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options.txt is the file that stores all the options changeable in the in-game options menu and various other information the game needs to store after quitting. It is found in the .minecraft folder in Java Edition or in the com.mojang/minecraftpe folder in Bedrock Edition, and can be edited with any basic text editor to change options. Most settings can be changed in-game, but a few can be changed only by editing this file. The options.txt file for the latest version of the game is not backward-compatible with older versions of the game.


Java Edition[]

Each line represents a single option or piece of data, with the option followed by a colon followed by the value of that option. A list of all available key/button numbers for the controls options is available at key codes.

#[N 1] Option name Explanation Valid values Default value Version added
1 version Data version of the client version this file was last saved in; used for upgrading default settings. (numeric) Pending
(for latest release 1.21)
1.10-pre1 (1.10)
2 autoJump Whether auto-jump is enabled true/false true
3 autoSuggestions True if brigadier's command suggestion UI should always be shown, instead of just when pressing tab true/false true 17w47a (1.13)
4 chatColors Whether colored chat is allowed true/false true
5 chatLinks Whether links show as links or just text in the chat (true/false [links/plaintext]) true/false true
6 chatLinksPrompt Whether clicking on links in chat needs confirmation before opening them true/false true
7 enableVsync Whether v-sync (vertical synchronization) is enabled true/false true
8 entityShadows Whether to display entity shadows true/false true
9 forceUnicodeFont Whether Unicode font should be used true/false false
10 discrete_mouse_scroll Ignores scrolling set by operating system true/false false
11 invertYMouse Whether mouse is inverted or not true/false false
12 realmsNotifications Whether Realms invites are alerted on the main menu true/false true
13 reducedDebugInfo Whether to show reduced information on the Debug screen true/false false
14 showSubtitles If subtitles are shown true/false false
15 directionalAudio If Directional Audio is enabled true/false false 22w11a (1.19)
16 touchscreen Whether touchscreen controls are used true/false false
17 fullscreen Whether the game attempts to go fullscreen at startup true/false false
18 bobView Whether or not the camera bobs up and down as the player walks true/false true
19 toggleCrouch Whether the sneak key must be pressed or held to activate sneaking true/false false
20 toggleSprint Whether the sprint key must be pressed or held to activate sprinting true/false false
21 darkMojangStudiosBackground Whether the Mojang Studios loading screen will appear monochrome true/false false 21w13a (1.17)
22 hideLightningFlashes Hide lightning flashes (visual effect) true/false false 21w37a (1.18)
23 mouseSensitivity How much a mouse movement changes the position of the camera 0–1 0.5
24 fov How large the field of view is (floating-point). The in-game value is counted in degrees, however, the options.txt isn't. The value is converted into degrees with the following formula: degrees = 40 * value + 70 -1–1 0.0
25 screenEffectScale Distortion Effects (how intense the effects of Nausea and nether portals are) 0–1 1.0
26 fovEffectScale FOV Effects (how much the field of view changes when sprinting, having Speed or Slowness etc.) 0–1 1.0
27 darknessEffectScale Darkness Pulsing (how much the Darkness effect pulses) 0–1 1.0 22w15a (1.19)
28 gamma Brightness 0–1 (Note: values below 0 and above 1 are invalid and inaccessible on vanilla, even via editing the options.txt file.[1]) 0.5
29 renderDistance The render distance in the chunk radius from the player 2–32 without external editing of options.txt; maximum is further limited to 16 on 32-bit machines and machines with less than 1 gigabyte of memory 12 (64-bit), 8 (32-bit)
30 simulationDistance The simulation distance in the chunk radius from the player 5–32 without external editing of options.txt; maximum is further limited to 16 on 32-bit machines and machines with less than 1 gigabyte of memory 12 (64-bit), 8 (32-bit) 21w38a (1.18)
31 entityDistanceScaling The maximum distance from the player that entities render 0.5-5.0 1.0
32 guiScale Size of interfaces 0 (Auto) or 1+ for size. Upper limit based on window resolution. 0 (Auto)
33 particles Amount of particles (such as rain, potion effects, etc.) 0–2 (All, Decreased, Minimal) 0 (All)
34 maxFps The maximum framerate 10–260 120
35 graphicsMode Whether Fast (less detailed), Fancy (more detailed), or Fabulous! (most detailed) graphics are turned on 0-2 (Fast, Fancy, Fabulous!) 1 (Fancy)
36 ao Smooth lighting true/false true
37 prioritizeChunkUpdates Chunk section update strategy 0–2 (Threaded, Semi Blocking, Fully Blocking) 0 (Threaded) 21w37a (1.18)
38 biomeBlendRadius Radius for which biome blending should happen 0–7 2 18w15a (1.13)
39 renderClouds Whether to display clouds true/false/fast true
40 resourcePacks A list of active resource packs, with pack names in quotes, separated with commas String []
41 incompatibleResourcePacks A list of active resource packs that are marked as incompatible with the current Minecraft version, with pack names in quotes, separated with commas String []
42 lastServer Address of last server used with Direct Connection String
43 lang Language to be used String en_us
44 soundDevice Sound device to be used String 21w37a (1.18)
45 chatVisibility What is seen in chat 0–2 (Shown, Commands only, Hidden) 0 (Shown)
46 chatOpacity Opacity of the chat 0–1 1.0
47 chatLineSpacing Spacing between text in chat 0–1 0.0
48 textBackgroundOpacity Opacity of text background 0–1 0.5
49 backgroundForChatOnly Toggles if the background is only in chat or if it's everywhere true/false true
50 hideServerAddress Has no effect in modern versions true/false false
51 advancedItemTooltips Whether hovering over items in the inventory shows its ID and durability; toggled by pressing F3 + H true/false false
52 pauseOnLostFocus Whether switching out of Minecraft without pressing Esc or opening an in-game interface automatically pauses the game; toggled by pressing F3 + P false true
53 overrideWidth Width to open Minecraft with in pixels (0 means default to the Minecraft settings); no in-game control Integer 0
54 overrideHeight Height to open Minecraft with in pixels (0 means default to the Minecraft settings); no in-game control Integer 0
56 chatHeightFocused How tall the chat span is 0–1 1.0
57 chatDelay How much delay there is between text 0–6 0.0
58 chatHeightUnfocused How tall the maximum chat span is, when the chat button is not pressed 0–1 0.4375
59 chatScale The scale/size of the text in the chat 0–1 1.0
60 chatWidth The span width of the chat 0–1 1.0
61 mipmapLevels Amount by which distant textures are smoothed 0–4 4
62 useNativeTransport Whether to use a Netty EpollSocketChannel for connections to servers instead of a NioSocketChannel (only applies if EPOLL is available on the user's system) true/false true
63 mainHand Whether the main hand appears as left or right left/right right
64 attackIndicator When hitting, how the attack indicator is shown on screen 0–2 (Off, Crosshair, Hotbar) 1 (Crosshair)
65 narrator Setting of the Narrator 0–3 0 17w06a (1.12)
66 narratorHotKey Pressing Ctrl + B will not open narrator if it is turned off. ? ? 23w33a (1.20.2)
67 tutorialStep Next stage of tutorial hints to display movement, find_tree, punch_tree, open_inventory, craft_planks, none movement 17w06a (1.12)
68 mouseWheelSensitivity Allows making the mouse wheel more sensitive (see MC-123773) 1–10 1.0 18w21a (1.13)
69 rawMouseInput Ignores acceleration set by the operating system true/false true
70 glDebugVerbosity LWJGL log info level (only on some machines) 0-4 (none, HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW, NOTIFICATION) 1 1.13-pre2 (1.13)
71 skipMultiplayerWarning Whether to skip the legal disclaimer when entering the multiplayer screen true/false false 1.15.2 Pre-Release 1 (1.15.2)
72 skipRealms32bitWarning Whether to skip the 32-bit environment warning when entering the Realms screen[verify] true/false false 1.18.2 Pre-release 1 (1.18.2)
73 hideMatchedNames Some servers send chat messages in non-standard formats. With this option on, the game will attempt to apply chat hiding anyway by matching the text in messages. true/false true 1.16.4 Release Candidate 1 (1.16.4)
74 joinedFirstServer Whether the player has joined a server before. If false, the Social Interactions tutorial hint will appear when joining a server. true/false false 1.16.4 Release Candidate 1 (1.16.4)
75 hideBundleTutorial Whether the player has seen the bundle tutorial hint when trying to use a bundle. true/false false
76 syncChunkWrites Whether to open region files in synchronous mode true/false true (Windows), false (other systems)
77 showAutosaveIndicator Whether to show autosave indicator on the right-bottom of the screen true/false true 21w42a (1.18)
78 allowServerListing Whether to allow player's ID to be shown in the player list shown on the multiplayer screen true/false true 1.18-pre2 (1.18)
79 key_key.attack Attack control Key codes key.mouse.left
80 key_key.use Use Item control Key codes key.mouse.right
81 key_key.forward Forward control Key codes key.keyboard.w
82 key_key.left Left control Key codes key.keyboard.a
83 key_key.back Back control Key codes key.keyboard.s
84 key_key.right Right control Key codes key.keyboard.d
85 key_key.jump Jump control Key codes key.keyboard.space
86 key_key.sneak Sneak control Key codes key.keyboard.left.shift
87 key_key.sprint Sprint control Key codes key.keyboard.left.control
88 key_key.drop Drop control Key codes key.keyboard.q
89 key_key.inventory Inventory control Key codes key.keyboard.e
90 key_key.chat Chat control Key codes key.keyboard.t
91 key_key.playerlist List Players control Key codes key.keyboard.tab
92 key_key.pickItem Pick Block control Key codes key.mouse.middle
93 key_key.command Command control Key codes key.keyboard.slash
94 key_key.socialInteractions Social Interaction control Key codes key.keyboard.p
95 key_key.screenshot Screenshot control Key codes key.keyboard.f2
96 key_key.togglePerspective Perspective control Key codes key.keyboard.f5
97 key_key.smoothCamera Mouse Smoothing control Key codes key.keyboard.unknown
98 key_key.fullscreen Fullscreen control Key codes key.keyboard.f11
99 key_key.spectatorOutlines Visibility of player outlines in Spectator Mode control Key codes key.keyboard.unknown
100 key_key.swapOffhand Swapping of items between both hands control Key codes key.keyboard.f
101 key_key.saveToolbarActivator Save current toolbar to a slot (in Creative Mode) Key codes key.keyboard.c 17w06a (1.12)
102 key_key.loadToolbarActivator Load toolbar from a slot (in Creative Mode) Key codes key.keyboard.x 17w06a (1.12)
103 key_key.advancements Open the Advancements screen Key codes key.keyboard.l 17w06a (1.12)
104 key_key.hotbar.1 Hotbar Slot 1 control Key codes key.keyboard.1
105 key_key.hotbar.2 Hotbar Slot 2 control Key codes key.keyboard.2
106 key_key.hotbar.3 Hotbar Slot 3 control Key codes key.keyboard.3
107 key_key.hotbar.4 Hotbar Slot 4 control Key codes key.keyboard.4
108 key_key.hotbar.5 Hotbar Slot 5 control Key codes key.keyboard.5
109 key_key.hotbar.6 Hotbar Slot 6 control Key codes key.keyboard.6
110 key_key.hotbar.7 Hotbar Slot 7 control Key codes key.keyboard.7
111 key_key.hotbar.8 Hotbar Slot 8 control Key codes key.keyboard.8
112 key_key.hotbar.9 Hotbar Slot 9 control Key codes key.keyboard.9
113 soundCategory_master The volume of all sounds 0–1 1.0
114 soundCategory_music The volume of gameplay music 0–1 1.0
115 soundCategory_record The volume of music/sounds from Jukeboxes and Note Blocks 0–1 1.0
116 soundCategory_weather The volume of rain and thunder 0–1 1.0
117 soundCategory_block The volume of blocks 0-1 1.0
118 soundCategory_hostile The volume of hostile and neutral mobs 0–1 1.0
119 soundCategory_neutral The volume of passive mobs 0–1 1.0
120 soundCategory_player The volume of players 0–1 1.0
121 soundCategory_ambient The volume of cave sounds and fireworks 0–1 1.0
122 soundCategory_voice The volume of voices 0–1 1.0
123 modelPart_cape Whether the cape is shown true/false true
124 modelPart_jacket Whether the "Jacket" skin layer is shown true/false true
125 modelPart_left_sleeve Whether the "Left Sleeve" skin layer is shown true/false true
126 modelPart_right_sleeve Whether the "Right Sleeve" skin layer is shown true/false true
127 modelPart_left_pants_leg Whether the "Left Pants Leg" skin layer is shown true/false true
128 modelPart_right_pants_leg Whether the "Right Pants Leg" skin layer is shown true/false true
129 modelPart_hat Whether the "Hat" skin layer is shown true/false true
130 fullscreenResolution Changes the resolution of the game when in fullscreen mode. The only values allowed are the values supported by the user's monitor, shown when changing the screen resolution in the operating system settings. Setting this option to a value not supported by the monitor resets the option to "Current". When set to "Current", this option is absent from options.txt. <width>x<height>@<refresh rate>:<color bits> Absent

Bedrock Edition[]

#[N 1] Option name Explanation Valid values Default value Version added
1 mp_username The name of the player. Steve 0.7.0
2 game_difficulty_new [more information needed] [more information needed] 1 0.12.1 (build 1)
3 game_thirdperson Number used to identify first person, third person front, and third person back. [more information needed] 0 0.7.0
4 gfx_dpadscale [more information needed] [more information needed] 0.5 0.11.0 (build 1)
5 mp_server_visible [more information needed] [more information needed] 1 0.7.0
6 mp_xboxlive_visble [more information needed] [more information needed] 1
7 mp_nex_visble [more information needed] [more information needed] 1
8 mp_psn_visble [more information needed] [more information needed] 1 1.13.0
9 game_language The language that the game are selected.[more information needed] [more information needed] Blank[N 2] 0.11.0 (build 1)
10 game_skintypefull The unique identifier of the current skin being used.[verify] [more information needed] 0.11.0 (build 4)
11 game_lastcustomskinnew [more information needed] [more information needed] Standard.Dummy 0.11.0 (build 4)
12 game_recentskin1 The skin used before it was last changed.[verify] Blank[N 2]
13 game_recentskin2 The second most recent skin used.[verify] Blank[N 2]
14 game_recentskin3 The third most recent skin used.[verify] Blank[N 2]
15 game_haseverloggedintoxbl Whether the user has ever logged into Xbox Live. 0/1 0
16 game_haschosennottosignintoxbl Whether the user is currently signed out of Xbox Live. 0/1 1
17 game_devicefilestoragelocation [more information needed] [more information needed] 2[verify]
18 ctrl_islefthanded Whether the touch d-pad should be on the left or the right. 0/1 0 0.7.0
19 ctrl_usetouchjoypad Whether or not Split Touch controls is enabled. 0/1 0 0.7.0
20 ctrl_swapjumpandsneak Whether the jump and sneak buttons should be swapped. 0/1 0 0.12.1
21 gfx_viewdistance The player's render distance, measured in blocks. Can be set theoretically infinitely. (Does not get limited by device as of 1.19.32). Varies depending on the device.
22 gfx_particleviewdistance [more information needed] [more information needed] 0
23 gfx_viewbobbing Toggles view bobbing. 0/1 1 0.12.1 (build 1)
24 gfx_fancygraphics Toggles fancy graphics. 0/1 1 0.7.0
25 gfx_transparentleaves Currently does nothing. 0/1 1
26 gfx_vr_transparentleaves Currently does nothing. 0/1 1
27 gfx_smoothlighting Toggles smooth lighting. 0/1 1
28 gfx_vr_smoothlighting Toggles smooth lighting when using VR. 0/1 1
29 gfx_fancyskies Whether the sun, moon, clouds, and stars are visible. 0/1 1 0.7.0
30 gfx_field_of_view The player's field of view, measured in degrees. 30-110 60
31 gfx_msaa The level of in-game Multisample anti-aliasing. 1-16 (power of 2) 1
32 gfx_texel_aa_2 [more information needed] [more information needed] 0
33 gfx_gamma The gamma level of the player's screen. 0-1 0.5 0.10.0 (build 1)
34 gfx_multithreaded_renderer [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1
35 gfx_vsync Whether v-sync (vertical synchronization) is enabled 0/1[verify] 0 1.9.0
36 gfx_async_texture_loads [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1 1.13.0
37 gfx_show_async_texture_loads [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 0 1.13.0
38 gfx_max_dequed_textures_per_frame [more information needed] [more information needed] 16 1.14.0
39 gfx_texture_load_delay [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 0 1.14.0
40 dev_file_watcher [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1 1.9.0
41 gfx_max_framerate The maximum framerate (0 means unlimited) 0-250 0[verify]
42 gfx_fullscreen Whether or not fullscreen is enabled 0/1[verify] 0[verify] 0.12.1 (build 1)
43 show_advanced_video_settings [more information needed] 0/1 0
44 gfx_guiscale_offset How much to scale the UI, relative to the game's predetermined scale (based on the screen/window size). Theoretically any number, but generally an integer between -1 and 2 on most screen sizes. 0
45 gfx_splitscreen_guiscale_offset [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1
46 gfx_safe_zone_x [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1 1.2.9
47 gfx_safe_zone_y [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1 1.2.9
48 gfx_ui_profile Whether to use the Pocket UI instead of the Classic UI. 0/1 1 on mobile devices, 0 on other platforms.[more information needed]
49 audio_main Whether to play all sounds. 0-1 1 1.16.200
50 audio_sound Whether to play sound effects. 0-1 1 0.7.0
51 audio_music Whether to play music. 0-1 1 0.12.1 (build 1)
52 audio_ambient Whether to play ambient/environment sounds. 0-1 1 1.16.200
53 audio_block Whether to play block sounds. 0-1 1 1.16.200
54 audio_hostile Whether to play hostile creatures sounds. 0-1 1 1.16.200
55 audio_neutral Whether to play friendly creatures sounds. 0-1 1 1.16.200
56 audio_record Whether to play Jukebox/Noteblock sounds. 0-1 1 1.16.200
57 audio_player Whether to play player sounds. 0-1 1 1.16.200
58 audio_weather Whether to play weather sounds. 0-1 1 1.16.200
59 vr_cameraMovement [more information needed] 0-1 1
60 vr_snapAngle [more information needed] [verify] 2
61 vr_stutter_turn_constant_time [more information needed] [verify] 1
62 vr_stutter_turn_sound [more information needed] [verify] 1
63 vr_movement [more information needed] [verify] 0
64 vr_jump [more information needed] [verify] 0
65 vr_headSteering [more information needed] [verify] 0
66 vr_stickyMining [more information needed] [verify] 0
67 vr_hudPosition [more information needed] [verify] 0
68 vr_sensitivity The sensitivity when using VR. 0-1 0.5
69 vr_gamma The gamma level of the player's screen when using VR. 0/1[verify] 0
70 vr_particle_view_dist The particle view distance when playing VR. [more information needed] 0.25
71 vr_hud_distance [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1
72 vr_hmd_displacement [more information needed] [more information needed] 0
73 vr_renderdistance The view distance when using VR. Must be a number.[more information needed] 128[verify]
74 vr_autojump Toggles auto-jump when using VR. 0/1 1
75 vr_stereorendering [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1
76 vr_use_normal_hit [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 0
77 vr_use_red_flash [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1
78 vr_rstick_pitch_assist [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 0
79 vr_rstick_gazedjust [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 0
80 vr_gaze_pitch_boost [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1
81 vr_living_room_cursor_centered [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1
82 vr_tap_turn [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 0
83 vr_tap_turn_sensitivity [more information needed] 0-1[verify] 0.375
84 vr_wheelturn_sensitivity [more information needed] [more information needed] 50
85 vr_180_turns [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 0
86 vr_livingroom_hint_time [more information needed] [more information needed] 32000
87 vr_mirror_texture [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1
88 vr_hand_controls_item [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1
89 vr_hand_pointer [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1
90 vr_hands_visible [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 0
91 vr_ui_mouse_sensitivity [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1
92 vr_msaa Whether or not Multisample anti-aliasing is enabled when using VR. 0/1[verify] 1
93 store_has_purchased_coins Whether the user has ever bought minecoins. 0/1 0
94 switch_coin_debug [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 0
95 old_game_version_major The first number in the current version. 1 0.8.1
96 old_game_version_minor The second number in the current version, used to store major updates. 16 0.8.1
97 old_game_version_patch The third number in the current version, used to store minor updates/hotfixes. 201 0.8.1
98 old_game_version_revision The fourth number in the current version, used for internal versioning. 1 1.12.0
99 old_game_version_beta The fifth number in the current version, used for betas (0 if not playing beta). 0.8.1
100 realms_show_friend_invites_only Whether the list of invites to realms should show invites only from Xbox Live friends. 0/1 1
101 number_of_owned_realms The number of realms that the player owns. 0
102 number_of_friends_realms [more information needed] 0
103 realms_view_upsell_screen_count [more information needed] 3
104 shown_ratings_prompt [more information needed] [more information needed] 0 1.5.0
105 save_and_quit_count The number of times the player has exited a world.[verify] 1 1.5.0
106 show_worlds_trial_button [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1
107 allow_cellular_data Whether to use cellular data to connect with online services. 0/1 0
108 auto_update_mode Whether to update automatically over cellular data or wi-fi. 0/1 1
109 auto_update_enabled Whether to update automatically. 0/1 1
110 websocket_encryption [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 0
111 text_to_speech_discovered [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 0 1.11.0
112 monitor_platform_text_to_speech [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1 1.13.0
113 chat_text_to_speech [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 0
114 ui_text_to_speech [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 0 1.11.0
115 open_chat_message [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1 1.13.0
116 ctrl_sensitivity2_mouse The sensitivity when using mouse controls. 0-1 0.6
117 ctrl_sensitivity_touch The sensitivity when using touch controls. 0-1 0.6
118 ctrl_sensitivity2_gamepad The sensitivity when using a console controller. 0-1 0.6
119 ctrl_sensitivity2_motioncontroller The sensitivity when using a console controller.[more information needed] 0-1 0.6
120 ctrl_smoothrotationseed [more information needed] 0-1[verify] 0.1 1.4.0
121 ctrl_invertmouse_mouse [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 0
122 ctrl_invertmouse_touch [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 0
123 ctrl_invertmouse_gamepad [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 0
124 ctrl_invertmouse_motioncontroller [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 0
125 ctrl_autojump_mouse Toggles auto-jump for mouse controls. 0/1 1
126 ctrl_autojump_touch Toggles auto-jump for touch controls. 0/1 1
127 ctrl_autojump_gamepad Toggles auto-jump for console controllers. 0/1 1
128 ctrl_autojump_motioncontroller Toggles auto-jump for console controllers.[more information needed] 0/1 1
129 ctrl_fullkeyboardgameplay Toggles full keyboard gameplay. If set to 1, all controls are on the keyboard, and the mouse is not used. 0/1 0 1.4.0
130 feeedback_vibration_mouse Whether to vibrate when breaking block, for keyboard/mouse controls. 0/1 1
131 feedback_vibration_touch Whether to vibrate when breaking block, for touch controls. 0/1 0
132 feedback_vibration_gamepad Whether to vibrate when breaking block, for console controllers. 0/1 1
133 feedback_vibration_motioncontroller Whether to vibrate when breaking block, for console controllers.[more information needed] 0/1 1
134 gfx_toggleclouds Whether to show the clouds. (Note: gfx_fancyskies must also be on). 0/1 1
135 ctrl_togglecrouch_mouse Whether the sneak button toggles sneaking, as opposed to holding the button to sneak, when using keyboard controls. 0/1 0
136 ctrl_togglecrouch_touch Whether the sneak button toggles sneaking, as opposed to holding the button to sneak, when using touch controls. 0/1 1
137 ctrl_togglecrouch_gamepad Whether the sneak button toggles sneaking, as opposed to holding the button to sneak, when using a console controller. 0/1 0
138 ctrl_togglecrouch_motioncontroller Whether the sneak button toggles sneaking, as opposed to holding the button to sneak, when using a console controller.[more information needed] 0/1 0
139 crossplatform_toggle [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1 1.13.0
140 last_xuid The logged xbox account xuid (in decimal number) Blank[N 2]
141 gfx_hidepaperdoll Whether to hide the paper doll. If turned on, the HUD must also be displayed. 0/1 1
142 hide_keyboard_tootips [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1 1.8.0
143 hide_keyboard_tooltips_overrridden Whether to show the clouds. 0/1[verify] 0 1.8.0
144 gfx_tooltips [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 0
145 gfx_classic_box_selection [more information needed] 0/1 0
146 gfx_vr_classic_box_selection [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 0
147 gfx_splitscreen [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 0
148 gfx_hidehud Whether to hide the heads-up display. If turned off, the player's hand is still visible, but the coordinates and paper doll are not. 0/1 0
149 gfx_hidehand Whether to hide the player's hand. If turned on, the player's hand appears regardless of gfx_hidhud. 0/1 0
150 vr_hide_hud Whether to hide the HUD when using VR. 0/1 0
151 vr_hide_hand Whether to hide the player's hand when using VR. 0/1 0
152 gfx_ingame_player_names Whether or not in-game player names are enabled. 0/1[verify] 1
153 gfx_splitscreen_ingame_player_names Whether or not in-game player names are enabled when playing splitscreen. 0/1[verify] 1
154 gfx_interface_opacity [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1
155 gfx_splitcreen_interface_opacity [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1
156 gfx_text_background_opacity Whether to adjust the text background opacity. 0/1[verify] 0 1.16.0
157 game_ackautosave [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 0
158 realmsplus_upgradenotice_state [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 0 1.13.0
159 gfx_showautosaveicon Whether or not to show the autosave icon when autosaving. 0/1[verify] 0
160 gfx_has_set_safe_zone [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 0
161 gfx_field_of_view_toggle [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1
162 gfx_gamepad_cursor [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 0
163 hdr_brightness [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1
164 has_set_hdr_brightness [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 0
165 ctrl_hotbarOnlyTouch Whether touch controls should be used only for the hotbar. 0/1 0 1.2.13
166 gfx_gamepad_cursor_sensitivity [more information needed] 0-1[verify] 1 1.2.10
167 game_hasshownpatchnotice Whether the game has shown the notice for the most recent update.[verify] 0/1 0
168 game_lastshownrealmsenddate [more information needed] 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z 1.13.0
169 realms_sunset_tier [more information needed] -1/0/1[verify] -1
170 has_shown_begin_sunset_notice [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 0 1.16.10
171 has_shown_sunset_notice [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 0 1.16.10
172 game_showplatformnetworkconnect [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 0
173 screen_animations Whether or not smooth screen transitions are enabled. 0/1[verify] 1 1.2.13
174 ctrl_swap_gamepad_ab_buttons Whether to swap the A and B buttons on a controller (by default, these are jumping and sneaking, respectively). 0/1[verify] 0 1.2.13
175 ctrl_swap_gamepad_xy_buttons Whether to swap the X and Y buttons on a controller (by default, these are crafting and inventory, respectively). 0/1 0 1.2.13
176 gfx_bubble_particles [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 0 1.5.0
177 game_showplatformpremiumupsell [more information needed] 0/1 0 1.5.0
178 chat_color_code The color used in the chat window. See the formatting codes page for details. *f 1.8.0
179 chat_font_size The font size used in the chat window. 12 1.10.0
180 chat_line_spacing The line spacing in the chat window. 1 1.7.0
181 chat_mentions_color_code The color used to mention other players (e.g., <player> joined the game). See the formatting codes page for details. 0/1 0 1.8.0
182 chat_typeface The font used between Mojangles or Noto Sans. [more information needed] 1 1.10.0
183 content_log_file [more information needed] [more information needed] 0 1.12.0
184 content_log_gui [more information needed] [more information needed] 0 1.12.0
185 gameplay_tips_enabled [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 0 1.9.0
186 gameplay_tips_should_be_shown [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1 1.9.0
187 iap_owning_account [more information needed] Blank[N 2] 1.9.0
188 last_minecraft_id [more information needed] Blank[N 2] 1.9.0
189 control_tips_should_be_shown [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1 1.9.0
190 inventory_tips_should_be_shown [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1 1.10.0
191 tree_tips_should_be_shown [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1 1.10.0
192 open_inventory_tips_should_be_shown [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1 1.12.0
193 day_one_experience_completed [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1 1.13.0
194 select_craftable_tips_should_be_shown [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1 1.13.0
195 place_craftable_tips_should_be_shown [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1 1.13.0
196 use_craftable_tips_should_be_shown [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1 1.13.0
197 make_craftable_tips_should_be_shown [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1 1.13.0
198 need_more_materials_tips_should_be_shown [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 99 1.13.0
199 is_legacy_player [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 1 1.13.0
200 dev_texture_hot_reloader [more information needed] [more information needed] 0
201 playfab_commerce_enabled [more information needed] 0/1[verify] 0 1.13.0
202 do_not_show_multiplayer_online_safety_warning Whether the game should show the online safety warning. 0/1 0 1.14.60
203 only_show_trusted_skins Whether or not user uploaded skins will render. 0/1 1 1.14.60
204 camera_shake Whether the game should use Camera Shake feature. 0/1 1 1.16.100
205 berwick_enabled [more information needed] 0/1 0
206 gfx_raytracing Enables Ray-tracing for supported hardware. 0/1 0 1.16.200
206 raytracing_viewdistance Ray-tracing render distance in chunks. Can be set theoretically infinitely. (Does not get limited by device as of 1.19.32). Varies depending on the device. 1.16.200
208 gfx_upscaling Whether upscaling is enabled. 0/1 1 1.16.200
209 do_not_show_gfx_driver_outdated [more information needed] 0/1 1 1.16.200
210 do_not_show_gfx_driver_outdated_version [more information needed] [verify] Blank 1.16.200
211 gamepadMappingVersion [more information needed] [more information needed] 1
212 ctrl_type_0_key.jump The jump key when using a controller. 1
213 ctrl_type_0_key.drop The drop item key when using a controller. 6
214 ctrl_type_0_key.attack The attack key when using a controller. -99
215 ctrl_type_0_key.use The use key when using a controller. -100
216 ctrl_type_0_container.crafting The crafting key when using a controller. 3
217 ctrl_type_0_key.inventory The open inventory key when using a controller. 4
218 ctrl_type_0_key.cycleItemLeft The cycle item left key when using a controller. 11
219 ctrl_type_0_key.cycleItemRight The jump key when using a controller. 12
220 ctrl_type_0_key.togglePerspective The toggle perspective key when using a controller. 5
221 ctrl_type_0_key.sneak The sneak key when using a controller. 2
222 ctrl_type_0_key.sprint The sprint key when using a controller. 9
223 ctrl_type_0_key.flyUpSlow The fly up slow key when using a controller. 0
224 ctrl_type_0_key.flyDownSlow The fly down slow key when using a controller. 10
225 ctrl_type_0_key.emote The emote key when using a controller. 7 1.16.0
226 ctrl_type_0_key.mobeffectsandinteractwithtoast The view status effects & open notifications key when using a controller. 7
227 ctrl_type_0_key.chat The open chat key when using a controller. 8
228 ctrl_type_0_key.left The move left key when using a controller. 0
229 ctrl_type_0_key.right The move right key when using a controller. 0
230 ctrl_type_0_key.back The move backward key when using a controller. 0
231 ctrl_type_0_key.forward The jump key when using a controller. 0
232 ctrl_type_0_key.pickItem The pick block control key when using a controller. 0
233 ctrl_type_1_key.jump The jump key when using a controller.[more information needed] 1
234 ctrl_type_1_key.drop The drop item key when using a controller.[more information needed] 6
235 ctrl_type_1_key.attack The attack key when using a controller.[more information needed] 12
236 ctrl_type_1_key.use The use key when using a controller.[more information needed] 11
237 ctrl_type_1_container.crafting The crafting key when using a controller.[more information needed] 3
238 ctrl_type_1_key.inventory The open inventory key when using a controller.[more information needed] 4
239 ctrl_type_1_key.cycleItemLeft The cycle item left key when using a controller.[more information needed] 7
240 ctrl_type_1_key.cycleItemRight The jump key when using a controller.[more information needed] 8
241 ctrl_type_1_key.togglePerspective The toggle perspective key when using a controller.[more information needed] 15
242 ctrl_type_1_key.sneak The sneak key when using a controller.[more information needed] 2
243 ctrl_type_1_key.sprint The sprint key when using a controller.[more information needed] 9
244 ctrl_type_1_key.flyUpSlow The fly up slow key when using a controller.[more information needed] 0
245 ctrl_type_1_key.flyDownSlow The fly down slow key when using a controller.[more information needed] 10
246 ctrl_type_1_key.mobEffects The view status effects key when using a controller.[more information needed] 0
247 ctrl_type_1_key.chat The open chat key when using a controller.[more information needed] 8
248 ctrl_type_1_key.left The move left key when using a controller.[more information needed] 0
249 ctrl_type_1_key.right The move right key when using a controller.[more information needed] 0
250 ctrl_type_1_key.back The move backward key when using a controller.[more information needed] 0
251 ctrl_type_1_key.forward The jump key when using a controller.[more information needed] 0
252 ctrl_type_1_key.pickItem The pick block control key when using a controller.[more information needed] 0
253 ctrl_type_1_key.interactwithtoast The open notifications key when using a controller.[more information needed] 13
254 ctrl_type_1_key.emote The emote key when using a controller.[more information needed] 0 1.16.0
255 ctrl_type_2_key.jump The jump key when using a controller.[more information needed] 1
256 ctrl_type_2_key.drop The drop item key when using a controller.[more information needed] 6
257 ctrl_type_2_key.attack The attack key when using a controller.[more information needed] -99
258 ctrl_type_2_key.use The use key when using a controller.[more information needed] -100
259 ctrl_type_2_container.crafting The crafting key when using a controller.[more information needed] 3
260 ctrl_type_2_key.inventory The open inventory key when using a controller.[more information needed] 4
261 ctrl_type_2_key.cycleItemLeft The cycle item left key when using a controller.[more information needed] 11
262 ctrl_type_2_key.cycleItemRight The jump key when using a controller.[more information needed] 12
263 ctrl_type_2_key.togglePerspective The toggle perspective key when using a controller.[more information needed] 15
264 ctrl_type_2_key.sneak The sneak key when using a controller.[more information needed] 2
265 ctrl_type_2_key.sprint The sprint key when using a controller.[more information needed] 9
266 ctrl_type_2_key.flyUpSlow The fly up slow key when using a controller.[more information needed] 0
267 ctrl_type_2_key.flyDownSlow The fly down slow key when using a controller.[more information needed] 10
268 ctrl_type_2_key.mobEffects The view status effects key when using a controller.[more information needed] 7
269 ctrl_type_2_key.chat The open chat key when using a controller.[more information needed] 8
270 ctrl_type_2_key.left The move left key when using a controller.[more information needed] 0
271 ctrl_type_2_key.right The move right key when using a controller.[more information needed] 0
272 ctrl_type_2_key.back The move backward key when using a controller.[more information needed] 0
273 ctrl_type_2_key.forward The jump key when using a controller.[more information needed] 0
274 ctrl_type_2_key.pickItem The pick block control key when using a controller.[more information needed] 0
275 ctrl_type_2_key.interactwithtoast The open notifications key when using a controller.[more information needed] 13
276 ctrl_type_2_key.emote The emote key when using a controller.[more information needed] 0 1.16.0
277 ctrl_type_3_key.jump The jump key when using a controller.[more information needed] 1
278 ctrl_type_3_key.attack The attack key when using a controller.[more information needed] -99
279 ctrl_type_3_key.use The use key when using a controller.[more information needed] 12
280 ctrl_type_3_key.inventory The open inventory key when using a controller.[more information needed] 2
281 ctrl_type_3_key.cycleItemLeft The cycle item left key when using a controller.[more information needed] 11
282 ctrl_type_3_key.cycleItemRight The jump key when using a controller.[more information needed] -100
283 ctrl_type_3_key.togglePerspective The toggle perspective key when using a controller.[more information needed] 4
284 ctrl_type_3_key.sneak The sneak key when using a controller.[more information needed] 3
285 ctrl_type_3_key.sprint The sprint key when using a controller.[more information needed] 9
286 ctrl_type_3_key.drop The fly up slow key when using a controller.[more information needed] 10
287 ctrl_type_3_key.pickItem The pick block control key when using a controller.[more information needed] 0
288 ctrl_type_3_key.emote The emote key when using a controller.[more information needed] 0 1.16.0
289 ctrl_type_3_key.mobeffectsandinteractwithtoast The view status effects & open notifications key when using a controller.[more information needed] 13
290 keyboard_type_0_key.attack The attack key when using a keyboard and mouse. -99
291 keyboard_type_0_key.pickItem The pick block key when using a keyboard and mouse. -97
292 keyboard_type_0_key.use The use key when using a keyboard and mouse. -98
293 keyboard_type_0_key.drop The drop key when using a keyboard and mouse. 81
294 keyboard_type_0_key.hotbar.1 The select hotbar slot 1 key when using a keyboard and mouse. 49
295 keyboard_type_0_key.hotbar.2 The select hotbar slot 2 key when using a keyboard and mouse. 50
296 keyboard_type_0_key.hotbar.3 The select hotbar slot 3 key when using a keyboard and mouse. 51
297 keyboard_type_0_key.hotbar.4 The select hotbar slot 4 key when using a keyboard and mouse. 52
298 keyboard_type_0_key.hotbar.5 The select hotbar slot 5 key when using a keyboard and mouse. 53
299 keyboard_type_0_key.hotbar.6 The select hotbar slot 6 key when using a keyboard and mouse. 54
300 keyboard_type_0_key.hotbar.7 The select hotbar slot 7 key when using a keyboard and mouse. 55
301 keyboard_type_0_key.hotbar.8 The select hotbar slot 8 key when using a keyboard and mouse. 56
302 keyboard_type_0_key.hotbar.9 The select hotbar slot 9 key when using a keyboard and mouse. 57
303 keyboard_type_0_key.inventory The open inventory key when using a keyboard and mouse. 69
304 keyboard_type_0_key.togglePerspective The toggle perspective key when using a keyboard and mouse. 116
305 keyboard_type_0_key.jump The jump key when using a keyboard and mouse. 32
306 keyboard_type_0_key.sneak The sneak key when using a keyboard and mouse. 16
307 keyboard_type_0_key.sprint The sprint key when using a keyboard and mouse. 17
308 keyboard_type_0_key.left The strafe left key when using a keyboard and mouse. 65
309 keyboard_type_0_key.right The strafe right key when using a keyboard and mouse. 86
310 keyboard_type_0_key.back The walk backward key when using a keyboard and mouse. 83
311 keyboard_type_0_key.forward The walk forward key when using a keyboard and mouse. 87
312 keyboard_type_0_key.mobEffects The view status effects key when using a keyboard and mouse. 90
313 keyboard_type_0_key.chat The chat key when using a keyboard and mouse. 84, 13
314 keyboard_type_0_key.command The commands key when using a keyboard and mouse. 191
315 keyboard_type_0_key.emote The emotes key when using a keyboard and mouse. 0 1.16.0
316 keyboard_type_0_key.menuTabLeft The menu tab left key when using a keyboard and mouse. 219 1.6.0
317 keyboard_type_0_key.menuTabLeft The menu tab right key when using a keyboard and mouse. 221 1.6.0
318 keyboard_type_1_key.lookUpSlight The look up slight key when using full keyboard gameplay. 109 1.4.0
319 keyboard_type_1_key.lookDownSlight The look down slight key when using full keyboard gameplay. 107 1.4.0
320 keyboard_type_1_key.lookUpRight The look up right key when using full keyboard gameplay. 105 1.4.0
321 keyboard_type_1_key.lookUp The look up key when using full keyboard gameplay. 104 1.4.0
322 keyboard_type_1_key.lookUpLeft The look up left key when using full keyboard gameplay. 103 1.4.0
323 keyboard_type_1_key.lookRight The look right key when using full keyboard gameplay. 102 1.4.0
324 keyboard_type_1_key.lookCenter The look center key when using full keyboard gameplay. 101,35,220 1.4.0
325 keyboard_type_1_key.lookLeft The look left key when using full keyboard gameplay. 100 1.4.0
326 keyboard_type_1_key.lookDownRight The look down right key when using full keyboard gameplay. 99 1.4.0
327 keyboard_type_1_key.lookDown The look down key when using full keyboard gameplay. 98 1.4.0
328 keyboard_type_1_key.lookDownLeft The look down left key when using full keyboard gameplay. 97 1.4.0
329 keyboard_type_1_key.lookUpSmooth The look up smooth key when using full keyboard gameplay. 38 1.4.0
330 keyboard_type_1_key.lookDownSmooth The look down smooth key when using full keyboard gameplay. 40 1.4.0
331 keyboard_type_1_key.lookLeftSmooth The look left smooth key when using full keyboard gameplay. 37 1.4.0
332 keyboard_type_1_key.lookUpRightSmooth The look right smooth key when using full keyboard gameplay. 39 1.4.0
333 keyboard_type_1_key.cycleItemLeft The look cycle item left key when using full keyboard gameplay. 33 1.4.0
334 keyboard_type_1_key.cycleItemRight The cycle item right key when using full keyboard gameplay. 34 1.4.0
335 keyboard_type_1_key.attack The attack key when using full keyboard gameplay. 81 1.4.0
336 keyboard_type_1_key.pickItem The pick block key when using full keyboard gameplay. 88 1.4.0
337 keyboard_type_1_key.use The use key when using full keyboard gameplay. 69 1.4.0
338 keyboard_type_1_key.drop The drop key when using full keyboard gameplay. 90 1.4.0
339 keyboard_type_1_key.hotbar.1 The select hotbar slot 1 key when using full keyboard gameplay. 49 1.4.0
340 keyboard_type_1_key.hotbar.2 The select hotbar slot 2 key when using full keyboard gameplay. 50 1.4.0
341 keyboard_type_1_key.hotbar.3 The select hotbar slot 3 key when using full keyboard gameplay. 51 1.4.0
342 keyboard_type_1_key.hotbar.4 The select hotbar slot 4 key when using full keyboard gameplay. 52 1.4.0
343 keyboard_type_1_key.hotbar.5 The select hotbar slot 5 key when using full keyboard gameplay. 53 1.4.0
344 keyboard_type_1_key.hotbar.6 The select hotbar slot 6 key when using full keyboard gameplay. 54 1.4.0
345 keyboard_type_1_key.hotbar.7 The select hotbar slot 7 key when using full keyboard gameplay. 55 1.4.0
346 keyboard_type_1_key.hotbar.8 The select hotbar slot 8 key when using full keyboard gameplay. 56 1.4.0
347 keyboard_type_1_key.hotbar.9 The select hotbar slot 9 key when using full keyboard gameplay. 57 1.4.0
348 keyboard_type_1_key.inventory The open inventory key when using full keyboard gameplay. 67 1.4.0
349 keyboard_type_1_key.togglePerspective The toggle perspective key when using full keyboard gameplay. 116 1.4.0
350 keyboard_type_1_key.jump The jump key when using full keyboard gameplay. 32 1.4.0
351 keyboard_type_1_key.sneak The sneak key when using full keyboard gameplay. 16 1.4.0
352 keyboard_type_1_key.sprint The sprint key when using full keyboard gameplay. 17 1.4.0
353 keyboard_type_1_key.left The strafe left key when using full keyboard gameplay. 65 1.4.0
354 keyboard_type_1_key.right The strafe right key when using full keyboard gameplay. 68 1.4.0
355 keyboard_type_1_key.back The walk backward key when using full keyboard gameplay. 83 1.4.0
356 keyboard_type_1_key.forward The walk forward key when using full keyboard gameplay. 87 1.4.0
357 keyboard_type_1_key.mobEffects The view status effects key when using full keyboard gameplay. 9 1.4.0
358 keyboard_type_1_key.chat The chat key when using full keyboard gameplay. 84, 13 1.4.0
359 keyboard_type_1_key.command The commands key when using full keyboard gameplay. 191 1.4.0
360 keyboard_type_1_key.emote The emotes key when using full keyboard gameplay. 66 1.16.0
361 keyboard_type_1_key.menuTabLeft The menu tab left key when using full keyboard gameplay. 219
362 keyboard_type_1_key.menuTabRight The menu tab right key when using full keyboard gameplay. 221

Removed options[]

This section is missing information about removed options. 
Please expand the section to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.

Java Edition[]

Option name Explanation Valid values Default value First added Officially added First removed Officially removed
advancedOpengl FALSE b1.6-tb3 b1.9-pre1 14w30a 1.8-pre1
allowBlockAlternatives Whether alternative block models are used true/false TRUE 14w28a 1.8-pre1 15w31a 1.9-pre1
anaglyph3d Whether 3D mode is turned on true/false FALSE c0.24_st_03 b1.9-pre1 17w43a 1.13-pre1
anisotropicFiltering 1 13w38a 1.7 14w25a 1.8-pre1
chunksPerFrame 2 1.8.2-pre1 1.8.2-pre1 1.8.2-pre2 1.8.2-pre2
difficulty The world difficulty. Has no effect after 1.7.2 0–3 (Peaceful, Easy, Normal, Hard) 2 (Normal) 22w12a[verify] 1.19
clouds TRUE b1.9-pre5 b1.9-pre5 14w25a 1.8-pre1
enableWeakAttacks FALSE 1.9.1-pre1 1.9.1-pre1 19w08a 1.14 Pre-Release 1
fancyGraphics Whether fancy (more detailed) graphics are turned on true/false TRUE inf-20100615 b1.9-pre1 20w27a 1.16-pre1
fboEnable Whether Framebuffer Objects is turned on true/false TRUE 13w38a 1.7 18w44a 1.14 Pre-Release 1
fpsLimit 1 b1.7_01 b1.9-pre1 13w38a 1.7
grayscale true/false FALSE 2point0-blue 2point0-red
heldItemTooltips Whether switching between items shows the name of the item; no in-game control true/false TRUE 12w50a 1.4.6 23w06a 1.19.4
key_Back 31 c0.0.23a_01 b1.1-2
key_Build 48 c0.0.23a_01 in-20091231-2
key_Chat 20 c0.0.23a_01 b1.1-2
key_Drop 16 in-20091231-2 b1.1-2
key_Forward 17 c0.0.23a_01 b1.1-2
key_Inventory 23 in-20091231-2 b1.1-2
key_Jump 57 c0.0.23a_01 b1.1-2
key_key.boss_mode key.keyboard.b 3D Shareware v1.34 19w14a
key_key.decrease_view key.keyboard.f8 3D Shareware v1.34 19w14a
key_key.fog 33 b1.1-2 b1.8
key_key.increase_view key.keyboard.f7 3D Shareware v1.34 19w14a
key_key.streamCommercial Stream Commercial control 0 (none) 13w47a 1.7.3 15w31a 1.9-pre1
key_key.streamPauseUnpause Pause/Unpause Stream control 65 (F7) 13w47a 1.7.3 15w31a 1.9-pre1
key_key.streamStartStop Start/Stop Stream control 64 (F6) 13w47a 1.7.3 15w31a 1.9-pre1
key_key.streamToggleMic Microphone input control 0 (none) 13w47d 1.7.3 15w31a 1.9-pre1
key_key.swapHands Swapping of items between hands control; renamed to key_key.swapOffhand true/false 33 15w31a 1.9-pre1 20w27a 1.16-pre3
key_Left 30 c0.0.23a_01 b1.1-2
key_Load location 19 c0.0.23a_01 a1.0.10
key_Right 32 c0.0.23a_01 b1.1-2
key_Save location 28 c0.0.23a_01 a1.0.10
key_Sneak 42 a1.1.1 b1.1-2
key_Toggle fog 33 c0.0.23a_01 b1.1-2
limitFramerate FALSE c0.27_st b1.7_01
music TRUE c0.0.23a_01 b1.9-pre1 13w36a 1.7
postProcessEnable TRUE 13w38a 13w38b
saturation No in-game control. Never did anything. 0-1 0.0 13w38a 1.7 19w08a 1.14 Pre-Release 1
serverTextures TRUE 12w18a 1.3 14w17a 1.7.6-pre1
shieldAnimation TRUE Combat Test 3 Combat Test 4
showCape TRUE 12w41a 1.4 14w03a 1.8-pre1
showFrameRate FALSE c0.0.23a_01 a1.1.1
showInventoryAchievementHint Whether the "Press 'E' to open your inventory" text appears in the upper right corner of the screen upon initially spawning; no in-game control true/false TRUE 13w36a 1.7 17w13a 1.12-pre1
skin Default a1.2.2-1 b1.9-pre1 13w36a 1.7
snooperEnabled Whether snooper functionality is turned on true/false TRUE 12w30a 1.3 21w43a 1.18-pre1
sound TRUE c0.0.23a_01 b1.9-pre1 13w36a 1.7
soundCategory_animals 1.0 13w36a 13w42a
soundCategory_blocks 1.0 13w36a 13w42a
soundCategory_mobs 1.0 13w36a 13w42a
soundCategory_players 1.0 13w36a 13w42a
soundCategory_records 1.0 13w36a 13w42a
streamBytesPerPixel The total bytes-per-pixel (BPP) for livestream output 0-1 0.5 13w47a 1.7.3 15w31a 1.9-pre1
streamChatEnabled If the Twitch chat is copied into the Minecraft chat 0/1 (true/false) 0 13w47a 1.7.3 15w31a 1.9-pre1
streamChatUserFilter The above but whether it is to be censored 0/1 (true/false) 0 13w47a 1.7.3 15w31a 1.9-pre1
streamCompression Whether to compress the livestream's video output 0/1 (false/true) 1 13w47a 1.7.3 15w31a 1.9-pre1
streamFps The output FPS of the livestream. 0.31690142 13w47a 1.7.3 15w31a 1.9-pre1
streamKbps The bitrate (Kbps) of the video when livestreaming. 0.5412844 13w47a 1.7.3 15w31a 1.9-pre1
streamMicToggleBehavior Used to toggle microphone output 0/1 (false/true) 0 13w47d 1.7.3 15w31a 1.9-pre1
streamMicVolume Microphone's output volume when livestreaming 0-1 1.0 13w47a 1.7.3 15w31a 1.9-pre1
streamPreferredServer The preferred ingest server of the livestream. 13w47a 1.7.3 15w31a 1.9-pre1
streamSendMetadata Whether to send extra metadata in the livestream true/false TRUE 13w47a 1.7.3 15w31a 1.9-pre1
streamSystemVolume System's output volume when livestreaming 0-1 1.0 13w47a 1.7.3 15w31a 1.9-pre1
uploadsPerFrame 16 1.8.2-pre2 1.8.2-pre2 1.8.2-pre5 1.8.2-pre5
useVbo Whether Vertex Buffer Objects is turned on true/false FALSE 14w29a 1.8-pre1 18w44a 1.14 Pre-Release 1
viewDistance 0 c0.0.23a_01 b1.9-pre1 13w38a 1.7

Bedrock Edition[]

#[N 1] Option name Explanation Valid values Default value Version added Version removed
game_difficulty Set the game difficulty. 0/2 2 0.7.0 0.12.1 (build 1)
gfx_pixeldensity Controlled the size of the d-pad and the chat button. Varies depending on the device. Varies depending on the device. 0.7.0 0.11.0 (build 1)
ctrl_sensitivity The sensitivity of the camera movement. 0–1 0.5 0.7.0
ctrl_invertmouse Inverted camera movement. 0/1 0 0.7.0
ctrl_usetouchscreen [more information needed] 0/1 1 0.7.0
feedback_vibration Whether to vibrate when a block is broken. 0/1 1 0.7.0
gfx_renderdistance Controlled which tick the view distance slider was on (more info). Varies depending on the version. Varies depending on the version. 0.7.0 0.9.0 (build 1)
gfx_animatetextures Toggled water, lava, and fire animations. 0/1 1 0.7.0
gfx_ao Toggled smooth lighting. 0/1 1 0.7.0 0.8.0 (build 2)
gfx_hidegui Whether to hide the heads-up display and the player's hand. 0/1 0 0.7.0
game_ordercraftable Corresponds with the "Show craftable recipes first" toggle in-game.[more information needed] 0/1 1 0.8.0 (build 1) 0.8.0 (build 2)
gfx_renderdistance_new The player's render distance, measured in blocks. The range available without editing depends on the device's capabilities.[needs testing] Varies depending on the device.[needs testing] 0.9.0 (build 1)
dev_autoloadlevel On startup, the game would automatically load in the first level on the world selection screen. 0/1 0 0.9.0 (build 1)
dev_showchunkmap [more information needed] [more information needed] 0 0.9.0 (build 1)
dev_showchunkmap Second dev_showchunkmap line directly below the other one. It is not known whether the two behaved differently. [more information needed] 0 0.9.0 (build 4) 0.9.0 (build 5)
game_flatworldlayers Controlled which layers would generate in flat worlds. [more information needed] [7,3,3,2] 0.9.0 (build 5)
dev_disablefilesystem Disabled chunk data from saving. This would also reset chunk data for any accessed worlds and generate a new world with the same seed. 0/1 0 0.9.0 (build 5)
game_limitworldsize Set the world limits to Old world type. [more information needed] 0 0.9.2
game_skintype The type of skin the player is using. 0 and 1 are custom skins with Steve's and Alex's dimensions respectively, 2 is Alex's skin, and 3 is Steve's skin. 0/1/2/3 3 0.11.0 (build 1) 0.11.0 (build 4)
game_lastcustomskin [more information needed] [more information needed] 0 0.11.0 (build 1) 0.11.0 (build 4)
ctrl_autojump Toggles auto-jump. 0/1 0 0.12.1 (build 1)
ctrl_keyboardlayout Which keyboard layout the game controls are mapped to. 0 is QWERTY, 1 is QWERTZ, 2 is AZERTY, and 3 is QZERTY. 0/1/2/3 0 0.12.1 (build 1)
ctrl_gamePadMap [more information needed] [more information needed] [0,1,t:1,t:0,2,3,10,11,8,9,12,4,5,6] 0.12.1 (build 1)
keyboard_type_1_key.lookUpSlight The look up slight key when using full keyboard gameplay. 109 1.16.0


  1. a b c This is the line number of the option in the "options.txt" file; options are not actually numbered in any way in options.txt itself.
  2. a b c d e f g By default, this field is empty


  1. MC-51418 — resolved as "Fixed".