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Blaze is a type of mob that can be seen floating around The Nether. They catch fire for a short while before making their attack in the form of a three round burst of fireballs. After the attack they have a short cool down and then they will catch fire and attack again. Their bodies are made up of a head atop a central column of smoke, and three rotating sections, each rotating section contains four floating yellow rods. They drop Blaze Rods, and can spawn naturally or from a spawner in Nether Ruins. The triple fireballs they shoot can set players on fire. Unlike fireballs fired by Ghast, they are not explosive.


Blazes are one of the most difficult mobs to fight, due to their ranged, unblockable attacks and highest rate of fire. Their ability to fly usually leaves the player's melee weapons useless, with their bow's charging time leaving them highly vulnerable. Blaze can only spawn in light level 12 or lower, so it's very hard to light the entire spawn area properly to prevent them from spawning. Since Blaze can fly nearly anywhere, collecting their Blaze Rods can be hazardous to impossible due to the locations they can land unless you use a fishing rod to pull them towards you then use a sword.



  • The light level of an area to disable a spawnable area has to be 13 or higher. That means you have to place torches everywhere(or in a checkered fashion) in the spawner's spawn radius to prevent them from spawning. As torches only have one light level more, this makes it very difficult but still possible to disable a spawner.
  • This mob takes damage over time from standing in water similar to the Enderman, however as water cannot be legitimately placed in the Nether, this feature is useless without mods or hacks.
  • Blaze cannot shoot if trapped in a Cobweb.
  • Blaze do not have a body unlike other mobs. They are simply floating heads over a cloud of smoke surrounded by spinning rods.
  • Unlike Ghasts, projectiles fired by a Blaze cannot be deflected, so hitting the projectiles would be pointless.
  • Blaze projectiles will set whatever they hit on fire, which includes solid blocks, mobs, and the player.