This page lists NBT structures of block entities in Bedrock Edition.
A block entity is used by Minecraft to store information about a block that can't be stored in the block's block states.
Block Entity[]
All block entities share this base:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- CustomName: (May not exist) The custom name of the block entity.
- id: The savegame ID of the block entity.
- isMovable: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the block entity is movable with a piston.
- x: X coordinate of the block entity.
- y: Y coordinate of the block entity.
- z: Z coordinate of the block entity.
Additional fields for block entity types[]
Additional fields for banner:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- Base: The base color of the banner. See Banner#Block_data.
- Patterns: (May not exist) List of all patterns applied to the banner.
- : An individual pattern.
- Color: The base color of the pattern. See Banner#Block_data.
- Pattern: The pattern ID code. See Banner#Block_data.
- : An individual pattern.
- Type: The type of the block entity. 0 is normal banner. 1 is ominous banner.
Additional fields for beacon:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- primary: The primary effect selected, see Potion effects for IDs. Set to 0 when no effect is selected.
- secondary: The secondary effect selected, see Potion effects for IDs. Set to 0 when no effect is selected. When set without a primary effect, does nothing. When set to the same as the primary, the effect is given at level 2 (the normally available behavior for 5 effects). When set to a different value than the primary (normally only Regeneration), gives the effect at level 1.[needs testing]
Additional fields for bed:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- color: The data value that determines the color of the half-bed block. When a bed is broken, the color of the block entity at the bed's head becomes the color of the bed item when it drops. See Bed#Metadata.
Beehive and Bee Nest[]
Additional fields for beehive and bee nest:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- Occupants: (May not exist) Entities currently in the hive.
- : An entity in the hive.
- ActorIdentifier: The entity in the hive. Always
in vanilla game. [more information needed] - SaveData: The NBT data of the entity in the hive.
- Tags common to entity
- Tags unique to this entity type.
- TicksLeftToStay: The time in ticks until the entity leave the beehive.
- ActorIdentifier: The entity in the hive. Always
- : An entity in the hive.
- ShouldSpawnBees: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if new bees will be spawned.
- Occupants: (May not exist) Entities currently in the hive.
Additional fields for bell:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- Direction: The direction data of this bell.[more information needed]
- Ringing: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if it is ringing.
- Ticks: Unknown.[more information needed]
Brewing Stand[]
Additional fields for brewing stand:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- CookTime: The number of ticks until the potions are finished.
- FuelAmount: Remaining fuel for the brewing stand.
- FuelTotal: The max fuel numder for the fuel bar.
- Items: List of items in brewing stand.
- : An item in the brewing stand, including the slot tag.
- Slot: The slot the item is in.
- Tags common to item stack
- : An item in the brewing stand, including the slot tag.
Campfire and Soul Campfire[]
Additional fields for campfire and soul campfire:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- Item<num>: (May not exist) An items currently cooking.
is 1, 2, 3, and 4.- Tags common to item stack
- ItemTime<num>: How long each item has been cooking.
is 1, 2, 3, and 4.
- Item<num>: (May not exist) An items currently cooking.
Additional fields for cauldron:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- CustomColor: (May not exist) This tag exists only if the cauldron stores dyed water; stores a 32-bit ARGB encoded color.
- Items: List of items in this container.
- : An item, including the slot tag.
- Slot: The inventory slot the item is in.
- Tags common to item stack
- : An item, including the slot tag.
- PotionId: If the cauldron contains a potion, this tag stores the ID of that potion. If there is no potion stored, then this tag is set to -1.
- PotionType: If the cauldron contains a potion, this tag stores the type of that potion. 0 is normal, 1 is splash, 2 is lingering. If there is no potion stored, then this tag is set to -1.
Additional fields for chalkboard:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- BaseX: The X position of its base.
- BaseY: The Y position of its base.
- BaseZ: The Z position of its base.
- Locked: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if it is on locked.
- OnGround: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if it is on ground.
- Owner: The Unique ID of its owner.
- Size: The size of this chalkboard.
- Text: The text on the chalkboard.
Chemistry Tables[]
Additional fields for chemistry tables (compound creator, element constructor, lab table, material reducer):
- : The block entity's root tag.
- itemAux: (Only for Lab Table) Unknown.
- itemId: (Only for Lab Table) Unknown.
- itemStack: (Only for Lab Table) Unknown.
Additional fields for chest, trapped chest, barrel, and ender chest:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- Findable: Unknown.
- forceunpair: 1 or 0 (true/false) - (may not exist) true if this chest is unpair with chest next to it.
- Items: List of items in this container.
- : An item, including the slot tag.
- Slot: The inventory slot the item is in.
- Tags common to item stack
- : An item, including the slot tag.
- LootTable: (May not exist) Loot table to be used to fill the chest when it is next opened, or the items are otherwise interacted with.
- LootTableSeed: (May not exist) Seed for generating the loot table. 0 or omitted use a random seed.
- pairlead: (May not exist) Unknown.
- pairx: (May not exist) The X position of the chest paired with.
- pairz: (May not exist) The Z position of the chest paired with.
Chiseled Bookshelf[]
Additional fields for chiseled bookshelf:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- Items: List of books in the bookshelf.
- : An item in the chiseled bookshelf.
- Tags common to item stack
- : An item in the chiseled bookshelf.
- LastInteractedSlot: Last interacted slot (1-6), or 0 if no slot has been interacted with yet.
- Items: List of books in the bookshelf.
Command Block[]
Additional fields for command block:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- Tags common to command block
- auto: 1 or 0 (true/false) - Allows to activate the command without the requirement of a redstone signal.
- conditionalMode: (May not exist) Unknown.
- conditionMet: 1 or 0 (true/false) - if a conditional command block had its condition met when last activated. True if not a conditional command block.
- LPCondionalMode: Unknown.
- LPRedstoneMode: Unknown.
- LPCommandMode: Unknown.
- powered: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the command block is powered by redstone.
Additional fields for comparator:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- OutputSignal: Represents the strength of the analog signal output of this redstone comparator.
Additional fields for conduit:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- Active: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if it is active.
- Target: The Unique ID of the hostile mob the conduit is currently attacking. If there's no target, defaults to -1.
Decorated Pot[]
Additional fields for decorated pot:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- sherds: List of shards on this decorated pot.
- : Item ID of this face. Defaults to
- : Item ID of this face. Defaults to
- sherds: List of shards on this decorated pot.
Dispenser and Dropper[]
Additional fields for dispenser and dropper:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- Items: List of items in this container.
- : An item, including the slot tag.
- Slot: The inventory slot the item is in.
- Tags common to item stack
- : An item, including the slot tag.
- LootTable: (May not exist) Loot table to be used to fill the chest when it is next opened, or the items are otherwise interacted with.
- LootTableSeed: (May not exist) Seed for generating the loot table. 0 or omitted use a random seed.
- Items: List of items in this container.
Enchanting Table[]
Additional fields for enchanting table:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- CustomName: (May not exist) The name of this enchanting table.
- rott: The rotation of the book. [more information needed]
End Gateway[]
Additional fields for end gateway:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- Age: Age of the portal, in ticks. This is used to determine when the beam is rendered.
- ExitPortal: Location entities are teleported to when entering the portal.
- : X coordinate of target location.
- : Y coordinate of target location.
- : Z coordinate of target location.
Flower Pot[]
Additional fields for flower pot:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- PlantBlock: (May not exist) The block in the pot.
- Tags common to block
- PlantBlock: (May not exist) The block in the pot.
Additional fields for furnace, smoker, and blast furnace:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- BurnDuration: The total time that in ticks that the currently used fuel can burn.
- BurnTime: Number of ticks left before the current fuel runs out.
- CookTime: Number of ticks the item has been smelting for. The item finishes smelting when this value reaches 200 (10 seconds). Is reset to 0 if BurnTime reaches 0.[needs testing]
- Items: List of items in this container.
- : An item in the furnace, including the slot tag.
- Slot: The inventory slot the item is in.
- Tags common to item stack
- : An item in the furnace, including the slot tag.
- StoredXPInt: The number of experiences it stores.
Additional fields for hopper:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- Items: List of items in this container.
- : An item, including the slot tag.
- Slot: The inventory slot the item is in.
- Tags common to item stack
- : An item, including the slot tag.
- TransferCooldown: Time until the next transfer in game ticks, naturally between 1 and 8 or 0 if there is no transfer.
- Items: List of items in this container.
Item Frame[]
Additional fields for item frame:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- Item: The items in this item frame.
- Tags common to item stack
- ItemDropChance: (May not exist) The chance of item dropping when the item frame is broken.
- ItemRotation: (May not exist) The rotation of the item in the item frame.
- Item: The items in this item frame.
Additional fields for jigsaw:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- final_state: The block that this jigsaw block becomes.
- joint: The joint option value, either "rollable" or "aligned".
- name: The jigsaw block's name. This jigsaw block will be aligned with another structure's jigsaw block which has this value in the target tag.
- target: The jigsaw block's target name. This jigsaw block will be aligned with another structure's jigsaw block which has this value in the name tag.
- target_pool: The jigsaw block's target pool to select a structure from.
Additional fields for jukebox:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- RecordItem: (May not exist) The record item in it.
- Tags common to item stack
- RecordItem: (May not exist) The record item in it.
Additional fields for lectern:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- book: (May not exist) The book item currently on the lectern.
- Tags common to item stack
- hasBook: 1 or 0 (true/false) - (may not exist) true if it has a book.
- page: (May not exist) The page the book is currently on, starting from 0.
- totalPages: (May not exist) The total pages the book has.
- book: (May not exist) The book item currently on the lectern.
Additional fields for lodestone:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- trackingHandle: (May not exist) The id of lodestone.
Monster Spawner[]
Additional fields for monster spawner:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- Tags common to monster spawner
Moving Block[]
Additional fields for moving block:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- movingBlock: The main layer of moving block represented by this block entity.
- Tags common to block
- movingBlockExtra: The extra moving block layer represented by this block entity.
- Tags common to block
- movingEntity: (May not exist) The block entity stored in this moving block.
- Tags common to block entity
- pistonPosX: X coordinate of the piston base.
- pistonPosY: Y coordinate of the piston base.
- pistonPosZ: Z coordinate of the piston base.
- movingBlock: The main layer of moving block represented by this block entity.
Note Block[]
Additional fields for note block:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- note: The pitch of the note block.
Nether Reactor[]
Additional fields for nether reactor:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- HasFinished: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the reactor has completed its activation phase, and has gone dark.
- IsInitialized: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the reactor has been activated, and has turned red.
- Progress: Number of ticks the reactor has been active for. It finishes after 900 game ticks (45 seconds).
Additional fields for piston:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- AttachedBlocks: The list of positions of blocks it should move.
- : A block's X coordinate.
- : A block's Y coordinate.
- : A block's Z coordinate.
- : Another block's X coordinate.
- : Another block's Y coordinate.
- : Another block's Z coordinate.
- : etc.
- BreakBlocks: The list of positions of blocks it should break.
- : A block's X coordinate.
- : A block's Y coordinate.
- : A block's Z coordinate.
- : Another block's X coordinate.
- : Another block's Y coordinate.
- : Another block's Z coordinate.
- : etc.
- LastProgress: Progress in last tick.
- NewState: Next state. Can be 0 (unextended), 1 (pushing), 2 (extended), or 3 (pulling).
- Progress: How far the block has been moved. Can be 0.0, 0.5, and 1.0.
- State: Current state.
- Sticky: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if this piston is sticky.
- AttachedBlocks: The list of positions of blocks it should move.
Sculk Catalyst[]
Additional fields for sculk catalyst:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- cursors: List of charges associated with the sculk catalyst.
- : A charge.
- charge: How much power is in the charge.
- decay: Be 1 if the charge was spread from a sculk or sculk vein, 0 otherwise. The charge can spread to any block if this tag is 1. If it is 0, all the powers in the charge disappear when it spreads to a block not in sculk family.[needs testing]
- facing: [more information needed]
- update: Delay in ticks until the charge begins to travel after being created.[needs testing]
- x: X coordinate of the charge.
- y: Y coordinate of the charge.
- z: Z coordinate of the charge.
- : A charge.
- cursors: List of charges associated with the sculk catalyst.
Sculk Shrieker, Sculk Sensor, and Calibrated Sculk Sensor[]
Additional fields for sculk shrieker, sculk sensor, and calibrated sculk sensor:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- VibrationListener: The vibration event listener of the sculk shrieker, sculk sensor, and calibrated sculk sensor.
- event: Unknown.
- pending: Unknown.
- distance: Unknown.
- source: Unknown.
- vibration: Unknown.
- x: Unknown.
- y: Unknown.
- z: Unknown.
- selector: Unknown.
- ticks: Unknown.
- VibrationListener: The vibration event listener of the sculk shrieker, sculk sensor, and calibrated sculk sensor.
Shulker Box[]
Additional fields for shulker box:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- Tags common to chests
- facing: The facing of this shulker box.[more information needed]
Sign and Hanging Sign[]
Additional fields for sign and hanging sign:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- BackText: A compound which discribes back text. The same structure as FrontText.
- FrontText: A compound which discribes front text.
- HideGlowOutline: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the outer glow of a sign with glowing text does not show.
- IgnoreLighting: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the sign has been dyed with a glow ink sac.
- PersistFormatting: Unknown. Defaults to 1.
- SignTextColor: The color that has been used to dye the sign. Is a 32-bit encoded color, defaults to
(black). One of-986896
for "White",-425955
for "Orange",-3715395
for "Magenta",-12930086
for "Light Blue",-75715
for "Yellow",-8337633
for "Lime",-816214
for "Pink",-12103854
for "Gray",-6447721
for "Light Gray",-15295332
for "Cyan",-7785800
for "Purple",-12827478
for "Blue",-8170446
for "Brown",-10585066
for "Green",-5231066
for "Red", and-16777216
for "Black". - Text: The text on it.
- TextOwner: Unknown.
- IsWaxed: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the text is locked with honeycomb.
Additional fields for skull:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- MouthMoving: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if this dragon head's mouth is moving.
- MouthTickCount: The animation frame of the dragon head's mouth movement.[needs testing]
- Rotation: The rotation of this skull.[more information needed]
- SkullType: The type of this skull. 0 = Skeleton, 1 = Wither Skeleton, 2 = Zombie, 3 = Player, 4 = Creeper, 5 = Ender Dragon, 6 = Piglin.
Structure Block[]
Additional fields for structure block:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- animationMode: The mode of animation.[more information needed]
- animationSeconds: The duration of the animation.[more information needed]
- data: The mode of the structure block, values for data are the same as the data values for the item. Ex. 0 = Data, 1 = Save, 2 = Load, 3 = Corner, 4 = Inventory, 5 = Export.
- dataField: Unknown.
- ignoreEntities: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the entities should be ignored in the structure.
- integrity: How complete the structure is that gets placed.
- isPowered: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if this structure block is being powered by redstone.
- mirror: How the structure is mirrored.[more information needed]
- redstoneSaveMode: The current redstone mode of this structure block.[more information needed]
- removeBlocks: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the blocks should be removed in the structure.
- rotation: Rotation of the structure.[more information needed]
- seed: The seed to use for the structure integrity, 0 means random.[needs testing]
- showBoundingBox: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if show the structure's bounding box to players in Creative mode.
- structureName: Name of the structure.
- xStructureOffset: X-offset of the structure.
- yStructureOffset: Y-offset of the structure.
- zStructureOffset: Z-offset of the structure.
- xStructureSize: X-size of the structure.
- yStructureSize: Y-size of the structure.
- zStructureSize: Z-size of the structure.
Suspicious Block[]
Additional fields for suspicious sand and suspicious gravel:
- : The block entity's root tag.
- brush_count: The number of times the suspicious block is being brushed by the player, from 1 to 10 (the item will be extracted when it reaches 10). If the player stops brushing, it will progressively return to 0. And if it hasn't been brushed yet, defaults to 0.
- brush_direction: The direction of the suspicious block that was brushed. 0 = Down, 1 = Up, 2 = North, 3 = South, 4 = West, 5 = East, or 6 if it has not been brushed yet.
- item: (May not exist) The item in the suspicious block.
- Tags common to item stack
- LootTable: (May not exist) Loot table to be used to generate the hidden item when brushed.
- LootTableSeed: (May not exist) Seed for generating the loot table. 0 or omitted use a random seed.
- type: The type of suspicious block. Valid types are