Minecraft Wiki
Minecraft Earth Grass Block
Minecraft Earth was discontinued due to outdoor restrictions as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. 
It can no longer be downloaded or played, but the contents of this page are kept for historical interest.

Rich, brown wool can be harvested from this pale faced sheep.

Player Journal Description

The flecked sheep was a variant of the sheep with brown wool and a white head, found only in Minecraft Earth.


Flecked sheep were a brown-wooled variant of the normal sheep. The appearance itself almost made it resemble a normal sheep that was just dyed with brown dye, but there were a few notable differences. Its head and lower patches of wool near its legs were pure white, leaving the rest of its wool being rich brown in color.


Main article: Sheep § Behavior

Similar to normal sheep, flecked sheep had the same AI behavior. They wandered aimlessly, avoiding lava and cliffs high enough to cause fall damage.


Flecked sheep were of an uncommon rarity with a 4.8% chance of obtaining it from sheep tappables.


When sheared, flecked sheep dropped 1-6 Brown Wool.

When killed, flecked sheep dropped:

Data values[]


NameIdentifierNumeric ID
Flecked Sheep? 5041


Minecraft Earth
0.17.0Flecked Sheep Added flecked sheep.
?Flecked sheep were previously the second rarest sheep variant, with a 4.9% chance of obtaining it from sheep tappables. It was first preceded by the inky sheep, then itself, then later replaced with the rainbow sheep.

