Minecraft Wiki
Minecraft Wiki
This article is about slabs obtainable in normal gameplay. For the wooden slab which acts like stone, see Petrified Oak Slab. For the removed smooth stone-like slab, see Seamless Stone Slab. For the April Fools' joke, see Etho Slab. For the removed slab due to a bug, see Dirt Slab.

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Slabs are half-height versions of their respective blocks.



Stone-type slabs require a pickaxe to mine. Cut copper slabs require at least a stone pickaxe. Wooden slabs can be mined with anything, but an axe is quickest.

Unlike stairs, many stone-type slabs have different hardness values (and thus, breaking time) compared to their full-block counterparts.[1]

Block Cobbled Deepslate
Polished Deepslate
Deepslate Brick
Deepslate Tile
Cut Copper End Stone Brick Stone Brick
Blackstone (and variants)
(Mossy) Cobblestone
(Red) Nether Brick
(Smooth) Quartz
(Cut/Smooth) Sandstone
(Cut/Smooth) Red Sandstone
(Smooth) Stone
Mossy Stone Brick
(Polished) Andesite
(Polished) Diorite
(Polished) Granite
Prismarine (and variants)
Polished Tuff
Tuff Brick
Mud Bricks Wooden
Hardness 3.5 3 3 2 1.5 1.5 2
Breaking time[A]
Default 17.5 15 15 10 7.5 7.5 3
Wooden 2.65 7.5 2.25 1.5 1.15 1.15 1.5
Stone 1.35 1.15 1.15 0.75 0.6 0.6 0.75
Iron 0.9 0.75 0.75 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.5
Diamond 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.4
Netherite 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.35 0.25 0.25 0.35
Golden 0.45 1.25 0.4 0.25 0.2 0.2 0.25
  1. Times are for unenchanted tools as wielded by players with no status effects, measured in seconds. For more information, see Breaking § Speed.

Most slabs drop themselves when broken. However, in Bedrock Edition, petrified oak slabs drop normal oak slabs.

Double slabs drop 2 of their respective single slabs, even when mined with Silk Touch. In Java Edition, double slabs are completely unobtainable. In Bedrock Edition, they can be obtained through inventory editing.

Natural generation[]

  • Smooth stone, oak, and cobblestone slabs generate naturally in plains villages.
  • Smooth sandstone and sandstone slabs generate naturally in desert villages.
  • Smooth stone and acacia slabs generate naturally in savanna villages.
  • Smooth stone and spruce slabs generate naturally in taiga and snowy taiga villages.
Ruined portal
  • Stone, stone brick, and mossy stone brick slabs generate in ruined portals in the Overworld.
  • Blackstone, polished blackstone, and polished blackstone brick slabs generate in ruined portals in the Nether.


Name Ingredients Crafting recipe Description
Wood Slab Matching Planks
Bamboo Mosaic Slab Bamboo Mosaic
Stone Slab or
Smooth Stone Slab
Stone or
Smooth Stone
Cobblestone Slab or
Mossy Cobblestone Slab
Cobblestone or
Mossy Cobblestone
Stone Brick Slab or
Mossy Stone Brick Slab
Stone Bricks or
Mossy Stone Bricks
Granite Slab or
Polished Granite Slab
Granite or
Polished Granite
Diorite Slab or
Polished Diorite Slab
Diorite or
Polished Diorite
Andesite Slab or
Polished Andesite Slab
Andesite or
Polished Andesite
Cobbled Deepslate Slab or
Polished Deepslate Slab or
Deepslate Brick Slab or
Deepslate Tile Slab
Cobbled Deepslate or
Polished Deepslate or
Deepslate Bricks or
Deepslate Tiles
Brick Slab Bricks
Mud Brick Slab Mud Bricks
Sandstone Slab or
Red Sandstone Slab
Sandstone or
Chiseled Sandstone or
Red Sandstone or
Chiseled Red Sandstone
Smooth Sandstone Slab or
Cut Sandstone Slab
Smooth Sandstone or
Cut Sandstone
Smooth Red Sandstone Slab or
Cut Red Sandstone Slab
Smooth Red Sandstone or
Cut Red Sandstone
Prismarine Slab or
Prismarine Brick Slab or
Dark Prismarine Slab
Prismarine or
Prismarine Bricks or
Dark Prismarine
Nether Brick Slab or
Red Nether Brick Slab
Nether Bricks or
Red Nether Bricks
Blackstone Slab or
Polished Blackstone Slab or
Polished Blackstone Brick Slab
Blackstone or
Polished Blackstone or
Polished Blackstone Bricks
End Stone Brick Slab End Stone Bricks
Purpur Slab Any Purpur Block [Java Edition only]
Purpur Slab Purpur Block [Bedrock Edition only]
Quartz Slab Any Quartz Block
Smooth Quartz Slab Smooth Quartz Block
Cut Copper Slab or
Exposed Cut Copper Slab or
Weathered Cut Copper Slab or
Oxidized Cut Copper Slab
Cut Copper or
Exposed Cut Copper or
Weathered Cut Copper or
Oxidized Cut Copper
Waxed Cut Copper Slab or
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Slab or
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Slab or
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Slab
Waxed Cut Copper or
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper or
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper or
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper
Waxed Cut Copper Slab or
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Slab or
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Slab or
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Slab
Cut Copper Slab or
Exposed Cut Copper Slab or
Weathered Cut Copper Slab or
Oxidized Cut Copper Slab +

Tuff Slab or
Polished Tuff Slab or
Tuff Brick Slab
Tuff or
Polished Tuff or
Tuff Bricks


Name Ingredients Cutting recipe Description
Stone Slab or
Smooth Stone Slab
Stone or
Smooth Stone
Cobblestone Slab or
Mossy Cobblestone Slab
Cobblestone or
Mossy Cobblestone
Stone Brick Slab or
Mossy Stone Brick Slab
Stone or
Stone Bricks or
Mossy Stone Bricks
Granite Slab or
Polished Granite Slab
Granite or
Polished Granite
Diorite Slab or
Polished Diorite Slab
Diorite or
Polished Diorite
Andesite Slab or
Polished Andesite Slab
Andesite or
Polished Andesite
Cobbled Deepslate Slab or
Polished Deepslate Slab or
Deepslate Brick Slab or
Deepslate Tile Slab
Cobbled Deepslate or
Polished Deepslate or
Deepslate Bricks or
Deepslate Tiles
Brick Slab Bricks
Mud Brick Slab Mud Bricks
Sandstone Slab or
Smooth Sandstone Slab
Sandstone or
Smooth Sandstone
Cut Sandstone Slab Sandstone or
Cut Sandstone
[Java Edition only][2]
Red Sandstone Slab or
Smooth Red Sandstone Slab
Red Sandstone or
Smooth Red Sandstone
Cut Red Sandstone Slab Red Sandstone or
Cut Red Sandstone
[Java Edition only][2]
Prismarine Slab or
Prismarine Brick Slab or
Dark Prismarine Slab
Prismarine or
Prismarine Bricks or
Dark Prismarine
Nether Brick Slab or
Red Nether Brick Slab
Nether Bricks or
Red Nether Bricks
Blackstone Slab or
Polished Blackstone Slab or
Polished Blackstone Brick Slab
Blackstone or
Polished Blackstone or
Polished Blackstone Bricks
End Stone Brick Slab End Stone or
End Stone Bricks
Purpur Slab Purpur Block
Quartz Slab or
Smooth Quartz Slab
Block of Quartz or
Smooth Quartz Block
Cut Copper Slab or
Exposed Cut Copper Slab or
Weathered Cut Copper Slab or
Oxidized Cut Copper Slab or
Waxed Cut Copper Slab or
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Slab or
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Slab or
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Slab
Block of Copper or
Exposed Copper or
Weathered Copper or
Oxidized Copper or
Waxed Block of Copper or
Waxed Exposed Copper or
Waxed Weathered Copper or
Waxed Oxidized Copper
Cut Copper Slab or
Exposed Cut Copper Slab or
Weathered Cut Copper Slab or
Oxidized Cut Copper Slab or
Waxed Cut Copper Slab or
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Slab or
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Slab or
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Slab
Cut Copper or
Exposed Cut Copper or
Weathered Cut Copper or
Oxidized Cut Copper or
Waxed Cut Copper or
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper or
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper or
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper
Tuff Slab Tuff
Polished Tuff Slab Tuff or
Polished Tuff
Tuff Brick Slab Tuff or
Polished Tuff or
Tuff Bricks

Petrified oak slabs are the stone-type wooden slabs left from before Java Edition 1.3.1. They are now unobtainable in vanilla survival.



Slabs can occupy either the top half or the bottom half of a block, or both:

  • Placing a slab on top of a block or on the side of a block in the lower half of the side surface creates a bottom slab
  • Placing a slab on the underside of a block or on the top half of the side surface creates a top slab
  • Placing a top and bottom slab of the same type in the same block creates a double slab block
  • It is impossible to place two different kinds of slabs in the same block.

Slabs cannot be oriented vertically.

Crafting ingredient[]

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe Description
Armor Stand Stick +
Smooth Stone Slab

Bamboo Mosaic Bamboo Slab

Barrel Any Planks +
Any wood Slab

Chiseled Bookshelf Any Planks +
Any wood Slab

Chiseled Copper or
Exposed Chiseled Copper or
Weathered Chiseled Copper or
Oxidized Chiseled Copper or
Waxed Chiseled Copper or
Waxed Exposed Chiseled Copper or
Waxed Weathered Chiseled Copper or
Waxed Oxidized Chiseled Copper
Cut Copper Slab or
Exposed Cut Copper Slab or
Weathered Cut Copper Slab or
Oxidized Cut Copper Slab or
Waxed Cut Copper Slab or
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Slab or
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Slab or
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Slab
Chiseled Deepslate Cobbled Deepslate Slab

Chiseled Nether Bricks Nether Brick Slab

Chiseled Polished Blackstone Polished Blackstone Slab

Chiseled Quartz Block Quartz Slab

Chiseled Sandstone or
Chiseled Red Sandstone
Sandstone Slab or
Red Sandstone Slab

Chiseled Stone Bricks Stone Brick Slab

Chiseled Tuff Tuff Slab

Chiseled Tuff Bricks Tuff Brick Slab

Composter Any wood Slab

Daylight Detector Glass +
Nether Quartz +
Any wood Slab

Grindstone Stick +
Stone Slab +
Any Planks

In Bedrock Edition, grindstone recipes built with crimson, warped, or mangrove planks can use a slab of almost any of the stone types including sandstone, quartz, and bricks.
Lectern Any wood Slab +

Purpur Pillar Purpur Slab



An example of how top slabs can make redstone travel compactly "up stairs".

Redstoneless Slab

Slabs do not block a vertical redstone connection as it is a transparent block.

In Bedrock Edition a single slab (top or bottom) is transparent to light, while a double slab is opaque. The empty half of a slab block is also transparent to mobs, unlike other transparent blocks such as fences and glass, which players can see through but mobs cannot.

A bottom placed on top of a hopper is transparent to items; the items fall through the bottom slab into the hopper. Without a hopper attached below, a bottom slab behaves as a solid surface.

Falling block entities (like sand, gravel, and concrete powder) turn into their dropped form if they land on a bottom slab, as when they fall on a torch.

Mobs see a slab as a full block when pathfinding. They can spawn on top slabs and double slabs, but not on bottom slabs. This can be used to prevent mob spawning in certain areas, such as mob farms.

Generally, the top face of top slabs, the bottom face of bottom slabs, and all faces of double slabs are handled as solid blocks. Due to this, blocks that require a solid surface for placement can be placed on these faces.

Double slabs are handled as a single block instead of two different slabs; as such, breaking one destroys the whole block and drop two slabs, as opposed to breaking only one slab within the block. "Double slabs" that are not aligned to the grid (i.e. a bottom slab on top of a top slab) are handled as separate blocks and are broken individually.

Redstone dust placed on a top slab receives signals from redstone dust one block lower and adjacent, but cannot transmit signals down to that block.

In Bedrock Edition, mobs standing on bottom slabs with air or another bottom slab below fail to pathfind correctly. They often end up spinning around in a small circle when they try to move.

Due to the way blast rays propagate from an explosion, bottom slabs provide extremely effective absorption to explosions directly on top of them. In some cases, only the slab is destroyed from a TNT explosion directly on top of it. Explosions from end crystals and creepers are also weakened.

Sneaking reduces the player's hitbox height to 1.65 blocks in Bedrock Edition, and so does not allow the player to walk over a bottom slab with one block of air above it, which is 1.5 blocks of space. In Java Edition, however, a crouching player's hitbox is exactly 1.5 blocks, allowing the player to fit through such a gap. A player cannot walk from a block of soul sand directly up to a bottom slab without jumping – this applies not just to soul sand, but to any block 78 of a block high or shorter, because the maximum step height of the player is 0.6 of a block. The player can walk off a bottom slab while sneaking, because the sneaking prevents falling only when the distance is higher than one half block.

If a single slab is placed in a water source block, the empty half of that slab's block is waterlogged. If a slab is placed in flowing water, a pocket of air is created in the unfilled half of the block. If the player's head is in this pocket, the player can breathe and see as clearly as from an air block. If a single slab is placed in between two water sources or waterlogged blocks, the slab becomes waterlogged‌[Java Edition only]. This also happens when a water bucket or a bucket containing a fish is used on a single slab. Double slabs cannot be waterlogged.

A minecart on powered rails is not repelled by a slab, although it is repelled by a slab with a minecart on top.


Overworld wooden slabs can be used as fuel in furnaces, smelting 0.75 items per slab in Java Edition, and 1.5 items per slab in Bedrock Edition.[3]

Therefore in Bedrock Edition, wooden slabs (12 items per log) are twice as fuel efficient as wood planks (6 items per log), even more so than charcoal (8 items per log), which needs to be smelted in the first place.

Note blocks[]

Wooden slabs can be placed under note blocks to produce "bass" sounds.

Stone slabs can be placed under note blocks to produce "bass drum" sounds.


In Bedrock Edition, when a slab is combined into a double slab, the block's use sound is played.[4]

Normal wood[]

Java Edition:

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
Block brokenBlocksOnce the block has brokenblock.wood.breaksubtitles.block.generic.break1.00.816
Block placedBlocksWhen the block is placedblock.wood.placesubtitles.block.generic.place1.00.816
Block breakingBlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenblock.wood.hitsubtitles.block.generic.hit0.250.516
None[sound 1]Entity-DependentFalling on the block with fall damageblock.wood.fallNone[sound 1]0.50.7516
FootstepsEntity-DependentWalking on the blockblock.wood.stepsubtitles.block.generic.footsteps0.151.016
  1. a b MC-177082

Bedrock Edition:

SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
BlocksOnce the block has brokendig.wood1.00.8-1.0
BlocksWhen the block is placeddig.wood1.00.8
BlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenhit.wood0.230.5
PlayersFalling on the block with fall damagefall.wood0.41.0
PlayersWalking on the blockstep.wood0.31.0
PlayersJumping from the blockjump.wood0.121.0
PlayersFalling on the block without fall damageland.wood0.181.0
SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
BlocksWhen a wooden slab is combined into a double slabuse.wood1.00.8

Cherry wood[]

Java Edition:

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
Block brokenBlocksOnce the block has brokenblock.cherry_wood.breaksubtitles.block.generic.break1.00.816
Block placedBlocksWhen the block is placedblock.cherry_wood.placesubtitles.block.generic.place1.00.816
Block breakingBlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenblock.cherry_wood.hitsubtitles.block.generic.hit0.250.516
None[sound 1]Entity-DependentFalling on the block with fall damageblock.cherry_wood.fallNone[sound 1]0.50.7516
FootstepsEntity-DependentWalking on the blockblock.cherry_wood.stepsubtitles.block.generic.footsteps0.151.016
  1. a b MC-177082

Bedrock Edition:

SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
BlocksOnce the block has brokenbreak.cherry_wood1.00.8-1.0
BlocksWhen the block is placedplace.cherry_wood1.00.8
BlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenhit.cherry_wood0.230.5
PlayersFalling on the block with fall damagefall.cherry_wood0.41.0
PlayersWalking on the blockstep.cherry_wood0.21.0
PlayersJumping from the blockstep.cherry_wood0.121.0
PlayersFalling on the block without fall damagestep.cherry_wood0.181.0
SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
PlayersWhen a cherry wood slab is combined into a double slabstep.cherry_wood1.00.8

Bamboo wood[]

Java Edition:

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
Block brokenBlocksOnce the block has brokenblock.bamboo_wood.breaksubtitles.block.generic.break0.90.816
Block placedBlocksWhen the block is placedblock.bamboo_wood.placesubtitles.block.generic.place0.90.816
Block breakingBlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenblock.bamboo_wood.hitsubtitles.block.generic.hit0.2250.516
None[sound 1]Entity-DependentFalling on the block with fall damageblock.bamboo_wood.fallNone[sound 1]0.50.7516
FootstepsEntity-DependentWalking on the blockblock.bamboo_wood.stepsubtitles.block.generic.footsteps0.151.016
  1. a b MC-177082

Bedrock Edition:

SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
BlocksOnce the block has brokenbreak.bamboo_wood0.90.8-1.0
BlocksWhen the block is placedplace.bamboo_wood0.90.8
BlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenhit.bamboo_wood0.2070.5
PlayersFalling on the block with fall damagefall.bamboo_wood0.41.0
PlayersWalking on the blockstep.bamboo_wood0.21.0
PlayersJumping from the blockstep.bamboo_wood0.121.0
PlayersFalling on the block without fall damagestep.bamboo_wood0.181.0
SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
BlocksWhen a bamboo wood slab is combined into a double slabstep.bamboo_wood1.00.8

Nether wood[]

Java Edition:

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
Block brokenBlocksOnce the block has brokenblock.nether_wood.breaksubtitles.block.generic.break1.00.7216
Block placedBlocksWhen the block is placedblock.nether_wood.placesubtitles.block.generic.place1.00.7216
Block breakingBlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenblock.nether_wood.hitsubtitles.block.generic.hit0.250.4516
None[sound 1]Entity-DependentFalling on the block with fall damageblock.nether_wood.fallNone[sound 1]0.50.7516
FootstepsEntity-DependentWalking on the blockblock.nether_wood.stepsubtitles.block.generic.footsteps0.151.016
  1. a b MC-177082

Bedrock Edition:

SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
BlocksOnce the block has brokenbreak.nether_wood1.00.8-1.0
BlocksWhen the block is placedplace.nether_wood1.00.8
BlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenhit.nether_wood0.230.5
PlayersFalling on the block with fall damagefall.nether_wood0.41.0
PlayersWalking on the blockstep.nether_wood0.31.0
PlayersJumping from the blockstep.nether_wood0.121.0
PlayersFalling on the block without fall damagestep.nether_wood0.181.0
SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
BlocksWhen a Nether wood slab is combined into a double slabstep.nether_wood1.00.8

Nether brick[]

Java Edition:

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
Block brokenBlocksOnce the block has brokenblock.nether_bricks.breaksubtitles.block.generic.break0.80.816
Block placedBlocksWhen the block is placedblock.nether_bricks.placesubtitles.block.generic.place0.80.816
Block breakingBlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenblock.nether_bricks.hitsubtitles.block.generic.hit0.250.516
None[sound 1]Entity-DependentFalling on the block with fall damageblock.nether_bricks.fallNone[sound 1]0.50.7516
FootstepsEntity-DependentWalking on the blockblock.nether_bricks.stepsubtitles.block.generic.footsteps0.151.016
  1. a b MC-177082

Bedrock Edition:

SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
BlocksOnce the block has brokendig.stone1.00.8-1.0
BlocksWhen the block is placeddig.stone1.00.8-1.0
BlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenhit.stone0.370.5
PlayersFalling on the block with fall damagefall.stone0.41.0
PlayersWalking on the blockstep.stone0.31.0
PlayersJumping from the blockjump.stone0.121.0
PlayersFalling on the block without fall damageland.stone0.221.0
SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
BlocksWhen a nether brick slab is combined into a double slabuse.stone1.00.8


Java Edition:

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
Block brokenBlocksOnce the block has brokenblock.copper.breaksubtitles.block.generic.break1.00.816
Block placedBlocksWhen the block is placedblock.copper.placesubtitles.block.generic.place1.00.816
Block breakingBlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenblock.copper.hitsubtitles.block.generic.hit0.250.516
None[sound 1]Entity-DependentFalling on the block with fall damageblock.copper.fallNone[sound 1]0.50.7516
FootstepsEntity-DependentWalking on the blockblock.copper.stepsubtitles.block.generic.footsteps0.151.016
  1. a b MC-177082

Bedrock Edition:

SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
BlocksOnce the block has brokendig.copper1.00.8-1.0
BlocksWhen the block is placeddig.copper1.00.8-1.0
BlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenhit.copper0.30.5
PlayersFalling on the block with fall damagefall.copper0.41.0
PlayersWalking on the blockstep.copper0.31.0
PlayersJumping from the blockstep.copper0.121.0
PlayersFalling on the block without fall damagestep.copper0.221.0
SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
BlocksWhen a copper slab is combined into a double slabuse.copper1.00.8


Java Edition:

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
Block brokenBlocksOnce the block has brokenblock.stone.breaksubtitles.block.generic.break1.00.816
Block placedBlocksWhen the block is placedblock.stone.placesubtitles.block.generic.place1.00.816
Block breakingBlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenblock.stone.hitsubtitles.block.generic.hit0.250.516
None[sound 1]Entity-DependentFalling on the block with fall damageblock.stone.fallNone[sound 1]0.50.7516
FootstepsEntity-DependentWalking on the blockblock.stone.stepsubtitles.block.generic.footsteps0.151.016
  1. a b MC-177082

Bedrock Edition:

SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
BlocksOnce the block has brokendig.stone1.00.8-1.0
BlocksWhen the block is placeddig.stone1.00.8-1.0
BlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenhit.stone0.370.5
PlayersFalling on the block with fall damagefall.stone0.41.0
PlayersWalking on the blockstep.stone0.31.0
PlayersJumping from the blockjump.stone0.121.0
PlayersFalling on the block without fall damageland.stone0.221.0
SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
BlocksWhen another type of slab is combined into a double slabuse.stone1.00.8

Data values[]


Java Edition:

NameIdentifierFormBlock tagsItem tagsTranslation key
Oak Slaboak_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Spruce Slabspruce_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Birch Slabbirch_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Jungle Slabjungle_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Acacia Slabacacia_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Dark Oak Slabdark_oak_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Mangrove Slabmangrove_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Cherry Slabcherry_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Bamboo Slabbamboo_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Bamboo Mosaic Slabbamboo_mosaic_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Crimson Slabcrimson_slabBlock & Itemnon_flammable_wood
Warped Slabwarped_slabBlock & Itemnon_flammable_wood
Stone Slabstone_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Smooth Stone Slabsmooth_stone_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Granite Slabgranite_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Polished Granite Slabpolished_granite_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Diorite Slabdiorite_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Polished Diorite Slabpolished_diorite_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Andesite Slabandesite_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Polished Andesite Slabpolished_andesite_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Cobblestone Slabcobblestone_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Mossy Cobblestone Slabmossy_cobblestone_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Stone Brick Slabstone_brick_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Mossy Stone Brick Slabmossy_stone_brick_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Brick Slabbrick_slabBlock & Itemslabs
End Stone Brick Slabend_stone_brick_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Nether Brick Slabnether_brick_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Red Nether Brick Slabred_nether_brick_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Sandstone Slabsandstone_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Cut Sandstone Slabcut_sandstone_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Smooth Sandstone Slabsmooth_sandstone_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Red Sandstone Slabred_sandstone_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Cut Red Sandstone Slabcut_red_sandstone_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Smooth Red Sandstone Slabsmooth_red_sandstone_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Quartz Slabquartz_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Smooth Quartz Slabsmooth_quartz_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Purpur Slabpurpur_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Prismarine Slabprismarine_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Prismarine Brick Slabprismarine_brick_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Dark Prismarine Slabdark_prismarine_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Blackstone Slabblackstone_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Polished Blackstone Slabpolished_blackstone_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Polished Blackstone Brick Slabpolished_blackstone_brick_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Cut Copper Slabcut_copper_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Exposed Cut Copper Slabexposed_cut_copper_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Weathered Cut Copper Slabweathered_cut_copper_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Oxidized Cut Copper Slaboxidized_cut_copper_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Waxed Cut Copper Slabwaxed_cut_copper_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Slabwaxed_exposed_cut_copper_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Slabwaxed_weathered_cut_copper_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Slabwaxed_oxidized_cut_copper_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Cobbled Deepslate Slabcobbled_deepslate_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Polished Deepslate Slabpolished_deepslate_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Deepslate Brick Slabdeepslate_brick_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Deepslate Tile Slabdeepslate_tile_slabBlock & Itemslabs
Mud Brick Slabmud_brick_slabBlock & Itemslabs

Bedrock Edition:

NameIdentifierAlias ID Numeric ID FormItem ID[i 1]Item tags (JE)Translation key
Double Wooden Slabsdouble_wooden_slabNone157Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
Wooden Slabswooden_slabNone158Block & Giveable Item[i 4]Identical[i 3]minecraft:wooden_slabstile.wooden_slab.oak.name
Mangrove Double Slabmangrove_double_slabNone-499Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
Mangrove Slabmangrove_slabNone-489Block & Giveable Item[i 4]Identical[i 3]minecraft:wooden_slabstile.mangrove_slab.name
Cherry Double Slabcherry_double_slabNone-540Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]tile.cherry_double_slab.name
Cherry Slabcherry_slabNone-539Block & Giveable Item[i 4]Identical[i 3]minecraft:wooden_slabstile.cherry_slab.name
Bamboo Double Slabbamboo_double_slabNone-521Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
Bamboo Slabbamboo_slabNone-513Block & Giveable Item[i 4]Identical[i 3]minecraft:wooden_slabstile.bamboo_slab.name
Bamboo Mosaic Double Slabbamboo_mosaic_double_slabNone-525Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
Bamboo Mosaic Slabbamboo_mosaic_slabNone-524Block & Giveable Item[i 4]Identical[i 3]Nonetile.bamboo_mosaic_slab.name
Crimson Double Slabcrimson_double_slabNone521Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]tile.crimson_double_slab.name
Crimson Slabcrimson_slabNone519Block & Giveable Item[i 4]Identical[i 3]minecraft:wooden_slabstile.crimson_slab.name
Warped Double Slabwarped_double_slabNone522Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]tile.warped_double_slab.name
Warped Slabwarped_slabNone520Block & Giveable Item[i 4]Identical[i 3]minecraft:wooden_slabstile.warped_slab.name
Double Stone Slabs (1)double_stone_block_slabdouble_stone_slab43Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2]double_stone_block_slab
Alias ID: real_double_stone_slab
Stone Slabs (1)stone_block_slabstone_slab44Block & Giveable Item[i 4]stone_block_slab
Alias ID: double_stone_slab
Double Stone Slabs (2)double_stone_block_slab2double_stone_slab2181Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2]double_stone_block_slab2
Alias ID: real_double_stone_slab2
Stone Slabs (2)stone_block_slab2stone_slab2182Block & Giveable Item[i 4]stone_block_slab2
Alias ID: double_stone_slab2
Double Stone Slabs (3)double_stone_block_slab3double_stone_slab3422Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2]double_stone_block_slab3
Alias ID: real_double_stone_slab3
Stone Slabs (3)stone_block_slab3stone_slab3417Block & Giveable Item[i 4]stone_block_slab3
Alias ID: double_stone_slab3
Double Stone Slabs (4)double_stone_block_slab4double_stone_slab4423Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2]double_stone_block_slab4
Alias ID: real_double_stone_slab4
Stone Slabs (4)stone_block_slab4stone_slab4421Block & Giveable Item[i 4]stone_block_slab4
Alias ID: double_stone_slab4
Blackstone Double Slabblackstone_double_slabNone538Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
Blackstone Slabblackstone_slabNone537Block & Giveable Item[i 4]Identical[i 3]Nonetile.blackstone_slab.name
Polished Blackstone Double Slabpolished_blackstone_double_slabNone549Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
Polished Blackstone Slabpolished_blackstone_slabNone548Block & Giveable Item[i 4]Identical[i 3]Nonetile.polished_blackstone_slab.name
Polished Blackstone Brick Double Slabpolished_blackstone_brick_double_slabNone540Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
Polished Blackstone Brick Slabpolished_blackstone_brick_slabNone539Block & Giveable Item[i 4]Identical[i 3]Nonetile.polished_blackstone_brick_slab.name
Double Cut Copper Slabdouble_cut_copper_slabNone623Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
Cut Copper Slabcut_copper_slabNone616Block & Giveable Item[i 4]Identical[i 3]Nonetile.cut_copper_slab.name
Exposed Double Cut Copper Slabexposed_double_cut_copper_slabNone624Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
Exposed Cut Copper Slabexposed_cut_copper_slabNone617Block & Giveable Item[i 4]Identical[i 3]Nonetile.exposed_cut_copper_slab.name
Weathered Double Cut Copper Slabweathered_double_cut_copper_slabNone625Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
Weathered Cut Copper Slabweathered_cut_copper_slabNone618Block & Giveable Item[i 4]Identical[i 3]Nonetile.weathered_cut_copper_slab.name
Oxidized Double Cut Copper Slaboxidized_double_cut_copper_slabNone626Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
Oxidized Cut Copper Slaboxidized_cut_copper_slabNone619Block & Giveable Item[i 4]Identical[i 3]Nonetile.oxidized_cut_copper_slab.name
Waxed Double Cut Copper Slabwaxed_double_cut_copper_slabNone627Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
Waxed Cut Copper Slabwaxed_cut_copper_slabNone620Block & Giveable Item[i 4]Identical[i 3]Nonetile.waxed_cut_copper_slab.name
Waxed Exposed Double Cut Copper Slabwaxed_exposed_double_cut_copper_slabNone628Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Slabwaxed_exposed_cut_copper_slabNone621Block & Giveable Item[i 4]Identical[i 3]Nonetile.waxed_exposed_cut_copper_slab.name
Waxed Weathered Double Cut Copper Slabwaxed_weathered_double_cut_copper_slabNone629Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Slabwaxed_weathered_cut_copper_slabNone622Block & Giveable Item[i 4]Identical[i 3]Nonetile.waxed_weathered_cut_copper_slab.name
Waxed Oxidized Double Cut Copper Slabwaxed_oxidized_double_cut_copper_slabNone705Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Slabwaxed_oxidized_cut_copper_slabNone704Block & Giveable Item[i 4]Identical[i 3]Nonetile.waxed_oxidized_cut_copper_slab.name
Cobbled Deepslate Double Slabcobbled_deepslate_double_slabNone651Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]tile.cobbled_deepslate_double_slab.name
Cobbled Deepslate Slabcobbled_deepslate_slabNone635Block & Giveable Item[i 4]Identical[i 3]Nonetile.cobbled_deepslate_slab.name
Polished Deepslate Double Slabpolished_deepslate_double_slabNone652Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]tile.polished_deepslate_double_slab.name
Polished Deepslate Slabpolished_deepslate_slabNone639Block & Giveable Item[i 4]Identical[i 3]Nonetile.polished_deepslate_slab.name
Deepslate Brick Double Slabdeepslate_brick_double_slabNone654Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]tile.deepslate_brick_double_slab.name
Deepslate Brick Slabdeepslate_brick_slabNone647Block & Giveable Item[i 4]Identical[i 3]Nonetile.deepslate_brick_slab.name
Deepslate Tile Double Slabdeepslate_tile_double_slabNone653Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]tile.deepslate_tile_double_slab.name
Deepslate Tile Slabdeepslate_tile_slabNone643Block & Giveable Item[i 4]Identical[i 3]Nonetile.deepslate_tile_slab.name
Mud Brick Double Slabmud_brick_double_slabNone-479Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
Mud Brick Slabmud_brick_slabNone-478Block & Giveable Item[i 4]Identical[i 3]Nonetile.mud_brick_slab.name
  1. ID of block's direct item form, which is used in savegame files and addons.
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa Unavailable with /give command
  3. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at The block's direct item form has the same id as the block.
  4. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa Available with /give command.

Block states[]

See also: Block states

Java Edition:

Name Default value Allowed values Description
typebottom bottom
Where the slab is within its block.
doubleThe block is a double slab.
Whether or not there's water in the same place as this slab.

Bedrock Edition:
Stone slab and double stone slab:

NameMetadata Bits Default value Allowed valuesValues for
Metadata Bits
minecraft:vertical_halfNot Supportedbottom bottom
UnsupportedWhere the slab is within its block.
smooth_stone smooth_stone0Smooth Stone Slab
sandstone1Sandstone Slab
wood2Petrified Oak Slab
cobblestone3Cobblestone Slab
brick4Brick Slab
stone_brick5Stone Brick Slab
quartz6Quartz Slab
nether_brick7Nether Brick Slab
Whether or not this slab is an upper slab.

Wood slab and double wood slab:

NameMetadata Bits Default value Allowed valuesValues for
Metadata Bits
minecraft:vertical_halfNot Supportedbottom bottom
UnsupportedWhere the slab is within its block.
oak oak0Oak Slab
spruce1Spruce Slab
birch2Birch Slab
jungle3Jungle Slab
acacia4Acacia Slab
dark_oak5Dark Oak Slab
Whether or not this slab is an upper slab.

Stone slab 2 and double stone slab 2:

NameMetadata Bits Default value Allowed valuesValues for
Metadata Bits
minecraft:vertical_halfNot Supportedbottom bottom
UnsupportedWhere the slab is within its block.
red_sandstone red_sandstone0Red Sandstone Slab
purpur1Purpur Slab
prismarine_rough2Prismarine Slab
prismarine_dark3Dark Prismarine Slab
prismarine_brick4Prismarine Brick Slab
mossy_cobblestone5Mossy Cobblestone Slab
smooth_sandstone6Smooth Sandstone Slab
red_nether_brick7Red Nether Brick Slab
Whether or not this slab is an upper slab.

Stone slab 3 and double stone slab 3:

NameMetadata Bits Default value Allowed valuesValues for
Metadata Bits
minecraft:vertical_halfNot Supportedbottom bottom
UnsupportedWhere the slab is within its block.
end_stone_brick end_stone_brick0End Stone Brick Slab
smooth_red_sandstone1Smooth Red Sandstone Slab
polished_andesite2Polished Andesite Slab
andesite3Andesite Slab
diorite4Diorite Slab
polished_diorite5Polished Diorite Slab
granite6Granite Slab
polished_granite7Polished Granite Slab
Whether or not this slab is an upper slab.

Stone slab 4 and double stone slab 4:

NameMetadata Bits Default value Allowed valuesValues for
Metadata Bits
minecraft:vertical_halfNot Supportedbottom bottom
UnsupportedWhere the slab is within its block.
mossy_stone_brick mossy_stone_brick0Mossy Stone Brick Slab
smooth_quartz1Smooth Quartz Slab
stone2Stone Slab
cut_sandstone3Cut Sandstone Slab
cut_red_sandstone4Cut Red Sandstone Slab
Whether or not this slab is an upper slab.

Other slabs and double slabs:

NameMetadata Bits Default value Allowed valuesValues for
Metadata Bits
minecraft:vertical_halfNot Supportedbottom bottom
UnsupportedWhere the slab is within its block.
Whether or not this slab is an upper slab.


This section needs cleanup to comply with the style guide. [discuss]
Please help improve this page. The talk page may contain suggestions.
Reason: Bedrock/Legacy Console: 1.9.0/1.88 added new slabs, 1.10.0/1.90 added the new textures; some old textures are mixed with the new ones and some don't exist at all.
This section is missing information about Do double slabs still only drop 1 slab when blown up? If not, when was it changed?. 
Please expand the section to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.
Missing Model JE3
This section would benefit from the addition of more images. 
Please remove this notice once you've added suitable images to the article.
The specific instructions are:
Java Edition pre-Classic
May 16, 2009Notch mentions wanting to add "half-height tiles for stairs".
Java Edition Classic
May 17, 2009Slabs were suggested on the TIGSource forums.
October 22, 2009Dirt Slab Dirt slabs were shown in a blog post.
October 23, 2009Notch says the new half block has nearly been finished and gives a video.
0.26 SURVIVAL TESTSmooth Stone Slab JE1 BE1 Double Smooth Stone Slab JE1 BE1 Added stone slabs.
Stone slabs can be obtained by mining coal ore because of the lack of inventory and crafting.
Java Edition Indev
0.3120100128Slabs no longer drop from coal ore.
20100130Slabs have now received a crafting recipe: 3 slabs from 3 cobblestone.
Java Edition Beta
1.3Oak Slab JE1 BE1 Cobblestone Slab JE1 BE1 Sandstone Slab JE1 Added "wooden" (now called petrified oak), cobblestone, and sandstone slabs.
The "wooden" slabs had to be mined with a pickaxe to collect, were not affected by fire, and had stronger blast resistance than planks, making them a useful building material.
Double slabs now yield 2 of their respective single slabs when broken, as opposed to 1. Destroying double slabs with TNT still yields only a single slab, however (when the slabs aren't simply destroyed by the explosion). It is not known when or if this was fixed.
Stone slabs are now made with stone instead of cobblestone, with the former recipe now being used for cobblestone slabs. The recipes for pressure plates were also changed to avoid conflicting with the new slab recipes.
1.7Oak Slab JE2 Seamless Stone Slab JE2 BE1 Smooth Stone Slab JE2 BE2 Sandstone Slab JE2 BE2 The model of bottom slabs now uses the bottom half of the texture.
Cobblestone Slab JE2 BE2 The texture of cobblestone slabs has been changed.
1.8Pre-releaseStone Brick Slab JE1 BE1 Brick Slab JE1 Added stone brick and brick slabs.
The sprinting feature has been added in this update. While stairs cancel the player's sprinting, slabs allow a player to continue sprinting.
Smooth stone slabs now generate in villages and strongholds.
Java Edition
1.0.0Beta 1.9 Prerelease 5Oak Slab JE3 BE2 Brick Slab JE2 BE2 The textures of planks and bricks have been changed, and by extension that of the slabs.
?Slabs placed above other slabs no longer combine into a double slab unless the top slab is placed directly on the bottom slab.[more information needed] Slab Top JE1 BE1 Cobblestone Slab Top JE1 BE1 Seamless Stone Slab Top JE1 BE1 Smooth Stone Slab Top JE1 BE1 Stone Brick Slab Top JE1 BE1 Brick Slab Top JE1 BE1 Sandstone Slab Top JE1 BE1 All types of slabs are now able to be placed upside down and under blocks; these occupy the top half of their block space rather than the bottom half.
The crafting recipe has been changed, so that 6 slabs would be crafted rather than 3.
1.2.4releaseSandstone Slab JE3 BE5 Sandstone JE2 BE2 The texture of sandstone slabs has been changed, although it is only visible in the double and bottom variants.
1.3.112w17aOak Slab JE3 BE2 Spruce Slab JE1 BE1 Birch Slab JE1 BE1 Jungle Slab JE1 BE1 New slabs have been added for the four different types of wood planks, replacing the functionality of the now-unobtainable petrified oak slab. These new slabs are vulnerable to fire, and can be collected faster with an axe than with a pickaxe. Petrified oak slabs already crafted or placed in the world remain as-is.
12w19aDouble slabs broken with Silk Touch now drop both slabs instead of one.[verify]
12w21aSandstone slabs now generate in desert temples.
Renamed the wooden slabs from "[species]-Wood Slab" to "[species] Wood Slab"
12w22aUpside down slabs can now be placed by generally looking at the top half of the side of a block, rather than strictly the underside of a block.
12w25aRedstone (including repeaters, torches. levers and pressure plates) and rails can now be placed on slabs positioned upside down.
12w26aMobs can now spawn on upside down slabs.
1.4.212w39aSlabs now interact properly with lighting.
When slabs are placed upside down, they now accept light from light sources themselves, and no longer block light to surrounding blocks.
Slabs no longer cast the shadow of a full-sized block.[5]
1.4.6November 28, 2012Jeb tweeted a picture of himself crafting nether brick slabs.
12w49aNether Brick Slab JE1 BE1 Added nether brick slabs.
1.513w01aWooden Slabs can now be used to craft daylight sensors.
13w02aQuartz Slab JE1 BE2 Added quartz slabs, featuring the top quartz texture on all six sides.
13w09cQuartz slabs and double slabs now use the top, side and bottom textures of the block of quartz.
April 1, 2013Added TNT slabs, called Etho Slabs, to the April Fools update, Minecraft 2.0. They exploded like TNT, producing a larger explosion that caused anvils to spawn over any player in the explosion's range. Slab JE1 BE1 Dark Oak Slab JE1 BE1 Added acacia and dark oak slabs.
1.814w02aStone brick slabs can now be used to craft chiseled stone bricks.
Stone slabs can now be crafted using granite, diorite, andesite, or their polished counterparts.
14w32aRed Sandstone Slab JE1 BE1 Added red sandstone slabs and double slabs.
Armor stands are now crafted using any slab.
14w32bArmor stands can now be crafted only using stone slabs.
14w33aStone slabs can no longer be crafted using granite, diorite, andesite, or their polished counterparts.
1.9June 22, 2015Jeb reveals purpur slabs on Instagram, with the words "MINECON 2015 HYPE!"
15w31aPurpur Slab JE1 BE1 Added purpur slabs and double slabs.
15w43aA spruce slab now acts as the middle of a table generated within igloo basements.
1.1116w39aOak, birch, spruce, stone, and cobblestone slabs now generate in woodland mansions.
April 17, 2018Dinnerbone confirms that Java Edition 1.14 contains many new stairs and slabs.
1.1317w47aOld non-flammable wooden slabs, which are now called "Petrified oak slabs", have been re-implemented into the creative inventory.
"Bricks slab" has been renamed to "Brick slab".
"Stone bricks slab" has been renamed to "Stone brick slab".
"<Wood type> wood slab" has been renamed to "<wood type> slab".
18w07aPrismarine Slab JE1 BE1 Prismarine Brick Slab JE1 BE1 Dark Prismarine Slab JE1 BE1 Added slabs for prismarine, prismarine bricks, and dark prismarine.
18w10cWater can now be placed on the same block as slabs.
18w11aWooden slab now generate as part of the newly added shipwrecks.
18w20a"Prismarine Bricks Slab" has been renamed to "Prismarine Brick Slab."
1.13.118w32aPurpur slabs can now be crafted with purpur pillars.
October 10, 2018Dinnerbone tweets that there are to be 14 new slabs.
October 10, 2018Polished diorite slabs are tweeted out by LadyAgnes.
1.1418w43aStone Slab JE1 Mossy Cobblestone Slab JE1 BE1 Mossy Stone Brick Slab JE1 BE1 Granite Slab JE1 BE1 Polished Granite Slab JE1 BE1 Diorite Slab JE1 BE1 Polished Diorite Slab JE1 BE1 Andesite Slab JE1 BE1 Polished Andesite Slab JE1 BE1 Smooth Sandstone Slab JE1 BE1 Smooth Red Sandstone Slab JE1 BE1 Red Nether Brick Slab JE1 BE1 End Stone Brick Slab JE1 BE1 Smooth Quartz Slab JE1 BE1 Added stone, mossy cobblestone, mossy stone brick, granite, polished granite, diorite, polished diorite, andesite, polished andesite, smooth sandstone, smooth red sandstone, red nether brick, end stone brick, and smooth quartz slabs.
Oak Slab JE4 Spruce Slab JE2 Birch Slab JE2 Jungle Slab JE2 Acacia Slab JE2 Dark Oak Slab JE2 Cobblestone Slab JE3 Smooth Stone Slab JE2 BE2 Stone Brick Slab JE2 Brick Slab JE3 BE2 Sandstone Slab JE3 Red Sandstone Slab JE2 Prismarine Slab JE2 BE2 Prismarine Brick Slab JE2 BE2 Dark Prismarine Slab JE2 BE2 Nether Brick Slab JE2 Purpur Slab JE2 BE2 Quartz Slab JE2 The textures of all slabs have been changed.
Smooth Stone Slab JE2 BE2 "Stone Slab" has been renamed to "Smooth Stone Slab".
18w44aStone Slab JE2 BE1 Diorite Slab JE2 Polished Diorite Slab JE2 BE2 Andesite Slab JE2 BE2 Polished Andesite Slab JE2 BE2 Sandstone Slab JE4 Smooth Sandstone Slab JE2 The textures for stone, diorite, polished diorite, andesite, polished andesite, sandstone, and smooth sandstone slabs have been changed.
18w46aSlabs now allow light to pass through certain faces.
18w47aOak Slab JE5 BE2 Spruce Slab JE3 Birch Slab JE3 BE2 Jungle Slab JE3 BE2 Acacia Slab JE3 BE2 Dark Oak Slab JE3 BE2 Stone Brick Slab JE3 BE2 Mossy Stone Brick Slab JE2 BE2 Red Sandstone Slab JE3 Smooth Red Sandstone Slab JE2 Nether Brick Slab JE3 BE3 The textures for oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, dark oak, stone bricks, mossy stone bricks, red sandstone, smooth red sandstone, and nether brick slabs have been changed.
18w48aStone slabs are now used to craft grindstones.
Oak and cobblestone slabs now generate naturally in the updated plains villages.
18w49aAcacia slabs now generate in the updated savanna villages.
18w50aSandstone and smooth sandstone slabs now generate in the updated desert villages.
Spruce slabs now generate in the updated taiga villages.
Spruce Slab JE4 BE2 Cobblestone Slab JE4 BE3 Mossy Cobblestone Slab JE2 BE2 Sandstone Slab JE5 BE6 Smooth Sandstone Slab JE3 BE2 Red Sandstone Slab JE4 BE2 Smooth Red Sandstone Slab JE3 BE2 Red Nether Brick Slab JE2 BE2 The textures for spruce, cobblestone, mossy cobblestone, sandstone, smooth sandstone, red sandstone, smooth red sandstone, and red nether brick slabs have been changed.
Wood slabs are now used to craft barrels.
19w02aWood slabs are now used to craft lecterns.
19w08aDiorite Slab JE3 BE2 The texture of diorite slabs has been changed.
Smooth Quartz Slab JE2 BE2 Smooth quartz now use the bottom texture of normal quartz blocks, rather than the top texture.
19w12aCut Sandstone Slab JE1 BE1 Cut Red Sandstone Slab JE1 BE1 Added cut sandstone and cut red sandstone slabs.
19w13aSlabs no longer block light, except at their full faces.
19w13bQuartz Slab JE3 BE3 The texture of quartz slabs has been changed.
1.1620w06aCrimson Slab JE1 BE1 Warped Slab JE1 BE1 Added crimson and warped slabs.
20w15aBlackstone Slab JE1 Polished Blackstone Slab JE1 BE1 Polished Blackstone Brick Slab JE1 BE1 Added blackstone, polished blackstone, and polished blackstone brick slabs.
20w16aBlackstone and quartz slabs now generate as part of bastion remnants.
Stone, mossy stone brick, stone brick, blackstone, polished blackstone brick and polished blackstone slabs can now generate as part of ruined portals.
1.16.220w28aBlackstone, polished blackstone and polished blackstone brick slabs are now renewable as piglins have an 8.71% chance to trade 8-16 blackstone during bartering.
October 3, 2020Cut Copper Slab (pre-release) Lightly Weathered Cut Copper Slab (pre-release) Semi-Weathered Cut Copper Slab (pre-release) Weathered Cut Copper Slab (pre-release) Copper slabs are revealed at Minecraft Live 2020.
1.1720w45aCut Copper Slab JE1 Exposed Cut Copper Slab JE1 Weathered Cut Copper Slab JE1 Oxidized Cut Copper Slab JE1 Added four variants of cut copper slabs and three variants of waxed cut copper slabs.
20w46aCut Copper Slab JE2 The texture of cut copper slab has been changed.
20w48aCrafting cut copper slabs now outputs 6 slabs instead of 4.[6]
21w07aGrimstone Slab JE1 Polished Deepslate Slab JE1 Deepslate Brick Slab JE1 Deepslate Tile Slab JE1 Added grimstone, polished grimstone, grimstone brick, and grimstone tile slabs.
Blackstone Slab JE2 Polished Blackstone Brick Slab JE2 Changed textures of blackstone and polished blackstone bricks slabs.
21w08aAll Grimstone Slabs have been renamed to their "Deepslate" equivalents.
Cobbled Deepslate Slab JE2 Polished Deepslate Slab JE2 Deepslate Brick Slab JE2 Deepslate Tile Slab JE2 The textures of cobbled deepslate, polished deepslate, deepslate brick, and deepslate tile slabs have been changed.
Blackstone Slab JE3 The texture of blackstone slab has been changed.
21w10aCobbled Deepslate Slab JE3 Updated texture of cobbled deepslate slab.
21w14aOxidized Cut Copper Slab JE1 Added waxed oxidized cut copper slabs.
1.1821w40aA block of copper can now be converted into 8 cut copper slabs when using stonecutter.
October 16, 2021File:Mangrove Slab (pre-release).png Mangrove slabs are shown at Minecraft Live 2021.
1.19Deep Dark Experimental Snapshot 1Deepslate brick slabs and deepslate tile slabs now generate as part of ancient city.
22w11aMangrove Slab JE1 BE1 Mud Brick Slab JE1 BE1 Added mangrove and mud brick slab.
22w13aCobbled deepslate slabs and polished deepslate slabs now generate as part of ancient city.
22w14aDue to the addition of the mangrove tree and mangrove swamp, mangrove slabs are now obtainable and renewable.
October 15, 2022Bamboo Slab JE1 BE1 Bamboo Mosaic Slab JE1 BE1 Bamboo and bamboo mosaic slabs were shown on Minecraft Live 2022.
1.19.322w42aPetrified oak slabs have been removed from the Creative Inventory, but can still be accessed through commands.
22w42aBamboo Slab JE1 BE1 Bamboo Mosaic Slab JE1 BE1 Added bamboo and bamboo mosaic slabs behind the Update 1.20 experimental datapack.
Added unique sounds for Nether and bamboo wood slabs.
Wooden slabs are now used to craft chiseled bookshelves.
22w46aBamboo Slab JE2 The texture of bamboo slab have been changed, due to the texture change on bamboo planks.
23w07aCherry Slab JE1 Added cherry slabs behind the Update 1.20 experimental datapack.
1.2023w12aBamboo, bamboo moasic, and cherry slabs are now available without using the "Update 1.20" experimental datapack.
Brick slabs, mud brick slabs, and smooth brick slabs now generate in trail ruins.
Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.1.0Oak Slab BE1 Cobblestone Slab BE1 Smooth Stone Slab JE1 BE1 Sandstone Slab JE1 BE1 Added wood, cobblestone, stone, and sandstone slabs. Wood, cobblestone, and sandstone slabs are currently unobtainable.
v0.2.0Oak Slab BE2 Cobblestone Slab BE2 The textures of wooden planks and cobblestone have been changed, and by extension that of the slabs.
v0.3.0Brick Slab BE1 Added brick slabs to Creative mode. Even though they have a crafting recipe, they are not obtainable in Survival mode due to infinite stacks only counting as one of a material.
Survival players no longer start out with an infinite amount of stone slabs.
Wood and cobblestone slabs are now obtainable via crafting in Survival mode.
Wood slabs are now available in the creative inventory.
v0.3.2Cobblestone slabs are now available in the creative inventory.
Bricks are no longer in an infinite stack and can now be gathered, making brick slabs obtainable in Survival mode.
v0.4.0Oak Slab JE3 BE2 Cobblestone Slab JE2 BE2 Smooth Stone Slab JE2 BE2 Brick Slab JE2 BE2 Sandstone Slab JE2 BE2 The model of bottom slabs now uses the bottom half of the full block's texture.
v0.6.0Stone Brick Slab JE1 BE1 Added stone brick slabs.
Sandstone slabs are now available in both Survival and Creative mode.
Slabs can now be placed on the top half of blocks.
The recipes for crafting slabs now give 6 slabs, instead of 3 slabs.
v0.7.3Quartz Slab BE1 Added quartz slabs.
Wooden slabs can now be crafted during and after this update are now flammable. Existing wooden slabs (which have stone properties) are now tagged "Fake Wood Slab" and drop real wooden slabs.
v0.8.0build 1Spruce Slab JE1 BE1 Birch Slab JE1 BE1 Jungle Slab JE1 BE1 Added spruce, birch, and jungle wood slabs.
Sandstone Slab BE3 Double Sandstone Slab BE2 The texture of sandstone slabs has been changed.
build 3Sandstone Slab BE4 Chiseled Sandstone JE1 BE1 The texture of sandstone slabs has been changed again.
build 7Sandstone Slab JE3 BE5 Sandstone JE2 BE2 The texture of sandstone slabs has been changed yet again.
v0.9.0build 1Acacia Slab JE1 BE1 Dark Oak Slab JE1 BE1 Added acacia and dark oak wood slabs.
Stone slabs now generate naturally in villages.
build 11Added crafting recipe for jungle wood slabs.
?The wooden slab names have been changed from "[species] Wooden Slab" to "[species] Wood Slab".
v0.12.1build 1Nether Brick Slab JE1 BE1 Added nether brick slabs.
v0.13.0build 1Wooden slabs are now used to craft daylight sensors.
Sandstone slabs now generate in desert temples.
v0.14.0build 1Red Sandstone Slab JE1 BE1 Added red sandstone slabs.
v0.14.2Nether Brick Slab BE2 The nether brick slab texture has been brightened.
Pocket Edition
1.0.0alpha Slab JE1 BE1 Added purpur slabs.
A spruce slab nows act as the middle of a table generated within igloo basements.
1.1.0alpha, birch, spruce, stone, and cobblestone slabs now generate in woodland mansions.
Quartz Slab JE1 BE2 Changed the texture of quartz slabs.[7]
Bedrock Edition
1.2.0beta slabs are now used to craft armor stands.
1.4.0beta Slab JE1 BE1 Prismarine Brick Slab JE1 BE1 Dark Prismarine Slab JE1 BE1 Added slabs for prismarine, prismarine brick and dark prismarine as part of Experimental Gameplay.
beta slabs for prismarine, prismarine brick, and dark prismarine have been fully implemented.
1.9.0beta Slab JE2 BE1 Mossy Cobblestone Slab JE1 BE1 Mossy Stone Brick Slab JE1 BE1 Granite Slab JE1 BE1 Polished Granite Slab JE1 BE1 Diorite Slab JE1 BE1 Polished Diorite Slab JE1 BE1 Andesite Slab JE1 BE1 Polished Andesite Slab JE1 BE1 Smooth Sandstone Slab JE1 BE1 Cut Sandstone Slab JE1 BE1 Smooth Red Sandstone Slab JE1 BE1 Cut Red Sandstone Slab JE1 BE1 Red Nether Brick Slab JE1 BE1 End Stone Brick Slab JE1 BE1 Smooth Quartz Slab JE1 BE1 Added stone, mossy cobblestone, mossy stone brick, granite, polished granite, diorite, polished diorite, andesite, polished andesite, smooth sandstone, cut sandstone, smooth red sandstone, cut red sandstone, red nether brick, end stone brick, and smooth quartz slabs.
Oak Slab JE5 BE2 Spruce Slab JE4 BE2 Birch Slab JE3 BE2 Jungle Slab JE3 BE2 Acacia Slab JE3 BE2 Dark Oak Slab JE3 BE2 Cobblestone Slab JE4 BE3 Smooth Stone Slab JE2 BE2 Stone Brick Slab JE3 BE2 Brick Slab JE3 BE2 Sandstone Slab JE5 BE6 Red Sandstone Slab JE4 BE2 Prismarine Slab JE2 BE2 Prismarine Brick Slab JE2 BE2 Dark Prismarine Slab JE2 BE2 Nether Brick Slab JE3 BE3 Purpur Slab JE2 BE2 Quartz Slab JE3 BE3 The textures of all slabs have been changed.
Smooth Stone Slab JE2 BE2 "Stone Slab" has been renamed to "Smooth Stone Slab".
Sandstone and red sandstone slabs can now be crafted only using regular sandstone.
Smooth stone slabs now require smooth stone to craft them.
1.10.0beta Cobblestone Slab JE2 BE2 Diorite Slab JE3 BE2 Polished Diorite Slab JE2 BE2 Andesite Slab JE2 BE2 Polished Andesite Slab JE2 BE2 Smooth Sandstone Slab JE3 BE2 Smooth Red Sandstone Slab JE3 BE2 Red Nether Brick Slab JE2 BE2 Smooth Quartz Slab JE2 BE2 The textures of slabs have been changed.
Cobblestone, mossy cobblestone, and dark oak slabs now generate in pillager outposts.
Smooth sandstone slabs now generate in new desert villages.
Wood slabs can now be used to craft composters, barrels and lecterns.
Stone slabs can now be used to craft grindstone.
1.12.0beta slabs now only block sky light.
1.16.0beta Slab JE1 BE1 Warped Slab JE1 BE1 Added crimson and warped slabs.
beta Blackstone Slab BE1 Blackstone Slab BE1 Polished Blackstone Slab JE1 BE1 Polished Blackstone Brick Slab JE1 BE1 Added blackstone, polished blackstone, and polished blackstone brick slabs.
Quartz slabs now generate as part of bastion remnants.
Stone, mossy stone brick, stone brick, blackstone, nether brick slabs can now generate as part of ruined portals.
Added new sounds to the nether brick slab variants.
beta Brick Slab JE3 BE3 The texture of nether brick slabs now matches Java Edition's again.
1.16.20beta and warped slabs now uses regular plank sounds instead of their stem variant sounds.
Caves & Cliffs (experimental)beta Copper Slab JE2 Exposed Cut Copper Slab JE1 Weathered Cut Copper Slab JE1 Oxidized Cut Copper Slab JE1 Added four variants of cut copper slabs and three variants of waxed cut copper slabs.
1.17.0beta Deepslate Slab JE3 Polished Deepslate Slab JE2 Deepslate Brick Slab JE2 Deepslate Tile Slab JE2 Added cobbled deepslate, polished deepslate, deepslate brick, and deepslate tile slabs.
Oxidized Cut Copper Slab JE1 Added waxed oxidized cut copper slabs.
beta Slab BE2 Double Blackstone Slab BE2 Updated blackstone slab texture.
beta slabs for copper and deepslate variants are no longer available only through Experimental Gameplay.
1.19.0beta Slab JE1 BE1 Mud Brick Slab JE1 BE1 Added mangrove and mud brick slab.
1.19.20beta slabs have been renamed from “<Wood type> Wood Slab” to “<Wood type> Slab”.
Next Major Update
beta Slab JE1 BE1 Bamboo Mosaic Slab JE1 BE1 Added bamboo and bamboo mosaic slabs behind the "Next Major Update" experimental toggle.
Added unique sounds for Nether and bamboo wood slabs.
Wooden slabs are now use