Minecraft Wiki
Creeper Sprite MCL
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This powerful tower fires a spread of molten-hot blaze rods that damage and ignite anything they hit. The only way to take down an armored tower is to send in allies when it fires and tower shield drops.


An armored tower is a piglin structure that can be found within the various piglin outposts of Minecraft Legends.


Armored towers are found commonly in Horde of the Hunt outposts.


Armored towers are used by piglins to defend piglin bases by hurling a volley of blaze rods towards the player and allied mobs. Their shield drops down in order to shoot the blaze rods.


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Icon Achievement In-game description Actual requirements (if different) Gamerscore earned Trophy type (PS)
Are These Made of Nether Wart?
Destroy 250 piglin buildings in a single world. 40G


Minecraft Legends
TU01.17.24827Added furnace towers.
1.17.35227Armored Tower MCL The furnace tower now has a journal icon.
TU11.17.49848Changed the name of the furnace tower to armored tower.
Updated the armored tower's journal entry to reflect its name change.


Issues relating to "Armored Tower" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.
