Minecraft Wiki
For the status effect, see MCD:Poison.

Inflicts Poison

In-game description

Jungle Poison is an exclusive enchantment that can be found within the various melee weapons of Minecraft Dungeons. It is different from Poison Cloud, despite using the same enchantment icon.


Melee weapons with Jungle Poison built-in gain the ability to inflict enemies with poison damage for a short amount of time. The amount of poison damage scales with the power level of the weapon.

The damage dealt by Jungle Poison is increased by the Poison Focus, Smiting, Illager's Bane and Unchanting enchantments

Exclusive to[]

Jungle Poison can only be found built-into the following weapons:

Data values[]

  • Internally, Jungle Poison on melee weapons is referred to in the game files by the name JunglePoisonMelee, and Jungle Poison on ranged weapons if referred to in the game files by the name JunglePoisonRanged.


Minecraft Dungeons CloudAdded Jungle Poison.