Minecraft Wiki

Not to be confused with the Iron/Gold Ingot.

This article is about the ingot. For the ore, see Copper Ore. For the mineral block, see Block of Copper.

Copper ingots are metal ingots that can be obtained from smelting up raw copper or by lucky drowned drops when killed.



Ingredients Crafting recipe
Block of Copper or
Waxed Block of Copper



Copper ingots can be obtained by smelting raw copper in a furnace or blast furnace, as well as the ore itself if mined using Silk Touch.

Name Ingredients Smelting recipe
Copper Ingot Raw Copper +
Any fuel

Copper Ingot Copper Ore or
Deepslate Copper Ore +
Any fuel


Mob loot[]


When killed by a player or a tamed wolf, a drowned has a 11% (11100) chance of dropping a copper ingot. With the Looting enchantment, the chance can be increased to 13% (13100) with Looting I, 15% (320) with Looting II, and 17% (17100) with Looting III.


Crafting ingredient[]

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe
Block of Copper Copper Ingot

Brush Feather +
Copper Ingot +

Copper Trapdoor Copper Ingot
Copper Door Copper Ingot
Lightning Rod Copper Ingot

Spyglass Amethyst Shard +
Copper Ingot

Smithing ingredient[]

IngredientsSmithing recipeDescription
Any Armor Trim +
Any Armor Piece +
Copper Ingot
Upgrade Gear

All armor types can be used in this recipe,
a netherite chestplate is shown as an example.
Trim color palette

The following color palette is shown on the designs on trimmed armor:

Data values[]


Java Edition:

NameIdentifierFormTranslation key
Copper Ingotcopper_ingotItemitem.minecraft.copper_ingot

Bedrock Edition:

NameIdentifierNumeric ID FormTranslation key
Copper Ingotcopper_ingot504Itemitem.copper_ingot.name


Java Edition
1.1720w45aCopper Ingot JE1 Added copper ingots.
20w46aCopper Ingot JE2 BE1 The texture of copper ingots has been changed.
Crafting copper ingots from and into copper blocks now outputs/requires only 4 ingots.
21w05aDrowned can now drop copper ingots when killed instead of gold ingots, making copper ingots renewable.
21w10aCopper ingots can now be smelted from deepslate copper ore.
21w14aCopper ingots can now be smelted from raw copper.
21w17aThe amount of copper ingots required to make a block of copper has been changed back to 9.
1.17.1Pre-release 1Increased the chance of drowned dropping a copper ingot from 5% to 11% and the increase of this chance for each level of Looting enchantment from 1% to 2% to match Bedrock Edition.
23w04aCopper ingots can now be used as an armor trim material.
1.19.4 Pre-release 1Copper ingots can now be used to craft brushes.
Bedrock Edition
Caves & Cliffs (experimental)beta Ingot JE2 BE1 Added copper ingots.
1.17.0beta ingots can now be used to craft spyglasses.
beta ingots are now available without enabling experimental gameplay.
beta amount of copper ingots required to make a block of copper has been changed to 9.
Vanilla Experiments (experimental)beta ingots can now be used to craft copper horns.
1.19.0beta ingots can no longer be used to craft copper horns, as copper horns have been removed.
beta ingots can now be used to craft brushes.
beta ingots can now be used as an armor trim material.


Issues relating to "Copper Ingot" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.

External Links[]
