Minecraft Wiki
Minecraft Wiki

Since Minecraft rarely uses more than one thread, consider possible waste when buying more than 2 cores. However this does not apply to mods and plugins which utilize their own threads - buy accordingly. Assume that most of the server's load will be on a single core. The main performance factor is without a doubt CPU clock speed. CPU cache sizes and RAM latency are also factors. There does not appear to be a disadvantage to using high-end desktop processors.(verify?) It should be noted that these suggestion presume default settings in server.conf - i.e., a Draw Distance no higher than 10, and is also based on a new world; the bigger the world gets, especially if there's advanced redstone circuitry at work, the requirements - especially the RAM, or in the case of lots of redstone or mobs (in e.g. grinders), the CPU - increase significantly (to the point where a major world with several camps, redstone machinery, grinders, etcetera can easily more than double the requirements).

Used Plugins[]

Windows 7[]

  • *When test plugins were added
Requirements Players CPU RAM SSD HDD Backup WAN Up WAN Down Notes
Minimum 10+ 3.0+ GHz 8 GB+ 120 GB empty space 500 GB backup space 10 Mbit/s 10 Mbit/s
Recommended 50+ 4.0+ GHz 20 GB+ 240 GB empty space 1 TB backup space 100 Mbit/s 100 Mbit/s
Optimal 100+ 4.5+ GHz 30 GB+ 400 GB empty space 2 TB backup space 1 Gbit/s 1 Gbit/s RAMDisks can considerably accelerate world saving/loading in a very populated server. NOTE: information is outdated. Windows 10 has been the Primary version of windows for 3 years. Use of server-side plugins can allow game to utilize up to 4 threads for superior performance. RAMdisks are dangerous because if the power is lost even momentarily, all recent data would likely be lost unless constant backups are taken.

Used mods only[]

Windows 7[]

  • *During tests plugins were not used!
Requirements Players CPU RAM SSD HDD Backup WAN Up WAN Down Notes
Minimum 10+ 3.0+ GHz 4 GB+ 120 GB empty space 1 TB backup space 10 Mbit/s 150 Mbit/s
Recommended 50+ 3.5+ GHz 8 GB+ 320 GB empty space 2 TB backup space 50 Mbit/s 200 Mbit/s
Optimal 100+ 4.0+ GHz 16 GB+ 560 GB empty space 10 TB backup space 1 Gbit/s 1 Gbit/s RAMDisks can considerably accelerate world saving/loading in a very populated server.