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1.19.80 is a minor update to Bedrock Edition released on April 26, 2023. It added more features to the Trails & Tales experimental toggle, adding the Short Sneaking toggle, brought more parity with Java Edition, and fixes bugs.[1]


Command format[]

Block states
  • Provide auto-complete support for block states in commands.
  • Added two new subcommands:
    • ... stopall: used to manually stop all tests while they are running.
    • ... runsetuntilfail [tag: string] [rotationSteps: int]: used to run a set of tests but will automatically stop if any of the tests fail.
  • Allows for query or change the player's camera or movement permissions as enabled or disabled:
    • For query the permission(s): /inputpermission query <targets: target> <permission: permission> [state: state]
    • For change the permission(s): /inputpermission set <targets: target> <permission: permission> <state: state>
  • Added a new syntax for summoning entities facing at a target or to the specified coordinates:
    • For facing an entity: /summon <entityType: EntityType> [spawnPos: x y z] facing <lookAtEntity: target> [spawnEvent: string] [nameTag: string]
    • For facing to the specified coordinates: /summon <entityType: EntityType> [spawnPos: x y z] facing <lookAtPosition: x y z> [spawnEvent: string] [nameTag: string]
Target selectors
  • Added the haspermission target selector argument, which allows for selection based on player permissions.


  • Added the "Short Sneaking" experimental toggle.
    • Enables the ability to sneak under 1.5 blocks of height.
  • Added "Glint Speed" and "Glint Strength" accessibility option for adjusting the speed and transparency of enchantment glints.
  • Added "New 'You Died' Screen (Experimental)" video option to disable/enable the new death screen.
Touch Controls
  • Re-enabled the new stack splitting UI.


Bedrock Editor
  • Added the bedrock editor, is currently available for keyboard/mouse on Windows PC Bedrock Preview builds.
    • It is an in-engine, multiblock editing experience focused on making it possible for creators of all skillsets to easily craft high-quality experiences.



  • The ID's of fence have now been split up into their own ID's.
  • The ID's of the logs (log and log2) have now been split up into their own ID's.
Melon and Pumpkin
Pressure Plate
  • Changed the sound of the weighted pressure plates to match Java Edition.
Sculk Sensor
  • item_interact_finish game event now has a vibration frequency of 2 instead of 14.
  • item_interact_start is no longer considered a detectable vibration.
  • Reeling a fishing rod now emits projectile_shoot vibration.

Command format[]

/clone, /fill and /setblock


Death messages
  • Renamed and enchanted weapons are now displayed in respawn and chat windows with color when a player is killed by an entity using it.
Death screen
  • Has been revamped.
    • Currently, this can be opt-out with a toggle.
  • Added a header and title for the inventory tab in inventory screen while using Pocket UI.
  • Increased the spacing between headers in the settings screen to increase readability.
  • Touchpad scrolling now matches the operating system's scroll direction.


  • Mangrove, bamboo, and polished blackstone buttons are no longer visible.
  • Potions no longer have an enchantment glint due to it obscuring the color of the potion contents.


Boat and Boat with Chest
Polar Bear
  • Now generate green particles when a successful trade is completed.


Bedrock Editor
  • Item drops have been disabled. This allows for Undo/Redo and Cut/Copy/Paste to work properly. Items will no longer be left floating in the world.
  • Removed the old stonecutter and nether reactor core from the block picker.
  • Removed 'data' key to recipe json format.


These additions and changes are accessible by enabling the "Short Sneaking" and "Next Major Update" experimental toggles.



Calibrated Sculk Sensor
Cherry Leaves
  • A new type of leaves.
  • Have pink particles falling underneath.
Cherry Log
  • A new type of log, as well as a stripped variant.
  • Can be used to craft cherry woods and planks.
  • The stripped variant can be used to craft cherry hanging sign.
Cherry Planks
Cherry Sapling
Cherry Wood
  • A new type of wood, as well as a stripped variant.
  • Can be used to craft cherry planks.
Pink Petals
  • A new type of block, which generates naturally in cherry groves.
  • Renewable when applying a bone meal to an existing one or to the ground of cherry groves.
  • Similar to sea pickle, can be placed up to 4 in one dirt-related block.
  • Can be placed directional.
  • Can be crafted into a pink dye.
Suspicious Gravel
  • Looks like gravel, but rougher.
  • Affected by gravity, vanishes when landing.
  • Drops nothing when mined or moved, even if mining with silk touch.
  • Generates naturally in cold ocean ruins and trail ruins.
  • Brushing the suspicious gravel with a brush will extract objects.
    • Has 4 stages of extracting, will recover gradually when stop brushing.
    • Turns to regular gravel when extraction is done.
    • Only suspicious gravels with a valid archaeological loot table can extract an item.


Pottery Shards
  • Added 16 pottery shards, they can be found in following archaeology sites:
Smithing Templates

World generation[]

Cherry blossom trees
  • A new type of tree which can be grown from cherry saplings.
  • Occasionally generated with a bee nest.
  • Tree trunks fork or bend high up, and are then covered up in large, round canopies of cherry leaves.
Cherry Grove
  • A new biome which contains pretty cherry blossom trees.
  • Located in the mountains, like meadows.
  • Pigs, rabbits, sheeps, and bees can spawn here.
Trail Ruins



Block of Amethyst
  • Added a new behavior called vibration resonance when it is placed adjacent to sculk sensors.
    • If that sculk sensor receives a vibration, the block of amethyst will re-emit its frequency as a separate vibration at its location.
Decorated Pot
  • Updated the neck of the model.
    • The pot's neck now clip with blocks.
    • Now uses the new and more complex block model.
  • No longer provides support for blocks wanting to attach to its side faces.
  • Is no longer stackable in the inventory.
  • Base recipe now shows up in the recipe book.
  • Particles is now based on the default side texture.
Piglin Head
  • Their ears now flap when the wearer is riding a vehicle.
  • Sign text can now be edited by interacting with it after being placed in the world.
  • Both sides of the sign can now have separate text and colors.
    • By default, a sign will prompt the player to input the front side's text when placed.
    • To apply text to the back-side, the player must walk to the other side and interact with that face to edit it.
  • Signs can now also be waxed with honeycomb, preventing any further edits to its text.
Suspicious Sand
  • Now generates naturally in warm ocean ruins and trail ruins.
  • Is no longer waterloggable. (MCPE-167222)
  • Now connects to Fence blocks.
  • Now turns into regular Sand after it's been destroyed with a Brush. (MCPE-167166)
  • Now emits particles when broken by Pistons.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the item inside suspicious sand to flicker while brushing. (MCPE-167180)


  • Now can be visually customized with a variety of unique trims at the smithing table.
  • Purely visual with no gameplay benefits, and can only be applied to helmets, chestplates, leggings and boots.
    • All trim patterns are visually the same on an armor's item icon, but the color will still change based on the trim material.
    • The name of the trim pattern will be displayed on the item's tooltip.
  • Armor trim has 2 properties: pattern and material.
  • Crafting recipe now uses a feather, copper ingot and stick in a vertical line.
  • Added a slight cooldown for particles and sounds.
Pottery Shard
  • Updated archer pottery shard texture.


  • Now stop dashing when entering a rideable entity. (MCPE-164065)


Smithing Table functionality
  • Redesigned: it is now a workstation for physical equipment upgrades and modifications.
  • Added a slot used by smithing templates to the left of the old 2 slots.
  • Smithing templates define what type of upgrade that will be making to equipment.
    • It specifies both what type of items that can upgrade, and which ingredients are valid to customize the upgrade.
  • Netherite equipment crafting now also requires a netherite upgrade smithing template.
  • Player’s hitbox height now reduces to 1.5 blocks while sneaking.
  • Sneaking will automatically be initiated while stuck in a gap of less than 1.8 blocks.
  • Sneaking now requires enough space to stand in order to exit sneaking.
  • Players will transition from swimming to sneaking if they are unable to stand up but would be able to sneak.

World generation[]

Ocean Ruins


  • Fixed the player moving in the wrong direction after exiting a container screen while using a gamepad. (MCPE-121565)
  • Players can no longer sneak while flying. (MCPE-166834)
  • Fixed an issue where unnecessary black boxes appeared in VR while around partial blocks.
  • Fixed animation transition between swimming and walking. (MCPE-166769)
  • Fixed a bug where command blocks could cause actors within a level chunk to freeze. (MCPE-162011)
  • The health boost effect will no longer fully replenish the player's health after the effect runs out. (MCPE-165434)
  • Fixed ambient cave sounds to no longer play when the player enters or loads into the end. (MCPE-141493)
  • Cooking Chorus Fruit in a Furnace will now generate experience. (MCPE-68127)
  • Nether portals can now replace blocks other than just air when being generated. This includes blocks such as grass and snow layers. (MCPE-162272)
  • Light blocks can no longer have their light levels changed in survival or adventure modes. (MCPE-138868)
  • Campfire sounds are now louder and more clear. (MCPE-122296)
  • Nylium blocks are now grouped with Netherrack in the creative inventory. (MCPE-163587)
  • Flowers are once again displayed immediately when placed inside a flower pot.
  • Fixed the issue where multiple light sources (such as torches) were incorrectly emitting white light in RTX. (MCPE-166947)
  • Boots do not z-fight anymore when worn by player.
  • The "leg" and "belt" parts of leggings do not z-fight anymore when worn by player.
  • Capes no longer flash red when getting damaged. (MCPE-105347)
  • Fixed a visible gap in Hopper model. (MCPE-55122)
  • Fixed alignment of the output slot of crafting table. (MCPE-143255)
  • Halved the default visibility of the glint on enchanted items, which can now be modified in the accessibility settings. (MCPE-167814)
Stability and Performance
  • Fixed a bug where invalid banner patterns were causing players in render distance to crash. (MCPE-164478)
Touch controls
  • Fixed an issue where items could get stuck in the crafting table when using touch input.
  • If the player is underwater and auto-jump is enabled, as they approach a block that is 1 level higher than the current level, they will rise. This also allows auto-jumping out of water onto land.
  • In the map WDW Magic Kingdom, the carts on the Big Thunder Mountain, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, and Space Mountain rides now properly align with the invisible Minecart they are attached to.
  • Mobs no longer play the player eat sound when fed breeding materials.
  • Fixed an issue where the paste button in the command block UI would remember extra presses from failed pastes. (MCPE-163705)
  • Armor stands now vanish with no sound effects when killed with the /kill command. (MCPE-159136)
  • Removed the character limit for scoreboard objective names and objective display names. (MCPE-165064)
User Interface
  • Feedback button on the pause menu will now prompt the user with a modal before redirecting to the browser.


  1. "Minecraft Beta & Preview -" – Minecraft Feedback, March 8, 2023.