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Minecraft Wiki
For the mob in Minecraft Dungeons, see MCD:Mooshroom.
Not to be confused with MCE:MoobloomMushroom or Cow.

Mooshrooms are mushroom-covered variants of cows exclusive to the rare mushroom fields biome. Although they look similar to cows, they are not cows.


Red mooshrooms can spawn in mushroom fields biomes in herds of 4–8 when the light level is 9 or higher and on mycelium. They do not naturally spawn in any other biome. A red mooshroom transforms into a brown mooshroom (and vice versa) when it is struck by lightning. Brown mooshrooms never spawn naturally. Red mooshrooms have a 5% chance of spawning as babies. Cows do not spawn in mushroom fields biomes.


Main article: Breeding

A pair of mooshrooms can breed after being given wheat. A mooshroom cannot be bred with a cow unless the mooshroom has been sheared.

Feeding wheat to a calf shortens its growing time by 10% of the remaining time. Baby mooshrooms do not have mushrooms on their backs. Mushrooms appear once the baby grows to an adult. Breeding two red mooshrooms has a 11024 chance to spawn a brown baby variant and vice versa.

When breeding a red mooshroom and a brown mooshroom together, there is 12 chance of getting a red baby variant, and a 12 chance of getting a brown baby variant.


When an adult mooshroom is killed, it drops:

  • 1 Raw Beef (Steak if killed while on fire). The maximum amount is increased by 1 per level of Looting, for a maximum of 1-6 with Looting III.
  • 0–2 Leather. The maximum amount is increased by 1 per level of Looting, for a maximum of 0-5 with Looting III.
  • 1–3 (when killed by a player or tamed wolf)

Upon successful breeding, 1–7 is dropped.

Shearing a mooshroom drops 5 corresponding mushrooms and turns the mooshroom into a normal cow, emitting a smaller version of the explosion particle. The mushrooms don't grow back. This implies that mooshrooms are normal cows that have been infected with mushrooms.

Like other baby animals, killing a baby mooshroom yields no items or experience.


Mooshrooms have the same AI behavior as cows: they walk around slowly and aimlessly, huffing and mooing occasionally. They avoid danger such as cliffs, fire, or lava, but make no attempt to stay out of water. Although they behave similarly to cows, it is important to note that they are not the same as cows.

A mooshroom follows a player holding wheat. A lightning strike on a mooshroom switches its color, from red to brown, or brown to red.


A mooshroom can be milked by using a bucket on it, yielding a milk bucket. Mooshrooms can also be milked using bowls to get mushroom stew.

When a small flower is used on a brown mooshroom, the brown mooshroom produces a suspicious stew related to that small flower the next time it is milked with a bowl. Red mooshrooms do not produce suspicious stew. The brown mooshroom returns to producing mushroom stew until fed another small flower. The small flowers produce the suspicious stew with the following effects.

Flower Effect Duration (BE) Duration (JE)
Allium Fire Resistance 2s 4s
Azure Bluet Blindness 6s 8s
Blue Orchid
Saturation 0.3s 0.35s
Cornflower Jump Boost 4s 6s
Lily of the Valley Poison 10s 12s
Oxeye Daisy Regeneration 6s 8s
Night Vision 4s 5s
Tulips Weakness 7s 9s
Wither Rose Wither 6s 8s


Java Edition:
Mooshrooms use the Friendly Creatures sound category for entity-dependent sound events.

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
Cow moos [sound 1]Friendly CreaturesRandomlyentity.cow.ambient[sound 1]subtitles.entity.cow.ambient[sound 1]0.40.8-1.2
(Baby: 1.3-1.7)
Cow dies[sound 1]Friendly CreaturesWhen a mooshroom diesentity.cow.death[sound 1]subtitles.entity.cow.death[sound 1]0.40.8-1.2
(Baby: 1.3-1.7)
Cow hurts[sound 1]Friendly CreaturesWhen a mooshroom is damagedentity.cow.hurt[sound 1]subtitles.entity.cow.hurt[sound 1]0.40.8-1.2
(Baby: 1.3-1.7)
FootstepsFriendly CreaturesWhile a mooshroom is walkingentity.cow.step[sound 1]subtitles.block.generic.footsteps0.151.016
Mooshroom transformsFriendly CreaturesWhen a mooshroom is struck by lightningentity.mooshroom.convertsubtitles.entity.mooshroom.convert1.51.016
Mooshroom eatsFriendly CreaturesWhen a brown mooshroom is fed a flowerentity.mooshroom.eatsubtitles.entity.mooshroom.eat2.0varies [sound 2]16
Cow gets milked[sound 1]Friendly CreaturesWhen a mooshroom is milkedentity.cow.milk[sound 1]subtitles.entity.cow.milk[sound 1]1.01.016
Mooshroom gets milkedFriendly CreaturesWhen a mooshroom is milked with a bowlentity.mooshroom.milksubtitles.entity.mooshroom.milk1.0varies [sound 3]16
Mooshroom gets milked suspiciouslyFriendly CreaturesWhen a brown mooshroom is milked with a bowl after being fed a flowerentity.mooshroom.suspicious_milksubtitles.entity.mooshroom.suspicious_milk1.0varies [sound 3]16
Shears clickFriendly CreaturesWhen a mooshroom is shearedentity.mooshroom.shearsubtitles.item.shear1.01.016
  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m The mooshroom reuses many of the cow's sound events instead of having its own, resulting in these unintuitive subtitles - see MC-98316
  2. Can be 1.0, 0.95, or 1.05 for each sound
  3. a b Can be 1.0, 0.9, or 1.1 for each sound

Bedrock Edition:

SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
Friendly CreaturesRandomlymob.cow.say1.00.8-1.2 (Baby: 1.3-1.7)
Friendly CreaturesWhen a mooshroom diesmob.cow.hurt1.00.8-1.2 (Baby: 1.3-1.7)
Friendly CreaturesWhen a mooshroom is damagedmob.cow.hurt1.00.8-1.2 (Baby: 1.3-1.7)
Friendly CreaturesWhile a mooshroom is walkingmob.cow.step0.650.9-1.1
Friendly CreaturesWhen a mooshroom is struck by lightningmob.mooshroom.convert0.751.0
Friendly CreaturesWhen a brown mooshroom is fed a flowermob.mooshroom.eat1.0/0.95/1.050.8-1.2
Friendly CreaturesWhen a mooshroom is milkedmob.cow.milk1.01.0
Friendly CreaturesWhen a mooshroom is milked with a bowlmob.mooshroom.suspicious_milk1.0/0.9/1.11.0

Data values[]


Java Edition:

NameIdentifierTranslation key

Bedrock Edition:

NameIdentifierNumeric ID Translation key

Entity data[]

Mooshrooms have entity data associated with them that contain various properties.

Java Edition:

Main article: Entity format
  • Entity data
    • Additional fields for mobs that can breed
    • Tags common to all entities
    • Tags common to all mobs
    •  EffectDuration: Optional. An integer indicating the duration of the status effect the brown mooshroom may give to a suspicious stew.
    •  EffectId: Optional. A byte indicating the type of the status effect the brown mooshroom may give to a suspicious stew.
    •  Type: ID of the mooshroom's type.

Mooshroom type

Main article: Mooshroom/DV

Bedrock Edition:

See Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format.


Icon Achievement In-game description Actual requirements (if different) Gamerscore earned Trophy type (PS4)
PS4 Other
RepopulationBreed two cows with wheat.Breed two cows or two mooshrooms.15GBronze


Icon Advancement In-game description Parent Actual requirements (if different) Resource location
Advancement-fancy-rawIt Spreads
Kill a mob near a Sculk Catalyst Monster HunterKill one of these 70 mobs near a sculk catalyst: Mobs that drop no experience are ignored for this advancement.adventure/kill_mob_near_sculk_catalyst
Advancement-plain-rawThe Parrots and the Bats
Breed two animals together HusbandryBreed a pair of any of these 25 mobs: A mule must be the result of breeding a horse and a donkey for this advancement as they are not breedable together. Other breedable mobs are ignored for this advancement.husbandry/breed_an_animal
Advancement-fancy-rawTwo by Two
Breed all the animals! The Parrots and the BatsBreed a pair of each of these 25 mobs: A trader llama does not count as a llama, and a mule must be the result of breeding a horse and a donkey for this advancement as they are not breedable together. Other breedable mobs can be bred, but are ignored for this advancement.husbandry/bred_all_animals


Missing Model JE3
This page would benefit from the addition of more images. 
Please remove this notice once you've added suitable images to the article.
The specific instructions are: Did the mushrooms previously have shading before 1.8?
Java Edition
1.0.0Beta 1.9 PrereleaseRed Mooshroom JE1 Added mooshrooms.
They cannot be milked with a bucket like regular cows can. Right clicking on a mooshroom with more than one bowl equipped turns the whole stack into just one bowl of mushroom stew.
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2Breeding a cow with a mooshroom may result in either, chosen randomly. The offspring may be more likely to be the kind the player gave wheat to first, similarly to sheep.
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3Red Mooshroom JE2 BE1 The mooshroom's horns have been moved.
The mooshroom udder's model is changed, but the texture isn't changed to match the new model, resulting in the broken udder glitch.[1]
Baby Red Mooshroom JE1 BE1 Added baby mooshrooms.
Mooshrooms can now be bred with wheat.
1.2.112w07aMooshrooms can no longer breed with cows.
12w07bMooshrooms have a new AI.
1.4.212w38aAdded new step, hurt, and idle sounds for mooshroom.
1.814w02aBaby mooshroom growth can now be accelerated using wheat.
14w05bMooshroom's mushrooms are no longer visible when they have the Invisibility effect.
14w26bMooshrooms now require mycelium, not grass, for random spawning and spawning from mob spawners.
1.8.2pre5Fixed mooshroom under texture not displaying correctly.
Fixed mooshrooms incorrectly displaying incorrect mushroom models.
1.915w39aMooshrooms are now slightly taller (1.24 blocks tall rather than 1.23, with babies 0.7 blocks tall rather than 0.065).
1.1116w32aThe entity ID of the mooshroom has now been changed from MushroomCow to mooshroom.
MINECON Earth 2018The Mojang panel debates whether to add mooshrooms.
1.1418w43aRed Mooshroom JE3 BE2 Baby Red Mooshroom JE2 BE2 The textures of the mooshroom and baby mooshroom have been changed.
19w08aBrown Mooshroom JE1 BE1 Baby Brown Mooshroom JE1 BE1 Added brown mooshroom variant, which spawn when a regular mooshroom is struck by lightning.
Brown mooshrooms give the player suspicious stew when fed a flower.
Breeding two red mooshrooms has 11024 to spawn a brown baby variant, and vice versa.
1.1519w39aRed Mooshroom JE4 Brown Mooshroom JE2 The textures of the mushrooms on mooshrooms have been flipped.
Baby Red Mooshroom JE3 Baby Brown Mooshroom JE2 The models of the baby mooshrooms have been changed.
1.1620w15aMooshrooms can now be sheared by dispensers.
Pre-release 1It is now possible to get stew from mooshrooms in creative mode.
Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.9.0build 1Red Mooshroom JE2 BE1 Baby Red Mooshroom JE1 BE1 Added mooshrooms and their baby variant.
v0.14.0build 1Baby zombie jockeys can now mount mooshrooms when trying to attack players, villagers, or golems.
v0.15.0build 1Baby husks can now mount mooshrooms.
Pocket Edition
1.1.0alpha entity ID of the mooshroom has now been changed from mushroomcow to mooshroom.
Bedrock Edition
1.10.0beta Mooshroom JE3 BE2 Baby Red Mooshroom JE2 BE2 The textures of the mooshroom and baby mooshroom have been changed.
1.13.0beta Mooshroom JE1 BE1 Baby Brown Mooshroom JE1 BE1 Added brown mooshrooms.
Legacy Console Edition
TU7CU1 1.0 Patch 11.0.1Red Mooshroom JE2 BE1 Baby Red Mooshroom JE1 BE1 Added mooshrooms and baby mooshrooms.
Mooshrooms can be bred using wheat.
TU14 1.04 Using a mooshroom spawn egg, baby mooshrooms can now be spawned by using Left trigger/L2 button/ZL button on an adult mooshroom.
TU31CU19 1.22 Patch 3Baby mooshroom growth can now be accelerated using wheat.
The sounds of mooshrooms have been updated.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.0Red Mooshroom JE2 BE1 Baby Red Mooshroom JE1 BE1 Added mooshrooms.


Issues relating to "Mooshroom" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.



The moobloom in Minecraft Earth.

  • Mooshrooms are the fourth mob in the game that are directly affected by being struck by lightning.
  • In Minecraft Earth, there was a buttercup-covered variant of mooshrooms known as "mooblooms".[2] This variant was also part of the Minecraft Live 2020 Mob Vote. It came last and there are currently no plans to add it to the game.



In other media[]

External links[]

