Minecraft Wiki
Minecraft Wiki

This is a list of decorative blocks and entities.

  • Armor Stand - Immobile, player-like entity that holds armor
  • Banners - Hangable wall block that displays customizable patterns
  • Bookshelf - Block that enhances enchanting tables
  • Campfire - Block that produces a column of smoke and provides light and cooking when lit
  • Candle - Floor block that provides a variable light level when lit; can be dyed
  • Flower Pot - Floor block that can hold a plant
  • Heads - Hangable wall & floor block that resembles certain mobs and even players; can be worn in the head slot
  • Item Frame - Hangable wall & floor entity that holds an item
  • Lantern - Hangable ceiling & floor block that provides light
  • Lectern - Block that can hold a book
  • Painting - Hangable wall entity that can display certain artpieces
  • Sea Pickle - Floor block that provides a variable light level when submerged in water
  • Torch - Hangable wall & floor block that produces light