Minecraft Wiki
For other uses, see Piglin (disambiguation).

A piglin brute is a hostile and stronger variant of piglins that appears in all types of bastion remnants. Unlike regular piglins, they do not barter or retreat, and they cannot be distracted with gold. Instead, they always charge at the player on sight with their golden axes.


A small number of piglin brutes spawn in bastion remnants only upon generation and in some rooms. They do not have a baby variant.

Piglin brutes spawn with a golden axe, occasionally with enchantments. They never spawn with armor and do not equip armor from the ground, although they can still be equipped with armor via dispensers or commands.


  • A piglin brute has 8.5% chance of dropping a golden axe with a random durability if killed by a player or a tamed wolf, increased by 1% with each level of Looting, with a total 11.5% chance with Looting III.
  • 20 experience points are dropped upon death if killed by a player or a tamed wolf.


Piglin Brute Attack Mode

A piglin brute attacking.

Piglin brutes are hostile mobs. They attack players, wither skeletons, and withers on sight within 16 blocks and are not distracted by gold ingots; neither does wearing gold armor divert their hostility. They are neutral toward all other mobs, defending themselves if provoked. This includes iron golems, which themselves are hostile towards piglin brutes and attack them on sight.

Piglin brutes also attack any mob (except for goats) that attacks any piglin‌[BE only], or piglin brute, either by accident or purposefully. Examples include retaliation for attacks by snow golems and iron golems. Other mobs that accidentally shoot another piglin‌[BE only] or another piglin brute causes the piglin brute to become hostile toward that mob.

Piglin brutes, along with vindicators, deal a high amount of raw melee damage, inflicting 19.5♥ × 9.75 points of damage on Hard difficulty. The only stronger mobs are the iron golem, which deals up to 32.25♥ × 16.125 melee damage, and the warden, which deals up to 45♥ × 22.5 melee damage.

Piglin brutes spawn in all difficulty settings. In Peaceful difficulty, piglin brutes despawn in Java Edition and become passive in Bedrock Edition.

The detection range of piglin brutes is reduced to half of their normal range (17.5 blocks) when the player is wearing a piglin head.

Behaviors shared by both piglins and piglin brutes:

  • Can open wooden doors.
  • Call nearby piglins and other piglin brutes once attacked by a mob or a player, no matter whether the player wears golden armor or not.
  • Are not naturally immune to fire or lava.[1]
  • Join in hunts.‌[BE only]
  • Turns into a zombified piglin when in the Overworld or the End for more than 15 seconds.
  • Attack nearby withers and wither skeletons.
  • They cannot swim, sink in water and eventually drown.
  • They are alerted by mining containers and gold blocks.

Behaviors specific to piglin brutes:

  • Piglin brutes attack players on sight.
  • Piglin brutes do not retreat from soul fire items, zoglins, or zombified piglins.
  • Piglin brutes do not perform a "victory dance".
  • Piglin brutes do not barter, as the player cannot use a gold ingot on them.
  • Piglin brutes pick up regular or enchanted golden axes only if walking over them. Unlike piglins, piglin brutes ignore all other golden items or gold ingots, meaning they cannot equip armor. However, they can still be equipped via dispensers or commands.
  • They do not have a baby variant. This also means they cannot ride hoglins.
  • They cannot use crossbows.
  • They attempt to return to their spawn point (regardless of how they were spawned) when not engaged in combat.
  • They do not join hunts and do not attack hoglins.‌[JE only][2]


Piglin Brute being zombified

A piglin brute turning into a zombified piglin.

When in the Overworld or the End, piglin brutes transform into zombified piglins after 15 seconds. Upon transformation, the spawned zombified piglin has the Nausea effect for 10 seconds. This Nausea effect is purely cosmetic. When turned into a zombified piglin, a piglin brute keeps its axe.

Piglin brutes summoned in the Overworld with no AI do not zombify and do not pick up items.


Java Edition:
Piglin brutes use the Hostile Creatures sound category for entity-dependent sound events.

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
Piglin Brute snortsHostile CreaturesRandomly while idleentity.piglin_brute.ambientsubtitles.entity.piglin_brute.ambient0.90.8-1.216
Piglin Brute snorts angrilyHostile CreaturesRandomly while angryentity.piglin_brute.angrysubtitles.entity.piglin_brute.angry0.90.8-1.216
Piglin Brute hurtsHostile CreaturesWhen a piglin brute is damagedentity.piglin_brute.hurtsubtitles.entity.piglin_brute.hurt0.64 [sound 1]0.8-1.216
Piglin Brute diesHostile CreaturesWhen a piglin brute diesentity.piglin_brute.deathsubtitles.entity.piglin_brute.death0.80.8-1.216
FootstepsHostile CreaturesWhile a piglin brute is walkingentity.piglin_brute.stepsubtitles.block.generic.footsteps0.11251.016
Piglin Brute converts to Zombified PiglinHostile CreaturesWhen a piglin brute converts to zombified piglinentity.piglin_brute.converted_to_zombifiedsubtitles.entity.piglin_brute.converted_to_zombified1.00.72-1.0816
  1. Except hurt4, which is 0.65

Bedrock Edition:

SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
Hostile CreaturesRandomly while idlemob.piglin_brute.ambient0.8 [sound 1]0.8-1.2
Hostile CreaturesRandomly while angrymob.piglin_brute.angry0.70.8-1.2
Hostile CreaturesWhen a piglin brute is damagedmob.piglin_brute.hurt0.70.8-1.2
Hostile CreaturesWhen a piglin brute diesmob.piglin_brute.death0.7 [sound 2]0.8-1.2
Hostile CreaturesWhile a piglin brute is walkingmob.piglin_brute.step0.26250.8-1.2
Hostile CreaturesWhen a piglin brute converts to zombified piglinmob.piglin.converted_to_zombified1.00.9-1.1
Hostile CreaturesUnused sound eventmob.piglin_brute.converted_to_zombified1.01.0
  1. Except idle2, which is 0.75
  2. Except death3, which is 0.8

Data values[]


Java Edition:

NameIdentifierTranslation key
Piglin Brutepiglin_bruteentity.minecraft.piglin_brute

Bedrock Edition:

NameIdentifierNumeric ID Translation key
Piglin Brutepiglin_brute127entity.piglin_brute.name

Entity data[]

Piglin brutes have entity data associated with them that contains various properties.

Java Edition:

Main article: Entity format
  • Entity data
    • Tags common to all entities
    • Tags common to all mobs
    •  IsImmuneToZombification: 1 or 0 (true/false) – if true, the piglin brute does not transform to a zombified piglin when in the Overworld.
    •  TimeInOverworld: The number of ticks that the piglin brute has existed in the Overworld; the piglin brute converts to a zombified piglin when this is greater than 300.

Bedrock Edition:

See Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format.


Icon Advancement In-game description Parent Actual requirements (if different) Resource location
Advancement-plain-rawMonster Hunter
Kill any hostile monster AdventureKill one of these 34 mobs: Only the riders of the chicken jockeys and skeleton horsemen are counted in this advancement. Other mobs may be killed, but are ignored for this advancement.adventure/kill_a_mob
Advancement-fancy-rawIt Spreads
Kill a mob near a Sculk Catalyst Monster HunterKill one of these 70 mobs near a sculk catalyst: Mobs that drop no experience are ignored for this advancement.adventure/kill_mob_near_sculk_catalyst
Advancement-fancy-rawMonsters Hunted
Kill one of every hostile monster Monster HunterKill each of these 37 mobs: Other mobs may be killed, but are ignored for this advancement. Only the riders of the chicken jockeys and skeleton horsemen are counted in this advancement.adventure/kill_all_mobs


June 25, 2020Piglin brutes are mentioned to come to Java Edition in a 1.16.x release.
Java Edition
1.16.220w27aPiglin Brute Added piglin brutes.
22w46aPiglin brute's detection range is now reduced when the player wears a piglin head.
Bedrock Edition
1.16.20beta Brute Added piglin brutes.
beta axe that is wielded by piglin brutes may be enchanted now.
beta attack animation of unarmed piglin brutes has been changed.
1.16.100beta brutes no longer spawn with enchanted axes.
Piglin brutes now drop 20 experience points, instead of 10.
beta piglins that are converted from piglin brutes now keep their golden axes.


Issues relating to "Piglin Brute" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.


  • Piglin brutes were created late in 1.16's development, so they were pushed to a minor release as the developers did not want to add a new feature so close to release.[3]
  • The golden arm guard is meant to work as a "protection" and is the reason behind their high health.[4]
  • Piglin brutes have no pupils, unlike Overworld pigs.
  • Sounds that are used by the piglins are lower-pitched when used by the piglin brute (like the converted_to_zombified sound).
  • Piglin brutes were made to trigger normal piglins when attacked, as to encourage players to avoid or maneuver around them.[5]



In other media[]

See also[]

