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Redstone is a resource in Minecraft Legends.


Veins of redstone can be found in the jungle and swamp biomes.


Redstone is used in the spawning of some units and the building of some structures.


Icon Name Category Cost (Campaign) Cost (Versus)
First of Stone MCL First of Stone First Cannot be spawned with
spawners in campaign
Zombie MCL Zombie Frontline ?


Redstone is used to create certain structures.

Icon Name Type Cost (Campaign) Cost (Versus)
Battle Drum MCL Battle Drum Defense
  • 250 Wood
  • 150 Redstone
Blast Tower MCL Blast Tower Defense
Power tower
First of Stone Spawner MCL First of Stone Spawner Spawner Cannot be built in campaign
Redstone Launcher MCL Redstone Launcher Defense
Warrior MCL Warrior Spawner Spawner Cannot be built in campaign
Zombie Spawner MCL Zombie Spawner Spawner



Redstone is a rare resource found in small deposits around the Overworld and collected in village chests. It's required to build the redstone launcher and the battle drums. Don't worry, the allays will do all the redstone engineering for you.

Redstone journal entry

Gather redstone from the chosen area. Redstone unlocks advanced structures and can be used to spawn zombies. Redstone deposits can be found in the swamp and jungle.

Gather redstone resourcing melody

Enables allays to collect redstone. Each additional improvement allows you to carry: +150 redstone. Redstone unlock advanced structures and can be used to spawn zombies. The first upgrade grants +25 redstone and enables village chests located in swamp or allay chests in any biome to contain redstone

Improvement: gather redstone


Icon Achievement In-game description Actual requirements (if different) Gamerscore earned Trophy type (PS)
Bounty of the Overworld
Gather 1,000 wood and stone and 125 iron, coal, redstone and diamond in a single world. 50GBronze


Minecraft Legends
1.17.24827Redstone MCL Added redstone.

