Minecraft Wiki
    •  ultrawarm: Whether the dimensions behaves like the nether (water evaporates and sponges dry) or not. Also lets stalactites drip lava and causes lava to spread faster and thinner.
    •  natural: When false, compasses spin randomly, and using a bed to set the respawn point or sleep, is disabled. When true, nether portals can spawn zombified piglins.
    •  coordinate_scale: The multiplier applied to coordinates when leaving the dimension. Value between 0.00001 and 30000000.0 (both inclusive)。
    •  has_skylight: Whether the dimension has skylight or not.
    •  has_ceiling: Whether the dimension has a bedrock ceiling. Note that this is only a logical ceiling. It is unrelated with whether the dimension really has a block ceiling.
    •  ambient_light: How much light the dimension has. When set to 0, it completely follows the light level; when set to 1, there is no ambient lighting. Precise effects need testing [needs testing].
    •  fixed_time: (optional) If this is set to an int, the time of the day is the specified value. To ensure a normal time cycle, leave the attribute undefined (i.e, do not include it).
    •  monster_spawn_light_level: Value between 0 and 15 (both inclusive). Maximum light required when the monster spawns. The formula of this light is: max( skyLight - 10, blockLight ) during thunderstorms, and max( internalSkyLight, blockLight ) during other weather.
      • Int provider
    •  monster_spawn_block_light_limit: Value between 0 and 15 (both inclusive). Maximum block light required when the monster spawns.
    •  piglin_safe: Whether Piglin and hoglin shake and transform to zombified entities.
    •  bed_works: When false, the bed blows up when trying to sleep.
    •  respawn_anchor_works: When false, the respawn anchor blows up when trying to set spawn point.
    •  has_raids: Whether players with the Bad Omen effect can cause a raid.
    •  logical_height: The maximum height to which chorus fruits and nether portals can bring players within this dimension. This excludes portals that were already built above the limit as they still connect normally. Cannot be greater than  height.
    •  min_y: The minimum height in which blocks can exist within this dimension. Must be between -2032 and 2031 and be a multiple of 16 (effectively making 2016 the maximum).
    •  height: The total height in which blocks can exist within this dimension. Must be between 16 and 4064 and be a multiple of 16. The maximum building height = min_y + height - 1, which cannot be greater than 2031.
    •  infiniburn: A block tag with #. Fires on these blocks burns infinitely.
    •  effects: (optional, defaults to minecraft:overworld) Can be "minecraft:overworld", "minecraft:the_nether" and "minecraft:the_end". Determines the dimension effect used for this dimension. Setting to overworld makes the dimension have clouds, sun, stars and moon. Setting to the nether makes the dimension have thick fog blocking that sight, similar to the nether. Setting to the end makes the dimension have dark spotted sky similar to the end, ignoring the sky and fog color.