Minecraft Wiki
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This feature is exclusive to Bedrock Edition.

This official Minecraft world is only available via download from the Marketplace. 

A celebration of all things purple parrot party and palace! Master the mechanics of fireworks, armor stands, jukeboxes, and banners. Traverse a jungle island to find a massive parrot temple. Part tutorial and part adventure, this map will make your parrot dance.

Marketplace Description

Purple Parrot Party Palace is a custom world released by Mojang for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition. It is available to download from the Marketplace for free. It was released on November 13, 2017.

The world is intended to serve as a tutorial to teach players how to use Armor Stands, Banners, Elytra, Jukeboxes, and Fireworks.


The player spawns in a wooden house containing several Chests. There is an Ender Chest containing a Written Book, which is an invitation to the player from Pete the Parrot to come to the Purple Palace. One Chest contains eighteen full stacks of Firework Rockets, as well as five Elytra. A pair of signs right outside the house tell the player how to begin gliding with Elytra, as well as how to use Firework Rockets to move faster.

To get to the Purple Palace, the player must follow a trail of purple Beacon lights while flying. Optionally, off the course of the lights, the player can walk along a wooden bridge near the ground to find a small hut with a Chest containing several pieces of Bread. Further along the path of the Beacons, a statue of a Parrot can be seen.

The Purple Palace is nearby. In it, the player can find several rooms containing tutorials demonstrating how to create and use various cosmetic items. A few rooms contain crafting recipes for various Banner patterns and Firework Stars, shown using Item Frames with the necessary items provided in Chests alongside Crafting Tables.

In another area, a Redstone contraption made of Jukeboxes is present. When activated, it plays a set of Music Discs in order. Another area has several rows of Armor Stands, which are in various poses while holding various items. It is in this room where “Pete” is found; Pete is a cyan Parrot.


“Hi there,

You have been invited to a Party at the Purple Palace.

We will be getting together later today.

Hope to see you there!

Pete the Parrot” - the Invitation

”With Elytra equipped, jump while in the air to fly!” - First Sign outside the house

”While flying, use firework rockets to get a speed boost!” - Second Sign outside the house
