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Minecraft Wiki

All parameters from Entity

    •  HealF (deprecated): Amount of health the entity has, in floating point format. A value of 1 is half a heart. Used when more precise health values are needed, such as the health of entities being damaged by a player with the Weakness effect (if the player isn't holding an item that increases their attack damage, they deal 1/2 a health point, 1/4 a heart). If this tag exists, Health will be ignored.
    •  Health: Amount of health the entity has. Used when whole-number health values are needed, such as displaying a player's health on their HUD. If the HealF tag exists, this tag will be ignored.
    •  AbsorptionAmount: Amount of extra health added by Absorption effect.
    •  HurtTime: Number of ticks the mob turns red for after being hit. 0 when not recently hit.
    •  HurtByTimestamp: The last time the mob was damaged, measured in the number of ticks since the mob's creation. Updates to a new value whenever the mob is damaged, then updates again 101 ticks later for reasons unknown. Can be changed with the entitydata command, but the specified value does not affect natural updates in any way, and is overwritten if the mob receives damage.
    •  DeathTime: Number of ticks the mob has been dead for. Controls death animations. 0 when alive.
    •  FallFlying: When set to 1 for non-player entities, will cause the entity to glide as long as they are wearing elytra in the chest slot. Can be used to detect when the player is gliding without using scoreboard statistics.
    •  Attributes: A list of Attributes for this mob. These are used for many purposes in internal calculations, and can be considered a mob's "statistics". Valid Attributes for a given mob are listed in the main article.
      • An individual Attribute.
        •  Name: The name of this Attribute.
        •  Base: The base value of this Attribute.
        •  Modifiers: A list of Modifiers acting on this Attribute. Modifiers alter the Base value in internal calculations, without changing the original copy. Note that a Modifier will never modify Base to be higher than its maximum or lower than its minimum for a given Attribute.
          • An individual Modifier.
            •  Name: The Modifier's name.
            •  Amount: The amount by which this Modifier modifies the Base value in calculations.
            •  Operation: 0, 1, or 2. Defines the operation this Modifier executes on the Attribute's Base value. 0: Increment X by Amount, 1: Increment Y by X * Amount, 2: Y = Y * (1 + Amount) (equivalent to Increment Y by Y * Amount). The game first sets X = Base, then executes all Operation 0 modifiers, then sets Y = X, then executes all Operation 1 modifiers, and finally executes all Operation 2 modifiers.
            •  UUIDMost: The most significant bits of this Modifier's Universally Unique IDentifier. Used to reference modifiers in memory and ensure duplicates are not applied.
            •  UUIDLeast: The least significant bits of this Modifier's Universally Unique IDentifier.
    •  ActiveEffects: The list of potion effects on this mob. May not exist.
      • A potion effect
        •  Id: The effect ID.
        •  Amplifier: The potion effect level. 0 is level 1.
        •  Duration: The number of ticks before the effect wears off.
        •  Ambient: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if this effect is provided by a Beacon and therefore should be less intrusive on screen.
        •  ShowParticles: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if particles are shown (affected by "Ambient"). false if no particles are shown.
    •  Equipment (deprecated): The list of compound tags of the equipment the mob has. Each compound tag in the list is an Item without the slot tag. All 5 entries will always exist, but may be empty compound tags to indicate no item.
      • 0: The item being held in the mob's hand.
      • 1: Armor (Feet)
      • 2: Armor (Legs)
      • 3: Armor (Chest)
      • 4: Armor (Head)
    •  DropChances (deprecated): List of float values from 0 to 1 representing the chance for a carried item to drop. By default these are all 0.085, but they get set to 2 if the mob picks up an item. Items with durability held by a mob that have an associated DropChances greater than 1.0 will retain the defined durability of the item. If the DropChances is 1.0 or lower, the durability is randomized. If the "Unbreakable" tag exists on the item, the durability will be assigned as defined, regardless of the DropChances value.
      • 0: Chance to drop the item being carried.
      • 1: Chance for the armor. (Feet)
      • 2: Chance for the armor. (Legs)
      • 3: Chance for the armor. (Chest)
      • 4: Chance for the armor. (Head)
    •  HandItems: The list of items the mob is holding, in the following order: Main hand, Off hand.
    •  ArmorItems: The list of items the mob is wearing as armor, in the following order: Feet, Legs, Chest, Head
    •  HandDropChances: List of float values representing the chance for a handheld item to drop.
      • 0: Chance to drop the item being carried in the main hand.
      • 1: Chance to drop the item being carried in the off hand.
    •  ArmorDropChances: List of float values representing the chance for a worn armor item to drop.
      • 0: Chance for the armor. (Feet)
      • 1: Chance for the armor. (Legs)
      • 2: Chance for the armor. (Chest)
      • 3: Chance for the armor. (Head)
    •  DeathLootTable: Optional. Loot table to be used for the items that drop when the entity is killed.
    •  DeathLootTableSeed: Optional. Seed for generating the loot table. 0 or omitted will use a random seed.
    •  CanPickUpLoot: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the mob can pick up loot (wear armor it picks up, use weapons it picks up).
    •  NoAI: 1 or 0 (true/false) - If true, the mob's AI will be disabled. The mob will not attempt to move and cannot move, to the extent of not falling when normally able.
    •  PersistenceRequired: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the mob must not despawn naturally.
    •  LeftHanded: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the mob renders the main hand as being left.
    •  Team: This tag is actually not part of the NBT data of a mob, but instead used when spawning it. It makes the mob instantly join the scoreboard team with that name.
    •  Leashed: 1 or 0 (true/false) - whether the mob is leashed.
    •  Leash: Either contains a UUID long pair, if this leash connects to another entity, or an X, Y, Z int trio if this leash connects to a fencepost.
      •  UUIDMost: The most significant bits of the Universally Unique IDentifier of the entity this leash connects to.
      •  UUIDLeast: The least significant bits of the Universally Unique IDentifier of the entity this leash connects to.
      •  X: The X coordinate of the fencepost this leash connects to.
      •  Y: The Y coordinate of the fencepost this leash connects to.
      •  Z: The Z coordinate of the fencepost this leash connects to.