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Hopper (D)Hopper (N)Hopper (E)Hopper (S)Hopper (W)
Hopper (D) BEHopper (N) BEHopper (E) BEHopper (S) BEHopper (W) BE

Твердий блок





Діє гравітація










Так (64)



від лави



Цей же блок


Див. Значення даних

Лійка[1][Лише у JE] або воронка[2][Лише у BE] (англ. Hopper) — це блок сховище малої ємності, який можна використовувати для збору предметів безпосередньо над ним, а також для переміщення предметів в інші контейнери та з них. Лійка можна заблокувати силою червоного каменю, щоб він не переміщував предмети всередину або з себе.



Щоб отримати лійку, добуйте його за допомогою кайла. Використання будь-якого іншого предмета для добування лійки скидає лише його вміст.

Блок Лійка
Міцність 3
Час руйнування[note 1]
Рука 15
Дерев’яне 2,25
Кам’яне 1,15
Залізне 0,75
Діамантове 0,6
Незеритове 0,5
Золоте 0,4
  1. Час наведено для незачарованих інструментів, якими володіють гравці без ефектів, вимірюється в секундах. Додаткову інформацію дивіться у розділі Добування § Час.


Лійку можна змайструвати з 5 залізних злитків і скрині

Інгредієнти Процес
Залізний злиток +


Див. також: Керівництва/Лійка
Hopper aligment

Лійки можуть бути спрямовані вниз або вбік.

Лійка можна використовувати як контейнер, як інгредієнт для майстрування та як редстоуновий компонент.

Лійка має «вихідну» трубку внизу, яка може бути спрямована вниз або вбік і забезпечує візуальну індикацію того, до якого блоку бункер налаштований для скидання своїх предметів, якщо в цьому блоці є інвентар. Щоб розмістити лійку, скористайтеся елементом керування розміщення блоку, націлюючись на поверхню, до якої має бути спрямований його вихід (лійки «не» орієнтуються автоматично). Щоб розмістити лійку безпосередньо на поверхні блоку, який уже можна взаємодіяти, гравець може підкрастися під час розміщення лійки. Спроба розташувати лійку, спрямований на нижню грань блоку, замість того, щоб дивитися вниз. З деякими блоками, такими як піч і варильна стійка, лійка має багаторазове використання. Лійка не змінює напрямок після розміщення, і він не прикріплений до контейнера, до якого звернений; контейнер можна зняти або замінити, а лійка залишається незмінна.

Лійки не можна переміщати поршнем.‌[Лише у Java Edition] Незважаючи на те, що вони не є суцільним блоком, прикріплені блоки, такі як рейки, важіль, розтяжка і редстоуновий пил можна розміщувати на лійках, але не на їхніх боках.


Інвентар (Лійка)

GUI лійки, яке показує п’ять слотів інвентарю бункера вгорі та інвентар гравця внизу.

Лійку можна використовувати як контейнер і має 5 слотів для інвентарю.

Щоб відкрити GUI лійки, використовуйте керування Використання предмета/Розмістити блок. Щоб переміщувати предмети між інвентарем лійки та інвентарем гравця або панелі швидкого доспупа, коли GUI лійки, перетягніть предмкти або клацніть їх, утримуючи клавішу Shift. Щоб вийти з GUI лійки, скористайтеся клавішу Esc, Кнопка И або кругла кнопка, залежно від пристрою.

У оригінальній локалізації за замовчуванням GUI лійки позначено як «Item Hopper». Мітку GUI лійки можна змінити, назвавши лійку на ковадлі перед його розміщенням або ‌[Лише у Java Edition] за допомогою команди data (наприклад, щоб позначте лійку у (0,64,0) "Лійка Стіва", використовуйте /data merge block 0 64 0 {CustomName:'"Лійка Стіва"'}).

У Java Edition GUI лійки може бути "заблоковане" (або згодом розблоковано) встановивши теґ лійці Lock за допомогою команди data. Якщо теґ Lock лійки не порожній, доступ до лійки неможливий, окрім гравців, які тримають предмет із такою ж назвою, як текст теґу Lock. Наприклад, щоб заблокувати лійку на (0,64,0), щоб лише гравці, які тримають предмет під назвою «Ключ Стіва», мали доступ до лійки, використовуйте /data merge block 0 64 0 {Lock:"Ключ Стіва"}.

Інгредієнт майстрування[]

Лійку можна використовувати для майстрування вагонетки з лійкою.

Інгредієнти Процес Назва
Лійка +

Вагонетка з лійкою

Редстоун компонент[]

Див. також: Редстоун схеми та Редстоун компонент § Лійка
Hopper logic flowchart

Блок-схема логіки лійки

Хоча лійка «не» живиться від сигналів редстоуну, він працює з трьома функціями:

  • Збирати предмети сутності (вільно плаваючі предмети у світі) у свій інвентар із простору над ним
  • Потягнути один предмет у свій інвентар із контейнера над ним
  • Поштовх окремий предмет із власного інвентарю в контейнер, перед яким він стоїть

Лійка спочатку намагається проштовхнути всередину будь-які предмети. Після цього він перевіряє, чи є блок над ним типом контейнера. Якщо так, вона намагається вирватися з нього. В іншому випадку лійка намагається зібрати сутності предметів. Примітно, що бункери можуть штовхати та тягнути з інших лійок, утворюючи трубки лійок або ланцюги лійок, які дозволяють транспортувати предмети через кілька блоків, і про що докладніше йдеться нижче.

Сигнали редстоуну[]

Коли лійка отримує сигнал редстоуну (і вважається «активованим»), усі три функції припиняються. Щоб уникнути плутанини щодо термінів «активований» і «деактивований», заряджені лійки часто описуються як заблоковані', а не заряджені лійки – як розблоковані'. Лійки можуть отримувати живлення від блоків з м’яким живленням, тобто слід редстоунового пилу, що вказує на блок і торкається лійка, блокує його так само ефективно, як блок редстоуну чи будь-який інший компонент сили торкається лійки. Коли лійку розблоковано під час тику редстоуну, він не штовхає, не тягне/збирає під час того ж таку, а натомість має затримку в 1 тик редстоуну.

While a locked hopper does not push or pull/collect items, it may still receive items from dispensers, droppers and other hoppers, and may have its items pulled out by another hopper beneath it. Hence, the item flow in a horizontal hopper pipe may be stopped by locking just one of the hoppers, but stopping a vertical hopper pipe requires locking two adjacent hoppers at the same time, such that both the pushing of the top one and the pulling of the bottom one are stopped.

A hopper does not output any redstone signals by itself, but its fullness can be read using a redstone comparator, which needs to be placed next to it and facing away from it. An empty hopper outputs a signal strength of 0 and a completely full hopper outputs a signal strength of 15. Notably, a single stackable item (16 or 64) outputs a signal strength of 1 and a single non-stackable item outputs a signal strength of 3.

Шаблон:IN, if the hopper being read is part of a horizontal hopper pipe, the comparator can individually read each item passing through the chain, because items are pushed through the hoppers one by one at a speed that is manageable by the comparator. If there is an uninterrupted stream of items, the comparator does not switch off in between items. On the other hand, in a vertical hopper pipe, some of the hoppers may never produce a reading above 0, even with a continuous stream of items, because pushes and pulls both occur in the same game tick: The hoppers' items get pulled out a single game tick after they're pushed in and this isn't measurable by a comparator, because comparators need measurements lasting at least 1.5 redstone ticks to produce a reading.

Collecting items[]

A hopper collects items dropped on top of it if the space above the hopper not occupied by a storage block. Items are gathered from the entire 1 block space above the hopper, meaning that items sitting on partial blocks such as soul sand directly above a hopper can be collected.[3] It is also possible for a hopper to collect items from inside a full, solid block, a situation that might come from items rising up through solid blocks or being summoned. Item entities are not collected when they are outside of the collection area however; for example, items on top of a stone block directly above a hopper are not collected. Collected items are placed in the leftmost empty slot of a hopper's inventory.

Шаблон:IN, if there is no container above the hopper, then the hopper collects dropped items in the order in which they landed on the hopper. This order is remembered even while a hopper is locked. For instance, if a hopper is locked under a carpet while a fully equipped armor stand is broken above it, then it always collects items in this order when it is unlocked: armor stand, boots, leggings, chestplates, helmets. This is due to the order in which these items land.Шаблон:Verify Шаблон:IN, hoppers do not remember the order in which items land on the hopper. Instead, hoppers with multiple dropped items above them collect the items in the order in which they entered the chunk in which the hopper is located. Items that drop from a broken armor stand are collected in a random order.[4]

Hoppers usually check for dropped items every game tick and they can collect items even before they are picked up by a playerШаблон:Verify or destroyed by lava. However, Шаблон:In hoppers have a "collection cooldown" time. After collecting an item (or stack of items), a hopper waits Шаблон:Tooltip (0.4 seconds, barring lag) before attempting to collect again.

Hoppers collect groups of items all at once rather than collecting them as single items one at a time. As a result, hoppers can collect item entities much faster than they can pull items from a container. Pulling from a moving minecart with chest or minecart with hopper is even slower, since the minecart is not always above the hopper.

Pushing and pulling items[]

A hopper with a storage container above it (such as a furnace, chest, dropper, composter, or another hopper) attempts to pull from the container instead of checking for floating items above it, and hence can not collect items. A hopper always tries to push or pull items using the leftmost available slot. When a hopper is removing items from a chest, the items disappear from left to right. Similarly, when filling up a chest, the chest fills up from left to right. Hoppers prioritize pulling from the first slot of a container over pulling into the first hopper slot. If a hopper has stone in its first slot and nothing in its second while the container it is pulling from has chicken in its first slot but stone in the second, the hopper pulls the chicken from the first slot of the container into its empty second slot. However, if the hopper is unable to pull the chicken, such as if all slots are filled with stone, the hopper pulls the stone from the second slot of the container instead. Similarly, hoppers prioritize pushing from their first slot over pushing into the first slot of a container. If a hopper has stone in its first slot and chicken in its second while the container it is pushing to has chicken it its first slot but stone in the second, the hopper pushes stone from its first slot into the second slot of the container.

In Java Edition the checks done by a hopper while pulling generally require less processing than the checks done by a hopper attempting collection. Therefore, a chain of hoppers topped with storage containers rather than air/solid blocks has better performance (measured as milliseconds of processing per tick) and lower potential for processing lag. [5] The performance improvement achieved is correlated with the number of storage slots the container has. Placing composters (with no storage slots but still with custom output logic) on top of hoppers provide the greatest efficiency, while double chests actually degrade performance, even when sharing each double chest across two hoppers.[5] In Bedrock Edition a chain of hoppers with air or non-container blocks on top has better performance than a chain of hoppers topped by container blocks.[6] This may be because, even though hoppers with containers on top do not check for items, they do check for hopper-minecarts and chest-minecarts to pull from, and that involves scanning the chunk entity list.[7]


Push then Pull

Chest A is full of items while the hopper and Chest B are empty.

Item pushes and pulls are processed in the same game tick, but pushes are processed before pulls. In the schematic, the empty hopper first pulls an item from chest A as it cannot push anything into chest B. After the cooldown, the hopper first pushes its item into chest B before pulling another item from chest A, both pushing and pulling in the same tick, and the process repeats. The hopper stops pulling when A is empty, and stops pushing when B becomes full.

Hoppers also have a "transfer cooldown" time. After pulling and/or pushing items, a hopper waits Шаблон:Tooltip (0.4 seconds, barring lag) before pulling or pushing again (a transfer rate of 2.5 items per second, barring lag). A hopper that has an item pushed into it from another hopper also starts a 4 tick cooldown period, regardless of whether it pushed or pulled items itself. Item entities can be collected at any time without affecting the transfer cooldown time. The transfer cooldown and the Bedrock Edition collection cooldown are independent of each other.

Container interactions[]

Some containers interact with hoppers in specific ways:

Hoppers above composters can push compostable items into the composter's top face with a chance of increasing the level of the composter as if the player used the item on the composter. Items that are not compostable cannot be pushed into the composter. Hoppers below the composter can pull bone meal when the composter is in stage 8, emptying the composter and resetting it to stage 0. Hoppers to the side of a composter do not interact with it.
A working hopper on the top face of a brewing stand deposits only into the ingredient slot and it can push only valid brewing ingredients. A hopper on side face of a brewing stand can deposit only blaze powder or filled bottles into the three brew slots. A hopper underneath a brewing stand always extracts from the three brew slots, whether brewing is finished or not—The hopper must be locked to allow potions to finish brewing.
Large chests and large trapped chests are treated as a single container: A hopper depositing into a large chest fills up the entire chest and a hopper underneath a large chest empties the entire chest. Trapped chests being accessed by a player lock any adjacent hoppers, per the standard behavior of a hopper next to an active power source.
A working hopper pointing into top of a furnace deposits only into the ingredient slot. It can push any item, including items that can't be smelted by the furnace. A hopper pointing into the side of a furnace deposits into the fuel slot, and only items that are usable as fuel. A hopper below a furnace pulls everything from the output slot and empty buckets from the fuel slot left over from using lava buckets as fuel. When a hopper removes items from a furnace, the experience points are 'stored' in the furnace until a player removes at least one smelted item, or the furnace block is broken.
Шаблон:BlockSprite Hopper
A sequence of three or more hoppers, each pushing items into the next, is called a hopper pipe. Working horizontal hopper pipes simply push items into each other at the expected rate of 2.5 items per second, but vertical hopper pipes are more complicated, as the hoppers are trying both to pull and to push. When a vertical pipe pulls from a single container, it simply transfers items at 2.5 items per second because the transfer rate is limited by the first hopper pulling items from the container. If a stack of items is in a vertical pipe, the items can be transferred twice as fast, because the hopper with the item stack is pushing items down while the hopper below it is also pulling items down.
Unlocked hoppers fill chest minecarts and hopper minecarts if any part of the entity's hitbox is within the hopper's target block-space. Hopper minecarts try to pull items from the hopper at high speed. Hoppers can pull items from minecarts above them so rails can be placed directly on the top faces of a hoppers. If a detector rail is in the right position, it could lock the hopper per standard redstone-hopper behavior.
Hoppers can insert music discs into jukeboxes, and extract the music discs after they finish playing.
Hoppers cannot put shulker boxes into other shulker boxes. This allows for the creation of certain item filters.
Otherwise, hoppers interact with shulker boxes normally.
Hoppers cannot remove or place books on lecterns. The redstone pulse emitted from a lectern when a page is turned can temporarily lock hoppers.
Hoppers cannot interact with ender chests in any way.
Hoppers interact normally with barrels, dispensers, droppers, and boats with chests.
Hoppers and minecart with hoppers can insert and remove books from the bookshelf. As with any other container, items are taken from the first slot that has an item that can fit in the hopper and are inserted into the first empty slot.



Шаблон:Sound table/Block/Metal


Java Edition: Шаблон:Sound table

Bedrock Edition: None

Data values[]


Java Edition: Шаблон:ID table Шаблон:ID table

Bedrock Edition: Шаблон:ID table Шаблон:ID table Шаблон:ID table

Block states[]

Див. також: Block states


Block data[]

A hopper has a block entity associated with it that holds additional data about the block.


Див. також: Block entity format



See Bedrock Edition level format/Block entity format.


Шаблон:Load achievements


Java Edition
1.513w01aHopper (D) JE1 Hopper (N) JE1 Hopper (E) JE1 Hopper (S) JE1 Hopper (W) JE1 Hopper (U) JE1 Added hoppers.
Hoppers with the damage value of 1, which are obtainable only through world editing, visually point in no direction. They functionally push items upward, however the behavior is inconsistent.
Hopper (item) JE1 There is currently a temporary "work in progress" sprite for hoppers in the inventory.
Hoppers can be crafted from a chest and stone blocks with the following recipe:
13w01bRails can now be placed on top of hoppers.
Hoppers no longer load items into minecarts without chests.
13w02aHopper (item) JE2 BE1 The inventory sprite of hoppers has been changed.
Hopper (item) 13w02a However, the item of hoppers appears bugged if dropped or placed in an item frame.[8] This may be due to the game attempting to pull the item sprite from the hopper's equivalent spot in stitched_terrain.png (compare files: terrain, items), a region which contains parts of the oak planks, end stone and iron bars textures.
Applying a redstone signal to a hopper now deactivates the hopper until the signal is removed.
Hoppers can no longer be used as fuel in a furnace.
Hoppers are now crafted using 5 iron ingots rather than 5 stone blocks.
Hoppers now pull only from the output slot of furnaces.
Hoppers now output 1 signal strengh per 1/3 of a stack (21 items) when interacting with a redstone comparator.
Hopper (D) JE2 Hopper (N) JE2 Hopper (E) JE2 Hopper (S) JE2 Hopper (W) JE2 Hopper (U) JE2 The texture of hoppers has been given a unique texture. Hoppers no longer use the cauldron texture. Note that the top texture does not rotate with facing direction.
The preferred tool is now a pickaxe, rather than the axe.
13w02bHoppers now treat large chests properly, no longer needing two hoppers connected to them to fill up the entire inventory.
Hoppers no longer take items from containers when powered via a redstone current.
Hoppers now display correctly as a dropped or frame item.
13w03aHoppers are now used to craft a minecart with hopper.
Hoppers can now empty a minecart with hopper.
13w04aThe transfer rate of hoppers has been changed from 7 to 8 game ticks per item (2.5 items per second).
1.5.1preHoppers now take empty buckets out of furnace fuel slots.
1.7.2releaseHopper (D) JE3 Hopper (N) JE3 Hopper (E) JE3 Hopper (S) JE3 Hopper (W) JE3 Hopper (U) JE3 The UV of all blocks is broken on certain sides as a result of MC-37106 (few cases are listed on the wiki so far - this is a future project). This includes hoppers.
1.7.413w47aHopper (D) JE4 Hopper (N) JE4 Hopper (E) JE4 Hopper (S) JE4 Hopper (W) JE4 Hopper (U) JE4 MC-37106 has been fixed, reverting hoppers to their pre-1.7.2 appearences.
13w48aThis version fixed MC-190, which hoppers were allegedly subject to since their introduction. However, a comparison of hopper UV in 13w02a and 14w08a failed to reveal any visible differences, even accounting for the example images on the ticket. More research is needed on this matter.
1.8?Hoppers no longer generate multiplayer lag when idle.
14w10aHopper (D) JE5 Hopper (N) JE5 Hopper (E) JE5 Hopper (S) JE5 Hopper (W) JE5 Missing Model JE2 Hoppers now use block models rather than having a hardcoded shape. This brings multiple changes: the inside texture now rotates with the hopper rather than being constant, the inside planes of hoppers are now shaded/have ambient occlusion, and some minor UV changes have occurred, notably on the smallest cuboid. The directionless hopper also no longer has a model.
14w26aThe directionless hopper has been removed.
14w31aHoppers now no longer use wood sounds.[9]
1.915w33cA hopper now generates as a part of the end ship in the end cities.
15w41aEnd ships no longer contain a hopper.
15w43aLoot tables have been added; hoppers can now use loot tables.
15w43cHopper (D) JE6 Hopper (N) JE6 Hopper (E) JE6 Hopper (S) JE6 Hopper (W) JE6 The UV on the hopper model has changed, resulting in minor differences, particularly to the smallest cuboid. This is likely due to the fix for MC-73401.
15w44aHopper (D) JE7 Hopper (N) JE7 Hopper (E) JE7 Hopper (S) JE7 Hopper (W) JE7 A mapping issue introduced in the previous збіркаshot for the sides of the large funnel region has been fixed. This may be due to the fix for MC-50344.
1.9.1pre1A hopper can now push into and pull items from a blocked chest.
1.1317w47aPrior to The Flattening, this block's numeral ID was 154.
1.1418w43aHopper (D) JE8 Hopper (N) JE8 Hopper (E) JE8 Hopper (S) JE8 Hopper (W) JE8
Hopper (item) JE3 BE2 The textures of hoppers have been changed.
19w03cHoppers now use correct cullface arguments, and some redundant faces have also been deleted.
1.1922w13aHoppers no longer drop when breaking a minecart with hopper.
20 жовтня 2022 рокуНазву "Воронка" в українському перекладу було змінено на "Лійка".
1.19.423w07aHoppers can now interact with jukeboxes.
Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.14.0build 1Hopper (D) JE2Шаблон:Verify
Hopper (item) JE2 BE1 Added hoppers. Upward hoppers also exist.
v0.15.0build 1Hoppers can now be moved by pistons.
Bedrock Edition
1.10.0beta (D) BE Hopper (N) BE Hopper (E) BE Hopper (S) BE Hopper (W) BE Hopper (U) BE
Hopper (item) JE3 BE2 The textures of hoppers have been changed.
1.19.70beta can now collect items through all blocks that have a lower height than a full block.
Legacy Console Edition
TU19CU71.12Patch 11.0.1Hopper (D) JE2Шаблон:Verify
Hopper (item) JE2 BE1 Added hoppers.
1.90Hopper (D) JE8Шаблон:Verify
Hopper (item) JE3 BE2 The textures of hoppers have been changed.
1.91Hoppers can now fill composters.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.0Hopper (D) JE2Шаблон:Verify
Hopper (item) JE2 BE1 Added hoppers.


Шаблон:Issue list


  • A real-world hopper is a large, pyramidal or cone-shaped container used in industrial processes to hold particulate matter, like dust, gravel, nuts, seeds, etc., and can then dispense them from the bottom.
  • A hopper can transfer 9000 items per hour, or 150 items per minute.





