Challenges were tasks given to the player in Minecraft Earth, for the purpose of guiding the player into features of the game while earning experience at the same time. Challenges were analogous to achievements in Bedrock Edition or advancements in Java Edition.
Weekly and career challenges were replaced by seasonal challenges.
Challenge types[]
There were three kinds of challenges offered in the game:
- Daily challenges
- Career challenges
- Tappable challenges
Each challenge involved individual tasks, each of which earned experience. Completion of a challenge earned the player additional experience points and rubies, used as in-game currency for buying enhancements.
The player got credit for all tasks that existed simultaneously in daily, weekly, and career challenges. For example, if a daily challenge had a task to collect 2 wood blocks, and the current career challenge had a task to collect 3 wood blocks, then collecting 2 wood blocks applied to both tasks.
Daily and weekly challenges[]
Daily and weekly challenges consisted mostly of tasks that encouraged real-world exploration to collect items from tappables, and placing a number of specific kinds of blocks on a buildplate. New challenges appeared each day or each week, respectively.
There were also special daily and weekly challenges for completing all of the other daily and weekly challenges, with a corresponding award in experience and rubies, but this was later changed so the player only got three daily challenges.
Challenge name | Goal | XP |
ADVENTURER! | Play 1 adventure | 50 |
BAAAAAAAA | Collect 1 sheep | 30 |
BEST DEFENSE | Defeat 1 hostile mob in an adventure | 40 |
BREAK AND PLAY | Use 1 adventure crystal | 50 |
CHEAP FUEL | Smelt 5 objects using charcoal | 60 |
MORE FUEL! | Make 4 charcoal | 75 |
NEW ADVENTURE | Collect 1 adventure crystal | 50 |
STONE BREAKER | Craft 1 stone pickaxe | 50 |
PETTING ZOO | Collect 5 common mobs | 75 |
TASTES LIKE CHICKEN | Cook 1 chicken | 40 |
WOOD GATHERER | Collect 5 wood in an adventure | 50 |
Career challenges[]
Career challenges focused on gathering items for crafting tools that were useful in adventures.
Career challenges were only able to completed in the order in which they appeared to the player. The player got no benefit from, for example, collecting materials to craft a stone pickaxe until that specific challenge appeared at the top of the list of remaining career challenges.
Each challenge consisted of individual tasks that were required to be completed. Different challenges contained the same task (such as "Craft 4 Wooden Planks") but completing that task applied only to the active career challenge, not to future challenges.
Challenge name | Goal | Tasks |
LEVEL UP | Reach Level 3 |
THE BASICS: PLANKS | Collect Wood and craft Wooden Planks |
THE BASICS: DOORS | Collect Wood and craft Oak Doors |
THE BASICS: TORCHES | Collect materials and craft 4 Torches |
THE BASICS: GLASS | Collect materials and craft Glass |
THE BASICS: STAIRS | Collect materials and craft Stairs |
THE BASICS: TOOLS | Find materials to craft basic tools |
TOOLS: STONE PICKAXE | Find materials to craft a Stone Pickaxe |
TOOLS: STONE SWORD | Find materials to craft a Stone Sword |
THE GOOD STUFF | Find materials to Smelt Iron Ingots |
Tappable challenges[]
Upon collecting a tappable, a tappable challenge was given. This kind had their own challenges, as well as rarity ratings.
Challenge name | Goal | XP | Rarity |
A RARE SIGHT | Collect 1 rare mob | 80 | Rare |
ADVENTURE CRUSHER | Defeat 10 hostile mobs in adventures | 30 | Common |
ARCHEOLOGIST | Collect 5 bones from adventures | 30 | Common |
ARROW FLIGHTS | Collect 10 feathers | 50 | Uncommon |
BADLANDS BEST | Smelt 20 terracotta | 90 | Rare |
BLASK FUEL | Collect 5 coal from an adventure | 25 | Common |
BLUE CRYSTALS | Collect 3 rare adventure crystals | 150 | Rare |
BONES TO DUST | Defeat 40 skeletons | 200 | Rare |
BOTANIST | Plant 10 flowers | 25 | Common |
BUILDING A FARM | Place 5 mobs on buildplates | 50 | Common |
BUILDING BLOCKS | Smelt 25 stone | 30 | Common |
CARROT FARMER | Grow and harvest 10 carrots | 75 | Rare |
CARVE IT SCARY | Grow and harvest 10 pumpkins | 75 | Rare |
CHOP CHOP | Collect 10 Tree Tappables | ??? | Uncommon |
CHOPPING STICK | Craft 1 wooden axe | 25 | Common |
CLUCK! | Collect 5 chickens | 25 | Common |
COASTER STARTER | Place 5 rails on a buildplate | 40 | Uncommon |
COLOR ME UP | Craft 10 dyes | 50 | Uncommon |
COOKING GREEN | Smelt 1 green dye | 25 | Uncommon |
CRAWLING DOOM | Defeat 5 zombies in adventures | 25 | Common |
DEEP PLATES | Craft 3 wooden bowls | 30 | Uncommon |
DOG TOY | Craft 10 Sticks | ??? | Common |
DIG FOR RICHES | Craft 1 diamond shovel | 100 | Rare |
DIGGER STICK | Craft 1 Wooden Shovel | 25 | Common |
FARMER DRAMA | Plant 5 crops on a buildplate | 40 | Common |
FLOWER POWER | Collect 10 flowers from adventures | 30 | Common |
FOR THE PIGLINS | Smelt 5 gold ore into ingots | 75 | Rare |
GARDENING STICK | Craft 1 Wooden Hoe | ??? | Common |
GHILLE SUIT | Collect 10 leaves | 25 | Common |
GIMME THE GOODIES | Collect 3 adventure chests | 30 | Common |
GOLD DIGGER | Craft 1 golden shovel | 100 | Rare |
GRASSY PLAINS | Collect 10 grass tappables | 50 | Uncommon |
HEALER | Restore your health 2 times in adventures | 25 | Common |
HEALER | Restore your health 6 times in adventures | 75 | Rare |
HIGHER GROUND | Craft 5 stairs | 25 | Common |
HOT POTATO | Cook 5 baked potatoes | 75 | Rare |
HOUSE OF STICKS | Place 25 planks on buildplates | 25 | Common |
I'M SMELTING | Smelt 25 items | 30 | Common |
JEWELLED AXE | Craft 1 diamond axe | 100 | Rare |
LETS ADVENTURE | Activate 10 adventure crystals | 200 | Rare |
LIFE SAVER | Cook 5 pork chops | 25 | Common |
LOOT HOARDER | Collect 5 uncommon adventure chests | 100 | Uncommon |
MAKING PATTERNS | Place 40 glazed terracotta on a build plate | 250 | Rare |
MOO BLOOM | Collect 10 buttercups | 100 | Rare |
MUD CONNOISSEUR | Collect 1 Muddy Pig | 200[verify] | Epic |
NO PHANTOMS | Craft 1 bed | 30 | Uncommon |
NOT SO SCARY | Defeat 5 Bone Spiders in an adventure | ??? | Rare |
OINK! | Collect 5 Pigs | 25 | Common |
PINKY STONE | Collect 10 granite from adventures | 25 | Common |
PRETTIEST STONE | Smelt 20 glazed terracotta | 200 | Rare |
RAILROAD | Collect 5 rails | 50 | Rare |
RAW SUPPLIES | Collect 10 wood from and adventure | 25 | Common |
RICH RABBIT | Craft 1 golden carrot | 100 | Rare |
SCREAMS FROM THE DARK | Kill 10 Bone Spiders in an Adventure | 400 | Epic |
SOLID BONE | Craft 1 bone block | 75 | Rare |
SPARK STONE | Collect 10 flint | 50 | Uncommon |
SPARKY STONE | Collect 10 Flint from Adventures | ??? | Common |
SPIDER SANCTUARY | Collect 5 oak trees | 30 | Uncommon |
START A ZOO | Place 15 mobs on a buildplate | 150 | Uncommon |
STICK FACTORY | Collect 5 Birch Tree Tappables | ??? | Uncommon |
STICKIER BOOK | Collect 5 new items for the journal | ??? | Uncommon |
STICKY BOOK | Collect 1 new item for the journal | ??? | Common |
STICKY STUFF | Collect 5 spider webs | 50 | Uncommon |
STONE GARDENER | Craft 1 stone hoe | 50 | Uncommon |
SUPER STICKY BOOK | Collect 10 new items for the journal | 150 | Rare |
SWITCH IT UP | Place and use 1 lever on a buildplate | 50 | Uncommon |
TEACHER'S PET | Collect 10 apples | 25 | Common |
THE GOOD STUFF | Smelt 10 iron ore into ingots | 75 | Rare |
THE SQUIRE | Complete 15 adventures | 350 | Uncommon |
TICKLE TIME | Collect 5 feathers from adventures | 25 | Common |
TICKLE TIME | Collect 10 Feathers from Adventures | ??? | Uncommon |
TOUGH ATTACK | Craft 1 iron sword | 75 | Rare |
TOUGH GARDENING | Craft 1 iron hoe | 75 | Rare |
TRACK STAR | Craft 16 rails | 75 | Rare |
TREASURE TIME | Collect 3 chests | 25 | Common |
TREASURE TROVE | Collect 5 tappable chests | 50 | Uncommon |
WEALTHY WARRIOR | Craft 1 Diamond Sword | ??? | ??? |
ZOOKEEPER | Collect 25 mobs | 150 | Rare |
Sound | Description |
Challenge complete stinger | |
Challenge complete celebration | |
Challenge notification | |
Challenge complete big | |
Challenge complete small | |
Challenge bar full | |
Challenge menu enter | |
Daily challenge completed transition | |
Challenge pop up | |
Challenge icon button |
Minecraft Earth | |||||
0.2.0 | Added challenges. | ||||
0.17.0 | Added seasonal challenges. |