Minecraft Wiki

Black dye is a primary color dye similar to an ink sac.



Wandering traders have a chance to trade 3 black dyes for 1 emerald.‌[Java Edition only]


Ingredients Crafting recipe
Ink Sac

Wither Rose


Like all other dyes, black dye can be:

Crafting ingredient[]

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe Description
Black Balloon Latex +
Black Dye +
Helium +

[Bedrock Edition and Minecraft Education only]
Black Balloon Latex +
Black Dye +
Helium +

Black Bed Any Bed +
Black Dye

A bed of any color can be re-dyed using dyes.
Black Bed Any Bed +
Black Dye

Black Candle Candle +
Black Dye

Black Carpet Any Carpet +
Black Dye

Black Carpet Any Carpet +
Black Dye

Black Concrete Powder Sand +
Gravel +
Black Dye
Black Concrete Powder Black Dye +
Sand +
Red sand cannot be used in place of sand.[1]
Black Firework Star Gunpowder +
Black Dye +
Head or
Gold Nugget or
Feather or
Fire Charge +
Glowstone Dust +

Up to eight dyes can be added.
One head, gold nugget, feather, or fire charge can be added.
Both the diamond and the glowstone dust can be added with any of the other ingredients.
Black Shulker Box Shulker Box or
Any Shulker Box +
Black Dye

The shulker box retains its contents. If it is renamed on an anvil, it also retains its name.
Black Stained Glass Glass +
Black Dye
Black Stained Glass Glass +
Black Dye
Black Stained Glass Pane Glass Pane +
Black Dye
Black Stained Glass Pane Glass Pane +
Black Dye
Black Terracotta Terracotta +
Black Dye
Black Terracotta Terracotta +
Black Dye
Black Wool Any Wool +
Black Dye

Dark Prismarine Prismarine Shard +
Black Dye

Dyed Bundle Black Dye +

Glow Stick Polyethylene +
Hydrogen Peroxide +
Black Dye +

Gray Dye Black Dye +
White Dye
Gray Dye Black Dye +
Bone Meal
[Bedrock Edition and Minecraft Education only]
Light Gray Dye Black Dye +
White Dye
In Bedrock Edition, the black and white dye can be replaced with ink sacs and bone meal, respectively.
Wool Any Wool +
Black Dye

Black Banner pattern Black Dye +

Black Banner image Black Dye +
Banner +
Vines or
Bricks or
Creeper Head or
Wither Skeleton Skull or
Oxeye Daisy or
Enchanted Golden Apple
Enchanted Golden Apple

Loom ingredient[]

Name Ingredients Loom recipe Description
Black Banner pattern White Banner +
Black Dye

Field masoned banner and bordure indented banner don't require banner patterns.‌[Java Edition only]
Black Banner image White Banner +
Black Dye +
Banner Pattern

  1. Field masoned and bordure indented banner patterns.‌[Bedrock Edition only]


Apprentice-level Shepherd villagers have a 20%‌[Bedrock Edition only] or 27[Java Edition only] chance to buy 12 black dye for an emerald.

Data values[]


Java Edition:

NameIdentifierFormTranslation key
Black Dyeblack_dyeItemitem.minecraft.black_dye

Bedrock Edition:

NameIdentifierAlias ID Numeric ID FormTranslation key
Black Dyeblack_dyedye / 16395Itemitem.dye.black_new.name


Java Edition
1.1418w43aBlack Dye JE1 BE1 Added black dye.
18w44aBlack dyes now can changed the text color on the signs to black.
19w05aAdded the wandering trader, which sell black dyes.
19w11aBlack dyes can now be bought by shepherd villagers.
1.15Pre-release 1Black dye can now be used to craft dark prismarine, just like Bedrock Edition.
1.1720w45aBlack dyes can now used to craft newly added black candles.
21w19aBlack dyes can no longer used to craft black candles.
Pre-release 1Black dyes can once again used to craft black candles.
22w42aBlack dyes now can change the text color on hanging signs to black.
Bedrock Edition
1.8.0beta Dye JE1 BE1 Added black dye.
1.11.0beta dye can now be sold to shepherd villagers.
1.13.0beta dye can now be crafted from wither roses.
1.16.100beta ID of black dye has been changed from dye/16 to black_dye.
PlayStation 4 Edition
1.83Black Dye JE1 BE1 Added black dye.


Issues relating to "Black Dye" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.
