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Gear (item)
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Elde Etme[]


Tamamen büyümüş buğday hasadı, hasat edilen ürün başına 0 ila 3 tohum verir (ortalama olarak hasat edilen ürün başına yaklaşık 2.5 tohum).

Buğday tohumları, 0 ila 1 tohum veren tüm çim çeşitlerini kırarak elde edilebilir. Bir Ganimet büyülü bir aletle hasat edilirse, çimden düşme oranı artar.

Düşme olasılığı, iki terimli bir dağılımla hesaplanır: 0-3 düşüş elde etmek için yaklaşık %57'lik bir başarı oranıyla üç kez düşürme denenir. Ganimet büyüsünün her seviyesi, deneme sayısını bir artırır.

Doğada Oluşumu[]

Köy çiftlik arazilerinin buğday mahsulü olma şansı %50'dir.

Sandıktan çıkma[]

Java Edition
İtem Yapı Konteynır Miktar Düşme şansı
Buğday Tohumu Köy Balıkçının sandığında 1-3 %57.5
Buğday Tohumu Köy Savanna evinin sandığında 1-5 %71.7
Bedrock Edition
İtem Yapı Konteynır Miktar Düşme şansı
Buğday Tohumu Köy Savanna evinin sandığında 1-5 %71.7

Köylülerin Hediyeleri[]

İşsiz köylüler, Köyün Kahramanı etkisi altında oyunculara buğday tohumu atıyor. (Sadece Java Edition!!)


Kesmek (Kırpmak)[]

Buğday tohumları, sekiz aşamada büyüdükleri tarım arazilerine sağ tıklayarak yerleştirilebilir. Yalnız bırakıldığında, tarım arazilerine ekilen buğday tohumları, oyuncu tarafından hasat edilebilen buğday haline gelir. Ekilen tohumlar, büyümeye devam etmek için 9 veya daha yüksek bir ışık seviyesi gerektirir. Işık seviyesi 7 veya altındaysa, ekinler kendilerini eker ("patlar"). Işık seviyesi çok düşükse tohum ekimi mümkün değildir.

Ekildikleri tarım arazileri sulanırsa mahsuller daha hızlı büyür. Ekinlerde kemik tozu kullanmak, büyüme aşamalarını rastgele 2 ila 5 oranında artırarak büyüme hızını da artırır.

Son aşamanın kırılması 1 ila 4 buğday tohumu ve 1 buğday üretir. Erken hasat edilirlerse buğdaysız 1 tohum bırakırlar.

Oyuncu veya herhangi bir mob (pasif veya düşman) 1 blok veya daha fazla bir mesafeden tarım arazisine düşerse (yani bir çıkıntıdan atlamak veya yürümek) Tarım arazisi çiğnenebilir (bir toprak bloğuna döndürülebilir). Ezilirlerse, mahsuller normalde sahip olacakları düşme oranlarına sahiptir.

Düşen kum veya çakıl, buğday veya başka bir mahsulün üzerine düşerse, mahsuller katı olmayan bir blok olduğu için düşen kum/çakıl yok edilir.


Buğday tohumları, tavuk yetiştirmek, tavukları etrafa yönlendirmek ve kalan sürenin %10'u kadar yavru tavukların daha hızlı büyümesini sağlamak için kullanılabilir.


Diğer tohumlar gibi, buğday tohumları da papağanları evcilleştirmek için kullanılabilir.

Kompostlama (?)[]

Buğday tohumlarını bir kompost makinesine yerleştirmek, %30 oranında kompost seviyesini 1 artırma şansına sahiptir. (Tam çevirilemedi!!)


https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Wheat_Seeds linkinde sesleri bulabilirsiniz. (Sounds kısmında)

Veri değerleri[]


Java Edition

Ad Ad alanlı ID Blok Etiketleri Form Çeviri Anahtarı
Wheat Crops wheat bee_growables crops Blok block.minecraft.wheat
Ad Ad alanlı ID
Wheat Seeds wheat_seeds

Bedrock Edition

Ad Ad alanlı ID Sayısal ID Form Çeviri Anahtarı
Wheat wheat 59 Blok tile.wheat.name
Ad Ad alanlı ID
Seeds wheat_seeds


Şunlara da bakın: Veri Değerleri Bedrock Sürümü'nde buğday, aşağıdaki veri değerlerini kullanır:
Simge Değeri


Template:Load advancements: Unknown advancement. Advancement title not found on page Gelişimler


Java Edition Classic
May 21, 2009Notch shows interest in adding crops on farmland.
Java Edition Indev
Minecraft Indev20100206Wheat Seeds JE1 BE1 Added seeds.
Wheat Age 0 JE6 BE1 Wheat Age 1 JE6 BE1 Wheat Age 2 JE6 BE1 Wheat Age 3 JE6 BE1 Wheat Age 4 JE6 BE1 Wheat Age 5 JE6 BE1 Wheat Age 6 JE6 BE1 Wheat Age 7 JE6 BE1 Added wheat crops.
Seeds can be planted on farmland.
Seeds have a chance of dropping while using a hoe on a grass block.
Placeholder Texture Wheat JE1 Placeholder Texture Wheat JE1 Placeholder Texture Wheat JE1 Wheat Age 11 JE1 Wheat Age 12 JE1 Placeholder Texture Wheat JE1 Placeholder Texture Wheat JE1 Placeholder Texture Wheat JE1 While blocks have four bits assigned for metadata, only the bottom three are used by wheat. As the seven textures for wheat are all arranged in a straight line, wheat blocks with metadata values 8 through 15 overflow and start reading textures from the next line of terrain.png. Six of these appear as missing textures, however 11 and 12 borrow from the otherwise-unused chair and table textures.
Java Edition Infdev
Minecraft Infdev20100607Placeholder Texture Wheat JE1 Wheat Age 9 JE2 Wheat Age 10 JE2 Wheat Age 11 JE1 Wheat Age 12 JE1 Placeholder Texture Wheat JE1 Placeholder Texture Wheat JE1 Placeholder Texture Wheat JE1 The textures of two of the extreme wheat blocks have changed with the addition of wooden doors.
20100618Placeholder Texture Wheat JE1 Wheat Age 9 JE3 Wheat Age 10 JE3 Wheat Age 11 JE2 Wheat Age 12 JE1 Placeholder Texture Wheat JE1 Placeholder Texture Wheat JE1 Placeholder Texture Wheat JE1 The textures of doors and the chair texture have changed, changing the textures of bugged wheat with them. The left hinge is used by data 9, and the right hinge is used by data 10.
20100624Placeholder Texture Wheat JE1 Wheat Age 9 JE3 Placeholder Texture Wheat JE1 Wheat Age 11 JE2 Wheat Age 12 JE1 Placeholder Texture Wheat JE1 Placeholder Texture Wheat JE1 Placeholder Texture Wheat JE1 The right-hinge door texture has been removed, reverting data value 10 of wheat to the missing texture.
20100629Placeholder Texture Wheat JE1 Wheat Age 9 JE3 Placeholder Texture Wheat JE1 Placeholder Texture Wheat JE1 Placeholder Texture Wheat JE1 Placeholder Texture Wheat JE1 Placeholder Texture Wheat JE1 Placeholder Texture Wheat JE1 The chair and table textures have been removed, reverting these data values of wheat to the missing texture.
Java Edition Alpha
v1.0.1Wheat Age 8 JE2 Wheat Age 9 JE3 Wheat Age 10 JE5 Wheat Age 11 JE4 Wheat Age 12 JE3 Wheat Age 13 JE2 Placeholder Texture Wheat JE1 Placeholder Texture Wheat JE1 The textures of three extreme data values of wheat have changed with the addition of levers (used by 8), iron doors (used by 10), redstone torches (used by 11) and crosses and lines of redstone wire (used by 12 and 13).
v1.2.0previewWheat Age 8 JE2 Wheat Age 9 JE3 Wheat Age 10 JE5 Wheat Age 11 JE4 Wheat Age 12 JE3 Wheat Age 13 JE2 Wheat Age 14 JE2 Wheat Age 15 JE2 The textures of two extreme data values of wheat have changed with the addition of pumpkins (used by 14) and netherrack (used by 15).
Java Edition Beta
1.3Wheat Age 8 JE2 Wheat Age 9 JE3 Wheat Age 10 JE5 Wheat Age 11 JE4 Placeholder Texture Wheat JE1 Placeholder Texture Wheat JE1 Wheat Age 14 JE2 Wheat Age 15 JE2 Changes to the rendering of redstone has caused its old textures to be removed, reverting data values 12 and 13 to the missing texture.
1.5Wheat crops destroyed by water now drop both wheat seeds and wheat. Prior to this update, they dropped only wheat when destroyed by water.
1.6Test Build 3Seeds can no longer be tilled from a grass block.
Seeds are now found by destroying tall grass or by harvesting fully-grown wheat.
1.8Pre-releaseWheat crops can now be found in village farms.
Wheat Age 8 JE2 Wheat Age 9 JE3 Wheat Age 10 JE5 Wheat Age 11 JE4 Wheat Age 12 JE5 Wheat Age 13 JE4 Wheat Age 14 JE2 Wheat Age 15 JE2 The textures of two extreme wheat stages have changed with the addition of cracked stone bricks (used by 13) and mossy stone bricks (used by 12).
Java Edition
1.0.0Beta 1.9 Prerelease 5Wheat Age 8 JE2 Wheat Age 9 JE3 Wheat Age 10 JE5 Wheat Age 11 JE4 Wheat Age 12 JE5 Wheat Age 13 JE4 Wheat Age 14 JE2 Wheat Age 15 JE3 The netherrack texture has been slightly changed, resulting in a change in appearance of the glitched netherrack wheat.
1.4.212w36aChickens now use seeds instead of wheat to breed.
1.513w02aDue to changes in texture storage, loading a chunk that contained an invalid data value of wheat would cause the game to immediately crash due to having nowhere to pull from.
13w09cWheat Age 7 JE6 BE1 Wheat with extreme data values 8-15 now always appears as fully grown wheat.
1.814w02aVillagers can now harvest and plant seeds to grow wheat.
14w10aDosya:Missing Texture Block JE3 BE2.png Extreme data values of wheat now appear as full missing texture cubes.
1.915w38aThe drop chances of wheat has been slightly improved from an average of 1 35 per crop harvested to 1 57.
1.1116w39aWheat crops now generate inside woodland mansions.
1.12pre3Seeds are now used to tame parrots.
1.1317w47aPrior to The Flattening, this block's numeral ID was 59, and the item's was 295.
18w14aSeeds no longer become destroyed when an entity jumps on them if they have the Slow Falling status effect.
18w20a"Seeds" have been renamed to "Wheat Seeds".
1.1418w43aWheat Age 0 JE2 Wheat Age 1 JE2 Wheat Age 2 JE2 Wheat Age 3 JE2 Wheat Age 4 JE2 Wheat Age 5 JE2 Wheat Age 6 JE2 Wheat Age 7 JE2 The textures of wheat crops have been changed.
The drop rate of fully grown wheat seeds has been changed from 0-3 to 1-4.
18w44aDosya:Wheat Age 6 JE3t.png Dosya:Wheat Age 7 JE3t.png The textures of wheat crops of age 6 and 7 have been changed again.
18w47aWheat Age 0 JE3 BE2 Wheat Age 1 JE8 Wheat Age 2 JE8 Wheat Age 3 JE8 Wheat Age 4 JE8 Wheat Age 5 JE8 Wheat Age 6 JE9 Wheat Age 7 JE9 The textures of wheat crops have been changed, once again.
18w48aWheat seeds can now be found in chests in village fisher cottages.
18w49aWheat seeds can now be found in chests in savanna village houses.
19w03aPlacement and breaking sounds have been added to wheat crops.
Placing wheat seeds into the new composter has a 10% chance of raising the compost level by 1.
19w05aWheat seeds now have a 30% chance of increasing the compost level in a composter by 1.
19w13aNitwit and unemployed villagers now give wheat seeds to players under the Hero of the Village effect.
1.1519w34aBees can now pollinate wheat crops.
Upcoming Java Edition
1.1721w13aThe model of the crop for the wheat crops has been tweaked that the backside textures are mirrored.
Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.4.0Wheat Seeds JE1 BE1 Added seeds.
Wheat Age 0 JE6 BE1 Wheat Age 1 JE6 BE1 Wheat Age 2 JE6 BE1 Wheat Age 3 JE6 BE1 Wheat Age 4 JE6 BE1 Wheat Age 5 JE6 BE1 Wheat Age 6 JE6 BE1 Wheat Age 7 JE6 BE1 Added wheat crops.
Seeds can be obtained by tilling grass blocks.
v0.9.0build 1Seeds can now be used to breed chicken.
Wheat crops can now be found in village farms.
v0.12.1build 1Farmer villagers can now pick up, harvest and plant seeds to grow wheat.
build 2Wheat crops now always drop seeds when mined, regardless of growth stage.
build 8Seeds can no longer be obtained by tilling grass blocks.
v0.16.2Seeds can now be found in chests inside the large house of snowy tundra and snowy taiga villages.
Pocket Sürümü
1.1.0alpha crops now generate inside woodland mansions.
Bedrock Edition
1.2.0beta are now used to tame parrots.
1.6.0beta no longer become destroyed when an entity jumps on them if they have the Slow Falling status effect.
1.10.0beta seeds can now be bought from wandering traders.
Placement and breaking sounds have been added to wheat crops.
Wheat Age 0 JE3 BE2 Wheat Age 1 JE8 Wheat Age 2 JE8 Wheat Age 3 JE8 Wheat Age 4 JE8 Wheat Age 5 JE8 Wheat Age 6 JE9 Wheat Age 7 JE9 The textures of wheat crops have been changed.
1.11.0beta seeds can now be found in savanna village house chests.
Wheat seeds can now be used to fill up composters.
1.14.0beta can now pollinate wheat crops.
Legacy Console Edition
TU1CU1 1.0 Patch 11.0.1Wheat Seeds JE1 BE1 Added seeds.
Wheat Age 0 JE6 BE1 Wheat Age 1 JE6 BE1 Wheat Age 2 JE6 BE1 Wheat Age 3 JE6 BE1 Wheat Age 4 JE6 BE1 Wheat Age 5 JE6 BE1 Wheat Age 6 JE6 BE1 Wheat Age 7 JE6 BE1 Added wheat crops.
1.90 Wheat Age 0 JE3 BE2 Wheat Age 1 JE8 Wheat Age 2 JE8 Wheat Age 3 JE8 Wheat Age 4 JE8 Wheat Age 5 JE8 Wheat Age 6 JE9 Wheat Age 7 JE9 The textures of wheat crops have been changed.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.0Wheat Seeds JE1 BE1 Added seeds.
Wheat Age 0 JE6 BE1 Wheat Age 1 JE6 BE1 Wheat Age 2 JE6 BE1 Wheat Age 3 JE6 BE1 Wheat Age 4 JE6 BE1 Wheat Age 5 JE6 BE1 Wheat Age 6 JE6 BE1 Wheat Age 7 JE6 BE1 Added wheat crops.