The Minecraft Mini-Series is a Canadian-American action/adventure animated web series based on Mojang Studios's Minecraft. The series is produced by Mojang Studios and Xbox Game Studios in collaboration with Atomic Cartoons and Mattel Creations, with Christopher Keenan serving as executive producer, and premiered on October 26, 2017, on the Mattel Action YouTube channel, with the final episode being released on May 10, 2018.
It was met with mixed reviews.
Spoiler warning! This section contains detailed information about the Minecraft Mini-Series that may spoil your enjoyment of it. Read at your own risk!
In Episode 2, the competitors build a shelter with 2 beds of each color, except for Purple, which only has 1 bed due to Quinn staying by herself. However, Quinn is a part of Team Stone Beach, whose color is Blue. Purple belongs to Team Tundra.