Minecraft Wiki
For the boss in Minecraft Dungeons, see MCD:Corrupted Cauldron.

A cauldron is a block that can contain water, lava or powder snow and, in certain situations, collect it from the environment. In Bedrock Edition, it can also hold potions or dyed water. It also serves as a leatherworker's job site block.



A cauldron can be obtained using any pickaxe. If mined without a pickaxe, it drops nothing. Regardless of the tool, when a cauldron is destroyed, its contents are lost.

Block Cauldron
Hardness 2
Breaking time[A]
Default 10
Wooden 1.5
Stone 0.75
Iron 0.5
Diamond 0.4
Netherite 0.35
Golden 0.25
  1. Times are for unenchanted tools as wielded by players with no status effects, measured in seconds. For more information, see Breaking § Speed.

Natural generation[]

Natural Cauldron Table

A naturally occurring cauldron inside of a witch hut.

A single empty cauldron is generated in each swamp hut. In Bedrock Edition, the cauldrons generated there are 13 to 23 full of a random potion.

A cauldron 23 full of water is generated in each igloo basement.


Cauldron in woodland mansion jail.

Cauldrons can be found in a few rooms inside of woodland mansions.

Two filled cauldrons can be found inside savanna, taiga, snowy taiga, and snowy tundra village tannery houses.

A single filled cauldron can be found in plains village and desert village tannery houses.

In Java Edition, three filled cauldrons can be found in plains village tannery houses.

Cauldrons can also spawn in trail ruins.


A cauldron can be crafted from iron ingots.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Iron Ingot


Storage for substances[]

Cauldrons can hold a variety of substances. Fluids they cannot hold include milk, honey and any food items that exist in bowls; namely mushroom stew, beetroot soup, rabbit stew and suspicious stew. In Java Edition, cauldrons containing fluids are considered by the game to be separate blocks from each other and from empty cauldrons, which does not affect gameplay but does affect the commands needed to place them.

Holding water[]

A cauldron can be filled with water by using a water bucket on the cauldron. Once completely filled, a cauldron can be used to fill a water bucket by using an empty bucket on the cauldron; this empties the cauldron. Despite containing water, using a fish bucket on a cauldron does not fill it with water, but places water against it, meaning it does nothing to the cauldron.[1]

A cauldron can also be filled by dumping a water bucket on the block above the cauldron. Once the water block is removed, the cauldron is filled to the full level with water.‌[Bedrock Edition only]

It can contain three levels of water. One level of water can be added to a cauldron by using a water bottle on it. One level of water can be removed from a cauldron, filling a water bottle, by using a glass bottle on it.

A cauldron slowly fills with water when rained upon, if starting empty or with some water. This happens randomly, at 5% of the rate in which snow accumulates on the ground during snowfall.

Water can be stored in a cauldron even in the Nether. Water in a cauldron does not freeze in cold biomes.

Water in a cauldron does not absorb explosion damage; make sounds and particles; absorb fall damage;[2][3] allow Riptide tridents to activate;[4][5] or damage endermen, striders, or blazes.[6] Cauldrons do not deal drowning damage to mobs inside of them[7] and fish act as if there is no water inside it.[8] The player cannot float or swim in it, as the water is about level with the player's waist. Jumping in a cauldron does not produce any bubble or water particles.

A cauldron placed below a down-facing pointed dripstone that has water placed a block above it slowly fills with water. The same works with lava, allowing for infinite lava generation.

Attempting to add lava or potion to water empties the cauldron.‌[Bedrock Edition only]

The water in a cauldron cannot be sucked up by a sponge, whether the sponge is touching the cauldron or not.

Applying dye to cauldron water[]
Information icon
This feature is exclusive to Bedrock Edition. 

In Bedrock Edition, leather armor is dyed through a cauldron, so a cauldron can hold dyed water. Using a dye on a cauldron filled with water colors the water, consuming the dye. Different dyes may be added to produce mixed colors. Using leather armor or leather horse armor on the cauldron dyes that item the color of the water, reducing the water in the cauldron by one level for each item dyed.

Attempting to add water, lava or potion to dyed water empties the cauldron.

Holding lava[]

Lava Cauldron

Cauldron filled with lava

Cauldrons can be used to hold lava. In Bedrock Edition and Minecraft Education, when a cauldron is already filled with water, it empties the cauldron and makes an extinguishing sound. A cauldron filled with lava emits a light level of 15, similar to lava, and burns any entity inside of it; in Bedrock Edition and Minecraft Education, this includes mobs that do not take damage from lava like zombified piglins.

Lava inside a cauldron does not interact with water outside of the cauldron. The lava disappears upon putting water in the cauldron.

A redstone comparator with a lava cauldron behind it outputs redstone signal strength of 3.[9][10]

A cauldron placed below a down-facing pointed dripstone that has lava placed a block above it slowly fills with lava.

If a cauldron is filled by lava, using glass bottles on the cauldron does nothing.

Holding powder snow[]

Powder snow is currently the only solid material that can be stored in a cauldron. A cauldron slowly fills with powder snow during snowfall, if starting empty or with any layer of powder snow already inside. Up to three layers can be filled. When the cauldron is full, interacting using a bucket, creates a powder snow bucket and empties the cauldron. Entities standing in the cauldron do not take freeze damage, and entities wearing leather boots still fall through the powder snow.

A redstone comparator with a powder snow cauldron behind it outputs a redstone signal strength proportional to the fill level, up to 3.

Contrary to a cauldron filled with water, a powder snow cauldron that is not full cannot be filled up with a powder snow bucket, as using the bucket on the cauldron instead places powder snow against it.

Filling cauldrons with potions[]

Information icon
This feature is exclusive to Bedrock Edition and Minecraft Education. 

In Bedrock Edition, a cauldron can hold normal potions, splash potions and lingering potions. Using a potion on a cauldron empties the potion and increases the level of the potion in the cauldron by one level. A glass bottle can then be used on a cauldron with a potion in it, filling the bottle with that potion. This reduces the potion in the cauldron by one level.

Using an arrow on a cauldron that contains a potion transforms the arrow into a tipped arrow with that potion effect, and reduce the potion in the cauldron by one level. Tipping multiple arrows at once can be more efficient, and it may use more than one level at once. 1 level of potion tips up to 16 arrows, 2 levels up to 32, and a full cauldron can tip a full stack of arrows, resulting in 21.33 tipped arrows per potion.

Attempting to put water, lava or a different potion into a cauldron with a potion causes an explosion sound, and the cauldron is emptied.

An entity that stands in a cauldron filled to any level with any potion does not receive the effect of the potion.

Using an empty bucket on a cauldron filled with any potion does nothing, as the bucket remains empty and the potion in the cauldron does not empty.

Removing dye from items[]

A cauldron with water can wash the dye off of leather armor and shulker boxes, and can remove the top-most pattern layer of a banner, by pressing use on the cauldron with the leather armor, shulker box, or banner in hand. Each wash reduces the water in the cauldron by one level. The water does not become dyed while removing dye from objects.

Changing profession[]

If a village has a cauldron that has not been claimed by a villager, any villager that does not already have a profession or job site block may change their profession to leatherworker.

Extinguishing fire[]

A cauldron with water or powder snow extinguishes entities on fire that fall into it and the entity emits black particles. This includes mobs, players, items (if they land in the cauldron before burning up), and flaming arrows[JE only]. Flaming arrows stuck into the side are also extinguished. Entities must reach the water or powder snow in it. Each entity extinguished causes the substance in the cauldron to decrease by one level. If the cauldron is filled with powder snow, it then becomes a water cauldron.

Redstone component[]

Cauldron transmission over piston

An example of a cauldron used in a redstone circuit.

See also: Redstone circuit

A cauldron can act as a power source for a redstone comparator. With a cauldron behind it (either directly, or separated by an unpowered solid block), a comparator outputs a signal strength proportional to how full the cauldron is: 0 for empty, 1 for one-third full, 2 for two-thirds full, and 3 for completely full or filled with lava. However, if there is a block between the cauldron and the comparator, the comparator does not immediately update.



Java Edition:

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
Block brokenBlocksOnce the block has brokenblock.stone.breaksubtitles.block.generic.break1.00.816
Block placedBlocksWhen the block is placedblock.stone.placesubtitles.block.generic.place1.00.816
Block breakingBlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenblock.stone.hitsubtitles.block.generic.hit0.250.516
None[sound 1]Entity-DependentFalling on the block with fall damageblock.stone.fallNone[sound 1]0.50.7516
FootstepsEntity-DependentWalking on the blockblock.stone.stepsubtitles.block.generic.footsteps0.151.016
  1. a b MC-177082

Bedrock Edition:

SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
BlocksOnce the block has brokendig.stone1.00.8-1.0
BlocksWhen the block is placeddig.stone1.00.8-1.0
BlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenhit.stone0.27 [sound 1]0.5
PlayersFalling on the block with fall damagefall.stone0.41.0
PlayersWalking on the blockstep.stone0.31.0
PlayersJumping from the blockjump.stone0.121.0
PlayersFalling on the block without fall damageland.stone0.221.0
  1. MCPE-169612 — Many blocks make very slightly different sounds to stone


Java Edition:

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
Water dripsBlocksWhen dripping water from a pointed dripstone falls into a cauldronblock.pointed_dripstone.drip_water_into_cauldronsubtitles.block.pointed_dripstone.drip_water_into_cauldron2.00.9-1.016
Lava dripsBlocksWhen dripping lava from a pointed dripstone falls into a cauldronblock.pointed_dripstone.drip_lava_into_cauldronsubtitles.block.pointed_dripstone.drip_lava_into_cauldron2.00.9-1.016
Bucket emptiesBlocksWhen water from a bucket is placed in a cauldron [sound 1]item.bucket.emptysubtitles.item.bucket.empty1.01.0 [sound 2]16
Bucket fillsBlocksWhen water from a bucket is removed from a cauldronitem.bucket.fillsubtitles.item.bucket.fill1.01.016
Bucket emptiesBlocksWhen lava is placed in a cauldronitem.bucket.empty_lavasubtitles.item.bucket.empty1.01.016
Bucket fillsBlocksWhen lava is removed from a cauldronitem.bucket.fill_lavasubtitles.item.bucket.fill1.01.016
Bucket emptiesBlocksWhen powder snow is placed in a cauldronitem.bucket.empty_powder_snowsubtitles.item.bucket.empty1.0varies [sound 3]16
Bucket fillsBlocksWhen powder snow is removed from a cauldronitem.bucket.fill_powder_snowsubtitles.item.bucket.fill1.0varies [sound 4]16
Bottle emptiesBlocksWhen water from a bottle is placed in a cauldronitem.bottle.emptysubtitles.item.bottle.empty1.01.016
Bottle fillsBlocksWhen water from a bottle is removed from a cauldronitem.bottle.fillsubtitles.item.bottle.fill1.01.016
Leatherworker worksFriendly CreaturesRandomly while a leatherworker is workingentity.villager.work_leatherworkersubtitles.entity.villager.work_leatherworker0.90.8-1.216
  1. empty1 plays twice as often as the other sounds
  2. Except for the second copy of empty1, which is 0.9
  3. Can be 1.0, 0.95, or 1.1 for each sound
  4. Can be 1.0, 0.9, or 1.1 for each sound

Bedrock Edition:

SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
BlocksWhen dripping water from a pointed dripstone falls into a cauldroncauldron_drip.water
BlocksWhen dripping lava from a pointed dripstone falls into a cauldroncauldron_drip.lava
BlocksWhen a different liquid is put in a cauldron with a potionrandom.fizz1.00.6-0.8[check the code]
BlocksWhen dye is added to a cauldroncauldron.adddye0.11.0
BlocksWhen armor is dyed using a cauldroncauldron.dyearmor0.11.0
BlocksWhen dye is removed from armor using a cauldroncauldron.cleanarmor0.11.0
BlocksWhen all patterns are removed from a banner using a cauldroncauldron.cleanbanner0.11.0
BlocksWhen a potion is placed in a cauldron[sound 1]cauldron.fillpotion0.11.0
BlocksWhen a potion is taken from a cauldron[sound 1]cauldron.takepotion0.11.0
BlocksWhen water from a bucket or bottle is placed in a cauldron[sound 2]cauldron.fillwater0.11.0
BlocksWhen water from a bucket or bottle is removed from a cauldron [sound 2]cauldron.takewater0.11.0
BlocksWhen lava is placed in a cauldronbucket.empty_lava1.01.0
BlocksWhen lava is removed from a cauldronbucket.fill_lava1.01.0
BlocksWhen powder snow is placed in a cauldronbucket.empty_powder_snow1.01.0
PlayersWhen powder snow is removed from a cauldronbucket.fill_powder_snow1.01.0
BlocksRandomly while a leatherworker is workingbucket.fill_water1.01.0

Data values[]


Java Edition:

NameIdentifierFormBlock tagsTranslation key
CauldroncauldronBlock & Itemcauldronsblock.minecraft.cauldron
Lava Cauldronlava_cauldronBlockcauldronsblock.minecraft.lava_cauldron
Powder Snow Cauldronpowder_snow_cauldronBlockcauldronsblock.minecraft.powder_snow_cauldron
Water Cauldronwater_cauldronBlockcauldronsblock.minecraft.water_cauldron

Bedrock Edition:

TypeIdentifierNumeric ID FormItem ID[i 1]Translation key
Normal blockcauldron118Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2]item.cauldrontile.cauldron.name
Brighting blocklava_cauldron465Block & Ungiveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]
  1. ID of block's direct item form, which is used in savegame files and addons.
  2. a b Unavailable with /give command
  3. The block's direct item form has the same id as the block.
NameSavegame ID
Block entityCauldron

Block states[]

See also: Block states

Java Edition:
Water cauldron and powder snow cauldron:

Name Default value Allowed values Description
Fullness of a cauldron, 0 is empty and 3 is full.

Bedrock Edition:
Cauldron and brighting cauldron:

NameMetadata Bits Default value Allowed valuesValues for
Metadata Bits
Fullness of a cauldron, 0 is empty and 6 is full.
cauldron_liquid0x8waterwater0The cauldron contains water
lava1The cauldron contains lava
powder_snowUnsupported [sic]The cauldron contains powder snow.

Block data[]

In Bedrock Edition, a cauldron has a block entity associated with it that holds additional data about the block.

See Bedrock Edition level format/Block entity format.


Icon Achievement In-game description Actual requirements (if different) Gamerscore earned Trophy type (PS4)
PS4 Other
Tie Dye OutfitUse a cauldron to dye all 4 unique pieces of leather armor.15GBronze


Java Edition
1.0.0Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2Cauldron JE1 Cauldrons are present in the code, but are not assigned to a block ID (and thus are unobtainable without mods (archived link: [1])).
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3Cauldron (item) JE1 BE1 Cauldrons have been given a block ID, an item ID, and a crafting recipe.
1.2.112w06aCauldrons have now become renewable, due to zombies sometimes dropping iron ingots.
1.4.212w40aEmpty cauldrons can now be found in witch huts.
1.513w02aCauldron JE2 The walls inside of the cauldron now use the bottom texture, and the cauldron now has no bottom.[11]
13w02bCauldron JE1 Fixed the model error from 13w02a.
1.814w03aCauldron JE4 Cauldrons now appear completely opaque.[12]
14w03bCauldron JE1 Cauldrons now render as normal again.
14w06aCauldrons now have extra planes inside the feet. These planes are now rendered solid, so the player cannot see through the water.[more information needed]
14w10aCauldron JE6 The cauldron's feet now have planes on all sides.
1.1116w39aCauldrons now generate naturally in jail cells in woodland mansions.
July 19, 2017Jeb tweets image of a new jungle planks, cauldron and dandelion textures.
1.1317w47aPrior to The Flattening, this block's numeral ID was 118, and the item's was 380.
1.1418w43aCauldron JE7
Cauldron (item) JE2 BE2 The textures of cauldrons have been changed.
18w48aCauldrons now generate in the updated plains villages.
18w49aCauldrons now generate in the updated savanna villages and the new snowy tundra villages.
18w50aCauldrons now generate in the updated desert and taiga villages.
19w03aThe numerous missing cullface arguments for the cauldron have been fixed.
19w11aCauldrons now serve as leatherworker villagers' job site block.
19w13aThe cauldron's hitbox has been fixed.[13]
1.1720w45aNormal and water cauldrons have been split into different blocks, making filled cauldrons no longer work as a workstation for villagers.[14]
This also means that any structures before this snapshot that have cauldron(s) fill with water now no longer generate(s) cauldron. Instead, water cauldron(s) will generate.
20w48aCauldrons can now collect water and lava dripped by pointed dripstone.
21w11aLava buckets and powder snow buckets can now be emptied into any filled cauldron.
21w13aFilled cauldrons work again as a workstation for villagers.
1.2023w12aCauldrons now generate in trail ruins.
Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.14.0build 1Cauldron BE1
Cauldron (item) JE1 BE1 Added cauldrons.
Cauldrons are generated naturally in witch huts.
v0.15.0build 1Cauldrons can now be moved by pistons.
Pocket Edition
1.1.0alpha now generate naturally in woodland mansions, their fullness status is unknown.
Bedrock Edition
1.10.0beta BE2 The textures of cauldrons have been changed.
Cauldrons now generate in tannery houses in villages.
?Cauldron JE7 The textures of cauldrons have been changed.
Legacy Console Edition
TU7CU1 1.0 Patch 11.0.1Cauldron JE1[verify]Cauldron (item) JE1 BE1 Added cauldrons.
TU60CU51 1.64 Patch 301.0.11Water in a cauldron can now be dyed.
Armor can be dyed in a cauldron filled with dyed water.
Cauldrons can no longer be pushed by pistons.
1.90 Cauldron JE7[verify]
Cauldron (item) JE2 BE2 The textures of cauldrons have been changed.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.0Cauldron BE1
Cauldron (item) JE1 BE1 Added cauldrons.

Water cauldron[]

Java Edition
1.0.0Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2Water Cauldron (level 1) JE1 Water Cauldron (level 2) JE1 Water Cauldron JE1 If made to work with a mod, cauldrons can be filled with a water bucket.
Cauldron water transparency appears inconsistent depending on hardware.
1.3.112w22aCauldrons can now be filled with water, if placed outside during rain or a thunderstorm.
1.4.212w34aHolding a piece of dyed leather armor and right-clicking a water-filled cauldron now washes away all dyes applied to the leather armor.
1.513w02aWater Cauldron (level 1) JE2 Water Cauldron (level 2) JE2 Water Cauldron JE2 The walls inside of the cauldron now use the bottom texture, and the cauldron now has no bottom.[11]
13w02bWater Cauldron (level 1) JE1 Water Cauldron (level 2) JE1 Water Cauldron JE1 Fixed the model error from 13w02a.
1.6.113w18aWhen used with a redstone comparator, cauldrons now output a signal varying in strength according to the amount of water inside.
1.7.213w43aCauldrons now extinguish burning entities.
1.814w10aWater Cauldron (level 1) JE4 Water Cauldron (level 2) JE4 Water Cauldron JE4 The cauldron's feet now have planes on all sides.
14w30aRight-clicking a non-empty cauldron with a banner now removes the top-most pattern layer.
1.915w43aA cauldron now generates within igloo basements, 23 full.
15w44aA full cauldron can now be emptied with a bucket, filling the bucket with water.
1.1116w32aWhen a cauldron washes a dyed item (leather armor or banner), it reduces its water level by 1.
16w33aA water bottle is now able to add 1 water level to a cauldron.
1.1318w10dShulker boxes can now be undyed in a cauldron.
18w15aWater Cauldron (level 1) JE5 Water Cauldron (level 2) JE5 Water Cauldron JE5 Water in cauldrons is now white colored.[15]
18w20bWater Cauldron (level 1) JE6 Water Cauldron (level 2) JE6 Water Cauldron JE6 Cauldron water is now colored again, depending on the biome.
Swamp Water Cauldron JE1 Warm Ocean Water Cauldron JE1 Lukewarm Ocean Water Cauldron JE1 Cold Ocean Water Cauldron JE1 Frozen Ocean Water Cauldron JE1 This currently affects ocean temperature variants and swamps.
Swamp Hills Water Cauldron JE1 Swampland M water has a yellowish color while in a cauldron.[16]
pre3Swamp Water Cauldron JE1 Swampland M water now has the same water color in cauldrons as regular swamps.
1.1418w43aWater Cauldron (level 1) JE7 Water Cauldron (level 2) JE7 Water Cauldron JE7
Swamp Water Cauldron JE2 Warm Ocean Water Cauldron JE2 Lukewarm Ocean Water Cauldron JE2 Cold Ocean Water Cauldron JE2 Frozen Ocean Water Cauldron JE2 The textures of cauldrons have been changed.
19w03aThe numerous missing cullface arguments for the water cauldron have been fixed.
1.1720w45aNormal and water cauldrons have been split into different blocks, making filled cauldrons no longer work as a workstation for villagers.[14]
This also means that any structures before this snapshot that have cauldron(s) fill with water now no longer generate(s) cauldron. Instead, water cauldron(s) will generate.
21w13aFilled cauldrons work again as a workstation for villagers.
Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.14.0build 1Water Cauldron (level 1) BE1 Water Cauldron (level 2) BE1 Water Cauldron BE1 Added water cauldrons.
Water color in cauldrons can be changed by adding dyes. Items dipped in the water are dyed that color.
v0.15.0build 1Cauldrons are now used to dye leather horse armor.
Water cauldrons can now be moved by pistons.
Pocket Edition
1.0.0alpha now generate naturally in igloo basements.
Cauldrons now extinguish burning entities.
Bedrock Edition
1.10.0beta Cauldron (level 1) BE2 Water Cauldron (level 2) BE2 Water Cauldron BE2 The textures of cauldrons have been changed.
1.20.0beta Cauldron (level 1) MCPE-170427 Water Cauldron (level 2) MCPE-170427 Water Cauldron MCPE-170427 Water in cauldrons now looks like lava.[17]
1.20.10beta Cauldron (level 1) BE2 Water Cauldron (level 2) BE2 Water Cauldron BE2 Cauldron water now uses the correct texture.
Legacy Console Edition
TU7CU1 1.0 Patch 11.0.1Water Cauldron (level 1) JE1 Water Cauldron (level 2) JE1 Water Cauldron JE1[verify] Added water cauldrons.
TU12Water is no longer removed from a water bucket when filling a cauldron in creative mode.
TU14 1.04 Cauldrons fill with water if placed outside during rain or a thunderstorm.
TU31CU19 1.22 Patch 3Cauldrons with water in them extinguish burning entities, taking away one water level each time.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.0Water Cauldron (level 1) BE1 Water Cauldron (level 2) BE1 Water Cauldron BE1[verify] Added cauldrons.
Water color in cauldrons can be changed by adding dyes.
Cauldrons can be used to dye leather armor.

Lava cauldron[]

Java Edition
1.1720w45aLava Cauldron JE1 Cauldrons can now be filled with lava.
21w20aLava cauldrons now emits redstone signal strength of 3.[9]
Bedrock Edition
1.9.0beta Cauldron BE1 Cauldrons can now be filled with lava.
1.10.0beta Cauldron BE2 The texture of cauldrons filled with lava has been changed.
Legacy Console Edition
1.88 Lava Cauldron LCE1 Cauldrons can now be filled with lava.
1.90 Lava Cauldron LCE2 The texture of cauldrons filled with lava has been changed.

Powder Snow Cauldron[]

Java Edition
1.1720w46aPowder Snow Cauldron (level 1) JE1 Powder Snow Cauldron (level 2) JE1 Powder Snow Cauldron JE1 Cauldrons can now be filled with powder snow.
1.17.1Pre-release 1Powder snow now fills twice as fast in a cauldron.
Bedrock Edition
1.17.0beta Snow Cauldron (level 1) JE1 Powder Snow Cauldron (level 2) JE1 Powder Snow Cauldron JE1 Cauldrons can now be filled with powder snow.

Potion cauldron[]

This article needs cleanup to comply with the style guide. [discuss]
Please help improve this page. The talk page may contain suggestions.
Reason: Many potion cauldrons here are listed as being added in versions where said potion did not exist yet - please rearrange and add new history entries accordingly
Java Edition
1.0.0Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2Arrran Cauldron 1 Arrran Cauldron 2 Arrran Cauldron 3 Arrran Cauldron 4
Cauldron (item) JE1 BE1 Cauldrons are intended to be used for the creation of potions.
Cauldrons can be made to work with a mod, through which the following has been revealed:
  • Applying a potion ingredient to a water cauldron cause it to change to a differently-colored lava texture, and adding any further potion ingredients to the filled cauldron cause the liquid to change color.
  • Scooping out a potion with ingredients applied cause the potion to have an effect related to the ingredient, e.g. a potion brewed with a magma cream have Fire Resistance as an effect.
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3The system was deemed too complex and not user-friendly,[18] so the cauldron's ability to brew potions has been replaced with the brewing stand.[19][20] That brewing system is finalized and doesn't change in the rest of the pre-releases.
Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.14.0build 1Invisibility Potion Cauldron BE1 Jump Boost Potion Cauldron BE1 Fire Resistance Potion Cauldron BE1 Speed Potion Cauldron BE1 Slowness Potion Cauldron BE1 Water Breathing Potion Cauldron BE1 Instant Health Potion Cauldron BE1 Instant Damage Potion Cauldron BE1 Poison Potion Cauldron BE1 Regeneration Potion Cauldron BE1 Strength Potion Cauldron BE1 Weakness Potion Cauldron BE1 Wither Potion Cauldron BE1 Turtle Master Potion Cauldron BE1 Slow Falling Potion Cauldron BE1 Cauldrons can store potions, and explode if potions are mixed.
v0.15.0build 1Cauldrons are now used to make tipped arrows.
Bedrock Edition
1.10.0beta Potion Cauldron BE2 Jump Boost Potion Cauldron BE2 Fire Resistance Potion Cauldron BE2 Speed Potion Cauldron BE2 Slowness Potion Cauldron BE2 Water Breathing Potion Cauldron BE2 Instant Health Potion Cauldron BE2 Instant Damage Potion Cauldron BE2 Poison Potion Cauldron BE2 Regeneration Potion Cauldron BE2 Strength Potion Cauldron BE2 Weakness Potion Cauldron BE2 Wither Potion Cauldron BE2 Turtle Master Potion Cauldron BE2 Slow Falling Potion Cauldron BE2 The textures of cauldrons filled with potions have been changed.
Legacy Console Edition
TU60CU51 1.64 Patch 301.0.11Invisibility Potion Cauldron BE1 Jump Boost Potion Cauldron BE1 Fire Resistance Potion Cauldron BE1 Speed Potion Cauldron BE1 Slowness Potion Cauldron BE1 Water Breathing Potion Cauldron BE1 Instant Health Potion Cauldron BE1 Instant Damage Potion Cauldron BE1 Poison Potion Cauldron BE1 Regeneration Potion Cauldron BE1 Strength Potion Cauldron BE1 Weakness Potion Cauldron BE1 Wither Potion Cauldron BE1 Turtle Master Potion Cauldron BE1 Slow Falling Potion Cauldron BE1[verify] Cauldrons can now be filled with potions and make an explosion sound if they are mixed.
Effects can now be applied to arrows by using them on a potion-filled cauldron.
1.90 Invisibility Potion Cauldron BE2 Jump Boost Potion Cauldron BE2 Fire Resistance Potion Cauldron BE2 Speed Potion Cauldron BE2 Slowness Potion Cauldron BE2 Water Breathing Potion Cauldron BE2 Instant Health Potion Cauldron BE2 Instant Damage Potion Cauldron BE2 Poison Potion Cauldron BE2 Regeneration Potion Cauldron BE2 Strength Potion Cauldron BE2 Weakness Potion Cauldron BE2 Wither Potion Cauldron BE2 Turtle Master Potion Cauldron BE2 Slow Falling Potion Cauldron BE2[verify] The textures of cauldrons filled with potions have been changed.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.0Invisibility Potion Cauldron BE1 Jump Boost Potion Cauldron BE1 Fire Resistance Potion Cauldron BE1 Speed Potion Cauldron BE1 Slowness Potion Cauldron BE1 Water Breathing Potion Cauldron BE1 Instant Health Potion Cauldron BE1 Instant Damage Potion Cauldron BE1 Poison Potion Cauldron BE1 Regeneration Potion Cauldron BE1 Strength Potion Cauldron BE1 Weakness Potion Cauldron BE1 Wither Potion Cauldron BE1 Turtle Master Potion Cauldron BE1 Slow Falling Potion Cauldron BE1[verify] Cauldrons can store potions.
Cauldrons make an explosion sound if potions are mixed, and the potions disappear.
Potions inside cauldrons have a bubbling effect.

Cauldron "item"[]

The following content is transcluded from Technical blocks/Cauldron.
This section is missing information about Pick Block functionality. 
Please expand the section to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.
Java Edition
1.0.0Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2Cauldrons have an extra, unobtainable item form corresponding to its block ID. This can be seen only if the block is assigned an ID with mods.
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3Cauldron items can be obtained via inventory editors with numeric item ID 118.
1.3.112w16aCauldron items can now be obtained in singleplayer worlds via the /give command using the respective numeric ID.
1.7.213w37aThe direct item form of cauldrons has been removed from the game. It can no longer exist as an item in any way, only as a placed block.
Pocket Edition Alpha
?Cauldrons probably have an extra item form.
Bedrock Edition
?Lava cauldrons have an item form.


Java Edition
1.0.0Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2Cauldron (side texture) JE1 The cauldron item uses this texture in inventories, when held in first or third person view or as a dropped item.
It can be seen only with mods in this version to assign it an item ID, but can be seen in vanilla in Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3 and onward.
1.4.212w34aThe cauldron item now uses the aforementioned texture when in an item frame.
1.513w02aCauldron (top texture) JE1 The cauldron item now uses this texture in inventories, when held in first or third person view, as a dropped item or when in an item frame.
This is due to major texture storage changes in this version.


Java Edition
  • Beta 1.9 Pre-release 3 - 13w36b: Cauldron


Issues relating to "Cauldron" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.


  • Arrows "stick" to the water in a cauldron.
  • The inside of a cauldron is 0.25 (14) blocks tall.
  • A cauldron holding water is the only way to have water in the Nether without the use of commands.


Normal water
Dyed water ‌[Bedrock Edition only]
Cauldrons filled with potions ‌[Bedrock Edition only]
Powder Snow



  1. MC-129109 — resolved as "Works As Intended".
  2. MC-176867 — resolved as "Won't Fix".
  3. MCPE-104572 — resolved as "Won't Fix".
  4. MC-145311 — resolved as "Won't Fix".
  5. MCPE-93111
  6. MC-106813 — resolved as "Won't Fix".
  7. MC-152680
  8. MC-126819 — resolved as "Won't Fix".
  9. a b MC-204393
  10. MCPE-104824
  11. a b MC-6772
  12. MC-44990
  13. MC-129205
  14. a b MC-204430
  15. MC-128253
  16. MC-128558
  17. MCPE-170427
  18. "Potions are delayed because *add to cauldron, pick up, look at tooltip, pour back into cauldron, repeat* was extremely tedious"@jeb_ (Jens Bergensten) on X, September 29, 2011
  19. "A quick discussion with @notch led me in on a new way of doing the potion brewing. Cauldron is out..."@jeb_ (Jens Bergensten) on X, September 30, 2011
  20. "Look back at me! Your Cauldron is now a Brewing Stand. Anything's possible when working with interaction design."@jeb_ (Jens Bergensten) on X, September 30, 2011