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Minecraft Wiki
Minecraft Wiki
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Disambig color สำหรับความหมายอื่น ดูที่ ฟักทอง (แก้ความกำกวม)
Carved Pumpkin



Yes (64)









Partial (blocks light)





ฟักทอง (อังกฤษ: pumpkin) นั้นเป็นบล็อกผลไม้ ที่ปรากฎทั่วไปเป็นหย่อมๆ ตามไบโอมทุ่งหญ้าที่ราบ โดยฟักทืองนั้นจะมีเทกซ์เจอร์เดียวกันทั้ง 4 ด้าน

ฟักทองแกะสลัก (อังกฤษ: carved pumpkin) นั้นเป็นฟักทองปกติที่ผ่านการแกะสลัก สามารถสวมใส่แะใช้ในการทำโกเล็มต่างๆ โดยสามารถแกะสลักโดยการใช้กรรไกรกับฟักทองที่วางอยู่ในโลก



ฟักทองนั้นจะเกิดขึ้นตามธรรมชาติเป็นหย่อมๆ พบได้ทั่วไปตามไบโอมส่วนใหญ่ในโลกปกติ


ฟักทอง 4 บล็อกจะเกิดในเต้นท์ขนแกะ ใน pillager outpost

Pumpkins generate naturally in taiga and snowy taiga villages, changing the hay bales to pumpkins.

Carved pumpkins generate in rail rooms in woodland mansions.

Carved pumpkins also generate in pillager outposts as a part of scarecrows.


Wandering traders can sell a pumpkin for one emerald.


A carved pumpkin (and 4 pumpkin seeds ในรุ่น Java or 1 unit of pumpkin seeds ในรุ่น Bedrock) is obtained by using shears on an uncarved pumpkin. Once carved, a pumpkin cannot be changed back to uncarved. This changes the rotation of the top texture.[1]



Steve wearing Carved PumpkinAlex wearing Carved Pumpkin

A carved pumpkin can be equipped as a helmet without any actual armor value. It functions as a mask that allows the player to look at endermen without provoking an attack. When worn, it limits the player's viewing area to a mask pattern that resembles the pumpkin's carved face. The pattern does not appear in third person view.


Snow Golem

Snow Golem

Iron Golem

Iron Golem

Carved pumpkins can be used to make snow golems and iron golems as shown below. Snow golems require snow blocks for their bodies, while iron golems require iron blocks. The carved pumpkin must be placed last or the golem does not spawn. The orientation of the carved pumpkin does not matter while building an iron golem or snow golem. Iron golems cannot be built in water.

Iron Golem build configuration
Snow Golem build configuration


Apprentice-level Farmer villagers buy 6 pumpkins for an emerald as part of their trades.‌[รุ่น Bedrock เท่านั้น]

Apprentice-level Farmer villagers have a 23 chance to buy 6 pumpkins for one emerald.‌[รุ่น Java เท่านั้น]


Carved Pumpkins can receive the following enchantments, but only through an anvil.

Name Max Level Method
Curse of Binding I
Curse of Vanishing I


Placing a pumpkin or carved pumpkin into a composter has a 65% chance of raising the compost level by 1.


การวางฟักทองไว้ใต้ note block จะทำให้ส่งเสียงดิดเจอริดูออกมา


บทความหลัก: ความสำเร็จ
ไอคอน Achievement คำอธิบายในเกม ความต้องการที่แท้จริง (ถ้าแตกต่าง) มีอยู่ Xbox points earned Trophy type (PS)
Xbox PS Pocket Nintendo
Body GuardCreate an Iron Golem.YesYesYesYes20GBronze


บทความหลัก: ความก้าวหน้า
ไอคอน ความก้าวหน้า คำอธิบายในเกม ก่อนหน้านี้ ความต้องการที่แท้จริง (ถ้าแตกต่าง) ไอดีภายใน
Advancement-oval-rawHired Helpเรียกโกเลมเหล็กเพื่อไปช่วยปกป้องหมู่บ้าน
(Summon an Iron Golem to help defend a village)
What a Deal!เรียกโกเลมเหล็กหนึ่งตัวminecraft:adventure/summon_iron_golem


sectionนี้ขาดข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับwhen were pumpkins changed to face away from the player upon placement? there were multiple such times (once in beta and once in 1.8 dev). 
โปรดขยายความsectionนี้เพื่อรวมข้อมูลที่มี รายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมที่จำเป็นอาจมีอยู่ในหน้าพูดคุย.
รุ่น Java Alpha
v1.2.0?Added pumpkins.
Carved Pumpkin (N) JE1 Carved Pumpkin (E) JE1 Carved Pumpkin (S) JE1 Carved Pumpkin (W) JE1 The top/bottom textures would remain fixed regardless of the facing direction.
Pumpkins generate in many of the newly-added biomes.
Pumpkins can be crafted into jack o'lanterns.
รุ่น Java Beta
1.8Pre-releasePumpkins have become a renewable resource,have been changed to face away from the player, they can appear also in swamps and it is possible to farm pumpkins in the same way as melons.
Mineshafts can now have pumpkin seeds, providing another way to farm pumpkins besides finding them.
?Endermen no longer become hostile when players look at them if they're wearing a pumpkin.[ต้องการข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม]
รุ่น Java
1.0.0?Pumpkins can now be crafted into pumpkin seeds.
Beta 1.9 PrereleaseSnow golems have been introduced, which can be "crafted" by stacking two snow blocks on top of each other, then placing a pumpkin on top of the snow.
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 6Pumpkins are now broken faster using an axe.
1.1?Pumpkins no longer require farmland to grow on.
1.2.112w08aPumpkins can now be used to make iron golems.
1.4.212w37aPumpkins are now used to craft pumpkin pie.
?Some zombies, skeletons, zombie pigmen, and wither skeletons wear pumpkins during Halloween on the player's computer's clock.
1.7.213w37aBlock ID 104, pumpkin stem, has been removed from the /give command.
1.814w02aPumpkins can now be sold to farmer villagers, at 8–13 pumpkins for 1 emerald.
14w04aDispensers can now be used to place the pumpkin to activate iron golems and snow golems.
14w25aCarved Pumpkin (N) 14w25a Carved Pumpkin (E) 14w25a Carved Pumpkin (S) 14w25a Carved Pumpkin (W) 14w25a The top and bottom texture now rotates according to the facing direction.
1.915w31aFaceless pumpkins have been removed from the game, presumably due to block states not including it.
15w32cPumpkins now generate in end ships, replacing beacons.
15w33cPumpkins no longer generate in end ships, they have been replaced by a hopper.
15w39aDispensers can now equip pumpkins onto players, mobs and armor stands.
1.1116w39aPumpkins now generate in woodland mansions.
16w44aPumpkins can now be now enchanted in survival mode using an anvil with cursed books.
1.1317w47aThe ID of pumpkins has been changed from pumpkin to carved_pumpkin.
"Pumpkin" has been renamed to "Carved Pumpkin".
Pumpkin JE1 BE1 Added new pumpkins that have no faces; these generate naturally and from pumpkin stems rather than carved pumpkins.
Shearing a pumpkin now turns it into a carved pumpkin, and drops 1 pumpkin seeds.
Pumpkins can now be placed without a block beneath them.
Prior to The Flattening, this block's numeral ID was 86.
18w11aPumpkins now sometimes generate in shipwreck chests.
1.1418w43aPumpkin JE2 BE2 Carved Pumpkin JE2 The textures of pumpkins have been changed.
18w44aCarved Pumpkin (S) JE4 The texture of carved pumpkins have been slightly changed.
18w47aPumpkins can now generate in pillager outpost tents.[ตรวจสอบ]
Carved pumpkins can now generate as pillager outpost targets.
18w50aPumpkins can now generate in taiga villages.[ตรวจสอบ]
19w03aPlacing any pumpkin into the new composter has a 50% chance of raising the compost level by 1.
19w05aPumpkins now have a 65% chance of increasing the compost level in a composter by 1.
19w09aPumpkin can now be used to play the didgeridoo, if they are under note blocks.
1.1519w35aCarved pumpkins can now be enchanted in survival mode.
รุ่น Pocket Alpha
0.8.0build 2Carved Pumpkin JE1 BE1 Added pumpkins.
0.9.0build 1Pumpkins now generate naturally.
0.12.1build 1Pumpkins can now spawn golems.
0.14.0build 1Pumpkins can now be worn as armor.
รุ่น Pocket
1.0.4alpha can now be sold to farmer villagers, at 8–13 pumpkins for 1 emerald.
1.1.0alpha now generate in woodland mansions.
รุ่น Bedrock
1.4.0beta JE1 BE1 Pumpkins no longer have faces when naturally generated.
"Pumpkin" has been renamed to "Carved Pumpkin".
Shearing a pumpkin now turns it into a carved pumpkin, and drops 1 pumpkin seeds.
Pumpkins can now be found inside shipwreck chests.
1.10.0beta JE2 BE2 Carved Pumpkin (S) JE4 The textures of pumpkins have been changed.
Pumpkins now generate in pillager outpost tents, taiga villages and snowy taiga villages.
Carved pumpkins now generate in pillager outpost targets.
Pumpkins can now be bought from wandering traders.
1.11.0beta can now be used to fill up composters.
beta villagers now buy 6 pumpkins for one emerald.
1.13.0beta can now be used to play the didgeridoo, if they are under note blocks.
1.16.0beta can now be placed without a block beneath them.
Carved pumpkins can now be enchanted in survival mode.
รุ่น Legacy Console
TU1CU1 1.0 Patch 1Carved Pumpkin JE1 BE1 Added pumpkins.
TU69 1.76 Patch 38"Pumpkin" has been renamed to "Carved Pumpkin".
Pumpkin JE1 BE1 Added new pumpkins that have no faces; these generate naturally and from pumpkin stems rather than carved pumpkins.
Shearing a pumpkin now turns it into a carved pumpkin, and drops 4 pumpkin seeds.
1.90 Pumpkin JE2 BE2 Carved Pumpkin (S) JE4 The textures of pumpkins have been changed.
รุ่น New Nintendo 3DS
0.1.0Carved Pumpkin JE1 BE1 Added pumpkins.


  • The carved pumpkin is the only headgear that obstructs the player's view.
  • Pumpkins, mob heads and banners are the only blocks that can be placed in an armor slot without commands.
  • Each chunk has a 132 chance to generate a pumpkin patch (grass blocks are required).
    • This makes naturally generated pumpkins rarer than diamond ore.
    • A player who accidentally equips a carved pumpkin with the Curse of Binding enchantment on it cannot take it off except by dying. This is dangerous in Hardcore mode.
  • Carved pumpkins are the only headgear that protects a lot of damage of the Pointed Dripstone when falling in the player



  1. This screenshot was taken prior to the addition of carved pumpkins, leading to grown or naturally generated pumpkins being carved.


  1. MC-122685 resolved as "Won't Fix"