Minecraft Wiki
Creeper Sprite MCL
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Reaching and destroying spore tower is nearly impossible for golems as they don't have strength to fight off the knock-back effects. These towers must be dealt with by more resolute allies.


A spore tower is a piglin-built structure within Minecraft Legends.


Spore towers spawn in high difficulty Horde of the Spore piglin bases.


Spore towers act as a more powerful version of nether spreaders. Every few seconds, they release a shockwave of red gas which damages and knocks back the player and allied units.


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Icon Achievement In-game description Actual requirements (if different) Gamerscore earned Trophy type (PS)
Are These Made of Nether Wart?
Destroy 250 piglin buildings in a single world. 40G


Minecraft Legends
TU01.17.24827Spore Tower MCL Added spore towers.

