Minecraft Wiki

Hitting an enemy has a chance to send it into a rage, making it hostile towards everyone.

In-game description

Wild Rage is an enchantment that can be found within the various ranged weapons of Minecraft Dungeons.


Tier Effect Cost
I 20% chance to trigger 1 Enchantment Point
II 30% chance to trigger 2 Enchantment Points
III 40% chance to trigger 3 Enchantment Points


Wild Rage that grants the hero a chance to send a mob into a "rage" when hitting them that makes it hostile towards other hostile mobs. The chance of this activating increases with each tier, at the maximum tier it grants a 40% chance to trigger.

Rage lasts less than three seconds, and the Enraged mob remains a valid target for the players, unlike mobs charmed by the Love Medallion which have the duration of 10 seconds before they die.


Wild Rage tier I is built-into the following weapons:


Minecraft Dungeons
Dungeons BetaWild RageAdded Wild Rage.

