Minecraft Wiki
Minecraft Earth Grass Block
Minecraft Earth was discontinued due to outdoor restrictions as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. 
It can no longer be downloaded or played, but the contents of this page are kept for historical interest.

A unique coloration for the discerning pig collectors.

Player Journal Description

The piebald pig was a passive mob that served as a piebald variant of the pig found in Minecraft Earth.


Piebald pigs were the piebald variant of the normal pig. Their whole body was cream-colored with a large brownish patch near their rear end. They had a small brown spot on top of their head and on three of their legs, with two on their front left leg and one on their hind left leg. They possessed a dark brown tail and light brown hooves.


Main article: Pig § Behavior

Like the average pig, piebald pigs had the same AI behavior, wandering aimlessly, dodging lava and cliffs.


Piebald pigs were of uncommon rarity and found in pig tappables, with a 5.2% chance of getting one.


When killed, the piebald pigs dropped:

Data values[]


NameIdentifierNumeric ID
Piebald Pig? 5023


Minecraft Earth
0.17.0Piebald Pig Added piebald pigs.
?The piebald pig was previously the rarest pig variant in Minecraft Earth, with a 4.9% chance of getting one from pig tappables, then it was replaced by the spotted pig once again.


  • Piebald pigs somewhat resembled the Danish Protest, which is a Piebald breed of pigs.
  • The biome category of the journal revealed that piebald pigs spawned in the forest.


