Minecraft Wiki
"Dungeons" redirects here. For the action-adventure RPG, see Minecraft Dungeons.

The monster room is a small building in the Overworld where a monster spawner that produces either zombies, skeletons or spiders is found in the middle of a room with cobblestone lateral walls and cobblestone mixed with mossy cobblestone floors.


Monster rooms generate naturally in the Overworld terrain in any biome uncommonly and always nearby caves, ravines, underwater ravines, aquifers, abandoned mineshafts and strongholds. Each chunk has fourteen attempts to generate monster rooms underground within y-coordinates 0 to 320 or -58 to -1, each altitude range with different uniformity. For the higher altitude Y levels 0 to 320, up to 10 monster rooms can generate, while up to 4 monster rooms can generate in lower altitude Y levels -58 to -1. It is possible, though unlikely, for multiple attempts to succeed. In Bedrock Edition, monster rooms can generate as underground structures above sea level.

Monster rooms are a feature instead of a structure, so they generate regardless of whether the "Generate structures" world creation option has been toggled off for said world.[1] They also cannot be searched by the /locate command.[2]

For each attempt, a location (the position for monster spawner) and size (an open area with a width and length of 7 or 9 and a height of 6) is chosen. The attempt succeeds if the following conditions are met:

  • Blocks in the floor area (including under the walls) of the potential monster room must be material solid.
  • Blocks in the ceiling area (including over the walls) of the potential monster room must be material solid. The ceiling blocks may be gravity-affected such as gravel or sand, which fall if disturbed by the player.
  • The walls of the potential monster room must have 1–5 openings (2-high air blocks) at floor level. Monster rooms are always connected to a cavern or other hollow structure, although it is possible for the monster room itself to overwrite most of a tiny cave.

If the location passes, air and cobblestone are placed, then 3 attempts are made to generate each of two chests. To generate a chest, the chosen block must be empty and must have a solid block on exactly one of its four sides. The monster spawner is placed at the center of the monster room.

The monster spawner has a 50% chance of producing zombies, a 25% chance of producing skeletons, or a 25% chance of producing spiders. A zombie monster spawner in Bedrock Edition also has the same chance (5%) of producing zombie villagers as in natural generation.

Cobblestone has a 75% chance to be mossy when it is on the floor of the monster room.

You can use the command /place feature minecraft:monster_room ~ ~ ~ to generate a monster room only when you are under the specific location where the monster room could be found naturally.


Monster rooms are small rooms made of cobblestone and mossy cobblestone and contain a monster spawner and up to 2 chests. Finding a monster room without a chest is unlikely but possible. Additionally, there is a rare chance of a monster room being found without a monster spawner. Occasionally, a monster room generates with its chests in such a way as to create a double chest. Monster rooms generate with either a zombie (50% chance), skeleton (25% chance), or spider (25% chance) monster spawner. The monster spawner is always in the center of the monster room room, with chests located around the walls of the room (large chests can connect with the short side against the wall). Each block of the floor has a 25% chance of being cobblestone and a 75% chance of being mossy cobblestone.

Because the horizontal range for spawning mobs is 4 blocks from the monster spawner, it is possible for mobs to be spawned outside the walls of a 5×5 monster room that is surrounded by air outside the walls.



An example of monster room chest loot in Java Edition.

See also: Chest loot

In Java Edition, each monster room chest contains items drawn from 3 pools, with the following distribution:

Item Stack Size [A] Weight [B] Chance [C] Avg.
per chest
Avg. # chests
to search
1–3× 1–4× 1–3× 1–4×
Bone 1–8104057.8%3.3751.7
Gunpowder 1–8104057.8%3.3751.7
Rotten Flesh 1–8104057.8%3.3751.7
String 1–8104057.8%3.3751.7
Wheat 1–42012534.1%1.0002.9
Bread 12012534.1%0.4002.9
Name Tag 12012927.9%0.3103.6
Saddle 12012927.9%0.3103.6
Coal 1–41512526.6%0.7503.8
Redstone Dust 1–41512526.6%0.7503.8
Music Disc (13) 11512921.5%0.2334.6
Music Disc (cat) 11512921.5%0.2334.6
Iron Horse Armor 11512921.5%0.2334.6
Golden Apple 11512921.5%0.2334.6
Beetroot Seeds 2–41012518.5%0.6005.4
Melon Seeds 2–41012518.5%0.6005.4
Pumpkin Seeds 2–41012518.5%0.6005.4
Iron Ingot 1–41012518.5%0.5005.4
Bucket 11012518.5%0.2005.4
Enchanted Book[F] 11012914.7%0.1556.8
Golden Horse Armor 11012914.7%0.1556.8
Gold Ingot 1–451259.6%0.25010.4
Diamond Horse Armor 151297.6%0.07813.2
Music Disc (otherside) 121293.1%0.03132.6
Enchanted Golden Apple 121293.1%0.03132.6

In Bedrock Edition, each monster room chest contains items drawn from 3 pools, with the following distribution:

Item Stack Size [A] Weight [B] Chance [C] Avg.
per chest
Avg. # chests
to search
1–3× 1–4× 1–3× 1–4×
Bone 1–8104057.8%3.3751.7
Gunpowder 1–8104057.8%3.3751.7
Rotten Flesh 1–8104057.8%3.3751.7
String 1–8104057.8%3.3751.7
Wheat 1–42012534.1%1.0002.9
Bread 12012534.1%0.4002.9
Name Tag 12012927.9%0.3103.6
Saddle 12012927.9%0.3103.6
Coal 1–41512526.6%0.7503.8
Redstone Dust 1–41512526.6%0.7503.8
Music Disc (13) 11512921.5%0.2334.6
Music Disc (cat) 11512921.5%0.2334.6
Iron Horse Armor 11512921.5%0.2334.6
Golden Apple 11512921.5%0.2334.6
Beetroot Seeds 2–41012518.5%0.6005.4
Melon Seeds 2–41012518.5%0.6005.4
Pumpkin Seeds 2–41012518.5%0.6005.4
Iron Ingot 1–41012518.5%0.5005.4
Bucket 11012518.5%0.2005.4
Enchanted Book[F] 11012914.7%0.1556.8
Golden Horse Armor 11012914.7%0.1556.8
Gold Ingot 1–451259.6%0.25010.4
Diamond Horse Armor 151297.6%0.07813.2
Music Disc (otherside) 121293.1%0.03132.6
Enchanted Golden Apple 121293.1%0.03132.6
  1. a b The size of stacks (or for unstackable items, number) of this item on any given roll.
  2. a b The weight of this item relative to other items in the pool.
  3. a b The odds of finding any of this item in a single chest.
  4. a b The number of items expected per chest, averaged over a large number of chests.
  5. a b The average number of chests the player should expect to search to find any of this item.
  6. a b All enchantments are equally probable, including treasure enchantments (except Soul Speed, and Swift Sneak), and any level of the enchantment is equally probable.

Data values[]


Java Edition:

Configured featureIdentifier
[No displayed name]monster_room

Bedrock Edition:

[No displayed name][No ID]


Java Edition Infdev
20100625-2Added dungeons. The chests may contain gunpowder, strings, wheat, bread, iron ingots, buckets, saddles and rarely golden apples.
Java Edition Alpha
v1.0.4Added redstone dust to dungeon chests, sometime between its introduction in Alpha v1.0.1 and 1.0.4.[is this the correct version?]
v1.0.14Added the newly introduced 13 and cat music discs to dungeon chests.
Java Edition Beta
1.4Added cocoa beans to dungeon chests.
Java Edition
1.4.612w49aAdded enchanted books to dungeon chests.
1.6.113w16bAdded name tags to dungeon chests.
13w18aAdded horse armor to dungeon chests and removed cocoa beans. Probabilities have now also been adjusted.
1.7.213w36aChanges in cavern generation now make dungeon considerably rarer.[3]
1.814w30aThe chances of music discs in dungeon chests have been reduced.
1.915w44aAdded bones, coal, rotten flesh, enchanted golden apples, and melons, pumpkins and beetroot seeds to dungeon chests.
The average yield of music discs in dungeon chests has been increased.
The average yield of enchanted books, gunpowder and string in dungeon chests have been doubled.
The average yield of normal golden apples in dungeon chests has been substantially increased.
The average yield of iron horse armor in dungeon chests has been decreased.
The average yields of name tags, saddles, wheat and bread in dungeon chests have been nearly halved.
The average yields of iron ingots and buckets in dungeon chests have been substantially decreased.
1.1418w43aRenamed "Dungeon" to "Monster Room".
Create New World screen still mentions it as "dungeon".
1.16?As a result of a world generation bug fix, monster room positions have been shifted.
1.17?Monster room generation has changed - it appears they are again capable of generating in open air areas such as cliffsides like they were prior to 1.7.2.
1.1821w40aMonster rooms now generate more frequently, especially below Y=0.
1.18.222w03aMonster rooms can now be placed using /placefeature.
1.1922w18aDue to the removal of "/placefeature" command, monster rooms instead are now placed using /place.
1.19.423w05aRemoved mentioning of monster rooms from the Create New World screen. Before this snapshot, a contradiction existed in Java Edition that even though the "Generate Structures" world creation option listed "dungeons" as an example structures that were supposed to generate only when the option was turned "ON", monster rooms generated even if the option was set to "OFF".
Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.9.0build 1Added dungeons.
v0.15.0build 1Added name tags, enchanted books and horse armor to dungeon chests.
Bedrock Edition
1.2.0beta music discs to dungeon chests.
1.17.0?The probability of dungeons had been changed to less common to match Java Edition.
1.18.0beta now generate more frequently, especially below Y=0.
Legacy Console Edition
TU1CU1 1.0 Patch 11.0.1Added dungeons.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.0Added dungeons.


Issues relating to "Monster Room" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.


Surface monster rooms[]

Multiple monster rooms[]

Odd generation[]


  1. MC-77787 — Monster rooms still generate when generate structures option is turned off
  2. MC-107829 — resolved as "Works As Intended".
  3. http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1981051-it-seems-that-the-underground-is-no-longer-swiss-cheese-anymore/page__view__findpost__p__25366047

