1.0.0, the first release of the Ender Update, is a major update to Minecraft: Pocket Edition[2] that was released on December 19, 2016.[1][3] Major additions included the End, new achievements, in-game music, increased world height, and new mobs including the Ender dragon, shulkers, and polar bears.
With the release of the Ender Update, Pocket Edition was becoming more equivalent towards that of Java Edition, although several features were still missing. As such, with the addition of the End, the game had been developed to the point of a "completed gameplay loop",[4] and the Alpha tag was dropped entirely, marking the "official release" of Pocket Edition after five years of being in the Alpha development stage.
The Apple TV Edition and the Fire TV Edition of the game were released with this version.[5][6]
- Spawn on the top of the chorus trees.
- Break if the supporting block below is broken.
- It drops only when mined directly.
- Can be planted only on end stone in any dimension.
- It will show a different texture when it stops growing.
- Generate in the End.
- Can be grown using chorus flowers.
- Break in quick succession if the supporting chorus plant below is broken.
- Drop chorus fruit.
- Crafted by surrounding an eye of ender with 8 pieces of obsidian.
- Stores each player's contents across dimensions and all Ender Chests.
- Contents are preserved even if all ender chests are destroyed.
- Explosion-resistant.
- Emits light and purple particles.
- Unless mined using a Silk Touch-enchanted pickaxe, they drop 8 obsidian.
- Portal blocks used to transport the player to the new outer regions of the End.
- The destination of the teleport can be customized using NBT tags.
- The player cannot use pick block or
to obtain it.- It can be set only by using
- It can be set only by using
- Naturally generate inside the end gateway structures after killing the dragon and traveling someplace new in the end with it.
- Show purple beacon beams when created and yellow beams when used.
- Their texture does not get deformed due to perspective, but rather it displays the same texture as the end portal block on all its footprint, independent of angle.
- When an entity makes contact with it, they teleport into the end or back to the overworld respectively.
- Generates in the End city dungeons.
- Can be crafted with 4 blocks of end stone.
- Generate in the end city dungeons.
- Can be crafted using a popped chorus fruit in the bottom and a blaze rod on top, yielding four end rods.
- Placeable horizontally and vertically.
- The model has a little base that is oriented against the block it was placed.
- If it is placed on top of another rod, it will have the opposite orientation.
- The model has a little base that is oriented against the block it was placed.
- Produces white particles.
- Used as a lighting source with the same brightness as torches.
- Unlike torches, they have a collision box.
- Generate after the ender dragon is killed.
- Can be picked up by placing a torch under a block and breaking it.
- Teleports when you try to mine it.
- While worn, the head's mouth opens and closes repeatedly when moving around.
- When powered with redstone while placed on solid block, the jaw starts to open and close.
- Will keep the mouth position of the exact moment it was unpowered.
- Generate in the end city dungeons.
- Can be crafted with popped chorus fruits.
- Generates in the end city dungeons.
- Can be crafted with purpur slabs.
- Generates in the end city dungeons.
- Can be crafted with purpur blocks.
- Generates in the end city dungeons.
- Can be crafted with purpur blocks.
- Glass can be dyed into all 16 colors.
- This is done by putting a colored dye in the center of a crafting table and surrounding it with 8 pieces of normal glass, yielding 8 stained glass.
- Stained glass can be crafted into stained glass panes using the same recipe as normal glass panes.
- Doing this yields 16 stained glass panes, like normal glass.
- Water, nether portals and other stained glass blocks remain visible when looked at through a stained glass block.
- Looking through a solid wall of glass blocks, is equivalent to looking through a single piece (this does not apply to glass panes of any kind).
- Air blocks make the view blurrier each time.
- Adjacent glass of different colors will ignore each other's colors, and will only render the terrain behind, with the color of the outermost piece of glass.
- Other translucent blocks may have different effects.
- Placeable only via
, but unusable. - It has 4 different modes: save, load, corner and data.
- It has an "S" on the texture in save mode, "L" in load mode, "C" in corner mode and "D" in data mode.
- Obtained from chorus plants.
- Can be eaten even if the player is not hungry, similar to golden apples.
- Teleport the player to a random nearby location when eaten (like an enderman).
- Does not heal hunger points if the hunger bar is full.
- Otherwise it will heal 4 (
- Otherwise it will heal 4 (
- Can be cooked in the furnace to obtain Popped Chorus Fruits.
- They have a cool down time for consuming, like ender pearls.
- It is visible in the item icon through a "rolling curtain" animation.
- Stacks to 64.
- Shot by the ender dragon at the player as an attack.
- Found in the brewery section of the creative inventory.
- Can be used to brew lingering potions with dragon's breath as the ingredient and a splash potion.
- Stacks to 64.
- They function according to hang glider aerodynamics.
- The player doesn't receive fall damage, if they fall from a small height while flying slowly (not nose-diving).
- Still receive fall damage if the player nose-dives directly into the ground.
- Receive damage from horizontal collisions, new death message: "Player experienced kinetic energy".
- Have to be equipped in the "chestplate" slot in order to work.
- Will activate when the Jump key is pressed while in mid-air and falling.
- Have 431 uses (over 7 minutes of flying) and can be repaired on an anvil, using 4 leather to repair it totally.
- Can be given the Unbreaking enchantment using an anvil or commands.
- Legs will make a "walking movement" animation when the player is stalling in the air.
- Similar to the Wing Cap item from Super Mario 64.
- Found on End Ships within an item frame.
- Wings fold while not gliding.
- The elytron texture defaults to the cape texture if the player owns a cape.
- The cape does not display while wearing.
- The Cape option in the Skin Customization menu will synchronize with the elytron texture.
- Takes damage at a rate of 1/s.
- Version exclusive Flight can be cancelled by jumping
- Version exclusive Called Elytra Wings
- Can be crafted using an eye of ender in the middle, a ghast tear on the bottom and 7 glass blocks on the remaining squares.
- Can be placed only on obsidian and bedrock blocks.
- Cannot be placed in adventure mode.
- Has no bottom plate like "normal" end crystals.
- Used on the exit portal in the end to respawn the dragon.
- The end crystal can't be destroyed by explosions (except Wither)
- Activates ender portal frames.
- Can be used to find strongholds.
- Crafted from blaze powder and ender pearls
- Thrown like a splash potion.
- Has all the potion types, and works with potions whose effect are instant.
- Brewed with dragon's breath and a splash potion.
- Cloud duration can be controlled through a data tag.
- Does not stack, just like other potions.
- Travels with the same speed as splash potions when shot through dispensers.
- Version exclusive Lingering Long Mundane Potion
- Version exclusive Lingering Potion of Decay
- Obtained from cooking chorus fruit.
- Used to craft purpur blocks.
- Cannot be eaten.
- Has a 50% chance of being dropped by a shulker upon death.
- Crafted together with a chest in a column to make shulker boxes.
- Sometimes spawns when a player or enderman teleports using an ender pearl.
- Despawns after 2 minutes (unless it is named using a name tag).
- Has the same sounds and behavior as the silverfish. They cannot enter stony blocks though
- Adults and cubs spawn randomly as passive mobs in ice plains, ice mountains and ice plains spikes.
- When hit, the adults will attack the player, the cubs will run away (very fast, similar to baby zombies).
- Additionally, adults will always attack the player when their cubs are around.
- Can swim faster in water than the player.
- Cubs will follow their parents.
- Drops 0–2 raw fish (75% chance) or 0–2 salmon (25% chance), each increased by 1 per level of Looting.
- Short for "Shell Lurker".[7]
- Hostile mobs with the appearance and some behavior of a solid purple block.
- Spawn only on the ground or walls of end cities when they first generate.
- Do not despawn in Peaceful difficulty, but will not attack or target players.
- When attacking, it opens its shell on a spinning animation revealing the creature inhabiting.
- Looks like a little white cube with big eyes.
- Its attack consists of shooting projectiles with the appearance of white sea urchins.
- The projectiles chase the player until the player is out of range.
- It does not chase a spectator.
- They can move along only one of the three grid axes at a time and on integer steps.
- This means they move through taxicab geometry.
- They can be knocked away by attacking them.
- Getting hit by a projectile causes 2
of damage and inflicts the levitation status effect.
- Shulkers take more damage if they are attacked while their shell is open.
- The projectiles chase the player until the player is out of range.
- It has an idle animation where it opens its shells a little to peek through.
- It can be pushed by pistons and resists being placed on any position that isn't 3 integers (except if they are riding minecarts).
- It has a chance of teleporting like an enderman or dragon egg while being attacked.
- It always teleports on the following circumstances:
- Removing its support block.
- Pushing it into a non-air block (except piston heads).
- Pushing a non-air block into its position (except piston heads).
- It always teleports on the following circumstances:
- It's one of the few entities (apart from boats and minecarts) that can be stood on.
- It even displaces the player properly during its attacking and idle animations.
- Has various NBT tags associated with it, which can control its animation, block attached, location and target location of projectile.
World generation[]
- Generate on the outer islands of the End.
- Tree-like arrangements of the new chorus plant and chorus flower blocks.
- The whole structure is destroyed when the bottom-most block is destroyed, like cacti.
- Can be farmed by planting the chorus fruit flowers that come from the top of the plants, on top of end stone.
- Unlike cacti, chorus plants do not require the supporting block to be below it, but rather adjacent.
- This allows the structure to grow around obstacles, like other chorus trees.
- Unlike cacti, chorus plants do not require the supporting block to be below it, but rather adjacent.
- Generate on the new outer end islands.
- Dungeon-type structure fashioned like a branching tower made of end stone and many of the new blocks.
- Resembles a tree house.
- Contains loot inside of chests.
- Generates with shulkers in it.
- Generate on the new outer end islands.
- Dungeon-type structure fashioned like a branching tower made of end stone and many of the new blocks.
- Resembles a tree house.
- Contains loot inside of chests.
- Generates with shulkers in it.
- Spawn randomly in ice plains and cold taiga (but not the Hills variant).
- Spawning parameters are shared with desert temples, jungle temples, and witch huts: the fact of a structure spawn is decided, then the biome determines which structure (if any) is spawned.
- An igloo contains: 9 white carpets, 3 light gray carpets, 2 blocks of ice, a redstone torch, furnace, bed and a crafting table.
- Some igloos have a stone brick basement, with a cauldron, 2 red carpets, a brewing stand, 3 spruce stairs, a cobweb and loot chest, along with a villager priest and zombie villager priest in iron bars. A trapdoor with ladders leads down, into the mossy brick basement, cracked and stone brick also available, with 2 torches.
- In the loot chest there is a golden apple, hinting that the player needs to cure the zombie.
- Always spawns with a splash potion of weakness hinting the player to use these on the zombie to turn it into a villager, like the one next to it.
- The zombie has the
tag which makes it not despawn. - Silverfish spawn in some stone brick blocks.
- New dimension.
- Replaces the previously planned Sky Dimension.
- Endermen and the ender dragon spawn there.
- Received when the player or mobs is hit by shulker projectiles.
- Makes player involuntarily float high into the air.
- Can be used to get to higher places.
- Listed as a negative effect due to the potential to kill from fall damage.
- Higher levels of levitation result in faster floating.
- Effect levels 128-254 result in floating downward at a constant speed, with level 128 being the fastest and level 254 the slowest (one block per second).
- Effect level 255 disables falling and jumping altogether, to an effect not entirely unlike flying in creative mode. Gaining or losing elevation is impossible without using pistons.
- Increases/Decreases the luck attribute by ±1 per level.
- Version exclusive: More achievements.
- Added downloadable ingame music
- Version exclusive /connect
- Connect to a server URL.
- Syntax:
/locate <StructureType>
- Accepts: EndCity, Fortress, Mansion, Mineshaft, Monument, Stronghold, Temple and Village.
- Desert temples, Jungle temples, Witch huts and Igloos all go under the Temple category.
- Pushes coordinates for the closest structure of given type in the chat for the player who executed the command.
- Returns the message "Located [Structure] at [x] [y] [z]".
- Will display the Y coordinates as "(y?)" for some structures
- If a structure is not located nearby (i.e. in a different dimension), it will respond with "Unable to locate any [StructureType] feature">
- Particles
- Mash-up Pack
- Added mash-up packs
- Splash
- Added "& Knuckles!"
- World customizations
- Support for world templates
- World seed library
- Other
can be used for world templates[8]
- Bed
- "Your home bed was missing or obstructed" message now appears if the player dies and their bed was destroyed.
- Tipped arrows
- Enchanted golden apples
- Tweaked so they have the correct amount of absorption health points.
- Pumpkins
- Wearing one now prevents endermen from becoming aggressive after being looked at.
- Huge mushrooms can now be made from regular mushrooms.
- Milk
- Can now be consumed in Creative mode.
- Beetroots and beetroot soup
- Now appear in the Creative inventory.
- The player can now auto-equip armor by tapping and holding.
- Transferring items between containers should be faster now.
- There is now an animation for throwing items.
- Baby zombies
- Now drop loot upon death.
- Snow golems
- Now attack silverfish.
- Villagers
- Now turn into zombie villagers when they are killed by a husk.
- Cows
- Only adult cows can be milked
- Pigs
- The Wither
- No longer hostile to wither skeletons and strays.
- Magma cubes
- No longer take damage from water.
- Endermen
- Now drop 0-1 ender pearls upon death
- Negative effects from splash potions no longer affect endermen (as they teleport away quickly).
- Horses
- Untamed horses/mules/donkeys no longer follow the player when they're holding food.
- Blazes
- Tweaked the charge time for attacks to match other editions.
- Lured mobs no longer push the player around when they're riding a pig/horse/mule/donkey.
- "Dye" button is now displayed when attempting to dye a sheep.
- Tweaked the slime/magma cube loot drops to the way they should be.
- Mobs killed by tamed mobs will now drop experience.
World generation[]
- Increased building height from 128 to 256.
- Strongholds now generate randomly in new chunks.
- Changed the level format to store each subchunk separately as a different
key.[9] - Villages
- Added the Festive 2016 Mash-up Pack
- If the player takes two damaged items and put them in the crafting grid or anvil, they can get one item with full durability.
- Sleeping now ends the weather.
- Option to enable "Text To Speech for Chat" Option in Music Settings.
- Added a UI Profile option for changing between "Pocket" (the UI for Pocket Edition) and "Classic" (the UI for the Windows 10 Edition) UIs in Advanced Video Settings.
- Various tweaks to Add-ons, including improvements to loading.
- Stronger validation of Add-ons manifest.
- Tweaked opacity of pop-up windows for easier reading.
- Creative search tab now selects the search box when switching tabs and when typing any character even if the box is not selected.
- "100% dragon free" and "It's alpha" removed from the splash text because the Ender dragon has been implemented and the game is no longer in alpha.
- Tweaked the Natural Texture Pack description so it doesn't get cut-off.
- Lowest render distance value possible is now 3 chunks (because chunks get stuck trying to load if it's below 3).
- Tweaked chunk generation.
- Capitalized the "r" in Realms on the dialog text.
- Changed "Save world to device" text to "Download World".
- Changed "Create new world" text to "Create New".
- Tweaked the UI in the Realms selection screen so Realms don't move around slightly.
- Added the ignite sound for TNT minecarts & creepers.
- Tweaked the error validation screen to better convey information about a failing Add-On pack.
- Localization fixes and an update to the Rift launcher (Windows 10 - Oculus Rift only).
- Tweaks to narration accessibility mode.
- Play screen layout & achievement screen tweaks.
- Text tweaks to keep them where they belong (and to make them readable!).
- "Leave Bed" button updated.
- Moved position of chat messages so they don't cover life points, armor, etc.
- Tweaked the time it takes to catch something with a fishing rod so it doesn't take longer than other versions.
- Moving between tabs in menus while using the LB/RB on a controller now behaves as expected.
- Removed bold headings from the Manifest Validation screen.
- 283 bugs fixed
- "Sound" and "Music Effect" volume issues fixed.
- Buckets can no longer be used to spawn blocks.
- Fixed issues with text lagging when updating (and not updating scroll bar visibility, too.)
- Fixed various text sizing and spacing issues.
- Lava and water should again go where you point to place them.
- Worlds again displayed in the Play tab for Windows 10 players with
symbols in their names. - Fixed a crash when players with
symbols in their names tried to delete a world. - FOV slider now shows the correct value.
- Stone blocks should now show up in all recipes when using the crafting screen.
- Fixed a game crash on startup if you had two monitors connected with different DPIs (Windows 10 only).
- The Android keyboard will no longer switch to the numeric keypad if you lock and unlock the screen (Android only).
- No more crashing when eating mushroom stew.
- Realm names no longer overlap the number of players actively in the realm.
- Fixed a crash when your internet connection dies while using "Replace World" on Realms.
- Guardians, wither skeletons & blazes respawn naturally again when switching from peaceful game mode to easy/normal/hard; however, they will only do this in newly generated structures, not ones that have already been discovered.
- Fixed the Store getting stuck on "Getting products…" screen.
- Fall momentum now saved, even if you close and reopen a world.
- Skeleton horse traps should now work correctly (multiple bug fixes).
- You now have to actually brew a potion to get the achievement.
- "Local Brewery", "Monster Hunter" and "Archer" achievements fixed.
- Cycling through commands to get to the @ character now properly displays all available values.
- Minecarts with chests/hoppers/TNT no longer get stuck halfway in a block if they run into it.
- Mobs can drown again.
- Fixed a crash on mobile devices if game was launched without Wi-Fi enabled (Minecraft: Pocket Edition only).
- Fixed arrow hit sound effect.
- Text-To-Speech narrated messages are no longer interrupted by sending a new message.
- Sprinting fixed so it doesn't stop unless hunger is low.
- Fixed a crash with the
command. - Paintings can no longer run into each other at right angles.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when selecting a world for Replace World for realms (iOS only).
- Fixed a bug that caused slow mining after a player reconnected to a multiplayer game while riding a horse.
- Fixed a bug where you could use commands to have buckets place other blocks.
- Cats no longer change their textures back to ocelots when worlds created before 0.16.0 are loaded.
- Fixed a bug where the villager reproduction rate was capped by something other than door count.
- Fixed a bug where the game would hang on a black screen during launch (FireTV only).
- Fixed a bug where endermen would get angry even if you only looked at their torso.
- Fixed biomes looking strange when loading previously generated worlds.
- Removed "Import Failed" message when you import an Add-on that has already been imported - you now get a correct message!
- The "Manifest Validation" window now activates during a failed import of an Add-on with an exceptionally long pack name or description.
- Add-on packs with syntax errors in the manifests that worked in 0.16.0 will now also work in 1.0 (though you might want to clean them up!)
- Baby ocelots who grow up to be adult ocelots can now be tamed.
- Throwing a splash water bottle on an Enderman no longer crashes the game.
- If you join your friend's game while they are in a vehicle or riding an animal, your friend no longer clips through the vehicle/mount.
- All current textures will now update when switching resource packs.
- Snowballs now dispense properly.
- Baby villagers will run away if you attacked them.
- Fixed a bug with saddles/chests on donkeys and mules.
- Fixed buckets so they behave as they should in Creative.
- Iron golems now have full knockback resistance.
- Mob heads can be placed again.
- Applied Add-on packs now appear correctly in the UI while in game.
- Mushrooms obtained from shearing mooshrooms no longer have a blank icon in your inventory.
- Rabbits again properly eat carrot crops.
- Skeletons and strays will now follow you during the day if it is raining or they are wearing a helmet.
- Fixed a crash potentially due to some player models (iOS only).
- Fixed random colors on grass when a player overrides grass colors.
- Fixed carried lily pads in resource packs - the pack files were named incorrectly.
- Eggs now cause knockback and make the mob/player flash when hit.
- Now only one "You have been given…" message displays per use when using the
command to give multiple items. - Fixed a bug that should improve response when players interact with some blocks.
- Pushed blocks no longer flicker once after being moved.
- Fixed bugs dealing with mob spawn rates (i.e. ghast spawn rate; increased frequency of mob spawning in some cases; detecting whether a mob spawned from a spawner or not).
- Recipes that have items that have a damage value will no longer have the wrong craft number in the Pocket Edition crafting UI.
- Beacon is now correctly highlighted in the Pocket Edition crafting screen when you don't have all the ingredients to make one.
- Fixed a crash when an item went into a hopper.
- Stray's clothing now renders correctly.
- The store downloading layout now displays correctly (Minecraft: Pocket Edition only).
- "Skin Picker" custom button now sizes itself based on the length of text.
- Realms will no longer show up in the list of worlds you can upload to your Realm.
- Settings are now correctly displayed on expired Realms.
- Paintings can have transparency now.
- XP orbs and loot now comes out of mobs with the smoke particles.
- You no longer gain the Respiration effect from just holding an enchanted helmet; you need to wear it.
- Melted ice blocks now create flowing water.
- All note blocks now start with the lowest note.
- The sound of a playing note block now doesn't fade out too early when you walk away from it.
- Fixed ghast and lightning/thunder sounds.
- Creepers no longer use their hurt sound as an idle sound (as creepers are quiet!)
- The Snow golem now has a special sound when it receives damage or dies.
- Zombie villagers, silverfish, squid, and husks now all make the sounds they are supposed to make.
- Leash offset for chickens corrected.
- Fixed another game crash when you respawned.
- Cured zombie villagers now make the appropriate sounds when cured.
- TNT ignition animation now looks like it does in other versions.
- Fixes to unusual minecart movement and minecarts floating above tracks.
- Elder guardian egg now renamed properly so resource packs can find it.
- Fixed issue where texture packs were not applying to mob heads.
- Fixed a crash after undoing an emoji in chat (Minecraft: Pocket Edition - iOS only).
- Fixed a timing issue with falling blocks.
- Burning players are now extinguished when jumping in a cauldron with water in it.
- Witches spawn from witch huts now.
- Hoes till dirt again
- Fixed a crash when opening a
file (Minecraft: Pocket Edition - iOS only). - Fixed various Unicode bugs.
- You can now use the left bumper on the controller on the inventory screen to wrap to the right side (Minecraft: Pocket Edition only).
- Wrapping now allowed when cycling through tabs.
- Some characters in the chat text box are no longer moved off screen when the send button appears.
can be used in text boxes again.- "Advanced Video Settings" toggle now saves its state.
- Chat can be closed again with the back button.
- Scroll bars should no longer have their max overshot value become negative.
- Fixed a crash relating to store screenshots.
- Fixed a crash on launch if there was no speech pack installed (Windows 10 only).
- Chat messages again read in the correct order in narrator mode.
- There's now a notification when keyboard shortcuts are used to toggle the Text-To-Speech accessibility option (Windows 10 only).
- Fixed some mob models not being able to be changed using
. - You now see the hand movement and TNT's textures blink when joined to a game and the TNT is ignited.
- Command output from the
command is now displayed for other players. - Blaze projectiles are now visible (Realms only).
- You are no longer repositioned at spawn when above Y 128 and the game is reloaded.
- Minecraft launcher no longer crashes when the hard drive is full (Windows 10 - Oculus Rift only).
- If you're on your friend's world, you can now see your friend switching between mob heads.
- Protection enchantment fixed to be the same as other versions - it no longer protects against suffocation and cactus damage.
- Caves are no longer pitch black (VR only).
- Fixed chunks of other dimensions (e.g. the Nether) generating when you enter a dimension the second time on a server/game with a smaller render distance than you.
- Play screen now properly shows Realms trial when the trial is still available but you have accepted a friend's Realm invitation.
- Achievement screen will now populate with a single list of achievements if suspending/resuming your game.
- If you die and rejoin a game, you respawn in your last bed (or at the world's spawn point if your bed was destroyed) rather than where you died.
- Corner fences rotated to 90° now have correct collision boxes.
- Fixed a bug where the sneak button wouldn't disappear when "Switch Sneak/Jump" option is enabled.
- Loading worlds from templates should no longer occasionally fail.
- Fixed a bug with using spawn eggs on spawners - it now behaves correctly.
- Cocoa pods now show a cracking animation when breaking them.
- Various skin bug fixes.
- Fixed a graphics bug where mob spawners allowed you to see through the world.
- Fixed an occasional crash when you return through a Nether portal with a mob spawner nearby.
- Plastic texture pack particles fixed.
- Fixed the error message for the
command when invalid values are entered. - Dropped items now move to the next empty space when a block is placed on top of them.
- Silverfish and Endermites now take damage when on soul sand.
- Fixed a crash when the game was resumed (Minecraft: Pocket Edition - iOS only).
- Fixed a crash that occurred when trying to join a LAN game.
- Fixed a crash when a game was stopped with players still logged into it
- The armor on skeletons now disappear when they're splashed with a potion of invisibility.
- An animal on a lead should land safely on the ground now without taking any damage.
- Clocks again rotate at the same speed as one held in hand when placed in item frames in the Nether and the End.
- Villagers now run from zombie pigmen.
- Mobs no longer jump and turn near obstacles on slabs, carpet, etc.
- Fixes and updates for City, Fantasy, Natural, and Plastic texture packs.
- Weather now clears up after using the
command during a thunderstorm. - The auto-complete list now show players that are on the same world but just in different dimensions than you.
- The close button in the chest UI no longer overlaps an item slot when you hover your mouse over it (Windows 10 only).
- The D-Pad on the controller is now supported in the "Exit Minecraft" prompt.
- You can now whisper to yourself in text chat in the game (good for making notes for yourself that only you can see!)
- You can now see the animation of a witch drinking a potion.
- Fixed crashes when loading terrain.
- Fixed an occasional crash when moving the visibility distance slider in the Options menu.
- Importing a world with an Add-on will no longer fail due to duplicate world IDs.
- Held items are no longer cropped or off-frame when playing in a different aspect ratio; therefore, clocks & compasses will show up correctly again.
- When an Enderman is being hit, its head color is consistent - the bottom part no longer turns completely red.
- Clocks continue to work when dropped now.
- You can no longer enter a boat or minecart while riding a pig/horse/donkey/mule.
- Cocoa pod stems are now correctly displayed.
- The game now registers mouse clicks as fast as you can click them!
- Fixed lag when your world is saving.
- Animals breed again (instead of just showing hearts with no baby appearing).
- Chat position is fixed.
- Throwing rate of snowballs is fixed.
- The spawn rate of Golden Apples in chests is fixed.
- Pointing the crosshairs near the top or the bottom of a block while you're in sneak mode no longer highlights the block next to the one you want.
- Framed maps' green indicators no longer disappear from a held map after you teleport to another dimension.
- All zombie pigmen within range will now attack you if you attack one of them.
- The anvil no longer deletes items if the game is quit while the GUI is open.
- Leaves no longer act as opaque blocks when the Fancy Graphics option is set to off.
- Leaf blocks held in the hand or dropped on the ground now have a transparent texture if the Fancy Graphics option is set to on.
- Broken spruce and birch leaves no longer have different colors than they should.
- You can no longer walk through fences.
- Compasses placed in item frames now show the correct direction towards spawn.
- Minecarts with mobs no longer fly upwards after you join a game.
- Fixed the looped sound for the ignite action.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when hostile mobs die.
- You can ride on tamed horses that are on leads.
- Fixed a crash that occurred after selecting the Seed Picker.
- Fixed an issue where you got an "unable to connect to the store" message instead of being able to get skin packs and texture packs (Rift & Gear VR only).
- Using LB/RB on a controller to select tabs in options now correctly highlights any tab that has behavior or resource packs.
- Fence gates, daylight sensors, and observers no longer stop redstone wire from transferring the signal any further.
- Fixed some issues with Realms invites and toast notifications of invites.
- Villagers no longer run exceptionally fast after being hit.
- Fixed a crash on the host player's device when one of their connected friends left a LAN game.
- Fixed a crash that could happen when attaching a graphics debugger.
- Endermen again teleport when a splash potion is thrown at them.
- Water can now protect obsidian blocks from getting destroyed by the Wither's spawn explosion.
- The invisibility effect is no longer affected by a player's personal game mode changing.
- Fixed a crash when there was any input from a controller while the game was launching (Android & Fire only).
- Gear VR hotbar is no longer stuck at the center of view (Gear VR only).
- Slime blocks again display when held in your hand (VR only).
- You can no longer duplicate items with item frames.
- Global texture packs with custom UI textures now apply on the start screen without having to restart the game.
- Bottles o' Enchanting & splash potions no longer jitter in the air when thrown.
- Fixed a bug where if a player went to sleep while it was raining in a Realm, it would continue raining when the player woke up, but the rain would be visually gone. This made it appear as though sun was not burning zombies/skeletons, fires went out quickly without explanation, and made cauldrons fill up mysteriously. Now it actually does stop raining!
- Villages now spawn again naturally with different types of villagers instead of just farmers
- Redstone comparator interaction with highly powered opaque blocks now works the way it does on other versions.
- Pressure plates no longer get stuck in a pressed down position.
- Farmer villagers now harvest fully grown carrots and potatoes.
- Donkeys/mules/horses now make appropriate reactions to different food items.
- If you use commands to try to give a player a stack of items greater than the max stack size, you now only get one max stack of the item instead of an error.
- The appearance of leaves blocks is now consistent no matter what blocks you place next to them.
- Various bug fixes for the Plastic, Fantasy, City, Cartoon, and Natural texture packs.
- "Could not connect: outdated server" message now displays when you try to join a pre-0.16 version server instead of the incorrect "Disconnected from Server" message.
- Mobs now behave properly regardless of block type (no more spinning on blocks made of half-blocks!)
- Tamed animals now teleport with the player into other dimensions (if they aren't sitting).
- Villagers no longer get stuck up ladders.
- Enchanted items have shiny effects again (VR only).
- Snow layers placed against other non-full blocks no longer delete the adjacent block.
- Using spawn eggs in Survival mode now results in an egg being used and removed from your inventory.
- Worlds downloaded from Realms now correctly display the world name.
- Fixed a crash when you selected a Realm invite message multiple times and then accepted or declined the invitation.
- "You haven't added anyone to your friend's list!" message in Realms now displays properly (Android Galaxy Tablet only).
- Head icons are now visible on the hotbar when the inventory is opened.
- Mobs no longer jump and spin around if they move on to a bed.
- You can see the point-of-view change when sneaking/crouching in immersive mode (VR only).
- Chat messages now only show up once.
- UI performance no longer gets worse the longer you use the UI when deleting items.
- Sliders now behave properly on Android & iOS devices when using a controller.
- All file extension types we support on Android now should work on Gear VR (Gear VR only).
- The hunger bar no longer depletes exceptionally fast when in a Realm.
- Fixed some lag issues when placing gravity-affected blocks in multiplayer.
- Tools make breaking noises when they break again (Realms only).
- Fixed a duplication glitch when hitting something.
- Game no longer hangs when saving a Realm to a device (Realms only).
- Blocks held in your hand are no longer larger than they should be.
- Bows can no longer be pulled back if you're out of arrows.
- Squid no longer disappear as soon as they reach the surface of water (Realms only).
- Diamonds can now be found randomly in generated blacksmith chests.
- Various zombie bug fixes.
- Various rabbit bug fixes.
- If you hit a spider in the daytime, nearby spiders won't try to attack you as well.
- You no longer keep your armor when you die (it drops like everything else).
- Fixed shulker health.
- Rain, smoke particles, and shadows are no longer visible when you're inside lava.
- Chests no longer get stuck looking as though they are open.
- Mobs again spawn with enchanted items & with the appropriate spawn/drop rate.
- Undead mobs no longer burn at night when they're close to The Wither
- World generation from seeds is now totally consistent between PE & Win 10.
- Fixed signs and mob heads so they are placed facing direction based on the player's direction from a block.
- Pig saddle sounds can now be heard.
- You can now hear the summoning sound of the Wither.
- Experience orbs no longer orbit your head when you pick up many of them at once.
- Iron golems created by the player will never attack you.
- Resource pack images no longer show up in your device's picture gallery (Android only).
- Clouds are no longer rendered on top of players who are at or above cloud altitude.
- Trapped chests no longer look the same as normal chests in your inventory, hotbar, or when dropped in the world.
- Fixed a crash that happened when a player got out of a minecart and then destroyed it.
- Tamed animals no longer take damage when you take damage from a potion.
- Endermen no longer have status effects applied from tipped arrows (because they teleported away before they were hit).
- Enchanted flame & power bows work again & apply the effect/damage to mobs correctly.
- You can no longer destroy an End portal with water.
- You can again walk from a slab to a block with carpet on top of it.
- Arrows fired from dispensers can be retrieved again.
- Boats and minecarts now make sounds when they are broken (MCPE only).
- Fixed a crash when a player would spam the Sign in For Free button on the Xbox Live sign-in screen.
- The first hotbar slot is no longer always highlighted after re-entering a world.
- When you have a piece of armor in your hand and right click, it equips it if that slot is free.
- Fixed a crash when accessing settings on Realms (Realms only).
- Players can now sleep in partially-covered beds without suffocating.
- Ghast fireballs set blocks on fire again.
- Endermen again teleport after taking damage.
- You hear the sound again when you are taking damage from drowning.
- You can now hear the bubbling sound of lava.
- Fixed a bug where items wouldn't get placed correctly into item frames.
- Fixed the textures for the furnace, dispenser, and dropper when dropped in the world, in your hand, or in an item frame.
- Fixed a crash that happened when hostile mobs died
- The Wither is now healed by Arrows of Harming.
- TTS now reads output from say, tell, and whisper commands.
- Cave spiders now apply the poison effect when they attack you.
- The
command now toggles off rain on Realms (Realms only). - You can no longer join a game that has multiplayer disabled by manually adding the IP address.
- You can again connect to a Xbox Live account on Fire TV (Fire TV only).
- Cursor keys now work on Android (Android only).
- Fixed item transfer so it automatically moves the stack of items (MCPE only).
- Brewing stands will now stop looking like they're still brewing even when they are not.
- When using the MCPE UI on Win 10, scrolling no longer changes the hot bar selection (Win 10 only).
- Fixed lag when riding an animal/minecart.
- Hovering over the chat with touch controls while controlling the camera no longer stops the camera from turning.
- Destroying an ice block no longer also destroys the block underneath it.
- Fixed biome graphics issues when loading older worlds.
- Pumpkin & melon seed textures now render correctly.
- Fixed lighting for water.
- Health bars for bosses now update and appear properly.
- MCPE-16611 – Blacksmith chest loot bug
- MCPE-16889 – Ghasts don't make sounds
- MCPE-17379 – Rabbits spawning too frequently
- MCPE-19124 – Hopper bug
Video made by slicedlime:
- This is the fourth Pocket Edition update to receive an official name by Mojang.
- ↑ a b "The Ender Update is finally here" – Minecraft.net, December 19, 2016
- ↑ "Pocket and Win 10 getting 1.0 - The Ender Update soon!" - Mojang, November 11, 2016
- ↑ https://news.xbox.com/2016/11/11/end-2016-ender-update-minecraft-windows-10-pocket-edition/
- ↑ "Pocket Edition is 5 years old! Have a trailer for 1.0!" - Mojang, December 1, 2016
- ↑ "Apple TV Edition released!" – Minecraft.net, December 19, 2016
- ↑ https://www.amazon.com/Mojang-Minecraft-Fire-TV-Edition/dp/B01NCJDPER
- ↑ https://youtu.be/eYw3U8C_P40&t=5m42s
- ↑ https://minecraft.net/en/article/new-add-ons-features-10
- ↑ https://www.reddit.com/r/MCPE/comments/5cw2tm/level_format_changes_in_mcpe_0171_100/d9zv9s8/