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This feature is exclusive to Java Edition. 

Carvers are used to add caves and canyons.

Carver Type[]

A carver type (sometimes called carver) determines what to carve. There's three carver types:

  • cave - Carves a cave. A cave is a long tunnel that sometimes branches. Somtimes one or more tunnels start from a circular void.
  • nether_cave - Similar to cave, but with a less frequency and wider tunnels. And aquifer doesn't work. The carved blocks below bottom_y + 32.0 are filled with lava.
  • canyon - Carves a canyon.

Configured Carver[]

A carver type determines what to carve, but the details need to be configured additionally. After configured, it is called a configured carver, or simply called a carver.

Configured carvers are stored as JSON files within a data pack in the path data/<namespace>/worldgen/configured_carver.

JSON format[]

  • : The root object.
    •  type: The ID of carver type.
    •  config: Configuration values for the carver.
      •  probability: The probability that each chunk attempts to generate carvers. Value between 0 and 1 (both inclusive).
      •  y: The height at which this carver attempts to generate.
        • Height provider
      •  lava_level: The Y-level below or equal to which the carved areas are filled with lava. Doesn't affect nether_cave (where lava level is always bottom_y + 31). (This field is seemingly ignored and always set to -56 (MC-237017), needs testing)
        • Choices for a vertical anchor (must choose only one of three)
      •  replaceable: Blocks that can be carved. Can be a block ID, a block tag, or a list of block IDs.
      •  debug_settings: (optional) Replaces blocks in the carved areas for debugging.
        •  debug_mode: (optional, defauts to false) Enable debug mode for this carver.
        •  air_state: (optional, defaults to acacia button's default state) Replaces air blocks.
          • Block state
        •  water_state: (optional, defaults to acacia button's default state) Replaces water blocks and then waterlogs these blocks.
          • Block state
        •  lava_state: (optional, defaults to acacia button's default state) Replaces lava blocks.
          • Block state
        •  barrier_state: (optional, defaults to acacia button's default state) Replaces barriers of aquifers.
          • Block state
        If carver type is cave or nether_cave, additional fields are as follows:
      •  yScale: Vertically scales circular voids.
        • Float provider
      •  horizontal_radius_multiplier: Horizonally scales cave tunnels. Doesn't affect the length of tunnels.
        • Float provider
      •  vertical_radius_multiplier: Vertically scales cave tunnels. Doesn't affect the length of tunnels.
        • Float provider
      •  floor_level: Value between -1.0 and 1.0 (both inclusive). Change the shape of the cave's horizontal floor. If 0.0, carves the terrain with ellipsoids. If 1.0, carves with upper semi-ellipsoids, resulting in a level floor.
        • Float provider
        If carver type is canyon, additional fields are as follows:
      •  yScale: Vertically scales canyons.
        • Float provider
      •  vertical_rotation: Vertical rotation as a canyon extends.
        • Float provider
      •  shape: The shape to use for the ravine.
        •  distance_factor: Scales the length of canyons. Higher values make canyons longer.
          • Float provider
        •  thickness: Scales the breadth and height of canyons.
          • Float provider
        •  horizontal_radius_factor: Scales the breadth of canyons. Higher values make canyons wider.
          • Float provider
        •  vertical_radius_default_factor: Vertically scales canyons. Higher values make canyons deeper.
        •  vertical_radius_center_factor: Scales the height based on the horizontal distance from the canyon's center, resulting in deeper center.
        •  width_smoothness: Higher values smooth canyon walls on the vertical axis. Must be greater than 0.


Java Edition
1.16.220w28aAdded experimental support for configured carvers in data packs.
1.1721w06aRemoved carvers underwater_canyon and underwater_cave.
21w08aAdded configuration for the canyon carver.
Added optional carver field debug_settings. When enabled with debug_mode, can place blocks from air_state.
21w11aRenamed canyon carver field distanceFactor to distance_factor.
21w13aAdded configuration for the cave carver.
Replaced carver field bottom_inclusive and top_inclusive with field y, which is a height provider. Added field yScale.
Moved canyon carver shape fields into sub-object shape.
21w16aAdded field aquifers_enabled.
Added fields water_state, lava_state, and barrier_state in the debug_settings object.
1.1821w38aRemoved field aquifers_enabled.
1.1922w15aAdded field replaceable to carver configuration.