Minecraft Wiki
Gear (item)
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1.20.40 is a minor update to Bedrock Edition released on October 24, 2023 which brings more parity from Java Edition and fixes bugs.



  • Added the ability to customize touch controls.
  • Added "Customize Controls" experimental touch option, OFF by default.
    • Enables the ability to customize touch controls.
      • It can only be done within a world.
  • Added the following options:
    • gfx_moveStickX, defaults to 0.15.
    • gfx_moveStickY, defaults to 0.6.
    • gfx_moveStickScale, defaults to 1.
    • gfx_moveStickSensitivity, defaults to 1.
    • gfx_moveStickInvertX, defaults to false.
    • gfx_moveStickInvertY, defaults to false.
    • gfx_touchButton1X, defaults to 0.925.
    • gfx_touchButton1Y, defaults to 0.4.
    • gfx_touchButton1Scale, defaults to 1.
    • gfx_touchButton1Opacity, defaults to 1.
    • gfx_touchButton2X, defaults to 0.825.
    • gfx_touchButton2Y, defaults to 0.5.
    • gfx_touchButton2Scale, defaults to 1.
    • gfx_touchButton2Opacity, defaults to 1.
    • gfx_touchButton3X, defaults to 0.925.
    • gfx_touchButton3Y, defaults to 0.6.
    • gfx_touchButton3Scale, defaults to 1.
    • gfx_touchButton3Opacity, defaults to 1.
    • gfx_touchButton4X, defaults to 0.825.
    • gfx_touchButton4Y, defaults to 0.7.
    • gfx_touchButton4Scale, defaults to 1.
    • gfx_touchButton4Opacity, defaults to 1.
    • gfx_touchButton5X, defaults to 0.925.
    • gfx_touchButton5Y, defaults to 0.8.
    • gfx_touchButton5Scale, defaults to 1.
    • gfx_touchButton5Opacity, defaults to 1.
    • gfx_touchDpadX, defaults to 0.135.
    • gfx_touchDpadY, defaults to 0.775.
    • gfx_touchDpadScale, defaults to 1.
    • gfx_touchDpadOpacity, defaults to 1.
    • gfx_classicButton1X, defaults to 0.9.
    • gfx_classicButton1Y, defaults to 0.6.
    • gfx_classicButton1Scale, defaults to 1.
    • gfx_classicButton1Opacity, defaults to 1.
    • gfx_classicButton2X, defaults to 0.9.
    • gfx_classicButton2Y, defaults to 0.75.
    • gfx_classicButton2Scale, defaults to 1.
    • gfx_classicButton2Opacity, defaults to 1.
    • gfx_classicButton3X, defaults to 0.9.
    • gfx_classicButton3Y, defaults to 0.9.
    • gfx_classicButton3Scale, defaults to 1.
    • gfx_classicButton3Opacity, defaults to 1.



Note Block
Sculk Sensor and Calibrated Sculk Sensor
  • Mobs no longer receive fall damage when falling into a 1 block deep water pool.
  • The ambient sounds for entering exiting water is now played only when an entity is submerged below eye-level in water, matching Java Edition.
  • The splash sound for entering water has been updated to match Java Edition.[1]

Command format[]

  • The sound for picking up items is now played when using the command.
Chest, Ender Chest, Stonecutter, and Trapped Chest
  • Now they use the minecraft:cardinal_direction block state instead of facing_direction.
    • minecraft:cardinal_direction uses four string values ["east", "north", "south", "west"].


Game rules
  • The spawnradius game rule is now set to 10 by default to match Java Edition.


  • The "Respawn radius" advanced option is now set to 10 by default instead of 5.


  • Now emit sounds when filling it from water.
  • Pouring liquid from a bottle into a cauldron emits the appropriate sound.
  • Filling a bottle from a cauldron now emits the appropriate sound.
  • Drinking from a bottle now emits the appropriate sound.
Explorer Map
Goat Horns
  • Now have a range of 256 blocks.


  • Now plays a sound when begging for food.
  • No Longer Spawns in Peaceful Difficultly
Guardian and Elder Guardian
  • Makes flopping sounds again when on land.
Iron Golem and Snow Golem
  • Now have a crumbling-like particle effect when they are created.
  • No Longer Spawns in Peaceful Difficulty.
  • Cartographers no longer offer exploration maps as a trade item when not in the overworld.
  • Now target players within a 16 block distance.
Wither Skeleton
  • Now have their own unique sounds.
Zombie Villager
  • Curing time is now randomized between 3 and 5 minutes, to match Java Edition.

Non-mob entities[]

Boat and Boat with Chest
  • Falling from a great height while riding it no longer deals fall damage.


These additions and changes are accessible by enabling the "Villager Trade Rebalancing", "Beta APIs", "Molang Features", and "Experimental Cameras" experimental toggles.



  • Added seven new maps which cartographers can selling, depending on the biome they come from.
    • Jungle and swamp villages do not generate naturally. Thus, players must breed villagers or cure zombie villagers in these biomes to access their trades.
    • Village maps points to a village in specific biome. Jungle explorer map points to a jungle pyramid. Swamp explorer map points to a swamp hut.
Available new tradable maps
Desert Jungle Plains Savanna Snow Swamp Taiga
Group 1 Savanna Village Map Savanna Village Map Savanna Village Map Desert Village Map Plains Village Map Snowy Village Map Plains Village Map
Group 2 Plains Village Map Desert Village Map Taiga Village Map Plains Village Map Taiga Village Map Taiga Village Map Snowy Village Map
Group 3 Jungle Explorer Map Swamp Explorer Map Jungle Explorer Map Swamp Explorer Map Jungle Explorer Map Swamp Explorer Map
Current version of trades for cartographer
Level Item wanted Default quantity Price multiplier Item given Quantity Trades until disabled XP to villager
Novice Paper 24 0.05 Emerald 1 16 2
Emerald 7 0.05 Empty Map 1 12 1
Apprentice Glass Pane 11 0.05 Emerald 1 16 10
0.2 Forementioned maps[note 1] 1 12 5
Journeyman Compass 1 0.05 Emerald 1 12 10
0.2 Ocean Explorer Map 1 12 10
Expert Emerald 7 0.05 Item Frame 1 12 15
Emerald 3 0.05

Any color blank Banner[note 2]
1 12 15
Master Emerald 8 0.05 Globe Banner Pattern 1 12 30
0.2 Woodland Explorer Map 1 1 30
  • Changed trades of armorers, change summary:
    • Buying diamond armor now also requires a small amount of diamonds.
    • Most master-level armorers buy iron blocks and pay 4 emeralds for them.
    • Chainmail armor is exclusively sold by jungle and swamp armorers.
    • The savanna armorer sells cursed diamond armor at reduced prices.
    • The taiga armorer can swap one piece of diamond armor for another.
Current version of trades for desert armorers
Level Item wanted Default quantity Price multiplier Item given Quantity Trades until disabled XP to villager
Novice Coal 15 0.05 Emerald 1 12 2
Iron Ingot 5 0.05 Emerald 1 12 2
Apprentice Emerald 4 0.05 Iron Boots 1 12 5
Emerald 5 0.05 Iron Helmet 1 12 5
Emerald 7 0.05 Iron Leggings 1 12 5
Emerald 9 0.05 Iron Chestplate 1 12 5
Journeyman Lava Bucket 1 0.05 Emerald 1 12 20
Emerald 5 0.05 Shield 1 12 10
Emerald 36 0.2 Bell 1 12 10
Expert Emerald 8 0.05 Iron Boots (Thorns I) 1 3 15
Emerald 9 0.05 Iron Helmet (Thorns I) 1 3 15
Emerald 11 0.05 Iron Leggings (Thorns I) 1 3 15
Emerald 13 0.05 Iron Chestplate (Thorns I) 1 3 15
Master Emerald
0.05 Diamond Chestplate (Thorns I) 1 3 30
0.05 Diamond Leggings (Thorns I) 1 3 30
Block of Iron 1 0.05 Emerald 4 12 30
Current version of trades for jungle armorers
Level Item wanted Default quantity Price multiplier Item given Quantity Trades until disabled XP to villager
Novice Coal 15 0.05 Emerald 1 12 2
Iron Ingot 5 0.05 Emerald 1 12 2
Apprentice Emerald 4 0.05 Chainmail Boots 1 12 5
Emerald 5 0.05 Chainmail Helmet 1 12 5
Emerald 7 0.05 Chainmail Leggings 1 12 5
Emerald 9 0.05 Chainmail Chestplate 1 12 5
Journeyman Lava Bucket 1 0.05 Emerald 1 12 20
Emerald 5 0.05 Shield 1 12 10
Emerald 36 0.2 Bell 1 12 10
Expert Emerald 8 0.05 Chainmail Boots (Unbreaking I) 1 3 15
Emerald 9 0.05 Chainmail Helmet (Unbreaking I) 1 3 15
Emerald 11 0.05 Chainmail Leggings (Unbreaking I) 1 3 15
Emerald 13 0.05 Chainmail Chestplate (Unbreaking I) 1 3 15
Master Emerald 9 0.05 Chainmail Helmet (Projectile Protection I) 1 3 30
Emerald 8 0.05 Chainmail Boots (Feather Falling I) 1 3 30
Block of Iron 1 0.05 Emerald 4 12 30
Current version of trades for plains armorers
Level Item wanted Default quantity Price multiplier Item given Quantity Trades until disabled XP to villager
Novice Coal 15 0.05 Emerald 1 12 2
Iron Ingot 5 0.05 Emerald 1 12 2
Apprentice Emerald 4 0.05 Iron Boots 1 12 5
Emerald 5 0.05 Iron Helmet 1 12 5
Emerald 7 0.05 Iron Leggings 1 12 5
Emerald 9 0.05 Iron Chestplate 1 12 5
Journeyman Lava Bucket 1 0.05 Emerald 1 12 20
Emerald 5 0.05 Shield 1 12 10
Emerald 36 0.2 Bell 1 12 10
Expert Emerald 8 0.05 Iron Boots (Protection I) 1 3 15
Emerald 9 0.05 Iron Helmet (Protection I) 1 3 15
Emerald 11 0.05 Iron Leggings (Protection I) 1 3 15
Emerald 13 0.05 Iron Chestplate (Protection I) 1 3 15
Master Emerald
0.05 Diamond Leggings (Protection I) 1 3 30
0.05 Diamond Boots (Protection I) 1 3 30
Block of Iron 1 0.05 Emerald 4 12 30
Current version of trades for savanna armorers
Level Item wanted Default quantity Price multiplier Item given Quantity Trades until disabled XP to villager
Novice Coal 15 0.05 Emerald 1 12 2
Iron Ingot 5 0.05 Emerald 1 12 2
Apprentice Emerald 4 0.05 Iron Boots 1 12 5
Emerald 5 0.05 Iron Helmet 1 12 5
Emerald 7 0.05 Iron Leggings 1 12 5
Emerald 9 0.05 Iron Chestplate 1 12 5
Journeyman Lava Bucket 1 0.05 Emerald 1 12 20
Emerald 5 0.05 Shield 1 12 10
Emerald 36 0.2 Bell 1 12 10
Expert Emerald 2 0.05 Iron Boots (Curse of Binding) 1 3 15
Emerald 3 0.05 Iron Helmet (Curse of Binding) 1 3 15
Emerald 5 0.05 Iron Leggings (Curse of Binding) 1 3 15
Emerald 7 0.05 Iron Chestplate (Curse of Binding) 1 3 15
Master Emerald
0.05 Diamond Helmet (Curse of Binding) 1 3 30
0.05 Diamond Chestplate (Curse of Binding) 1 3 30
Block of Iron 1 0.05 Emerald 4 12 30
Current version of trades for snow armorers
Level Item wanted Default quantity Price multiplier Item given Quantity Trades until disabled XP to villager
Novice Coal 15 0.05 Emerald 1 12 2
Iron Ingot 5 0.05 Emerald 1 12 2
Apprentice Emerald 4 0.05 Iron Boots 1 12 5
Emerald 5 0.05 Iron Helmet 1 12 5
Emerald 7 0.05 Iron Leggings 1 12 5
Emerald 9 0.05 Iron Chestplate 1 12 5
Journeyman Lava Bucket 1 0.05 Emerald 1 12 20
Emerald 5 0.05 Shield 1 12 10
Emerald 36 0.2 Bell 1 12 10
Expert Emerald 8 0.05 Iron Boots (Frost Walker I) 1 3 15
Emerald 9 0.05 Iron Helmet (Aqua Affinity) 1 3 15
Master Emerald
0.05 Diamond Boots (Frost Walker I) 1 3 30
0.05 Diamond Helmet (Aqua Affinity) 1 3 30
Block of Iron 1 0.05 Emerald 4 12 30
Current version of trades for swamp armorers
Level Item wanted Default quantity Price multiplier Item given Quantity Trades until disabled XP to villager
Novice Coal 15 0.05 Emerald 1 12 2
Iron Ingot 5 0.05 Emerald 1 12 2
Apprentice Emerald 4 0.05 Chainmail Boots 1 12 5
Emerald 5 0.05 Chainmail Helmet 1 12 5
Emerald 7 0.05 Chainmail Leggings 1 12 5
Emerald 9 0.05 Chainmail Chestplate 1 12 5
Journeyman Lava Bucket 1 0.05 Emerald 1 12 20
Emerald 5 0.05 Shield 1 12 10
Emerald 36 0.2 Bell 1 12 10
Expert Emerald 8 0.05 Chainmail Boots (Mending) 1 3 15
Emerald 9 0.05 Chainmail Helmet (Mending) 1 3 15
Emerald 11 0.05 Chainmail Leggings (Mending) 1 3 15
Emerald 13 0.05 Chainmail Chestplate (Mending) 1 3 15
Master Emerald 9 0.05 Chainmail Helmet (Respiration I) 1 3 30
Emerald 8 0.05 Chainmail Boots (Depth Strider I) 1 3 30
Block of Iron 1 0.05 Emerald 4 12 30
Current version of trades for taiga armorers
Level Item wanted Default quantity Price multiplier Item given Quantity Trades until disabled XP to villager
Novice Coal 15 0.05 Emerald 1 12 2
Iron Ingot 5 0.05 Emerald 1 12 2
Apprentice Emerald 4 0.05 Iron Boots 1 12 5
Emerald 5 0.05 Iron Helmet 1 12 5
Emerald 7 0.05 Iron Leggings 1 12 5
Emerald 9 0.05 Iron Chestplate 1 12 5
Journeyman Lava Bucket 1 0.05 Emerald 1 12 20
Emerald 5 0.05 Shield 1 12 10
Emerald 36 0.2 Bell 1 12 10
Expert Emerald
Diamond Boots
0.05 Diamond Leggings 1 3 15
Diamond Leggings
0.05 Diamond Chestplate 1 3 15
Diamond Helmet
0.05 Diamond Boots 1 3 15
Diamond Chestplate
0.05 Diamond Helmet 1 3 15
Master Emerald
0.05 Diamond Chestplate (Blast Protection I) 1 3 30
0.05 Diamond Leggings (Blast Protection I) 1 3 30
Block of Diamond 1 0.05 Emerald 42 12 30

World generation[]

Ancient City
  • Increases the chance of generating enchanted books with Mending.
Desert Temple
  • Increases the chance of generating enchanted books with Unbreaking (level I to III).
Jungle Temple
  • Increases the chance of generating enchanted books with Unbreaking (level I to III).
  • Increases the chance of generating enchanted books with Efficiency (level I to V).
Pillager Outpost
  • Increases the chance of generating enchanted books with Quick Charge (level I to III).


  • Changed the names of the CameraSetOptions options to not include the word 'Script'.
  • Added the chat(message: string) method.
  • Changed get to return ItemType | undefined.
  • Changed source on ItemDefinitionTriggeredAfterEvent to be optional.
  • Added the following methods to Player:
    • above(steps?: number): Block | undefined
    • below(steps?: number): Block | undefined
    • north(steps?: number): Block | undefined
    • east(steps?: number): Block | undefined
    • south(steps?: number): Block | undefined
    • west(steps?: number): Block | undefined
    • offset(offset: Vector3): Block | undefined
    • center(): Vector3
    • bottomCenter(): Vector3
    • Made getItemStack function return ItemStack or undefined.
    • playMusic(trackId: string, musicOptions?: MusicOptions): void
    • queueMusic(trackId: string, musicOptions?: MusicOptions): void
    • stopMusic(): void
  • BlockStates
    • Made get function return BlockStateType or undefined.
  • Updated ExplosionAfterEvent and ExplosionBeforeEvent.
    • getUpdatedBlocks() will now return Block[].
    • setUpdatesBlocks(blocks: Block[]) now takes in a Block[].
  • Dynamic Properties
    • Property registration is no longer required and propertyRegistry has been removed from the worldInitialize event.
    • Removed limits on the count and size of properties that can set on an entity or the world.
    • Default values have been removed. getProperty will now always return undefined for unset properties.
    • String dynamic property values are now restricted to a length of 32767 bytes.
    • Removed function removeDynamicProperty.
    • Added function getDynamicPropertyIds - Returns an array of all dynamic property ids on an entity/world used by the behavior pack.
    • Added function getDynamicPropertyTotalByteCount - Returns the total number of bytes used by all dynamic properties on an entity/world by the behavior pack.
    • Added function clearDynamicProperties - Removes all dynamic properties added by this behavior pack from an entity/world.
    • Dynamic property numbers are now stored with double precision (64 bits)
  • Adding PlayerInteractWithBlock and PlayerInteractWithEntity before & after events.
  • Adding PlayerDimensionChangeBeforeEvent and PlayerDimensionChangeAfterEvent.
  • Released World.getMoonPhase, MoonPhase, and MoonPhaseCount v1.6.0.
  • Camera APIs moved from beta to 1.6.0.
  • Released Entity.is* API’s from beta to 1.6.0:
    • isSleeping.
    • isSneaking.
    • isSprinting.
    • isSwimming.
    • isClimbing.
    • isOnGround.
    • isInWater.
    • isFalling.
  • Released player level & XP APIs from beta to 1.6.0:
    • addLevels.
    • addExperience.
    • level.
    • getTotalXP.
    • xpEarnedAtCurrentLevel.
    • totalXpNeededForNextLevel.
    • resetLevel.
  • Released Player.is* API’s from beta to 1.6.0:
    • isEmoting.
    • isGliding.
    • isJumping.
    • isFlying.
  • Updated all methods besides show on ActionFormData, MessageFormData, and ModalFormData to be callable in read-only mode.
  • BlockInventoryComponent
    • container member variable now correctly reflects it can be a Container or undefined.
  • Fixed a versioning bug preventing @minecraft/server-ui module from working with @minecraft/server above version 1.2.0.
  • WeatherType moved to 1.6.0:
    • Moved function setWeather to 1.6.0.
    • Moved event/property entityRemove from beta to 1.6.0.
    • Moved event/property entityRemove from beta to 1.6.0.
  • Moved class EntityRemovedAfterEvent from beta to 1.6.0.
  • Moved class EntityRemoveAfterEventSignal from beta to 1.6.0.
  • Moved class EntityRemovedBeforeEvent from beta to 1.6.0.
  • Moved class EntityRemoveBeforeEventSignal from beta to 1.6.0.
    • Moved event/property entityLoad from beta to 1.6.0.
  • Moved class EntityLoadAfterEvent from beta to 1.6.0.
  • Moved class EntityLoadAfterEventSignal from beta to 1.6.0.
    • Moved event/property entitySpawn from beta to 1.6.0.
  • Moved enum EntityInitializationCause from beta to 1.6.0.
  • Moved class EntitySpawnAfterEvent from beta to 1.6.0.
  • Moved class EntitySpawnAfterEventSignal from beta to 1.6.0.
    • Moved event/property playerBreakBlock from beta to 1.6.0.
    • Moved event/property playerBreakBlock from beta to 1.6.0.
  • Moved class PlayerBreakBlockAfterEvent from beta to 1.6.0.
  • Moved class PlayerBreakBlockAfterEventSignal from beta to 1.6.0.
  • Moved class PlayerBreakBlockBeforeEvent from beta to 1.6.0.
  • Moved class PlayerBreakBlockBeforeEventSignal from beta to 1.6.0.
    • Moved event/property playerPlaceBlock from beta to 1.6.0.
  • Moved class PlayerPlaceBlockAfterEvent from beta to 1.6.0.
  • Moved class PlayerPlaceBlockAfterEventSignal from beta to 1.6.0.
  • Moved class BlockEventSignalOptions from beta to 1.6.0.
    • Move isAir(): boolean from beta to 1.6.0.
    • Move isLiquid(): boolean from beta to 1.6.0.
    • Moved amount from beta to 1.6.0.
    • Moved keepOnDeath: boolean from beta to 1.6.0.
    • Moved lockMode: ItemLockMode from beta to 1.6.0.
    • Moved nameTag?: string from beta to 1.6.0.
    • Moved clone(): ItemStack from beta to 1.6.0.
    • Moved getTags(): string[] from beta to 1.6.0.
    • Moved hasTag(tag: string): boolean from beta to 1.6.0.
    • Moved setCanDestroy(blockIdentifiers?: string[]): void from beta to 1.6.0.
    • Moved getCanDestroy(): string[] from beta to 1.6.0.
    • Moved setCanPlaceOn(blockIdentifiers?: string[]): void from beta to 1.6.0.
    • Moved getCanPlaceOn(): string[] from beta to 1.6.0.
    • Moved function getProperty to 1.6.0.
    • Moved function resetProperty to 1.6.0.
    • Moved function setProperty to 1.6.0.
  • Added function getWeather.
  • Added a content error when attempting to load a damage sensor with an invalid "cause" value.
  • Allow single value parsing for minecraft:icon item component.
  • The camel mob dash component can now be applied to rideable mobs other than horse, donkey, and mule using minecraft:dash.
  • Trade items now have a filters property to determine if a trade should be considered.
  • Trade items no longer support the biome property to check villager biome types, the is_mark_variant filter can be used in the filters property instead to check the villager biome type.
  • Deprecated minecraft:weapon component starting in version 1.20.40.
  • Deprecated minecraft:on_use component starting in version 1.20.40.
  • Deprecated minecraft:on_use_on component starting in version 1.20.40.
  • The behavior.random_look_around_and_sit now has the field continue_sitting_on_reload.
  • behavior.is_scenting renamed to generic behavior.timer_flag_1.
  • behavior.is_rising renamed to generic behavior.timer_flag_2.
  • behavior.is_feeling_happy renamed to generic behavior.timer_flag_3.
  • behavior.timer_flag 1: Fires an event when this behavior starts, then waits for a duration before stopping. When stopping due to that timeout or due to being interrupted by another behavior, fires another event. query.timer_flag_1 will return 1.0 on both the client and server when this behavior is running, and 0.0 otherwise.
  • behavior.timer_flag 2: Fires an event when this behavior starts, then waits for a duration before stopping. When stopping due to that timeout or due to being interrupted by another behavior, fires another event. query.timer_flag_2 will return 1.0 on both the client and server when this behavior is running, and 0.0 otherwise.
  • behavior.timer_flag 3: Fires an event when this behavior starts, then waits for a duration before stopping. When stopping due to that timeout or due to being interrupted by another behavior, fires another event. query.timer_flag_3 will return 1.0 on both the client and server when this behavior is running, and 0.0 otherwise.
  • Updated to version 1.20.40.
  • Added a new query.is_in_lava query function to Molang, to know if a mob is currently in lava.


52 issues fixed
From released versions before 1.20.0
  • MCPE-26929 – Guardians no longer make flopping sounds while on land.
  • MCPE-38566 – D-Pad Touch controls not calibrated properly (up/down buttons).
  • MCPE-41103 – Lava flowing down or fully spread out does not change to cobblestone when touched by water from the side.
  • MCPE-43591 – Incorrect wither boss bar texture in Bedrock.
  • MCPE-52904 – When you block a tipped arrow or shulker bullet with a shield, you still get the affect.
  • MCPE-73307 – Elytra ceiling clip.
  • MCPE-85954 – Villages in the nether or end are unstable.
  • MCPE-99972 – Sheep don't drop wool after being previously sheared.
  • MCPE-100598 – Buckets instantly pick up liquids after placing (MLG/bucket clutch doesn't work).
  • MCPE-131980 – Rabbits rarely eat carrot crops.
  • MCPE-152129 – Item name overlaps oxygen bar.
  • MCPE-152130 – Item name overlaps mob health bar.
  • MCPE-152131 – Item name overlaps Absorption health bar.
  • MCPE-152753 – Boats no longer negate fall damage.
  • MCPE-153254 – Goat Horn has a very short sound range with other players.
  • MCPE-154385 – New UI for brewing stand doesn't fit the screen.
  • MCPE-157918 – Missing sound for filling water bottles from source blocks and cauldrons.
  • MCPE-160290 – Command /damage override type not working correctly.
  • MCPE-164734 – Command candidates are not displayed if @e[type=item] is entered in /execute.
  • MCPE-168369 – Purple border and tooltip text are broken when upgrading diamond gear to netherite.
  • MCPE-168913 – Invalid data in sound_definitions.json can crash the game.
  • MCPE-169067 – Editing sign in angle/side will edit back instead of the front.
  • MCPE-173155 – Soul speed effect does not work when crawling on soul soil.
From 1.20.0 version
  • MCPE-169577 – Diagonal patterns get inverted in shields.
  • MCPE-169666 – Camels appear to slide when walking.
  • MCPE-172369 – Camels indefinitely dash while in lava.
  • MCPE-172674 – Camel is missing the dash button on smartphone touch controls.
  • MCPE-172846 – Camel's legs won't stop moving when idle.
  • MCPE-172917 – There is no chat message for when skipping the night is not possible with playerssleepingpercentage set above 100.
  • MCPE-173028 – "Detected lost connection" and "Abandoned connection closed" error message is untranslated.
  • MCPE-173189 – [ScriptAPI] Some characters are counted as 2 or 3 characters in the character count check of the setLore() method.
From 1.20.x versions
  • MCPE-172377 – Zombie villagers don't have biome or rank overlays.
  • MCPE-172785 – Player can pass through blocks by spamming jump and sneak.
  • MCPE-173006 – Iron golems spawn in 2 block high space.
  • MCPE-173362/recipe is still highlighted in blue in the chat box.
  • MCPE-173799minecraft:transformation scale key without limit.
  • MCPE-173898 – Foxes can't pick up equippable items (armor, mob heads, carved pumpkin, etc.).
  • MCPE-173934 – Crash when enabling "Deferred Render" experimental feature.
  • MCPE-174524 – Water splash sounds no longer plays after the addition of entering/exiting water sound.
  • MCPE-174529 – Water from a waterlogged block cannot be removed with an empty bucket without aiming at the block in the water.
  • Fixed an issue where text to speech did not say how to open chat or emotes.
  • Text-to-speech message for popup title/description is now played properly.
  • Clicking off the game window will not unselect a friend.
  • Fixed a bug where the tooltip for the v-sync setting was showing without being hovered.
  • Fixed a bug where "PBR" was not included in HUD while in level using "Deferred Technical Preview".
  • The seven new explorer maps from cartographers can now also point to structures in already explored chunks.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when running in the archold room in the spellrune marketplace map.
  • Fixed an issue where particles were not consistently lit while in the "Deferred Technical Preview".
  • Camels can no longer dash while in lava or water.
  • Fixed an extremely rare bug (~0.000003% chance) that could cause item frames to not drop their item when hit or destroyed.
  • Fixed a bug where closing the game while having the portfolio open resulted in a crash.
  • Autocompleting text now moves the caret to end of the line.


  1. Divided into 3 groups, pulled independently.
  2. The list of possible offers contains individual offers for each color, so multiple colors may be offered by the same villager as separate trades.

