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For the original base game variant, see Zombie.
For the prison variant created by Romeo, see Minecraft Story Mode:Prison Zombie.

Zombies are common hostile mobs found in both Minecraft Story Mode Season 1 and Season 2, acting as basic enemies encountered by Jesse and his friends.


Like their base game counterparts, zombies will approach the player once seen and once close enough, they'll attack them with melee. They also burn in sunlight.


Zombies in Story Mode resemble their base game counterparts, with the iconic blue shirt, purple pants, and green skin. Their sleeves and shoes however seem to be raised by one pixel to add thickness to their clothes. When idle, their heads are mostly slanted to one side with both arms raised to attack.


  • In "The Order of the Stone", zombies attack Jesse and Reuben in the forest near EnderCon. Later, they also attack Jesse/Axel (determinant) when they come out of the Nether Portal.
  • In "Assembly Required", zombies and other hostile mobs block Jesse's Gang on the way to Soren's Fortress.
  • In "The Last Place You Look", zombies are seen inside the mob grinder and the loot room.
  • In "A Block and a Hard Place", a horde of zombies are seen in the maze in the Far Lands.
  • In "Order Up!", Jesse fights several zombies at the Temple of the Old Builders. Zombies also spawn in Sky City later.
  • In "A Portal to Mystery", Jesse's Gang travel to a world full of zombies. They seem to be spawned from multiple zombie spawners located in The White Pumpkin's lair below the Mansion. Also in the dining room, a painting of a baby zombie riding a chicken can be seen.
  • In "Access Denied", some zombies are mind-controlled by PAMA. Jesse can also control a few with the Mind Control Headset.
  • In "A Journey's End?", if Jesse chooses 100 chicken-sized zombies at the beginning of Episode 1, Hadrian and Mevia will be imprisoned in a world full of tiny zombies (not baby zombies). (Determinant)
  • In "Hero in Residence", Jesse and Petra fight zombies in a mine-shaft.
  • In "Giant Consequences", Romeo summons zombies and other hostile mobs when changing the time to night with the Clock. Later, Jesse's Gang has to fight zombies when Romeo traps the world in eternal snowy night.
  • In "Jailhouse Block", zombies appear in the Zombie Mines, the second-to-last floor of the Sunshine Institute.


  • Zombies are the only mob in all the franchise to use a crafting table.
    • This occurrence was seen in "Access Denied" where Jesse controls a zombie using the Mind-Control Headset.
  • Zombies can widen/squint their eyes.