Multiple types of granular materials can be found within the game.
Dust may refer to:
- Glowstone Dust - an item obtained from mining glowstone blocks, which can be used in brewing or to create glowstone blocks.
- Redstone Dust - an item obtained from mining redstone ore, which can be placed as redstone wire, crafted into various redstone-related items or used in brewing.
Powder may refer to:
- Blaze Powder - an item crafted from blaze rods used mainly in brewing and crafting eyes of ender.
- Concrete Powder - an item crafted from sand, gravel and dye that turns into concrete when it touches water.
- Gunpowder - an item dropped from creepers, used to craft TNT and in brewing.
- Powder Snow
- Dyes have an internal name "", as shown by a glitch in early Pocket Edition and the statistics in early Java Edition