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Gear (item)
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Meşaleler, ışık yayan katı olmayan bloklardır.

Ruh meşaleleri ruh toprağı veya ruh kumu eklenerek hazırlanmış mavi varyantlarıdır.

Elde Etme[]

Doğal Oluşum[]

köy sokak lambası direklerinin bir parçası olarak bir maden kuyusu koridorlarındaki destekler arasında üretilen meşaleler ve çoğu ev, kalelerdeki çeşitli odalarda bulunabilir. İglolarda, Orman Konağında ve Yağmacı Kulesinin tepesinde bulunabilir. Ayrıca yan kısımlarında aynı yükseklikte bir blok varsa meşaleler ayrıca bonus sandıkların yanında oluşur. End'de, end portalı'nın bir parçası olarak, tepeden ikinci Bedrock bloğunun etrafında dört meşale üretilir. antik şehirler'de de meşaleler üretilir.

Üretim sonrası[]

Ender Ejderhası öldüğünde veya end kristalleri kullanılarak yeniden çağrıldığında, end portalındaki dört meşale yenilenir. Orijinal meşaleler hala yerindeyse, yeni meşaleler yerlerini alırken Eşya olarak düşerler.


Meşaleler herhangi bir şey kullanılarak anında kırılabilir ve kendilerini bir eşya olarak bırakabilir.

Aşağıdaki durumlarda bir meşale kırılır ve bir eşya olarak düşer:

  • Destek bloğu kırılırsa
  • Su veya lav onları kırarsa
  • Bir piston onu iterse veya bir bloğu destek bloğuyla değiştirirse

Sandık Ganimeti[]

Sandıklı vagonlarda ve terkedilmiş madenlerde meşale çıkmasının olasılığı %65.7'dir ve 1-16 tane çıkarlar.


İsim Malzemeler Üretim tarifi
Meşale Kömür or
Odun Kömürü +

Ruh Meşalesi Kömür or
Odun Kömürü +
Çubuk +
Ruh Toprağı or
Ruh Kumu
[[Ruh Toprağı|
[[Ruh Meşalesi|4


Torch Orientations

yontulmuş taş tuğlalar üzerinde çeşitli konumlarda meşaleler.

Çoğu katı bloğun üstüne veya yanlarına meşaleler yerleştirilebilir, ancak bazı bloklar sneaking gerektirir. Katı olmadığı için meşalelerin çarpışma kutusu yoktur.

Kum ve çakıl gibi yerçekiminden etkilenen bloklar, hemen altındaki blok bir meşale ise düşmez. Düşen bloklar, meşalenin üzerine düşerse kırılır. Meşalenin altında bir hava bloğu varsa, düşen bloklar meşalenin içinden aşağıdaki yüzeye düşer.[1]


Meşaleler 14 ışık seviyesi verir. Meşaleler ayrıca 2 blok yarıçapında kar tabakası ve 3 blok yarıçapında buz eritir.

Ruh meşaleleri, 10'luk bir ışık seviyesi verir. Daha düşük ışık seviyeleri nedeniyle, ruh meşaleleri karı veya buzu eritmez.


Ruh meşaleleri piglinleri uzaklaştırır.

Yapım içeriği olarak kullanımı[]

Crafting ingredient[]

  • Fener yapımında kullanılabilirler


Genel olarak meşaleler yalnızca katı, opak, dolu bloklar üzerine yerleştirilebilir; istisnalar aşağıda listelenmiştir.

Block name Placement on top Placement on side
Anvil Yes[Java edition only] No
No[Bedrock edition only]
Barrier Yes Yes
Bell Yes[Java edition only] No
No[Bedrock edition only]
Chorus Flower Yes[Java edition only] Yes[Java edition only][n 1]
No[Bedrock edition only] No
Dragon Egg Yes[Java edition only] No
No[Bedrock edition only]
Portal Frame (eye) Yes[Java edition only] No
No[Bedrock edition only]
End Rod Yes[Java edition only] No
No[Bedrock edition only]
Fences Yes No
Fence Gates Yes[Java edition only] No
No[Bedrock edition only]
Glass Yes Yes
Glass Pane Yes[Java edition only] No
No[Bedrock edition only]
Grindstone Yes[Java edition only] No
No[Bedrock edition only]
Ice Yes Yes
Iron Bars Yes[Java edition only] No
No[Bedrock edition only]
Scaffolding Yes No
Walls Yes No
  1. When the torch is placed on its side, the chorus flower may break, depending on its position.



Şablon:Sound table/Block/Wood

Veri değerleri[]


Java Sürümü:

NameTanımlayıcıFormBlock tags (JE)Item tags (JE)Çeviri anahtarı
Torchtorch Block & Itemwall_post_overrideNoneblock.minecraft.torch
Ruh Meşalesisoul_torch Block & Itempiglin_repellents
Wall Torchwall_torch BlockNoneblock.minecraft.wall_torch
Soul Wall Torchsoul_wall_torch Blockpiglin_repellentsblock.minecraft.soul_wall_torch

Bedrock Sürümü:

NameTanımlayıcıSayısal ID FormÇeviri anahtarı
Torchtorch 50Block & Giveable ItemŞablon:Notetile.torch.name
Ruh Meşalesisoul_torch 523Block & Giveable ItemŞablon:Notetile.soul_torch.name

Blok Data!sı[]

Şunlara da bakın: Data values

Bedrock Sürümü sürümünde, torches use the following data values:


Blok durumu[]

Şunlara da bakın: Block states



Java Edition pre-Classic
May 16, 2009Notch suggests adding torches, which would "light up a 3×3 tile" area.
Java Edition Indev
0.3120091223-2Torch JE1 Wall Torch (N) JE1 Wall Torch (E) JE1 Wall Torch (S) JE1 Wall Torch (W) JE1 Added torches.
Torches can be placed in the air without any block supporting them and do not have a top texture.
Torch (item) JE1 Torches currently have a dark icon in the inventory.
When removing a block, a torch now moves to another available block.[2]
20091231-1Torch JE2 Wall Torch (N) JE2 Wall Torch (E) JE2 Wall Torch (S) JE2 Wall Torch (W) JE2 The top red section from the torch has been removed. However, torches still do not have a top texture.
Torch (texture) JE2 BE1 Torches have now become shorter.
20100109Torches are now slightly dimmer.
20100124-2Torch JE3 BE1 Wall Torch (N) JE3 BE1 Wall Torch (E) JE3 BE1 Wall Torch (S) JE3 BE1 Wall Torch (W) JE3 BE1 Torches now have a top texture.
20100125-2Torches now have particle effects.
20100129Torches have been made craftable.
?Torches no longer snap to other potential valid attachments once their supporting block is removed.
Java Edition Alpha
v1.1.0Torches can no longer be placed on tree leaves, but only in fast mode.
October 4, 2010Notch originally planned for torches to become temporary light sources that would eventually burn out and require re-lighting with flint and steel. This was planned to add with the Halloween Update.
v1.2.0?Torches are now used to craft jack o'lanterns.
Java Edition Beta
1.2Torches can now be crafted using charcoal, making them the first renewable light source in the game that is also obtainable and permanent.
1.6.6Torches can now be placed on glowstone.
1.7Torches can no longer be placed on leaves, whether they are found naturally on a tree or placed after being trimmed with shears.
Torches and redstone torches can now be placed on top of fences.
1.8Pre-releaseTorches now generate in mineshafts.
Java Edition
1.2.112w07aTorches can now be placed on top of glass blocks.
1.3.112w19aTorches now spawn around bonus chests if each side has a block at the same height around it.
12w25aTorches can now be placed on top of upside down slabs and stairs.
1.4.212w42bFalling sand now properly "pops" when falling on torches. now have a bottom texture, visible on wall torches or torches placed on top of glass.[3]
Minecraft 2.0 (2013 April Fools')Torches now burn out after a random amount of ticks.
They can be relit with flint and steel.
Features added in this version were not implemented in subsequent updates.
1.814w07aWall Torch (N) JE4 Wall Torch (W) JE4 Wall Torch (S) JE4 Wall Torch (W) JE4 Torches placed on walls are now rotated cuboids rather than a parallelpiped. Their top texture now also rotates accordingly.
14w18aTorches can now be placed on stained glass.
?Torches, as part of the exit portal, now generate incorrectly and fall into the portal as items.[4]
14w25aTorch JE4 Wall Torch (N) JE5 Wall Torch (E) JE5 Wall Torch (S) JE5 Wall Torch (W) JE5 Torches are now incorrectly affected by ambient occlusion.
14w33cTorch JE3 BE1 Wall Torch (N) JE4 Wall Torch (W) JE4 Wall Torch (S) JE4 Wall Torch (W) JE4 Torches are no longer affected by ambient occlusion.
1.915w43aTorches can now generate within igloo basements.
15w44aTorches can now be found inside minecart with chests in mineshafts.
1.1116w39aTorches now generate in woodland mansions.
1.12?Redstone torches can now be placed on the side of jack o'lanterns. Whether this also affects normal torches is unknown.
1.1317w47aThe non-up facing block states for the torch ID have been split up into wall_torch.
Prior to The Flattening, this block's numeral ID was 50.
17w48aRedstone torches can now be placed on the top of jack o' lanterns. Whether this also affects normal torches is unknown.
1.1418w43aTorch JE6 BE2 Wall Torch (N) JE8 Wall Torch (E) JE8 Wall Torch (S) JE8 Wall Torch (W) JE8
Torch (texture) JE3 BE2 The texture of torches has been changed.
18w46aTorches can now be used to craft lanterns.
18w47aTorches now generate in pillager outposts.
1.14.3pre3Torches can now be placed on iron bars and glass panes.
1.1620w06aDosya:Ruh Meşalesi JE1.png Soul Wall Torch (N) JE1 Soul Wall Torch (E) JE1 Soul Wall Torch (S) JE1 Soul Wall Torch (W) JE1
Dosya:Ruh Meşalesi (texture) JE1 BE1.png Added soul fire torches.
20w15aSoul fire torches can now be crafted using Ruh Kumu.
20w17a"Soul Fire Torch" has now been renamed to "Ruh Meşalesi".
The IDs of Ruh Meşalesies have been changed from soul_fire_torch to soul_torch and soul_fire_wall_torch to soul_wall_torch.
Pocket Edition Alpha
Pre-releaseTorch JE3 BE1 Wall Torch JE3 BE1
Torch (texture) JE2 BE1 Added torches.
v0.3.0Survival players no longer start out with an infinite amount of torches in the inventory.
v0.8.0build 2Torches are now used to craft jack o'lanterns.
v0.9.0build 1Torches now spawn naturally in villages, mineshafts and strongholds.
build 2Torches can now be placed on spawners.
build 5The placing speed of torches has been improved.
build 6The lighting from torches is now brighter and more PC-like. What exactly this means is unknown.
v0.14.0build 1Torches can now be found inside minecart with chests in mineshafts.
Pocket Sürümü
1.0.0alpha now generate within igloo basements.
Four torches now generate as part of the exit portal after the ender dragon dies.
1.1.0alpha now generate in mansions.
Bedrock Edition
1.2.0beta to four torches can now generate in bonus chests.
1.4.0beta can now be used to craft underwater torches and colored torches.
1.10.0beta JE6 BE2 Wall Torch (N) BE2 Wall Torch (E) BE2 Wall Torch (S) BE2 Wall Torch (W) BE2
Torch (texture) JE3 BE2 The texture of torches has been changed.
Torches now generate in pillager outposts.
Torches can now be used to craft lanterns.
1.11.0beta can now be found in savanna village house chests.
1.16.0beta Meşalesi BE1.png Soul Wall Torch (N) BE1 Soul Wall Torch (E) BE1Soul Wall Torch (S) BE1Soul Wall Torch (W) BE1
Dosya:Ruh Meşalesi (texture) JE1 BE1.png Added Ruh Meşalesies.
beta"Soul Fire Torch" has now been renamed to "Ruh Meşalesi".
Ruh Meşalesies can now be crafted using Ruh Kumu.
beta Meşalesies can now be crafted using charcoal.
Legacy Console Edition
TU1CU1 1.0 Patch 11.0.1Torch JE3 BE1 Wall Torch (N) JE3 BE1 Wall Torch (E) JE3 BE1 Wall Torch (S) JE3 BE1 Wall Torch (W) JE3 BE1
Torch (texture) JE2 BE1 Added torches.
TU54CU44 1.52 Patch 241.0.4Torches can now be placed on the full-block side of stairs.
1.90 Torch JE6 BE2 Wall Torch BE2 Wall Torch (N) BE2 Wall Torch (E) BE2 Wall Torch (S) BE2 Wall Torch (W) BE2[verify]
Torch (texture) JE3 BE2 The texture of torches has been changed.
Torches can now be used to craft lanterns.
1.91 Torches now generate in pillager outposts.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.0Torch JE3 BE1 Wall Torch (N) JE3 BE1 Wall Torch (E) JE3 BE1 Wall Torch (S) JE3 BE1 Wall Torch (W) JE3 BE1[verify]
Torch (texture) JE2 BE1 Added torches.

Ayrıca bakınız[]

  • Redstone Torch
  • Redstone Lamp
  • Underwater torch
  • Colored torch
  • Lantern


  1. MC-3262 – "WAI" olarak işaretlendi.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpmK7rDU5bA&t=4m13s
  3. MC-1153
  4. MC-53897