For a guide about all content in this release and the other releases of 0.8, see Bedrock Edition guides/0.8 releases.
v0.8.0 alpha was a major update to Minecraft: Pocket Edition that was released on December 12, 2013. It added new blocks, items, crops, and other features, as well as some changes and fixes.
- Wood planks, slabs, and stairs
- Added spruce, birch, and jungle varieties.
- Each one can only be crafted with their respective wood type.
- Jungle variants are unobtainable in Survival mode.
- Can be crafted with nine coal.
- Can be used as fuel in a furnace, smelting up to 80 items.
- Thin blocks that can be used as decoration.
- Red carpets can be crafted with two red wool blocks.
- The other 15 colors are unobtainable in Survival mode.
- Decorative blocks that can be used to create boundaries.
- Comes in cobblestone and moss stone variants.
- Cobblestone walls can be crafted with six cobblestone.
- Moss stone walls are unobtainable in Survival mode.
- Decorative, flammable blocks that serve as compact storage of wheat.
- Can be crafted with nine wheat.
- Serve a similar purpose to glass panes.
- Can be crafted with six iron ingots.
- Fruit blocks that grow from fully-grown pumpkin stems.
- Can be crafted into jack o'lanterns, pumpkin pie, or pumpkin seeds.
- Solid blocks that provide light.
- Can be crafted with a pumpkin and a torch.
- Non-solid blocks that provide a path along which minecarts can travel.
- Can be crafted with iron ingots and a stick.
- A type of rail that increases the velocity of moving minecarts.
- Can be crafted with gold ingots, a stick, and redstone dust.
- Crops
- Serves as a decorative block.
- Is unobtainable in Survival mode.
- Serve as a decorative block.
- Are unobtainable in Survival mode.
- Aesthetic plants that have the same characteristics as grass.
- Are unobtainable in Survival mode.
- Aesthetic plants that can only be placed on sand.
- Are unobtainable in Survival mode.
- Currently serve no purpose.
- Are unobtainable in Survival mode.
- Currently serves no purpose.
- Is not yet obtainable.
- Have a 1⁄15 chance of popping out from grass when tilled.
- Display the current position of the sun and moon.
- Can be crafted with gold ingots and redstone dust.
- Point to the world spawn point.
- Can be crafted with iron ingots and redstone dust.
- Train-like vehicle entities that run on rails.
- Can be crafted with five iron ingots.
- Obtained from the nether reactor.
- Drops from redstone ore when mined with an iron or diamond pickaxe.
- Can be used to craft clocks, compasses, and powered rails.
- Beetroots
- Restore 1
when eaten.
- Restore 1
- Beetroot soup
- Restores 8
when eaten.
- Restores 8
- Carrots
- Restore 3
when eaten.
- Restore 3
- Potatoes
- Restore 1
when eaten.
- Restore 1
- Pumpkin pie
- Restores 8
when eaten.
- Restores 8
- Baked potatoes
- Restore 5
when eaten.
- Restore 5
- Feeding animals their respective food items makes them enter "love mode."
- Hearts come out of animals while in love mode.
- When two animals of the same species are in love mode, they pathfind toward each other and produce a baby animal.
- Mipmaps (iOS only)
- Blocks far away from the player have lower resolution textures to increase performance.
- Added far (8 chunks) and farthest (121⁄2 chunks) render distances.
- The textures of some blocks are now randomly rotated, for a more natural effect. This includes:
- Grass blocks (top and bottom sides only)
- Dirt
- Sand
- Leaves (top and bottom sides only)
- Sponges
- TNT (top and bottom sides only)
- Obsidian
- Snow blocks
- Snow layers
- Clay
- Netherrack
- Glowstone
- Sandstone (top and bottom sides only)
- Blocks of coal
- Is now rotatable, with the wood placed with the inner side facing the player.
- Rendering has been remade.
- Now drops redstone dust when mined with an iron or diamond pickaxe.
- Improved synchronization lag in multiplayer.
- Items being moved to/from a chest is now correctly rendered.
- Position on the block is now randomized.
- Can now be used as furnace fuel, smelting 0.5 items each.
- Now works like in Java Edition.
- Can grow ferns and grass in Survival and Creative.
- Pumpkin and melon stems only grow by one when bone meal is used.
- Flowers now spawn other flowers when bone meal is used.
- Grows sugar cane to maximum height.
- Eating particles
- Are shown to look like the food being eaten rather than random pixels from the food.
- Can now be used as furnace fuel, smelting 1 item each.
- Can now be used as furnace fuel, smelting up to 100 items.
- Can now additionally be crafted with pink dye and purple dye, or with lapis lazuli, rose red, and pink dye.
- Can now be crafted with bone meal and an ink sac.
- Is still unobtainable in Survival mode due to ink sacs not being obtainable.
- Can now be crafted with bone meal and gray dye, or with two bone meal and an ink sac.
- Is still unobtainable in Survival mode due to ink sacs and gray dye not being obtainable.
- Can now be crafted with orange dye and an ink sac, or with dandelion yellow, rose red, and an ink sac.
- Is still unobtainable in Survival mode due to ink sacs not being obtainable.
- Changed texture from
- New rendering and animated items.
- Can now be used as furnace fuel, smelting 1 item each.
- Changed texture from
- Have updated sounds.
Removed arrow sound | Track |
Arrow Contact (pre-0.8) |
- All mobs
- New visual effect for burning mobs.
- Now have the color overlay of its wool around its face and when sheared.
- Follow the player when holding wheat (cows and sheep), seeds (chickens), or potatoes/beetroot/carrots (pigs).
- Baby animals
- Now follow adult animals of their species.
- Now move faster.
Non-mob entities[]
- Thrown eggs
- Now drop their item form when falling onto blocks they cannot replace, such as torches.
- Craftable recipes are now shown first in the crafting screen.
- If there is 99+ of an item in the inventory, it now shows the actual quantity in the crafting system, rather than 99+.
- Changed the flow of the inventory for the armor/crafting screens so that the back button goes back to the inventory.
- Items that are not supposed to be obtainable no longer have a red background.
- Is now transparent.
- When selecting an item in the inventory, it replaces the one in the selected hotbar slot instead of placing it in the leftmost slot and shifting everything to the right.
- Tapping the inventory button now closes the inventory while open.
- Items that are not supposed to be obtainable no longer have a red background.
- Players stop burning as soon as they exit fire/lava.
- The hotbar is now saved when exiting a world.
- Mining speed increases at/near mining distance limit (8 blocks per second).
- Creative inventory
- Has been redesigned, and is now split into four different categories.
- Each category contains the following items, with items added in this update colored purple, items not legitimately accessible before this version colored red, and items previously not available in Creative mode colored green:
Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
- Cobblestone Wall
- Cobblestone Wall
- Block of Gold
- Block of Iron
- Block of Diamond
- Lapis Lazuli Block
- Block of Coal
- Snow
- Glass
- Glowstone
- Nether Reactor Core
- Ladder
- Sponge
- Glass Pane
- Door
- Trapdoor
- Fence
- Fence Gate
- Iron Bars
- Bed
- Bookshelf
- Painting
- Crafting Table
- Stonecutter
- Chest
- Furnace
- Flower
- Rose
- Mushroom
- Mushroom
- Cactus
- Melon
- Pumpkin
- Jack 'o' Lantern
- Cobweb
- Hay Bale
- Grass
- Fern
- Dead Bush
- Sapling
- Sapling
- Sapling
- Leaves
- Leaves
- Leaves
- Leaves
- Cake
- Sign
- Wool
- Light Gray Wool
- Gray Wool
- Black Wool
- Brown Wool
- Red Wool
- Orange Wool
- Yellow Wool
- Lime Wool
- Green Wool
- Cyan Wool
- Blue Light Wool
- Blue Wool
- Purple Wool
- Magenta Wool
- Pink Wool
- Carpet
- Carpet
- Carpet
- Carpet
- Carpet
- Carpet
- Carpet
- Carpet
- Carpet
- Carpet
- Carpet
- Carpet
- Carpet
- Carpet
- Carpet
- Carpet
Category 4
- Cobblestone
- Stone Bricks
- Stone Bricks
- Stone Bricks
- Moss Stone
- Oak Planks
- Spruce Planks
- Birch Planks
- Jungle Planks
- Bricks
- Stone
- Dirt
- Grass Block
- Clay
- Sandstone
- Sandstone
- Sandstone
- Sand
- Gravel
- Oak Wood
- Spruce Wood
- Birch Wood
- Jungle Wood
- Nether Brick
- Netherrack
- Bedrock
- Stone Stairs
- Oak Stairs
- Spruce Stairs
- Birch Stairs
- Jungle Stairs
- Brick Stairs
- Sand Stone Stairs
- Stone Brick Stairs
- Nether Brick Stairs
- Quartz Stairs
- Stone Slab
- Cobblestone Slab
- Oak Wooden Slab
- Spruce Wooden Slab
- Birch Wooden Slab
- Jungle Wooden Slab
- Bricks Slab
- Sandstone Slab
- Stone Brick Slab
- Quartz Slab
- Block of Quartz
- Pillar Quartz Block
- Chiseled Quartz Block
- Coal Ore
- Iron Ore
- Gold Ore
- Diamond Ore
- Lapis Lazuli Ore
- Redstone Ore
- Obsidian
- Ice
- Snow
- New app logo.[more information needed]
- Are now 3D.
- Have a new tessellation algorithm.
- Smooth lighting is now always on, and can no longer be disabled.
- Fancy graphics are now on by default.
- Graphics
- Held items are now rendered in 3D, and bob up and down slightly when idle and sway to the side when turning.
- Lighter colored sky that changes slightly depending on the biome.
- Water fades to non-transparent in the distance (iOS only).
- Refactored most of the rendering to use indexed VBOs.
- Remade the arrow model.
- Inventory is now rendered using cached VBOs.
- New sky rendering using a triangle fan.
- Separated far and near chunks into two queues for performance reasons.
- Fog only on far chunks.
- Transparency only on near chunks.
- Alpha-test-only layers are hidden in far chunks.
- All entities now produce circular stencil shadows on blocks below them.
- Lighting on entities is now dynamic and is no longer the same light level on all sides.
- Lighting on each entity is now tinted based on how much sky light and block light is on it.
- Light direction on entities now depends on the position of the sun. This does not affect stencil shadows.
- All lighting changes are only visible when fancy graphics is turned on.
- Textures
- Block textures are now generated with terrain-atlas.tga instead of terrain.png.
- Item textures are now generated with items-opaque.png instead of items.png.
- Inventory icons are now generated with their respective texture atlases instead of gui_blocks.png.
- 32 issues fixed
- From released versions before 0.8.0
- MCPE-40 – You can never run away from mobs
- MCPE-169 – Saplings aren't Fuel
- MCPE-728 – Wrong dark leaves texture
- MCPE-1068 – White line appear in pocket edition
- MCPE-1353 – Stonecutter, Quartz Block, Melon (Block) and Melon Seeds show wrong description
- MCPE-1772 – Player jumps too early by glass pane
- MCPE-2904 – Chicken egg bug
- MCPE-3358 – TNT does not work in creative
- MCPE-3890 – Different wood logs make the same wooden planks
- MCPE-4118 – Bad inventory GUI on Retina display
- MCPE-4231 – Automatic egg/ snowball throwing
- MCPE-4338 – Mobs draw distance greater than stone. Creates x-ray vision
- MCPE-4379 – Animals stay in water
- MCPE-4508 – Creative inventory
- MCPE-4821 – Shearing a sheep gives you less wool
- MCPE-4935 – Creative items glitching to different items
- MCPE-5294 – Wooden tools cannot be used as fuel
- MCPE-5408 – No bedrock in creative inventory
- MCPE-5495 – Bow bug
- MCPE-5572 – Shooting a bow, throwing eggs/snowballs, eating needs block proximity
- MCPE-5588 – TNT dissolving
- MCPE-5592 – Bow firing bug / annoyance
- MCPE-5600 – Bow and Arrow issue
- MCPE-5634 – Your own arrow can't hurt you
- MCPE-5671 – Bow problem in Creative Multiplayer
- MCPE-6201 – Can't pass Y:31 in Minecart
- From the 0.8.0 development versions
- MCPE-5811 – Suffocation doesn't show up properly
- MCPE-6015 – Minecart does not show anything but a weird shape
- MCPE-6065 – Minecarts going uphill
- MCPE-6096 – Cannot touch Minecarts in 3rd person
- MCPE-6157 – Upward Rail Glitch
- Other
- Text no longer cuts off on chat screen.
Development screenshots: