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Wood is a resource used to build structures in Minecraft Legends.


Wood can be obtained by using gather allays in areas with trees.


Wood can be used to build many structures and spawn plank golems.


Allays use wood to build structures like walls, stairs and towers. It's also necessary to spawn plank golems. It would be silly to explain where it comes from, right?

Wood journal entry

Gather wood from the chosen area. Wood is essential for many structures. Make sure you keep your allay storage filled with wood. To hold more wood, build one or more Improvement: Allay Storage at the Well of Fate.

Gather wood journal entry


Icon Achievement In-game description Actual requirements (if different) Gamerscore earned Trophy type (PS)
Bounty of the Overworld
Gather 1,000 wood and stone and 125 iron, coal, redstone and diamond in a single world. 50GBronze


Minecraft Legends
1.17.24827Wood MCL Added wood.

