Minecraft Wiki
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This feature is exclusive to Bedrock Edition.

This official Minecraft world is only available via download from the Marketplace. 

Visit Inspiration Island, a floating theme park world filled with creative challenges. Whether you are new to Creative Mode or just need a little extra inspiration, a visit here sets you on the path to craft your own groundbreaking worlds. By the time you leave the island, you’ll be a true blue creator, armed with loads of skills to make awesome things!

Marketplace Description

Inspiration Island is a custom world released by Mojang for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition. It is available to download from the Marketplace for free. It was released on November 13th, 2018.[1]

The world is intended to serve as a tutorial to teach players how to play the game in Creative Mode.


This world is intended to be played in Creative Mode. Players begin in a small room preceding a long hall with several chambers beside it. The game tells the players to walk forward and uses a Sign to inform them about tutorial text and challenges.

The Signs inform players on how to use the Mine and Place buttons with different control schemes. A brick wall is provided to allow players to practice mining, while two Chests containing Concrete and Written Books are provided to allow players to practice placing blocks and read the entire control schemes. Along the chambers lining the sides of the hall, there are Buttons, Levers, and Tripwire Hooks that spawn different mobs inside the chambers.

At the end of the hall, there is flowing Lava blocking the door. Text appears informing players that it can be safely crossed in Creative Mode. Beyond it, there is another room, which has a set of tall steps. Signs on the steps inform players about using Flying to cross them. After these, players can leave the room through an opening near the ceiling by flying up.

At the top, a brick wall seals the exit; it can be mined instantly. The rest of Inspiration Island is now accessible, with a set of colored buildings surrounding the location of the main tutorial; each one shows a unique feature.

Beyond the town, there is a map showing the entirety of the world and the locations that players can visit. Behind it, an unfinished house and garden are present, intended for players to complete; both are next to Chests containing items that can be used to do so.

Also surrounding the area is a line of purple lamps; five secrets must be found across Inspiration Island to light these up. If these are all found and the lamps are activated, music will be played.



“Walk forward with W, LEFT STICK, or TOUCH the UP ARROW!”

“It is safe to walk through lava in CREATIVE MODE”



“Look for signs like this for hints and challenges!”

”In Creative Mode, there are two main buttons you’ll use.”

“The Mine button breaks blocks instantly.”

”Break this wall to practice!”

”The Place button places blocks and uses items.

”Open this chest with the Place button to collect some blocks.”

”For more help, read the books in this chest with the Place button.”

“In Creative Mode, you can walk through lava!”

”To Start or Stop Flying, quickly press the Jump button twice.”

”Fly Up by holding the Jump button.”

”Fly Down by holding the Sneak button.”

”You’re almost there! Fly Up by holding the Jump button.”

”Use the Mine button to break through this wall!”

”You don’t have to eat in Creative Mode, but it’s fun!”

”This is your home on Inspiration Island. Feel free to decorate!”

”This is your garden. Plant whatever you want here!”

”Find the five secrets on the island to light these lamps! You might want to lower your music volume as well…”

Written Books[]

Keyboard Guide[]

“Mouse/Keyboard Guide

Move camera: [mouse]

Move character: [W] [A] [S] [D]

Jump: [space]

Mine: [left-click]

Place/Use Item: [right-click]

Fly Start/Stop: [space] twice

Fly Up: hold [space]

Fly Down: hold [shift]

Open Inventory: [E]

For more help, open inventory and select the [?] icon!”

Touch Guide[]

“Touch Controls Guide

Move camera: [touch and drag]

Move character: [touch arrows]

Jump: [<>]

Mine: [touch and hold]

Place/Use Item: [tap]

Fly Start: [double-tap <>]

Fly Stop: [double-tap wing icon]

Fly Up: [up arrow]

Fly Down: [down arrow]

Open Inventory: […]

For more help, open inventory and select the [?] icon!”

Xbox Guide[]

“Xbox Controller Guide

Move camera: [right stick]

Move character: [left stick]

Jump: [A]

Mine: [right trigger]

Place/Use Item: [left trigger]

Fly Start/Stop: [A] twice

Fly Up: hold [A]

Fly Down: hold [B]

Open Inventory: [Y]

For more help, open inventory and select the [?] icon!”

Switch Guide[]

“Switch Guide

Move camera: [right stick]

Move character: [left stick]

Jump: [A]

Mine: [right trigger]

Place/Use Item: [left trigger]

Fly Start/Stop: [A] twice

Fly Up: hold [A]

Fly Down: hold [B]

Open Inventory: [X]

For more help, open inventory and select the [?] icon!”


  • The reason no Written Book guide was created for the PlayStation control scheme is because Inspiration Island was released before the PlayStation 4 version of Bedrock Edition existed (as the platform still used Legacy Console Edition).
  • The “Switch Guide” is intended as a reference for playing the game on the Nintendo Switch. The reason the system was not referenced by its full name is likely to prevent a copyright dispute with Nintendo, due to the multi-platform nature of this world.

