This page is about more complicated templates.
A very common template, here it is fully explained.
{{msgbox | title = | text = | icon = | linecol = | bgcol = | discuss = 1 | image = | css = }}
Bolded text at the top of the msgbox Text below the title Puts a icon at the left side, of the type: [[Template:CommentSprite]] Sets the line (side`s of the msgbox) color Sets the background color Puts a 'Discuss' link to the talk page at the right of the title Puts a picture at the left side of the msgbox Allows you to paste some custom css
Block, Entity and Item Templates[]
Do not add parameters you do not need. All parameters have a default state (None or ?). Almost all parameters can be left blank (by not adding anything) without any error occurring.
<onlyinclude>{{ {{{1|Block}}} |title= ''Name of the block, takes the page name if not set.'' |image= ''Image of the block.'' |image2= ''Optional, some blocks have more then one state, (on and off, green or yellow)'' |image3= ''Optional, some blocks have more then one state, (on and off, green or yellow)'' |invimage= ''Image of the block in your inventory'' |invimage2= ''Optional, some blocks have more then one state, (on and off, green or yellow)'' |invimage3= ''Optional, some blocks have more then one state, (on and off, green or yellow)'' |invimage4= ''Optional, some blocks have more then one state, (on and off, green or yellow)'' |invimage5= ''Optional, some blocks have more then one state, (on and off, green or yellow)'' |invimage6= ''Optional, some blocks have more then one state, (on and off, green or yellow)'' |invimage7= ''Optional, some blocks have more then one state, (on and off, green or yellow)'' |invimage8= ''Optional, some blocks have more then one state, (on and off, green or yellow)'' |invimage9= ''Optional, some blocks have more then one state, (on and off, green or yellow)'' |invimage10= ''Optional, some blocks have more then one state, (on and off, green or yellow)'' |invimage11= ''Optional, some blocks have more then one state, (on and off, green or yellow)'' |invimage12= ''Optional, some blocks have more then one state, (on and off, green or yellow)'' |invimage13= ''Optional, some blocks have more then one state, (on and off, green or yellow)'' |invimage14= ''Optional, some blocks have more then one state, (on and off, green or yellow)'' |invimage15= ''Optional, some blocks have more then one state, (on and off, green or yellow)'' |invimage16= ''Optional, some blocks have more then one state, (on and off, green or yellow)'' |type= ''Solid or fluid etc.'' |gravity= ''Affected Yes/No'' |dirt= ''Requires sunlight/dirt? When not set, it is set to: None'' |transparent= ''Yes/No'' |light= ''Emits light? Yes/No, if yes add light level like this: Yes, 9'' |tntres= ''Resistance against tnt, value from MC coding'' |tool= ''Name of the tool to use'' ?Format? |stackable= ''Yes/No'' |data= ''Single decimal data value'' |fluidspeed= ''Speed of fluid movement. only if it is fluid'' |movespeed= ''How fast a player can walk trough it, only if possible. |firstver= ''First version it was added'' |notes= ''stuff you want to say'' }}</onlyinclude>,
Note: You do not need to fill in any parameter, but this is the minimum requirement:
<onlyinclude>{{ {{{1|Block}}} }}</onlyinclude>,
{{Item |title= ''Name of the item, takes the page name if not set.'' |image= ''Image of the item.'' |image2= ''Optional, some blocks have more then one state, (on and off, green or yellow)'' |image3= ''Optional, some blocks have more then one state, (on and off, green or yellow)'' |invimage= ''Image of the block in your inventory'' |invimage2= ''Optional, some blocks have more then one state, (on and off, green or yellow)'' |invimage3= ''Optional, some blocks have more then one state, (on and off, green or yellow)'' |invimage4= ''Optional, some blocks have more then one state, (on and off, green or yellow)'' |invimage5= ''Optional, some blocks have more then one state, (on and off, green or yellow)'' |invimage6= ''Optional, some blocks have more then one state, (on and off, green or yellow)'' |invimage7= ''Optional, some blocks have more then one state, (on and off, green or yellow)'' |invimage8= ''Optional, some blocks have more then one state, (on and off, green or yellow)'' |invimage9= ''Optional, some blocks have more then one state, (on and off, green or yellow)'' |invimage10= ''Optional, some blocks have more then one state, (on and off, green or yellow)'' |invimage11= ''Optional, some blocks have more then one state, (on and off, green or yellow)'' |type= ''Weapon/tool/block.'' |otherosonly= ''If the item is only available on a certain version of MC (Example: PC and Pocket edition)'' |durability= ''How durable the item is, only define if it has a constant durability.'' |stackable= ''Yes/No'' |data= ''Single decimal data value'' |firstver= ''First version it was added'' }}
{{Food |title= ''Name of the food, takes the page name if not set.'' |image= ''Image of the food.'' |invimage= ''Image of the block in your inventory'' |type= ''kind of food'' |heals= ''How much hunger it replenishes'' |cookable= ''Yes/No'' |stackable= ''Yes/No'' |data1name= ''Dec Value name (Only needed if there's 2 data values)'' |data1= ''Dec Value'' |data2name= ''Second Dec Value name'' |data2= ''Second Dec Value'' }}
Entity (Including Mobs)[]
From Falling sand to Creepers, most entities can move. Most are mobs.
{{Entity |title= ''Name of the entity, takes the page name if not set.'' |image= ''Image of the entity.'' |imagesize= ''Set size, if picture is not of the correct size'' |image2= ''Optional, some blocks have more then one state, (on and off, green or yellow)'' |image2size= ''Set size, if picture is not of the correct size'' |image3= ''Optional, some blocks have more then one state, (on and off, green or yellow)'' |image3size= ''Set size, if picture is not of the correct size'' |health= ''Amount of health it has'' |damage= ''How much it damages player (hearts)'' |spawn= ''Where and when, it spawns'' |firstver= |id= ''The entity's ID number as seen in Minecraft network traffic (0-255)'' |entityid= ''The entity's EntityID as seen in saved worlds'' |drops= ''What the mob drops'' }}
Person (Mojang Staff)[]
{{Person |title= ''Name of the person, takes the page name if not set.'' |image= ''Image of the person.'' |imagesize= ''Set size, if picture is not of the correct size'' |real_name= ''The persons real name'' |date_of_birth= '' YYYY-MM-DD'' |dob_suffix= ''Use this for referencing a birth date'' |occupation= ''Job, making minecraft is a job'' |nationality= ''Country name in English'' |website= ''Personal website'' |known_for= ''How does people look at him: Artist, Game producer etc. |also_known_as= ''Of a shorter form of their real name'' |twitter= ''The user name of his twitter acount.'' |minecraft_name= ''Ingame name. Examples: Notch, jeb_ etc.'' |drops= ''Killing mojang staff causes them to drop more than just their inventory.'' }}
Block grid allows you to make pictures like this:
Simple example
It uses the terms from BlockSprite to define single-character-abbrevations for blocks. Do it like this:
In short, you pick a character you like, and put =something behind it.
Do not make them too big! There is a maximum of blocks / page.
The Schematic template is similar to BlockGrid, but adapted for Redstone circuits and similar diagrams. See the documentation page for full details, but it can stack several images in one grid space, add short labels, and show components from the top or side. Large diagrams can cause problems with page loading; use of LoadBox or LoadPage can be used to work around this.