Book may refer to:
- Book, the standard book used in several crafting recipes.
- Book and Quill, the book the player can write in.
- Written Book, the item produced after a Book and Quill is signed.
- Enchanted Book, books used in an anvil to apply an enchantment to an item.
- Knowledge Book, utility items that grant crafting recipes when used.
- Bookshelf, a block used to boost enchanting with an enchantment table.
- Chiseled Bookshelf, a decorative block which can hold several types of books.
- Portfolio, a book that documents the pictures taken from Camera in Education Edition.
- Recipe book, a mechanic in Minecraft that helps to guide the player when crafting items.
- Minecraft Books, physical guidebooks for Minecraft written by various authors.
- Minecraft Novels, physical novels for Minecraft written by various authors.