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Minecraft Wiki
Minecraft Earth Grass Block
Minecraft Earth was discontinued due to outdoor restrictions as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. 
It can no longer be downloaded or played, but the contents of this page are kept for historical interest.
Chest tappable

The chest that symbolised the inventory

A tappable was an object on the map in Minecraft Earth that a player tapped several times to extract items that went into the inventory.[1]

Types and rarity[]

The tappables encountered within the player's reach radius were any of:

  • Chest
  • Grass
  • Pond
  • Stone
  • Animals: Chicken, Cow, Pig, Sheep
  • Trees: Birch, Oak, Spruce

Each tappable contained items that were collected in the player's inventory. Up to three different blocks or items from the following lists were able to be collected from each tappable. There were five tiers of rarity for all blocks, items, and mobs available in tappables. The rarity was identified by the colored outline around the item.

  • Common = gray
  • Uncommon = green
  • Rare = blue
  • Epic = purple
  • Legendary = yellow

Chest tappables[]

Chest tappables contained resources that were either crafted or unobtainable through other tappables. They also contained high tiered loot from adventures. Up to three unique items appeared from a Chest tappable.

Item Rarity % drop chance Amount
Adventure Crystal Common Common Adventure Crystal common 60.5 1-2
Acacia Wood Planks uncommon 17.6 1-5
Beetroot Seeds common 11.6 1-2
Bricks uncommon
Bone Meal common 2 1
Brown Dye common 0.4 1
Bucket rare 1.1 1
Bucket of Mud rare 0.9 1
Clay Ball common 27.7 1-5
Clay Block common 4.9 1
Cobblestone Stairs common 0.1 1
Cobblestone Wall common 0.1 1
Cobweb uncommon 0.3 1
Cocoa Beans common 21.9 1-2
Flint and Steel rare
Flower Pot uncommon 2.6 1
Glass uncommon 3 2-6
Glowstone Dust common 0.7 2-3
Gunpowder common 1.1 1-3
Ink Sac common 17.3 1-2
Iron Bars rare 0.1 1
Iron Door rare
Lever common 0.6 1
Minecart epic 0.1 1
Mob of MeMob of Me rare 0.1 1
Nether Quartz epic 1.1 1-2
Note Block rare 0.1 1
Oak Door common 2 1
Oak Fence common 7.4 1-2
Oak Fence Gate common 2.7 1
Oak Pressure Plate common 2.0 1
Oak Stairs common 3.2 1
Oak Wood Planks common 16.9 1-12
Oak Wood Slab common 4 1
Polished Andesite rare 13 1-2
Polished Andesite Slab rare 1.3 1
Polished Andesite Stairs rare 1.4 1
Polished Diorite rare 10.5 1-2
Polished Diorite Slab rare 1 1
Polished Diorite Stairs rare 0.9 1
Polished Granite rare 12.5 1-2
Polished Granite Slab rare 1.1 1
Polished Granite Stairs rare 1 1
Powered Rail rare 0.1 2
Rail rare 1.9 1-3
Redstone Lamp epic 0.3 1
Redstone Repeater epic 0.9 1
Redstone Torch epic 0.1 1
Slimeball common 4.9 1-2
Stone Bricks uncommon 0.6 1-2
TNT rare 1 1
Torch uncommon 2.7 1-5

Grass tappables[]

Blocks and items that were available:

Item Rarity % drop chance Amount
Acacia Sapling uncommon 4.7 1
Allium common 1.5 1
Azure Bluet common 3.8 1
Blue Orchid common 2.8 1
Wheat Seeds common 2.6 1
Bold Striped Rabbit Bold Striped Rabbit uncommon 1.3 1
Buttercup common 9.1 1-2
Creeper Creeper common 0.1 1
Coarse Dirt common 0.9 1-5
Dandelion common 13.4 1-2
Dirt common 25.2 2-7
Gravel common 24.9 2-12
Fern common 6.8 1-2
Freckled Rabbit Freckled Rabbit uncommon
Grass common 12.4 2-4
Harelequin Rabbit Harelequin Rabbit uncommon 2.1 1
Jumbo Rabbit Jumbo Rabbit uncommon 1.7 1
Jungle Sapling rare 5.1 1
Lily of the Valley common 8.5 1-2
Lily Pad common 24.7 1-2
Melon Golem Melon Golem uncommon 1.1 1
Melon Seeds common 3.8 1
Muddy Foot Rabbit Muddy Foot Rabbit uncommon 0.7 1
Mycelium rare
Orange Tulip common 5.4 1
Oxeye Daisy common 7 1-2
Carved Pumpkin uncommon 6.3 1-2
Pumpkin Seeds common 3.8 1-2
Pink Tulip common 4.7 1
Poppy common 16.8 1-2
Red Mushroom common 19 1-4
Red Tulip common 9.5 1-2
Rose Bush common 19 1-2
Sunflower common 21.6 1-2
Vested Rabbit Vested Rabbit uncommon 2 1
White Tulip common 11.5 1-2
Water Bucket rare
Witch Witch common

Pond tappables[]

Blocks and items that were available:

Item Rarity % drop chance Amount
Acacia Sapling uncommon 2.8 1-2
Wheat Seeds common 2.5 1
Allium common 1.3 1
Azure Bluet common 3.9 1-2
Bold Striped Rabbit Bold Striped Rabbit uncommon 1.6 1
Buttercup common 8.2 1
Creeper Creeper common
Dandelion common 10.5 1-2
Dirt common 25 2-8
Fern common 6.6 1-4
Freckled Rabbit Freckled Rabbit uncommon
Glow Squid MCE Glow Squid uncommon 3.7 1
Grass common 9.7 2-5
Harelequin Rabbit Harelequin Rabbit uncommon 3 1
Jumbo Rabbit Jumbo Rabbit uncommon 2.4 1
Jungle Sapling rare 3.3 1-2
Lily of the Valley common 7.8 1-2
Lily Pad common 23 1-2
common 17.3 2-8
Melon Golem Melon Golem uncommon 1.8 1
Melon Seeds common 2.1 1
Muddy Foot Rabbit Muddy Foot Rabbit uncommon 0.7 1
Mycelium rare
Orange Tulip common 5.1 1-2
Blue Orchid common 4.5 1
Oxeye Daisy common 9.6 1-2
Clay Ball common 9.3 1-3
Carved Pumpkin uncommon 6.6 1-2
Pumpkin Seeds common 3.9 1-2
Pink Tulip common 5.1 1-2
Poppy common 15.2 1-2
Red Mushroom common 15.7 1-2
Red Tulip common 7.6 1-2
Rose Bush common 16.6 1-2
Salmon Salmon common 2.2 1
Slime Slime common
Squid Squid common 6.3 1
Sugar Cane common 10.3 1
Sunflower common 16.9 1-2
Tropical Slime Tropical Slime rare 0.4 1
Vested Rabbit Vested Rabbit uncommon 2.4 1
White Tulip common 11.2 1-2
Water Bucket rare
Witch Witch common

Stone tappables[]

Blocks and items that were available:

Item Rarity % drop chance Amount
Andesite uncommon 27.9 1-4
Brown Mushroom common 51.9 1-4
Cobblestone common 45.6 2-16
Diorite uncommon 29.3 1-4
Flint uncommon 9.9 1
Furnace Golem Furnace Golem rare 0.4 1
Granite uncommon 41 1-4
Gravel uncommon
Redstone common 9.3 1-2
Sand common 38.1 2-15
Skeleton Skeleton common 0.1 1
Skeleton Wolf Skeleton Wolf rare 0.2 1
Stone uncommon
Viler Witch Viler Witch rare

Tree tappables[]

There were three types of tree tappables, each of which yielded logs, leaves, and/or saplings which corresponded to the type of tree tapped:

Tree Item Rarity % drop chance Amount
Birch tree Birch Leaves
Birch Log
81 2-8
Birch Sapling
65.8 1-2
Oak tree Oak Leaves
Oak Log
93.5 2-8
Oak Sapling
40.3 1-2
Spider Spider
2 1
Spruce tree Spruce Leaves
Spruce Log
79.1 2-8
Spruce Sapling
70 1-2

Mob tappables[]

Tapping one of these mobs put the mob in the player's inventory. The player was able to place them on a buildplate.

Mob Item Rarity % drop chance Amount
Chicken Chicken common 79.8 1
Amber Chicken Amber Chicken uncommon 2.1 1
Midnight Chicken Midnight Chicken uncommon 4.6 1
Stormy Chicken Stormy Chicken uncommon 7.2 1
Bronzed Chicken Bronzed Chicken uncommon 2.1 1
Cluckshroom Cluckshroom rare 2 1
Fancy Chicken Fancy Chicken rare 2.1 1
Skewbald Chicken Skewbald Chicken uncommon
Gold Crested Chicken Gold Crested Chicken uncommon
Feather common 45.6 1-2
Egg common 4.1 1-2
Cow Cow common 77.6 1
Albino Cow Albino Cow uncommon 4.6 1
Ashen Cow Ashen Cow uncommon 8.1 1
Sunset cow isometric Sunset Cow uncommon 2.5 1
Cookie Cow Cookie Cow uncommon 2.4 1
Wooly Cow Wooly Cow uncommon 4.1 1
Pinto Cow Pinto Cow uncommon
Moobloom Moobloom rare 0.6 1
Moolip Moolip rare
Cream Cow Cream Cow uncommon
Dairy Cow Dairy Cow uncommon
Umbra Cow Umbra Cow uncommon
Pig Pig uncommon 79.5 1
Pale Pig Pale Pig uncommon 5.5 1
Piebald Pig Piebald Pig uncommon 5.2 1
Spotted Pig Spotted Pig uncommon 2.8 1
Pink Footed Pig Pink Footed Pig uncommon 6.5 1
Muddy Pig Muddy Pig epic 0.5 1
Mottled Pig Mottled Pig uncommon
Sooty Pig Sooty Pig uncommon
White Sheep White Sheep common 78.4 1
Flecked Sheep Flecked Sheep uncommon 7.7 1
Inky Sheep Inky Sheep uncommon 2.5 1
Rocky Sheep Rocky Sheep uncommon 3.9 1
Patched Sheep Patched Sheep uncommon 5.4 1
Horned Sheep Horned Sheep rare 1.1 1
Rainbow Sheep Rainbow Sheep epic 1 1
Fuzzy Sheep Fuzzy Sheep uncommon
Long Nose Sheep Long Nose Sheep uncommon
  • Chickens also dropped one or more feathers or eggs when collected.


Tappable award fuse
Tappable award whoosh
Tappable unlock shrill
Tappable unlock shrills
Tappable color change blue
Tappable color change purple
Tappable chest spawn
Chest tap
Chest tap sequence
Tappable chest award unlock
Tappable chest award loop intro foley
Tappable chest award transition
Tappable chest expire foley
Chicken tap sequence
Chicken tappable award
Chicken tappable award loop
Chicken tappable award transition
Cow tap sequence
Cow tappable award
Cow tappable award loop
Cow tappable award transition
Dirt tappable spawn
Dirt tap
Dirt tap sequence
Dirt tappable award transition
Pig tap sequence
Pig tappable award
Pig tappable award loop
Sheep tap sequence
Sheep tappable award
Sheep tappable award loop foley
Sheep tappable award transition
Stone tappable spawn
Stone tap
Stone tap sequence
Stone tappable crumble
Stone tappable award loop
Stone tappable award tranisiton foley
Stone tappable expire foley
Tree tap
Tree tap sequence
Tree tappable award loop
Common tappable
Uncommon tappable
Rare tappable
Epic tappable
Legendary tappable
Rare tappable particle
Legendary tappable particle


