20w14∞ (labeled as 20w14infinite in the launcher, and 20w14~ in-game) is an April Fools' joke snapshot, supposedly the first and only snapshot for the "Ultimate Content" update, released on April 1, 2020,[1] which adds new procedurally generated dimensions that randomize existing elements of the game and several ways to access them. 20w14∞ is a fork of 20w13b, which was the most recent snapshot at the time.
Despite being a joke, custom dimensions and custom world generation were implemented soon after in 20w21a and 20w28a respectively.
- The box of infinite books uses the resource location
.- It uses the texture of oak planks on all but one face, on which it has its own bookshelf-like texture randomized based on its location.
- When used, if the block is not on one of its chunk's edge and facing along that edge, a random written book is generated. This book can be thrown into a nether portal.
- The random books are tied to the block such that using the same block multiple times always returns an identical book.
- The title of the random books given by the block is correlated with the location of the block.
- The title's pattern takes the format
<chunk X>/<chunk Z>/<block orientation>/<distance to the chunk's edge to the right of the block>/<block Y>
, so books from the same block always have the same title and content.
- The block naturally generates in the "library" and "isolation" dimensions.
- The books on the texture of the block are of random color.
- The author of every book is "Universe itself", obfuscated, and every book has 16 pages filled with random text.
- Books never drop if game rule
is set tofalse
. - The blue variant is used as the inventory icon.
- The random books are tied to the block such that using the same block multiple times always returns an identical book.
- Also known as the neither portal.
- Has the block ID
. - If any written book (regardless of whether obtained from the Box of Infinite Books, a chest, or written by a player) is thrown into either a nether or neither portal, the portal blocks change into funky portal blocks. Entering this portal teleports the player into a new, "randomized" dimension based on the contents of the book. Books with the same page content will always generate a portal to the same dimension.
- Each dimension has its own unique color of portal blocks.
- After throwing the book into the portal, the book is destroyed. It does not go through the portal after having changed it.
- Rarely, throwing a book into a nether/neither portal can cause multiple funky portal colors.
- Unlike most other block entities, placing a funky portal using the command
/setblock ~ ~ ~ neither_portal
will cause it to have randomized block data (unless specified with NBT tags) rather than none at all.
- The cursor block is a block with an animated texture that changes its color every second, toggling between green and black concrete.
- Its resource location is
. - The cursor block makes a stone sound when the block is placed or broken, similar to terracotta placing sound.
- The block naturally generates in "terminal" dimension as the blinking "_" next to a "C:\" made of lime concrete.
- It appears to be cycling between black and lime Concrete in appearance, which is what the rest of the "terminal" dimension is made of.
- Its resource location is
- Is accessible only through
or similar commands, as it has no item form. - Uses the resource location
. - Simulates Langton's ant.
- If placed on top of black or white concrete, it moves in a deterministic pattern, turning the concrete underneath it into its other variation.
- The ant block is the Turing machine mentioned on Mojang Studios' website.
- If two ant blocks collide, they merge into one.
- Cannot be pushed by pistons and is blast resistant.
- Naturally generates in the "ant" dimension, where it begins moving immediately.
- Can break bedrock.
- Cannot be obtained using pick block.
- A stair variant for the netherite block.
- Uses the resource location
. - Cannot be crafted.
- Naturally generate in the "missing" dimension as the stairs leading up to the chest.
- Also known as the Zone.
- Is accessible only through
or similar commands, as it has no item form. - Uses the resource location
. - Apart from emitting "Happy Villager" particles, the block is invisible.
- When an entity enters it, it receives Blindness II and Poison IV for 3 seconds each.
- It is not possible for other blocks to be placed inside of a zone, nor can pistons move or destroy it.
- When an item is thrown into it, it'll affect the gravity of the item.
- Naturally generates in the "zones" dimension.
- Uses the resource location
. - Resembles the texture of footprint particle, but has a resolution of 16×16 instead of 8×8 and has transparency.
- Is not available in the creative inventory and must be obtained through a
command or similar means. - Does not have a crafting recipe.
- Found in the "missing" dimension's chest.
- This is a reference to the removed "Footstep" particle, hence in the "missing" dimension.
- This item is intended as a joke directed toward the commands' community where the "Footstep" particle is commonly requested.
- Uses the resource location
. - Its texture resembles the side face of a grass block with the words "Home Sweet Home" written on it.
- Is not available in the creative inventory and must be obtained through the
command or similar means. - Found in the "isolation" dimension in an item frame next to the bed.
World generation[]

A randomized biome in a randomly generated dimension.
- Randomly generated biomes can be found in the new dimensions.
- Biomes that are discovered by the player through the changed portals are added to the list of biomes when creating a buffet world, including
biomes. - A certain sound effect may periodically play without the presence of its normal source throughout a biome, often excessively.
- Weather is disabled in some biomes.
- The biomes have randomized mob spawning.
- Mobs that do not naturally spawn in the non-random dimensions may appear such as giants, withers, zombie horses and illusioners.
- Many generated biomes do not spawn mobs.
Large quantities of structures and shulkers generating with end cities in a randomly generated dimension.
- The generated biomes can have random structures or structures that naturally generate in other dimensions.
"Basalt Spikes," a random biome that bears resemblance to both the Basalt Deltas and Ice spike biomes in a randomly generated Dimension.
A biome filled with structures that resemble trees in a randomly generated dimension.
- Mobs that spawn with a structure may spawn in larger numbers than usual. There could be a high number of elder guardians spawning near an ocean monument or a high number of shulkers generating with an end city.
- Often, a biome contains one particular structure in great abundance.
- Sometimes, a dimension repeatedly generates letters, depends on the biome. It is highly probable that the shapes for these characters are from Minecraft's font textures.
- Some random biomes may have some resemblance to a non-random biome.
- A significant number of the random biomes have large quantities of lag inducing blocks like vines or decaying leaves. These biomes have the potential of crashing the game.
- Biomes that are discovered by the player through the changed portals are added to the list of biomes when creating a buffet world, including

End ships found in the "between" biome.

A deposit of observers found underground in the "busy" biome.

Floating prisms of cobblestone stairs found in the "shapes" biome.
- Three new pre-made biomes were added.
- Between
- Biome For Player With No Time For Nonsense
- Works best with Overworld buffet world generation.
- Generates what seems like a normal snowy taiga, although mineral blocks and redstone components generate instead of ores.
- Resource location is
- Shapes
- Works best with Floating Islands or Overworld buffet world generation.
- Generates a world consisting of different shapes made of one or more different types of blocks.
- Resource location is

A randomly generated dimension made of floating islands.
- There are 2,147,483,645 new dimensions, which means 2,147,483,648 (231) possible dimensions per world seed, giving 295 dimension combinations in total, roughly 40 octillion.[2]
- Certain dimensions contain easter eggs (see below).
- Certain dimensions (including easter egg dimensions) have the consistent world generation as in the Overworld within the same world seed.
- Various pre-existing and randomly generated biomes appear in the dimensions.
A snowy tundra found in a randomly generated dimension.
- The blocks that make up various features (e.g. ores, ice spikes, lakes) are randomly swapped.
- If a non-random biome appears in a random dimension, mobs expected for that biome generally spawn.
- Usually, aside from bats, mobs that do require a particular light level to spawn do not spawn regardless of light level. For instance, in the dimension
, passive mobs and slimes spawn in the savanna biome, but no other mobs.- There are some exceptions to this. For example, hostile mobs spawn at low lights levels in the dimension
, along with a small percentage of other dimensions.
- There are some exceptions to this. For example, hostile mobs spawn at low lights levels in the dimension
- There are still slime chunks, and slimes spawn in certain biomes.
- When they do spawn, they spawn below y=40 as usual.
- Usually, aside from bats, mobs that do require a particular light level to spawn do not spawn regardless of light level. For instance, in the dimension
- The sky, blocks, menu, player, etc. are randomly tinted.
- The sky is from the Overworld, Nether or End.
- For Overworld skies, the sun and moon appears in random sizes and the day-night cycle has a random duration.
- In a majority of the dimensions, the sky either cycles rapidly, making a full revolution in exactly five seconds, or it is completely frozen. It is rare for the sky to move at other speeds, but when it does move at other speeds, the cycle duration is randomized.
- For Overworld skies, the sun and moon appears in random sizes and the day-night cycle has a random duration.

An example of the unusual lighting in the random dimensions. White concrete was placed near the void in this randomly generated dimension.
- Some dimensions have skylight, meanwhile others do not have any, even if there is a sun and moon.
- In dimensions without a day and night cycle, the skylight can operate like sunlight and prevent mob spawning, but in other dimensions, it can operate like moonlight and mobs can spawn on the surface.
- The lighting in the dimensions can be unusual.
- Sometimes, the same face of every block in the dimension is completely dark (sometimes fully black).
- In some dimensions, blocks are sometimes tinted or recolored in different ways, depending on the block type, block state, or the dimension.
- In some dimensions, the lighting in the dimensions are similar to the Overworld (including the easter egg dimension

Unusual blue lighting with random particle effect in a randomly generated dimension. A random particle effect fills some biomes.
- The particle effects appearing in each biome depends on the dimension. In some cases, Overworld biomes can get a particle effect.
- In some biomes in the generated dimensions, randomly generated particles can cause lag depends on the operational system.
- The style of generation can be:
- Overworld-style generation with hills and valleys.
- Caves generally do not generate. Lava and water lakes may still generate when there are no other caves.
- The size of the hills and valleys depends on the biome, much like in buffet generation.
- There is bedrock at the bottom with generation identical to the Overworld.
- A subtype of the Overworld generation is generation that is superflat, but with some differences.
Superflat style generation in a randomly generated dimension.
- Caves may still generate.
- There can be various layers of a single type blocks. These layers have various thicknesses.
- In certain dimensions, the layers are not perfectly flat with minor hills and valleys.
- Bedrock near y=0 is not in a flat layer and instead generates in the same way as the Overworld's bedrock.
- This type of generation is quite rare.
- The superflat style generation appears to be a result of water based biomes having blocks swapped. The surface of the superflat biomes is identical to y level of the surface of the ocean.
- Nether-style generation, with a bedrock ceiling at Y-level 128 and the cave generation that is seen in the Nether.
- Objects may generate above the bedrock ceiling.
- End-style generation, with no bedrock and floating islands.
End type generation in a randomly generated dimension.
- Overworld-style generation with hills and valleys.
- Beds and charged respawn anchors explode in the generated dimensions.
A mineshaft carving through dried kelp in a randomly generated dimension.
- However, beds do not explode in some dimensions, where the beds can be slept in at any time of the day. They set the spawn point much like in the Overworld, but when the beds are slept in, the time is not set to the morning.
Floating multicolored fossils in a randomly generated dimension.
- The following dimensions where beds do not explode in the generated dimensions (all are easter egg dimensions, of a total of 16 dimensions):
- "blacklight"
- "busy"
- "chess"
- "colors"
- "content"
- "darkness"
- "decay"
- "holes"
- "pillars"
- "rooms"
- "slime"
- "wall"
- "zones"
- Colored dimensions (including "red", "green" and "blue")
- The following dimensions where beds do not explode in the generated dimensions (all are easter egg dimensions, of a total of 16 dimensions):
- However, beds do not explode in some dimensions, where the beds can be slept in at any time of the day. They set the spawn point much like in the Overworld, but when the beds are slept in, the time is not set to the morning.
- The ID for each dimension is determined from the SHA256 hash of the name of the dimension with the string
appended to it.The dimension generated by the ID "redstone".
- In end ships in the new dimensions, chests are generated with fleet_orders loot table.
The dimension generated by the ID "overworld".
- In some dimensions, compasses point toward the center of the world. In others, the needle spins in random directions like in the Nether and the End.
The dimension generated by the ID "Notch".
- Liquids behave differently in different dimensions. In some, the liquids act like they are in the Overworld, and in the rest, they act like they are in the Nether.
- Undead mobs do not burn and piglins do not zombify in the random dimensions, even during the day.
- End portals can be constructed. When entered, the player is teleported to the end, but at the coordinates at which they entered the portal on a newly generated obsidian platform.
- Maps can function correctly as they do in Overworld, but usually a map just shows gray and orange static, much like in the Nether.
- Unlike the Nether, the player indicator accurately displays the player's orientation.
- Clouds can appear in some dimensions in a layer at some random y level.
- There is weather.
- The current weather is identical in all dimensions. If it is raining in one random dimension, it is raining in all random dimensions and the Overworld, though it does not rain in certain biomes as mentioned above.
- Dimensions solely consisting of the biome
with obsidian pillars at the center of the map are quite common.This dimension is an example of an 'endless end' dimension. The image was intentionally brightened due to this dimension having dark lighting.
- When using
in this type of dimensions, no biomes are listed.
- When using
- The music is identical to the Overworld's.
- Some dimensions may have fog that makes it difficult to see far distances.
- The lighting system between buffet worlds and unique dimensions is different. In the Overworld there can be darkness, while in the easter egg generated dimension there can not be (i.e. "fleet" (
) and "shapes" (minecraft:shapes
- Easter egg dimensions
- There are 43 hard-coded easter egg dimensions in total, accessible through
/warp <name>
or by typing the dimension's name as the only word in a signed book or book and quill and throwing it into a nether portal.- Intended easter egg dimensions can be found in the code, not by their name, but by the dimension ID. For the dimensions that were hardcoded, a dimension ID is also provided (which can be used with
/setblock ~ ~ ~ neither_portal{Dimension:<ID>}
). - Many of these easter egg dimensions use the same generation as the overworld, including "red", "green", "blue", "wall", "chess", "colors", and "slime", adding their special features onto it.
- All easter egg dimensions with a specific feature generate the feature near to the origin. If the funky portal the player constructs is not at or near the origin, the portal does not generate at or near the feature in the destination dimension.
The pattern created in the "ant" dimension. The "highway" on the right is extended indefinitely beginning after about 10,000 steps.
- Intended easter egg dimensions can be found in the code, not by their name, but by the dimension ID. For the dimensions that were hardcoded, a dimension ID is also provided (which can be used with
- "ant" (726931095) – A dimension that is initially flat and made of white concrete at Y-level 0, along with one ant block that immediately begins moving and an acacia sign that says "PATIENCE" at (0, 3, 0). The ant block uses Langton's ant to determine its pattern.
- The sign is a floating wall sign with no support.
- "basic" (236157810) – Has a diagonal maze pattern. It looks similar to simple mazes generated in the BASIC programming language, with flat Blue Concrete floor at Y-level up to 16, and Light Blue Concrete maze top surface at Y-level up to 32.
- It appears that the maze consists of one main passage with no branches or dead ends and random squares that can be entered only from the top.
- "blacklight" (1174283440) – A dimension with inverted lighting: Entities and blocks are pitch black during daytime and bright in caves or at night, torches darken the area around them and so on.
- Also darkens text and textures of items.
- The sky remains the same light level (with day-night cycle) as it is in the Overworld.
- The world generation is the same as the original world that the player spawned in.
- "brand" (344885676) – A dimension with 8x8 block creeper faces made out of randomly colored terracotta, glazed terracotta, glass, glass panes, wool, carpets, concrete, and concrete powder (Y-levels 0-31).
- "bridges" (1113696725) – A dimension with randomly generated end stone bridges with the bridge surface at Y-level 130.
- "busy" (1028465021) – A dimension entirely made of the Biome For Player With No Time For Nonsense that generates redstone components and mineral blocks in place of ores. As a result of hoppers generating, this dimension is laggy. If created in buffet world, this dimension generates almost exactly as the overworld.
- "checkerboard" (741472677) – A world containing all the dyeable Minecraft blocks - concrete, concrete powder, wool, carpet, stained glass pane, stained glass, terracotta (excl. normal terracotta), and glazed terracotta - in 16*16*16 blocks from Y=0 to Y=127. As a result of stained glass panes generating, this dimension is laggy when the player is brought into view.
- There are two types of patterns in the dimension - the pattern of colors for each dyeable block and a 64*16*64 area that contains every type of dyeable block in the same smaller patterns.
Color pattern for concrete powder at /warp checkerboard, with part of the concrete and wool "chunks" on either side.
- The latter or larger of the patterns is inconsistent. [needs in-game testing]
The larger 64*16*64 pattern for the types of colored/dyeable blocks.
- The latter or larger of the patterns is inconsistent. [needs in-game testing]
- There are two types of patterns in the dimension - the pattern of colors for each dyeable block and a 64*16*64 area that contains every type of dyeable block in the same smaller patterns.
- "chess" (94341406) – A dimension nearly identical to the Overworld, with one exception. If the sum of a block's x, y, and z coordinates is odd, it appears completely black, as if there is no light falling on it. This produces a checkerboard pattern, although unlike the checkerboard dimension, the effect is visual only. Mobs and most other entities are also affected, based on their location.
- This dimension also uses the same world generation as the original world.
- The pattern is three-dimensional.
- "colors" (378547252) – A dimension divided into 4 quadrants colored red (
#F65314), blue (
#00A1F1), green (
#7CBB00), and yellow (
#FFBB00). At an angle, it resembles the Microsoft logo.- Yet again, this dimension shares the original world's generation.
- "content" (1201319931) – An empty dimension with a small skyblock island near spawn with a tree and chest.
- The player spawns on top of the tree at (9, 75, 11). The structure size from minecraft:content is (6 12 7).
- The chest on the island contains a lava bucket, beacon, bucket of pufferfish, pumpkin, sugar cane, melon slice, and a box of infinite books (see below).
- The island is possibly meant to resemble the YouTube Gaming logo since the dimension's name is "content".
Side-by-side comparison of the "/warp content" island and the YouTube Gaming logo.
- "credits" (1929426645) – Full Minecraft credits text made of Netherite at Y-level 20.
- "custom" (484336196) – A dimension with a caution floor pattern (at Y-level up to 15) and two signs that say "UNDER CONSTRUCTION" (0, 18, 0) and "IOU 1x Custom Worlds" (0, 17, 0). This may have been a reference to future snapshot 20w21a, which added custom worlds, i.e. custom world generation and dimensions.
- "darkness" (1210674279) – A dimension with no lighting except for around where the player spawns.
- "decay" (1537997313) – A dimension that appears similar to the overworld except it gets more broken and destroyed the further away from spawn the player goes.
The decay dimension.
- May crash game at high X or Z values.
- The decay effect applies to water as well as solid blocks.
- "fleet" (1896587401) – Large fleet of end ships in a grid pattern generated by the Between biome added in this snapshot (with four different levels starting at Y = 50, but the fourth is cut by the height limit. Every level is 50 blocks apart from each other).
- All non-chest loot in normal end ships generates, excluding the Elytra.
- If the between dimension is generated in a Buffet World, the layout is different than in this dimension and the custom dimension generates void instead of stone.
- "panda" - A large amount of ender pirate ships with a note from developer stating "WORK" or "Orders" Leading you to Seperate places that include somewhat habitable places.
- "gallery" (307219718) – A quartz path museum featuring Helical-shaped sculptures of random blocks with some having random data values (e.g. if a slab is waterlogged or the plant that appears inside the plant pot).
- The stands of "block DNA" have seemingly random minimum and maximum heights between themselves, however, they do join in the middle and have a mirrored top and bottom (i.e. whatever blocks have been generated above the center are mirrored below it with corresponding y-value differences). The middle is at the same y-value as the quartz path, which is Y=128. [needs in-game testing]
- Any note blocks play the sound of a random instrument when activated, despite having no blocks beneath them.
- "holes" (894945615) – A regular Overworld dimension but filled with holes in the shape of the "Shapes Biome".
- The holes can form in water.
- "isolation" (1098962767) – A house in a dirt flatland (at Y-level up to 63 in Superflat) that contains a villager named bob, three dogs and a hidden underground chest among other decorations. The house is referred to as
in the files.- The signs say "INGEN REKLAM TACK!" (which means "NO ADVERTISEMENT PLEASE!" in Swedish) and "GO AWAY!"
- The hidden chest contains rotten flesh, bones, and an iron sword named "Stabby McStabface" (similar to Boaty McBoatface).
- The dogs' collars are the same colors as the "Blue", "Green", and "Red" dimensions.
- The dogs are named "Bob's dog", "Bob's Other Dog", and "... their cousin Jim".
- Bob is a Jungle villager.
- Mobs do not spawn.
- There are ten infinite boxes of books and three empty, unwired trapped chests in the basement.
- There is an empty jukebox upstairs.
- "library" (1902968744) – A dimension that infinitely generates connected structures consisting of Boxes of Infinite Books. A direct reference to The Library of Babel by Jorge Luis Borges.[3]
- "llama" (31674686) – A dimension with several peaceful rooms with a llama equipped with a lime carpet and signs that say "RELAX!" and "ENJOY!" in colored text. A painting (sunset_dense) and lit nether portal are also present.
- Hidden next to the portal behind the wall there is a secret chest with a book named "A Book" authored by the "Developer", which says "Nothing to solve". Throwing the book into the portal brings the player to the 709,735,702nd dimension, but this dimension seems purely random.
- Many rooms generate, all exactly the same, but they are separated by several layers of bedrock.
- The portals use the minimum requirement of obsidian.
- "message" (2003598857) – An empty dimension with the message "We apologise for the inconvenience." written in fire, as was a similar message in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams.
- "missing" (1011847535) – A shrine made out of quartz with beacons and a chest with the footprint item.
- The iron golems that spawn in this dimension lack any mob AI.
- There is a sign underneath the netherite stairs that says "this is not a sign". This is a reference to The Treachery of Images by surrealist painter René Magritte.
- "notes" (1834117187) – A flat dimension made out of noteblocks at Y-level 0 that play random noteblock instruments and pitches despite receiving no redstone power or player input, and lacking any blocks beneath them. The noteblocks stop playing when the player goes into spectator mode.
- "nothing" (1036032341) – A dimension that is empty, except for a grass block and a sign stating "Ha! I lied!" and "This isn't nothing!" at (502640, 99, 1482448). The chunk coordinates (31415, 92653) are the first digits of pi (the first 10 significant figures of pi (truncated), 3.141592653).
- "origin" (107712651) – A dimension with an X, Y, and Z indicator (up to 4 blocks away from the Block of Diamond at (0, 0, 0)), similar to the one that appears when the Debug Menu is open.
- "patterns" (661885389) – A dimension with a grid that has black and white patterns in each cell. Each layer of each cell is one number in binary, forming patterns atop the cell. Neighboring cells start at incrementing numbers. Except for a split across the x-axis, each grid square differs from each of its neighbors by one block.
- "perfection" (264458659) – A dimension with infinitely repeating cobblestone rooms (with floor height at Y-level 63 and ceiling height at Y-level 68).
- A reference to an inside joke from the popular modder/youtuber/streamer Direwolf20.
- "pillars" (251137100) – A dimension with tall cylindrical obsidian pillars. These are of random size and extend to the upper and lower build limits. They generate an empty space around them.
- "retro" (1384344230) – A black dimension with a lime grid outlining chunk sections on the ground, resembling a vaporwave aesthetic.
- "rooms" (985130845) – A dimension divided by large brick walls and ceilings, constructed on top of what would be the Overworld. The rooms are square with four oak doors with a torch above each and a skylight hole in the ceiling.
- "shapes" (669175628) – A dimension made up of the Shapes biome (including spheres, cubes, and octahedra). If generated in a buffet world, generates exactly like this dimension, except for the fact that the overworld generates stone instead of the void.
- "skygrid" (927632079) – Resembles the popular survival challenge of the same name created by Sethbling, with every block, including creative- or command-exclusive ones, included.
- Many blocks generate in ways that normally could not exist in isolation, such as floating plants and gravity blocks.
- Blocks generate in random blockstates, resulting in many waterlogged blocks, powered redstone components, sloped rails, half-doors, etc.
- It is possible for single portal blocks to generate in the grid that goes to another random dimension.
- End gateways that generate do not take the player to the End.
- Many blocks generate in ways that normally could not exist in isolation, such as floating plants and gravity blocks.
- "slime" (1059552697) – A dimension nearly identical to the Overworld, with the exception that everything above-ground is buried in a 10 block thick layer of Slime Blocks.
The "sponge" dimension.
- "spiral" (907661935) – A dimension with a large spiral made out of mossy cobblestone (in fact in Y-level 51-52), with the grass floor level at Y-level 50.
- "sponge" (233542201) – A dimension with structure resembling a Menger sponge made out of sponge blocks.
- "terminal" (214387762) – A flat (Y-level up to 15) dimension that resembles the DOS terminal. Created with the "Cursor" blocks.
- "this_is_a_very_long_phrase_that_hopefully_is_not_in_any_dictionary" (1791460938) – Referred to in the code as "last page" as a reference to the last page of the internet.[4]
- Contains a secret message when entered using the correct name of this dimension.
- Contains "Uh uh uh! You didn't say the magic word!" written in grass blocks when entered without the correct name (for example by using
/warp abglaiap
or/warp myrobod
, which is a reference to the hacking scene from Jurassic Park.- Sometimes, there are multiple values that can hash to the same string (e.g.
/warp cDCCd
or/warp tgTZ&
) teleport to the same dimension without the correct name.
- Sometimes, there are multiple values that can hash to the same string (e.g.
- If the correct name is used, the dimension contains the following text, which is a reference to an alien message from the science-fiction book, 2010: Odyssey Two:
“ |
„ |
- This secret message was decoded by visiting a streaming media server created by boq, which at random intervals emit beeping noises that can be decoded as an SSTV image to produce a photo of a notebook with the correct name written on it.
- The correct name can be verified using a code snippet provided by boq.
- "Time of plague" is a reference to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- "All these worlds are yours, except Europa™️" is a reference to the 1982 science fiction novel, 2010: Odyssey Two.
- The dimension accessed with the book containing the word "Europa" appears to be a randomly generated world full of spruce forests in which barrier blocks make up the majority of the solid areas. This is not an easter egg dimension, and thus it has a different generation for each world seed.
- "tunnels" (1141490659) – Randomly generated tunnels made out of sea lanterns.
- "wall" (545072168) – A giant bedrock wall runs along X=0 with an iron door at (0,0). Both sides of the wall resemble the Overworld but with red and blue tints respectively.
- Probably a reference to Maxwell's demon.
- "zones" (1916276638) – A normal dimension with areas of zone blocks in random places of the surface.
- Colored dimensions
"blue" (1049823113) – A dimension where everything is blue.
"green" (1143264807) – A dimension where everything is green.
"red" (2114493792) – A dimension where everything is red.
- Exiting to the main screen while in any of the colored dimensions retains some of the effects in various menu elements.

Example of Shapes biome generation.
The following new structure files can be found in this directory data/minecraft/structures
- 9x9.nbt
- The cobblestone rooms found in the "perfection" dimension.
- Bridge
- The bridges in the "bridges" dimension. It's made up of three parts:
- b_center.nbt
- b_legs.nbt
- b_side.nbt
- The bridges in the "bridges" dimension. It's made up of three parts:
- command.com.nbt
- The C:\_ text in the "terminal" dimension.
- content.nbt
- The skyblock island in the "content" dimension.
- desire.nbt
- The shrine in the "missing" dimension.
- house_of_bob.nbt
- Bob's house in the "isolation" dimension.
- library.nbt
- A single unit of the "library" dimension.
- llama.nbt
- A single room of the "llama" dimension.
Command format[]
- Added
command.- Generates multiple JSON files in the "debug" folder of the world save.
- A "dim-#" file that includes the dimension's number, the type of generation used, the default block, default fluid, and the biomes within the dimension.
- One or multiple "biome-#" files that store the data used to generate the biomes that make up the dimension.
- Works in all dimensions, including the Overworld.
- Can also be used without cheats.
- Generates multiple JSON files in the "debug" folder of the world save.
- Added
command.- Can be followed by any string or number to warp to a corresponding randomly generated dimension.
- Warps to the same dimension as a book with the same text thrown into a portal would take the player to.
- Always sends the player to the same coordinates in each dimension, at one of the highest blocks near (0, 0) or to (0, 257, 0) if there are no blocks near (0, 0). Warping to the dimension the player is currently in teleports them to the coordinates (0, 0).
- Can also be used without cheats.
- Can be followed by any string or number to warp to a corresponding randomly generated dimension.
- Added advancement "Almost there", achieved after going through any portal a billion times. The in-game description is "Visited over billion dimensions."
- The advancement is found in the "Adventure" tab and its parent is the advancement "Adventure." The advancement also has a flint and steel icon.
- The advancement can be granted using
/advancement grant @s only minecraft:adventure/almost_there
- Added statistic "Dimensions changes", which keeps track of the number of times that the player has gone through a portal.
- When the statistic has reached 1,000,000,000, the advancement "Almost there" is granted to the player.
- The statistic's ID is
- Added
loot table.- Be used for chests in end ships in the new dimensions.
- Includes one book titled "Orders" whose author is "§kDeepest Lore".
- The obfuscated text can be observed by editing player or chest data in the world save, or by using the
command. - The content of the book is in the form of "<verb> §k<object>".
- The <verb> can be one of the following texts:
- capture
- destroy
- cut
- find
- obliterate
- discover
- observe
- reinforce
- build
- deploy
- restore
- deliver
- The <object> can be one of the following texts:
- cheese
- footprints
- bananas
- toeshoes
- mah brewskis
- bicycle build for two
- my canoe
- Minecraft 3D: Lost Floppies
- content
- those pesky modders
- license-free mappings
- those VHS
- pre-mixed coctails
- quasi-connectivity
- The <verb> can be one of the following texts:
- Contains a new loot table function:
- add_book_contents - Generates the contents of a writable or written book.
- provider: "orders": Must be set to "orders" to generate the contents detailed above.
- Has also been intentionally shuffled, like the creative inventory.
- When fishing, there is a 20% chance that the entity caught will be a non-item entity whose type is randomly chosen:
- Salmon and cod each have a 7⁄27 (25.92%) chance of being chosen.
- Pufferfish have a 4⁄27 (14.81%) chance of being chosen.
- Tropical fish, squid, guardians and boats each have a 2⁄27 (7.4%) chance of being chosen.
- Elder guardians have a 1⁄27 (3.7%) chance of being chosen.
- Added
check to thechanged_dimension
- Loading screen
- The Mojang loading screen has been changed.
- When the game is loaded it displays the company name MOJANG underneath it with a person singing "Mojang!" similar to how "Sega!" would be sung on a Sega startup screen. The same sound was also used in 3D Shareware v1.34. Occasionally, it plays at a higher pitch. This is a distinct sound file.
- World selection screen
- Worlds from releases and other snapshots are not visible but can be accessed by launching the game in said releases and snapshots.
Video made by slicedlime:
Easter egg dimensions[]
20w14infinite is not supported due to being an April Fools' joke, and therefore issues affecting it get closed as "Invalid" in the issue tracker.[5]
- This snapshot has the same protocol version as 20w13b. Crossplay between the two versions is possible but may cause unexpected issues.
- The uniquely generated dimensions do not begin until ID 3 due to the fact that 0 is the Nether, 1 is the Overworld, and 2 is the End.
- The extreme numeric IDs can be accessed by warping with the codes such as
for the ID 3 andaehUD7
for the ID 2147483647.
- The extreme numeric IDs can be accessed by warping with the codes such as
- In the JAR's
folder, there is a new folder namednothingtoseeheremovealong
that contains the sound for the Mojang splash screen (titledbananana.ogg
) as well as a higher-pitched version (titledbanananana.ogg
).- When playing
, the namespace is alsonothingtoseeheremovealong
- When playing
- There are multiple biomes and dimensions that can cause the game to be laggy, likely crash the game, or may soft-lock Minecraft, requiring it to be force-closed.
- There are multiple biomes generated in certain dimensions that cause errors and crashing due to exceptions in Java, such as "bound must be positive" (
) and "Exception generating new chunk" in server tick loopjava.util.concurrent.CompletionException
. These do not apply to the most easter egg dimensions.[needs in-game testing] - The most notable dimensions that cause errors and crashing due to "bound must be positive" are
(in certain seeds and biomes). - An example of dimension that cause errors and crashing due to "Exception generating new chunk" is
(in certain seeds and biomes).
- There are multiple biomes generated in certain dimensions that cause errors and crashing due to exceptions in Java, such as "bound must be positive" (
- The new loading screen startup sound (
) is considered an in-game sound effect (nothingtoseeheremovealong:awesome_intro
) and can be played in generated dimensions likecode
See also[]
- Java Edition 2.0 (2013)
- Java Edition 15w14a (2015)
- Java Edition 1.RV-Pre1 (2016)
- Java Edition 3D Shareware v1.34 (2019)
- Java Edition 22w13oneBlockAtATime (2022)
- Java Edition 23w13a or b (2023)
- ↑ "Every update imaginable coming to Minecraft" by Per Landin. Minecraft.net, April 1, 2020
- ↑ "What most people probably didn't realize with the snapshot today, there are not just 2 billion dimensions added to the game. There are 2 billion dimensions per world seed and they are all different. That makes 2^95 combinations (a really large number)" – @SeargeDP (Michael Stoyke) on X, April 1, 2020
- ↑ "Well, check "The Library of Babel" if you have time, it's interesting story. Now, try to find very sensible villager that tries to stay healthy." – @0x00716F62 on X, April 1, 2020
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20211203004826/https://imgur.com/a/WeA3Ip6
- ↑ MC-176985