the daytime. We can save energy for the daytime demand by using a little energy to pump the water back into the reservoir at night when the demand is low.”
Clean Energy[]
“Hydro-electric power is clean energy, but there are even more ways to generate clean energy. See that wind turbine above us? Head on up to learn more.”
Wind Power[]
“Wind is a powerful force of nature and has been used by humans for over 1000 years! Back then, we used windmills to grind grain, now we use them to generate electricity. Why don’t you climb up the ladder to check it out?”
How does wind make Electricity?[]
“Wind blowing across the big blades outside will turn the generator, converting the mechanical energy into electrical energy. The sensor on the outside of the turbine needs to be recalibrated, would you climb up top and hit the red button for me?” (creates message ”Climb on top of the turbine and press the button“ upon closing)
Power Grid[]
“The electrical energy will enter the power grid here and is transmitted through the powerlines. Each of the areas use (sic) energy from the grid in some way. A few locations even give energy back to the grid in interesting ways. Jump on and ride the powerlines!
Button response: ”Spawn Minecart“ (places a Minecart on nearby rail)
Minecart Instruction Sign[]
”Hold FORWARD to move. If you fall off, you can climb back up“
Water Treatment Plant[]
”This is the water treatment plant. They use electricity to run their pumps, heaters, lights, and other equipment. They reduce their consumption of energy by capturing gas from the breakdown of bio-solids. Hop down to check it out or continue to ride the powerlines!“
Button responses: ”Continue“ (changes Rail path to allow Minecart to begin moving), ”Spawn Minecart“ (places a Minecart on nearby rail)
Sustainable Farming[]
”This is the farm, all the food that the town eats comes from here. They use electricity to heat their buildings and run their equipment. They reduce their energy consumption by maintaining energy efficient equipment. Hop down to check it out or continue to ride the powerlines!“
Button responses: ”Continue“ (changes Rail path to allow Minecart to begin moving), ”Spawn Minecart“ (places a Minecart on nearby rail)
Energy Efficient House[]
”This is the energy efficient house. It will use electricity for lights, appliances, heating, and cooling. It tries to conserve and even return some energy to the grid using solar panels. Hop down to check it out or continue to ride the powerlines!“
Button responses: ”Continue“ (changes Rail path to allow Minecart to begin moving), ”Spawn Minecart“ (places a Minecart on nearby rail)
Landfill Bioreactor[]
”This is the landfill, where the towns (sic) post-consumer waste goes. It uses electricity to heat the buildings and run the equipment. This facility has a very interesting way of returning energy to the grid. Hop down to check it out.“
Button response: ”Spawn Minecart“ (places a Minecart on nearby rail)
”This is the landfill bioreactor. This is basically a pile of non-recyclable material that is packed and covered to contain anything that leaches out. A bioreactor accelerates the decompositon of the waste and prevents contamination of the surrounding environment.“
Aerobic Bioreactor[]
”Anything that leaks out of the bottom of the reactor is collected by pipes under the ground. This leachate is then recirculated back into the reactor along with air and wastewater from the water treatment plant. This creates the perfect environment for decomposition.“
Methane Gas Collection[]
”Methane gas seeps out of the reactor and is collected and stored for later use. We use it to heat out (sic) buildings, run our equipment,and power all our collection vehicles.“
Green City[]
”This is downtown. This area uses electricity for heating, cooling, running equipment and appliances. The new building being built will actually not use any electricity from the power grid when it‘s complete. Hop down to check it out or continue to ride the powerlines!
Button responses: ”Continue“ (changes Rail path to allow Minecart to begin moving), ”Spawn Minecart“ (places a Minecart on nearby rail)
Waste to Energy Plant[]
“This is the waste to energy power plant and the end of the line. This facility captures energy from waste and actually supplements the power grid. Hop down to check it out!”
Button response: ”Spawn Minecart“ (places a Minecart on nearby rail)
Collection Bunkers[]
“Welcome to the waste to energy power plant. At this station, the collection vehicles are dropping off the waste into this large bin. It will wait here before being loaded into the furnaces. Head on in to learn more.”
Furnace Hoppers[]
“The claw can move back and forth over this area. It picks up and drops waste into the furnace hoppers. The claw operator makes sure the furnaces run and (sic) peak efficiency.
”The waste is incinerated by the furnace at 850 degrees Fahrenheit. The solid residue is called bottom ash, it falls through the grates under the furnace and is transported by conveyor to a collection area. The gas residue from the furnace is sent upwards into the boiler.“
“In the boiler the super-heated gas passes by heat conductive pipes that contain water. The high temperatures vaporize the water into steam that is forced through a turbine below. Head down that ladder to check it out.”
Steam Power[]
“The steam from the boiler turns the blades of the turbine. This in-turn will provide mechanical energy to the generator which converts it into usable electrical energy.”
Energy Surplus[]
“We use the electricity generated here to power our building, but the best part about this place is that it uses less energy than it creates. The surplus energy is distributed back into the power grid.”
More to learn[]
“If you are interested in what happens to the bottom ash and the furnace gas keep heading down those steps. It‘s important for a process to be very mindful of its biproducts. (sic) If they are not managed properly, we may do more damage than good.”
Air Scrubbers[]
“This is the air scrubber. Gas is flooded into the chamber where water is showered on it from above. The water droplets grab more than 95% of the contaminates (sic) from the gas. The water is then pumped through a closed system where it is treated, and the contaminants are removed.”
Closed Water System[]
“All the water in this facility is in a closed system, meaning no water can escape and no new water needs to be added. All of it is completely reused, even the steam that powers the generator is piped into a condenser that turns it back into water.”
Bottom Ash[]
“This is the bottom ash collection area. Bottom ash is non-toxic and is used in a variety of construction applications. The new building in downtown is using bottom ash, and the new house on the edge of town is using it.”