Minecraft Wiki
Minecraft Earth Grass Block
Minecraft Earth was discontinued due to outdoor restrictions as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. 
It can no longer be downloaded or played, but the contents of this page are kept for historical interest.

A pig with stripes. Who knew they had such a sense of style?

Player Journal Description

The mottled pig was a mottled variant of the pig found only in Minecraft Earth.


Mottled pigs were a mottled variant of the pig. As their name implied, their skin was a mottled dark-brown in color, resembling dark wood. Their feet were slightly pale grey in color and it possessed brownish eyebrows and a dark-brown nose. Unlike the normal pig, their nostrils went upwards instead of forward facing, and their eyes were pointed towards the center, rather than being turned out.


Main article: Pig § Behavior

Like the average pig, mottled pigs had the same AI behavior, wandering aimlessly, dodging lava and cliffs.


Mottled pigs were an uncommon mob drop found in pig tappables.


When killed, mottled pigs dropped:

Data values[]


NameIdentifierNumeric ID
Mottled Pig? ?


Minecraft Earth
0.33.0Mottled Pig Added mottled pigs.


  • Mottled pigs somewhat resembled the Neijiang pig, which is a mottled breed of pigs.
  • The biome category of the journal revealed that Mottled Pigs spawned in the forest.

