Minecraft Wiki

1.21, the first release of Tricky Trials, is a major update to Java Edition, released on June 13, 2024. The update was originally announced at Minecraft Live 2023 on October 15, 2023.



Crafter JE3 Crafter
  • A block used in automatic crafting.
    • Items can be stored, put in and out on a crafter either manually or using hopper.
    • If the item arrangement on a crafter matches the recipe of an item, that item will appear on the output slot, just like what a crafting table does.
    • However, unlike the crafting table, item in the output slot of the crafter cannot be pulled out by mouse. Instead, the crafter ejects the items on the output slot when powered by Redstone, and wastes the material(s) that made that item.
    • Right-click on an empty slot (that's not an output slot) on a crafter to "block" it. A "blocked" slot don't allow items from hand or from hopper to occupy the slot. Right-click a "blocked" slot to turn it into an empty slot.
  • Crafted from 5 iron ingots, 2 redstone dust, a dropper, and a crafting table:
Ingredients Crafting recipe
Iron Ingot +
Crafting Table +
Redstone +

  • Use to connect with redstone circuit.
Trial Spawner Trial Spawner (active) JE1 BE1 Trial Spawner
Ominous Trial Spawner Ominous Trial Spawner
Vault Vault
  • A block found in trial chambers.
  • When a trial key is used on the vault, it opens, ejects several loots, and then closes, wasting a trial key in the process.
  • A vault cannot be used again once it opened per player.
Ominous Vault Ominous Vault
  • A block found in trial chambers.
  • It's basically the vault block, but uses ominous trial key instead of trial key, and drops better loots (might include the heavy core, which is important for making the mace).
  • An ominous vault cannot be used again once it opened per player.
Heavy Core Heavy Core
Tuff SlabTuff StairsTuff Wall Tuff Slab, Stairs, and Wall
Tuff Bricks Tuff Bricks
  • The bricks variant of tuff.
  • Can be used to make their slab, stairs, and wall variant.
Polished Tuff Polished Tuff
  • The polished variant of tuff.
  • Can be used to make their slab, stairs, and wall variant.
Chiseled Tuff Chiseled Tuff
Chiseled Tuff Bricks Chiseled Tuff Bricks
Copper DoorExposed Copper DoorWeathered Copper DoorOxidized Copper Door Copper Door
  • The new copper variant of door.
  • Also have their waxed and/or the exposed, weathered, and oxidized variants.
Copper TrapdoorExposed Copper TrapdoorWeathered Copper TrapdoorOxidized Copper Trapdoor Copper Trapdoor
  • The new copper variant of trapdoor.
  • Also have their waxed and/or the exposed, weathered, and oxidized variants.
Chiseled CopperExposed Chiseled CopperWeathered Chiseled CopperOxidized Chiseled Copper Chiseled Copper
  • The chiseled version of the copper block.
  • Also have their waxed and/or the exposed, weathered, and oxidized variants.
Copper GrateExposed Copper GrateWeathered Copper GrateOxidized Copper Grate Copper Grate
  • The new transparent block like glass.
  • Also have their waxed and/or the exposed, weathered, and oxidized variants.
Copper BulbLit Copper BulbExposed Copper BulbLit Exposed Copper BulbWeathered Copper BulbLit Weathered Copper BulbOxidized Copper BulbLit Oxidized Copper Bulb Copper Bulb
  • The new light source block.
  • Also have their waxed and/or the exposed, weathered, and oxidized variants. The more oxidized the copper bulb, the less brighter it gets.


Trial Key Trial Key
  • An item received from a trial spawner.
  • Used to unlock regular vaults.
Ominous Trial Key Ominous Trial Key
  • An item received from an ominous trial spawner.
  • Used to unlock ominous vaults.
Ominous Bottle Ominous Bottle
Spawn Egg
Potion of Oozing, Weaving, Infestation, and Wind Charging
Wind Charge Wind Charge
Breeze Rod Breeze Rod
Mace Mace
Ingredients Crafting recipe
Heavy core +
Breeze Rod

Trial Explorer Map
Bolt Armor Trim Smithing Template Flow Armor Trim Smithing Template Bolt and Flow Armor Trims
Banner Pattern JE1 BE1 Banner Pattern JE1 BE1 Flow and Guster Banner Patterns
Scrape Pottery Sherd Flow Pottery Sherd Guster Pottery Sherd Scrape, Flow, and Guster Pottery Sherds
Music Disc Precipice Music Disc Creator Music Disc Creator (Music Box) "Precipice", "Creator", and "Creator (Music Box)" Music Discs


Breeze Breeze
Bogged Bogged

Non-mob entities[]

Ominous Item Spawner
Wind Charge

World generation[]

Trial Chambers


  • Trial Spawner Detection
  • Gust


  1. "Minecraft Live 2023: The Recap!" by Sophie Austin. Minecraft.net, October 15, 2023