The specific instructions are: Screenshots of all the minigames and Easter Egg sprites
Renders of the remaining blocks: bookshelf, cauldron, candle, chains, composter, coral, dead bush, flowers, terracotta, iron bars, ladder, lantern, lava, leaves, birch log, lectern, lever, magma, roots, moss, pearlescent froglight, planks, pointed dripstone, pumpkins, rails, redstone, redstone lamp, slime block, torch, oak trapdoor, tuff, cactus, fern, grass, kelp,
GIFs of particle effectsThe Mob Vote 2022 Server Event was an event server hosted as part of Minecraft Live 2022, where players could participate in the yearly mob vote.
Main Event[]
Mob Voting[]
Roller Coaster[]
The roller coaster goes around the entire map.
Mini Games[]
Jens Combat Arena[]
Fight through multiple waves of enemies until the timer runs out. The player is given 2 minutes to beat the waves of enemies.
- Item Shop
The Item Shop is a location that is located in the center of the arena. Players can obtain points from defeating hostile mobs, which can then be used to buy items from the Item Shop. The items that are obtainable include the following:
- Iron Sword for 10 Points
- Diamond Sword for 150 Points
- Netherite Sword for 400 Points
- Ender Pearl for 25 Points
- Potion of Strength for 50 Points
- Potion of Night Vision for 50 Points
- Potion of Leaping for 50 Points
The dropper is located in the center of the mob voting area. It has multiple obstacles to try and delay the player from dropping quickly such as slime blocks and oak logs. The dropper can be completed by landing in the slime blocks located in the bottom of the dropper.
Each parkour has multiple checkpoints and level of difficulty. To complete the parkour the player must ring the bell that is placed on top of the mob statues.
- Rascal Parkour
An easy difficulty parkour that goes through the mountain and rascal statue.
- Sniffer Parkour
A medium difficulty parkour that goes through the sniffer statue.
- Tuff Golem Parkour
A hard difficulty parkour that goes through the castle then the tuff golem.
Secrets and Easter Eggs[]
- Frog Statue
There is a frog statue located inside of the sniffer
- Previous Mob and Biome Vote
Pixel art statues of the lost mobs from the biome and mob vote can be found throughout the map.
Tiny Jens as he appeared on the server.
Pixel Art[]
Block Renders[]
Brown Mushroom Block
Birch Planks
Red Terracotta
Gray Wool