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Esse artigo fala sobre recursos não utilizados da Edição Bedrock. Para Edição Java, veja Recursos não utilizados da Edição Java.

Desde o início do desenvolvimento de Minecraft, houveram numerosas adições ao jogo que não tiveram um uso realmente. Algumas dessas adições são sobras de adições removidas ou simplesmente placeholders de novas atualizações.

Perceba que esta página somente documenta adições não não usadas que atualmente estão no jogo. Veja as adições removidas da versão Bedrock para atualizações anteriormente no jogo que não estão mais disponíveis.



Essa é a lista de coisas que não foram usadas em encantamentos.


Maldição do desaparecimento e Maldição do ligamento foram adicionadas e são obtidas via negociação com Aldeões bibliotecários na 1.2.0, contudo, como uma atualização desconhecida, bibliotecários não vendem mais livros encantados com encantamentos-maldições.

Apesar disto, Maldição do desaparecimento e Maldição do ligamento ainda estão no jogo mas requerem um editor de NBT para obtê-los.

Encantar qualquer coisa[]

Na versão Bedrock, jogadores não podem encantar um bloco ou item, apenas ferramentas, armas e armaduras, mesmo se o jogador estiver no modo criativo. Contudo, é possível aplicar encantamentoos a itens ou blocos não encantados por meio de um editor de NBT.

Utilizando um editor de NBT, é possível aplicar encantamentoos que não poderiam ser aplicados dentro do jogo normalmente, tal como Aspecto Flamejante na pederneira.

Também é possível adicionar encantamentos múltiplos que não não compatíveis entre si como Julgamento e Ruína dos Artrópodes em uma espada.

Embora o comando /enchant na Edição Bedrock não possa encantar passar do limite de nível máximo, é possível encantar itens com um nível superior ao limite máximo por meio do editor de NBT.

Tabela de saque[]


Em pacotes de comportamento vanilla, há uma mesa de saque para o gigante, uma criatura que não pode ser gerado na Edição Bedrock .

Saque de baú[]

Vila antiga

A arquitetura da Nova Vila não está mais atrás da Jogabilidade experimental na 1.11.0, que consiste em um novo saque de baú, no entanto, o antigo saque de baú não foi removido, mas deixou de ser usado, este antigo saque consiste em:

Stack Size
(6-8 stacks)
Weight Chance
Batata 5–8 1046 21.7%
Cenoura 4–8 1046 21.7%
Trigo 8–12 1546 32.6%
Sementes de Trigo 2–4 546 10.8%
Beterraba 5–8 546 10.8%
Enxada de Madeira 1 146 2.1%
village_blacksmith[nota 1]
Stack Size
(3-8 stacks)
Weight Chance
Diamante 1–3 394 3.1%
Barra de ferro 1–10 1094 10.6%
Barra de ouro 1–3 594 5.3%
Pão 1–3 1594 15.9%
Maçã 1–3 1594 15.9%
Picareta de ferro 1 594 5.3%
Espada de ferro 1 594 5.3%
Peitoral de ferro 1 594 5.3%
Capacete de ferro 1 594 5.3%
Calças de ferro 1 594 5.3%
Botas de ferro 1 594 5.3%
Obsidiana 3–7 594 5.3%
Muda de carvalho 3–7 594 5.3%
Sela 1 394 3.1%
Armadura de ferro para cavalo 1 194 1.0%
Armadura de ouro para cavalo 1 194 1.0%
Armadura de diamante para cavalo 1 194 1.0%
  1. mais recente saque de baú do ferreiro após esmeralda e bolsa de tinta removida do saque


Existem tabelas de loot não utilizadas que possuem loot semelhante, como loot de baú de masmorras antes da Atualização Better Together, é denominado monster_room.json (estrutura desconhecida)

Stack Size
(1 stack[nota 1])
Weight Chance
Lingote de ferro 1–5 1093 10.7%
Pó de Redstone 1–5 1093 10.7%
Pão 1 1093 10.7%
Maçã dourada 1 1093 10.7%
Trigo 1–4 1093 10.7%
Pólvora 1–4 1093 10.7%
Linha 1–4 1093 10.7%
Etiqueta 1 1093 10.7%
Balde 1 593 10.8%
Armadura de ferro para cavalo 1 593 5.3%
Armadura de ouro para cavalo 1 293 2.1%
Livro Encantado[nota 2] 1 193 1.0%
  1. Apenas um único item aparece no baú
  2. Todos os encantamentos são igualmente prováveis, exceto os encantamentos do tesouro, e qualquer nível do encantamento é igualmente provável.


Também há um saque de equipamento chamado low_item_tiers.json.

Equipment Weight Chance
Túnica de couro 17 14.2%
Peitoral de ferro 17 14.2%
Nada[nota 1] 57 71.4%
Capuz de couro 17 14.2%
Capacete de ferro 17 14.2%
Nada[nota 1] 57 71.4%
  1. a b 'Nada' não se refere à chance de um equipamento vazio. Em vez disso, se refere à chance de o gerador de saque aleatório não adicionar nenhum loot em uma única jogada.

Blocos e itens[]

Cortador de pedra antigo[]

Artigo principal: Cortador de pedras (antigo)

Bedrock Edition 1.10.0 introduziu o cortador de pedra com o modelo e textura semelhante ao cortador de pedra Edição Java, no entanto, o novo cortador de pedra não substitui o antigo cortador de pedra, como o antigo cortador de pedra só foi removido do inventário criativo e comandos. Ele ainda está disponível se o jogador já o tinha em um mundo anterior ao 1.10.0 ou usa edição de inventário.

Obsidiana brilhante[]

Glowing Obsidian
Artigo principal: Glowing Obsidian

Obsidiana brilhante blocos faziam parte do (agora obsoleto) reator do Nether. Ele emite um brilho vermelho suave no nível de luz 12, e solta uma única Obsidiana quando quebrado com uma picareta de diamante. Ele só pode ser obtido usando editores de inventário ou uma picareta encantada de Toque de suave. A partir da versão 0.12.1, esse bloco não gera mais. O bloco ainda pode ser obtido usando editores de inventário ou mantendo-o de mundos anteriores antes da atualização.


Reserved6 BE1

reserved6 é um bloco não utilizado com uma textura completamente off-white presente na Bedrock Edition. Ele atuou como um bloco de espaço reservado para o Fire entre Alpha 0.3.3 e Alpha 0.6.1, devido a um bug na mecânica de propagação do fogo que fez com que o fogo se espalhasse para qualquer bloco. Antes de ficar sem uso, o bloco era chamado de .name e tinha a textura de um bloco de Pedra. Em Alpha 0.7.0, O fogo retornou com mecânica de propagação fixa, substituindo a reserved6. Its data value, no entanto, mudou para ID 255. Atualmente, no entanto, ele só pode ser obtido através da edição de inventário, na Alpha 0.15.0 , a textura do reserved6 foi completamente removida e foi mostrada como um bloco de atualização de jogo.

Núcleo do reator do Nether[]

Nether Reactor Core
Artigo principal: Nether Reactor Core

A funcionalidade do Reator do Nether foi removida no Pocket Edition Alpha 0.12.1. No entanto, o bloco de núcleo do reator ainda existe no jogo e pode ser obtido através da edição de inventário ou retendo-o de mundos anteriores antes da atualização. Agora deixa cair seus ingredientes (a menos que minerado com toque suave), permitindo que os jogadores os recuperem. Antes de Pocket Edition Alpha 0.12.1, Eles foram usados para ativar o reator Nether. Tocar nele ativaria o reator se construído corretamente. Quando o núcleo é ativado para a estrutura do reator do nether, o Pedregulho e o Bloco de Ouro são ambos substituídos por Obsidiano Brilhante.


Há quatro Quadros 2×2 sem propósito ou uso claro. Usando o IDA e o Android libminecraftpe.so arquivo, verificou-se que as pinturas são referenciadas a partir do código do jogo, particularmente no Motive::getAllMotivesAsList(void) método (obter todas as pinturas), mas o Painting::setRandomMotive(int) método os exclui como possibilidades para uma pintura aleatória. O artista e o propósito dessas pinturas são desconhecidos.

Quadro Tamanho Nome Descrição
Earth (texture) BE2 2×2 blocos
32×32 pixels
Terra Um quadrado marrom claro em um fundo marrom.
Water (texture) BE2 2×2 blocos
32×32 pixels
Água Cortado ao meio por uma linha dentada, a metade de baixo é azul-clara e a de cima é azul.
Fire (texture) BE2 2×2 blocos
32×32 pixels
Fogo Três triângulos isósceles laranjas em um fundo amarelo, com o mais largo contendo um pequeno triângulo vermelho dentro de si.
Wind (texture) BE2 2×2 blocos
32×32 pixels
Ar Um círculo bege em um fundo branco.

Blocos de atualização de jogo[]

Info update BE1
Info update2 BE1

Blocos de atualização de jogo são um conjunto de dois blocos de espaço reservado semelhantes presentes no Bedrock Edition. Esses blocos são colocados no mundo quando o jogo detecta um ID de bloco inválido. (Isso significa que ele é o substituto do bloco verificador preto-magenta que aparece na Java Edition.) Eles costumavam ter a aparência de um bloco de terra com o texto "atualizar!" e "upd!up" em escrita verde, que formariam uma palavra legível quando colocados um ao lado do outro. Eles foram introduzidos no Alpha 0.1.3. As pás são ineficazes contra este bloco, apesar dos sons de terra e textura.

Agora, ambos os blocos renderizam "atualização" como no primeiro bloco. Se um bloco estiver faltando uma textura para sua respectiva partícula de bloco, as partículas aparecerão com essa textura.

Eles só podem ser obtidos através de edição de inventário ou mods. Esse bloco só é usado para blocos com IDs inválidos. Se o ID do bloco for válido, mas não tiver textura, será um bloco quadriculado preto magenta em vez desse bloco.

Lajes de madeira falsa[]

Antes que lajes únicas correspondentes a diferentes tipos de tábuas de madeira fossem adicionadas, lajes de madeira de carvalho eram tratadas como outras lajes do tipo pedra. Eles precisavam de uma picareta para quebrar, tinham uma resistência à explosão maior do que as tábuas normais e tinham sons de pedra. Eles ainda são alcançáveis em mundos, que os tinham anteriormente nele. Eles são marcados como Laje de Madeira, refletindo sobre o fato de que o carvalho era o único tipo de madeira em forma de prancha. No Pocket Edition, até Alpha 0.11.0, eles são marcados como Fake Wood Slab, e soltará lajes normais de madeira de carvalho quando quebradas. Esta laje ainda é obtida com comandos, com valor de dano 2 e tipo de bloco wood_old. Tem uma textura ausente no inventário. Estes nunca foram verdadeiramente exclusivos da Bedrock Edition, pois são essencialmente um paralelo ao bloco nas edições Java e Legacy Console – apenas o nome e a queda de bloco são exclusivos, isso também ocorreu com o Legacy Console Edition de TU1 para TU12.

Bloco de laje dupla[]

Double Slab Blocks drop 2 corresponding slabs when broken, most of them look identical to their full block variant. These blocks can be obtained using inventory editing or commands. These blocks are tile.double.<type>slab. The blocks are:

  • Double Brick Slab
  • Double Oak Slab
  • Double Birch Slab
  • Double Spruce Slab
  • Double Jungle Slab
  • Double Acacia Slab
  • Double Dark Oak Slab
  • Double Stone Slab
  • Double Sandstone Slab
  • Double Red Sandstone Slab
  • Double Cobblestone Slab
  • Double Stone Brick slab
  • Double Nether Brick Slab
  • Double Quartz Slab
  • Double Purpur Slab
  • Double Prismarine Slab
  • Double Dark Prismarine Slab
  • Double Prismarine Brick Slab
  • Double Smooth Stone Slab
  • Double Red Nether Brick Slab
  • Double Andesite Slab
  • Double Polished Andesite Slab
  • Double Cut Sandstone Slab
  • Double Smooth Sandstone Slab
  • Double Cut Red Sandstone Slab
  • Double Smooth Red Sandstone Slab
  • Double Diorite Slab
  • Double Polished Diorite Slab
  • Double Granite Slab
  • Double Polished Granite Slab
  • Double Smooth Quartz Slab
  • Double Mossy Cobblestone Slab

There is also a double slab that is unused;

  • Double Fake Wooden Slab – which shares some similarities with its single slab version.

Pilar de sino sem sino[]

There is an unused bell which only consist of the stand without bell in middle.This bell cannot be rung, but it will drop a normal bell when broken.

Barril, churrasqueira, fornalha potente e atril trancados[]

There are also several unused blocks which are in a locked state. These block cannot be opened or used by the player (their GUI does not show up, but the player hand can still perform action).

Fogueira sem fumaça[]

Fogueiras atualizadas da versão beta 1.10.0 para a 1.11.0 não produzirão partículas de fumaça, pois fogueiras na versão 0.10.0 não tinham funcionalidade.

Mais mapas do explorador[]

Despite Ocean Explorer Maps, Woodland Explorer and Buried Treasure Maps being the only explorer maps that can be obtained in game, other explorer maps actually exist in the game files, and can only be obtained via inventory editing. These maps being:

  • Village Explorer Map: Shows the nearest village, the reason why this map is not obtainable is because it sometimes shows the nearest village from player, and is sold by the cartographer villager, who also spawns in the village, which makes this explorer map essentially useless, as it shows the current location of the village that the player just found.
  • Mineshaft Explorer Map: Shows the nearest abandoned mineshaft, for normal or mesa variant.
  • Temple Explorer Map: Shows the nearest of one of these structures:
    • Jungle Pyramid
    • Desert Pyramid
    • Igloo
    • Swamp Hut
  • Stronghold Explorer Map : Shows the nearest stronghold, this explorer map will often lead the player to a village, because strongholds in Bedrock Edition have a high chance to generate underneath a village’s well or meeting point. This can be an alternative way to find strongholds beside using an eye of ender.
  • Ruins Explorer Map : Shows the nearest ocean ruins.
  • Shipwreck Explorer Map : Shows the nearest shipwreck.
  • Pillager Outpost Explorer Map: Shows the nearest pillager outpost.
  • Fortress Explorer Map : Shows the nearest nether fortress. Unlike other explorer maps, this map uses the Nether map layout, instead of the explorer map layout, which is a static gray color with a destination pointer that stays in one place but spinning wildly like the player pointer.
  • End City Explorer Map : Shows nearest end city. Unlike other explorer maps, this map uses the End map layout, instead of the explorer map layout.

These explorer maps, named Unknown Maps, have the same scale as the woodland and ocean explorer maps, however when held, its name is changed to Map 0 and shows a green triangle to mark the destination structure. These explorer maps have normal map textures but have the same layout as a woodland and ocean explorer maps, which are brown. They use stripes for bodies of water, and a sort of tan color for landmasses. If the player obtains these unused explorer maps in an incorrect dimension, ex: obtaining a fortress explorer map in the Overworld will cause the game to freeze and/or eventually crash.

Flechas de efeitos[]

Besides the tipped arrows that are created from unused potions, some tipped arrows are also unused. These tipped arrows do not give any status effects when shot at an entity. These arrows are tipped arrows from base potions:

  • Arrow of Water
  • Arrow of Mundane
  • Arrow of Long Mundane
  • Arrow of Thick
  • Arrow of Awkward

Bloco de quebra-cabeça[]

O Bloco de Quebra-cabeça só pode ser obtido via editores de inventário, não possui nenhuma função, similar ao Bloco de Estrutura. O bloco usa a antiga textura antes daversão Java snapshot 18w50a.

Blocos de púrpura[]

There are unused data values of the Purpur Block that have the same texture as the normal Purpur Block and can only be obtained by /give or inventory editing. These are:

  • 1 - Chiseled Purpur
  • 3 - tile.purpur_block.smooth.name (which seems to be Smooth Purpur)


There are no items, placeable blocks, or /summon mobs for these, as they only appear as textures, meaning they are currently without use in-game. Note that some of these are from the Education Edition of Minecraft, which their textures still exist in Bedrock Edition.



There are unused top textures of barrels, one is filled with fish, the other is similar in appearance to the open state.


The Border was a red block in a cobblestone wall shape, however, its texture is shown as a full red block.

Allow and Deny[]

Allow and Deny Blocks' textures still remain, despite them no longer existing as blocks.


Chalkboard comes in 3 variants: Slate, poster, and board.


The camera's texture still remains, despite it no longer existing as a block, although it was re-added in beta, being obtainable with the /give command, but only as item while camera block only as texture. It is used to take photos because back then, phones didn't have the ability to do snapshots.


Items from Education Edition[]

Items that were added during Alpha 0.16.0 development versions:

  • All Chalkboards
    • Slate
    • Poster
    • Board
  • Camera Block
    • Camera Front
    • Camera Back
    • Camera Side
    • Camera Top
  • Border Block
  • Build Allow block
  • Build Deny Block


The Portfolio was an item that can save photos that were taken with the camera.


Comes in all 3 variants: Slate, poster, and board.

Border Block[]

Used in the education edition for classroom mode

Allow and Deny Block[]


Spawn NPC[]

Spawn Agent[]

Spawn Mask[]

Currently, only the mask spawn egg is available while the mob itself does not exist.

Minecart with Furnace[]

The Minecart with Furnace exists on Java and Legacy Console Editions, while in Bedrock Edition it only appears as a inventory icon texture


The quiver was going to be used to hold arrows, but it was never implemented; Dinnerbone said that holding arrows in the offhand felt more natural.[1]


The ruby was supposed to be used in villager swaps, but because a person on the mojang team was colorblind, it had to be changed to the emerald

Entities and Mobs[]

Gray Tabby Cat[]

Tamed Gray Tabby Cat with Red Collar

In the default resource pack, a texture file for a gray tabby cat exists. However, it is completely unused and cannot be spawned in-game.

Old Nitwit Villager and Old Nitwit Zombie Villager[]

Nitwit villagers have existed in Bedrock Edition from earlier versions alongside its zombie villager version, but remain unused. Its texture still exists in the game files. Nitwit villager and zombie villager added in 1.10.0 but they are new villagers with a different ID and texture, which means the old nitwit villager and zombie villager textures are unused.


Old Pocket Edition Panorama[]

As of the Bedrock Edition 1.2.0 update, the Bedrock Edition uses a new panorama background, but the old panorama before 1.2.0 was not removed.

As of 1.5.0, the panorama changed to Aquatic. The background panorama from 1.2.0 - 1.4.0 was removed, while the old panorama texture still exists.

Even in 1.8.0, when the background panorama changed again to pandas and cats in the jungle, the old panorama texture still remains in the game, although it is unobtainable.

Again in 1.11.0, when background panorama changed to village and pillage, the old panorama texture still remains in the game, although it not used.

Status effects[]

Artigo principal: Status effects

Some of the status effects in Pocket Edition are unobtainable and can only be obtained using inventory editing or /effect.

Health Boost[]

Health Boost was added to the game in Alpha 0.12.0. It gives extra health that can regenerate.


Saturation was added to the game in Alpha 0.12.0. It can only be obtained using commands. Note that all foods replenish food saturation, but they don't actually add the Saturation status effect.

World generation[]

Nether in Old World Type[]

Nether Portals cannot be activated in the Old world type unless converted to the infinite world type.

As of Alpha 0.16.0 build 5, commands can be used by players to access the Nether in the Old world type without converting it to Infinite by using commands /setblock or /fill with the Nether Portal.

The Nether in the Old world type looks like the normal Nether with the exception that is it is limited in size. It is the same size as the Overworld, which is 256×256 with 128 block height. However, the Nether and the Overworld may have the same size, but traveling 1 block in the nether will still be equal to traveling 8 blocks in the Overworld. This is a problem that can make the game freeze or crash, which is the reason why the Nether can't be accessed in the old world type. When the player goes to the Nether, a new Nether portal will generate naturally in the Overworld, because a portal placed with commands isn’t counted. However, the player cannot make a nether portal normally.

End in Old World Type[]

The End Dimension was added, and alongside the End in the old world type. The End cannot be accessed because strongholds never generate in the Old world type and building an end portal also won't work. The only way to access it is via block-placement commands such as /setblock and /fill.

Unlike the Nether in old worlds, which can generate all structures, The End in the Old only generates the main island and doesn't generate the outer islands, due to the size limit of 256×256.

However, sometimes the End in the Old world type doesn't generate properly, resulting in the central island not generating due to the border.

If this happens, the ender dragon may get stuck in mid-air at the border, and the exit portal only generates cut in half or even doesn't generate at all. The end gateway portal won't work either, due to the size limit.

These problems are the reasons why the End dimension can't be accessed normally, as the only way to go back to the Overworld is via cheats or death.


Biome Name and ID Features Description Images

Mountain Edge

Temperatura: 0.2

Grama, Terra, Pedra, Porco, Ovelha, Pedra infestada, Minério de Esmeralda, Lhama, Cows, Árvores de pinheiro, Árvores de carvalho, Snow (ocasionalmente)

Similar to the jungle edge biome, the mountain edge used to generate exclusively at the edge of mountain biomes (or any variant) in order to smooth the transition between biomes. While the terrain is lower and gentler in nature, some areas may reach high enough to be covered by snow. This biome look like a forested area, similar to wooded mountains but with lower terrain elevation. This biome doesn't naturally generate from Pocket Edition Alpha 0.9.0 onward. Mountain Edge

Warm Deep Ocean

Temperatura: 0.5
Golfinhos, Baiacu, Peixe tropical, Warm ocean ruins, Areia, seagrass, Alga, Ocean monuments, Guardians, Elder guardians, Naufrágio
Similar to warm ocean biomes, but without coral reefs nor sea pickles, and twice as deep. Because they are a deep ocean variant, they can generate ocean monuments, resulting in the spawning of guardians, elder guardians, prismarine, and sponges. This biome has never naturally generated. Deep Warm Ocean

Legacy Frozen Ocean


Temperatura: 0.0
Ursos polares, Salmão, Esqueleto, Esqueleto-errante, Cold ocean ruins, Cascalho, Snowy Rabbits, Gelo, Naufrágio, Alga, Afogado
Similar to frozen ocean biomes, but without icebergs. Because they are a frozen ocean variant, they can spawn polar bears and strays but not dolphins, however unlike regular frozen ocean, this biome also spawns rabbits and has kelp. This biome does not naturally generate from Pocket Edition Alpha 0.9.0 onward. Stray, drowned, and skeleton are only monster can spawn in this biome, no other monster can spawn except from spawner. Legacy Frozen Ocean


5th Giant Tree Taiga biome variants[]

The file biome_client.json contained biome name which never existed in game.

"mega_taiga": {
      "water_surface_color": "#2d6d77",
      "water_fog_color": "#2d6d77"
    "mega_spruce_taiga": {
      "water_surface_color": "#2d6d77",
      "water_fog_color": "#2d6d77"
    "mega_taiga_mutated": {
      "water_surface_color": "#2d6d77",
      "water_fog_color": "#2d6d77"
    "mega_spruce_taiga_mutated": {
      "water_surface_color": "#2d6d77",
      "water_fog_color": "#2d6d77"
    "mega_taiga_hills": {
      "water_surface_color": "#286378",
      "water_fog_color": "#286378"

Out of 5 giant tree taiga biomes, only 4 can generate in the game while another one only appears in this code, as that biome is not defined in vanilla behavior pack at biomes folder. It is unknown if this biome was a dropped feature or not.


Armed Zombie Villager[]

The zombie villager was added, but it cannot spawn with armor equipped. However, armed zombie villagers are still spawnable via mob editing. If a zombie villager is wearing armor, the helmet will be struck through its head, the chestplate and leggings can only be seen through holes in their clothes, while the boots look normal.

Wither Skeleton Archer[]

If a wither skeleton is equipped with a bow, it will use it as a ranged weapon, and arrows shot will always be set on fire regardless of what enchantment it has, or if it has an enchantment. However, wither skeleton archers cannot spawn naturally.

Wither Jockey[]

Spider Wither Jockey

Spiders spawned in the Nether have a 1% chance of spawning while being ridden by a skeleton, which have an 80% of being a wither skeleton and a 20% of a normal skeleton. However, since spiders cannot naturally spawn in the Nether, this mob is unused. Instead, it can be spawned using spider spawn eggs in Creative mode.Wither jockeys also have a cave spider variant.

Zombie Horse[]

Zombie horses can only be spawned using its spawn egg or /summon, as it cannot spawn naturally.

Zombie Horse Jockey (and Variants)[]

These jockeys (see below) are unused since zombie horses cannot spawn naturally.

  • Zombie horse jockey
    • Baby zombie riding zombie horse
  • Husk zombie horse jockey
    • Baby husk riding zombie horse
  • Zombie villager zombie horse jockey
    • Baby zombie villager riding zombie horse

Baby Trader Llama[]

Trader Llamas were added in beta which at that time were breedable and can spawn a baby. However, as of beta, Trader Llamas no longer spawn naturally as babies since they are no longer breedable, causing the baby trader llama to become unused.


Some Ravager with riders do not spawn naturally and can only be summoned using /summon:

  • vindicator riding ravager
  • pillager captain riding ravager
  • vindicator captain riding ravager


Artigo principal: Agent

The Agent was added in alpha, although it was hidden in the .apk file of the game. However, it is still used in conjunction with Code Connection.


Artigo principal: NPC

The NPC was added in alpha 0.16.0 Build 1; although, it was removed in alpha 0.16.0 Build 2 leaving their savegame ID and spawn egg.

The NPC was re-added again in beta, they currently have no functionality as of in this version. They can be spawned using /summon.

As of 1.10.0 onward, NPCs can no longer be summoned using /summon. However, the player can do it with NBT editors, they currently have the dialog screen for members and editing screen for players with the Operator permission or players with world builder permission.


Artigo principal: Camera

The camera was first found in the Pocket Edition Alpha 0.1.0 .apk file, as of this version, the camera has functionality.

As of 0.9.0, the camera entity was removed. Tommaso stated "It doesn't mean that it's dead forever, in fact, I have a lot of ideas for it! I think it will be back when have shaders, sharing and redstone."

The camera was re-added in alpha 0.14.0, only accessible with inventory editors, but was removed again in alpha 0.16.0

Cameras were added again in beta, but it requires mob editing to summon it or using an NBT editor to get its spawn egg. The camera can now be obtained using /give as of beta

In beta, this item can be used by slide while using the item, the take picture sound can be heard and an explosion can be seen and a picture is saved to LocalState/screenshots folder on Windows 10 or /storage/emulated/0/screenshots folder on Android.

Old Villager[]

Artigo principal: Villager/Before Village and Pillage

Old villagers, prior to the Village and Pillage update are still available in the game, but they are instantly converted into villager_v2 (new villagers). Their spawn egg can only be obtained via /give spawn_egg 1 15. However, trying to spawn them with that spawn egg will spawn an old villager which is instantly killed. A new villager will then spawn and take its place.

However, in template worlds that have old villagers in them, the villagers will remain as old villagers with their old texture and won't be converted, and they will still behave normally (as v1 villagers).

Their trade tables were not removed, even though trading GUI has changed between Village and Pillage and prior updates.

Fantasma do Guardião-mestre[]

O fantasma do Guardião-mestre é um nova criatura não usada adicionado na beta Its file isn't included in the behavior pack, and it can only be spawned using the command /summon elder_guardian_ghost ~ ~ ~. The elder guardian ghost has same model and texture as the elder guardian, but uses the player hurt sound, has fewer health and is missing the back tail model. When spawned outside of water, it will float upward till it despawns, similar to a mob tied with a balloon, or under a high level of levitation effect, but it will clip through blocks. The guardian ghost itself isn't immune from suffocation damage.

If an elder guardian ghost is spawned underwater, it will slowly sink downward, clip through all blocks (including bedrock), until it eventually it falls into the void and dies. When underwater, the elder guardian ghost can rotate its body, look at players, and swim while slowly sinking downward.


Edição Pocket Alpha
0.1.3 Added info update block.
0.3.3 Removed fire, due to a spreading error. It is replaced with reserved6.
0.7.0 reserved6 is replaced with fire in-game due to re-implementation of fire. Its data value changes to ID 255 though.
0.9.0 build 1 Frozen Ocean and Extreme Hills Edge biomes now no longer generate naturally.
0.11.0 ?Added ghasts. They cannot be spawned legitimately in-game and require hacking to be spawned in.
Added Magma cubes. They do not spawn naturally due to the Nether not being added yet in-game, but can be spawned in with a spawn egg in Creative.
0.12.0 build 1 Added blindness effect.[verificar]
0.12.1 build 1 Added Wither Jockey and cave spider variants.
?Nether reactor core becomes unavailable in the inventory by default.
Ghasts and magma cubes can now spawn in the Nether.
Added Nether Dimension in Old-world type, however it was impossible to access this dimension without using a world editor.
0.13.0 ?Stonecutter removed completely from survival, and only exclusive to creative as a decorative block.
0.14.0 build 1 Re-added camera with ID 439, and added ender pearls without ID.
0.14.2 Camera ID changed to 498, but cannot be spawned using the item. However, they can be spawned using spawn egg with data value 62.
0.15.0 build 1 Added Zombie horse which is mountable by baby zombie variants.
?The reserved6 block was removed, but it still exists despite being removed, causing its texture to be shown as info update block.
0.16.0 build 1 reserved6 and info update blocks can now be placed using /setblock command[verificar].
Camera now has a block form in inventory, but placing it spawns the entity. The block can be placed using commands (/setblock ~ ~ ~ camera) or editing.
Added commands, which is the only way to access Nether in Old World without using a world editor.
build 2 Removed cameras. They were moved to Education Edition.
build 5 The Nether can be accessed in Old World Type without converting the world by using commands.
Edição Pocket
1.0.0 alpha Added End Dimension in Old World Type, however, is inaccessible without using commands.
Added chiseled purpur.
Added structure blocks, which were unused.
Fully implemented ender pearls.
1.0.4 alpha Villager no longer has an open button when player sneak to them, as trading has already been added.
1.1.0 ?Added various unused explorer maps.
Edição Bedrock
1.4.0 beta Added stripped wood.
beta Added unused Shipwreck Explorer Map.
Added new unused biomes, such as the Deep Warm Ocean biome.
beta Added unused Ruins Explorer Map.
?ID name for unused Frozen Ocean biomes renamed from frozen_ocean to legacy_frozen_ocean to distinguish from the new Frozen Ocean name.
1.8.0 beta Re-added NPCs and Cameras, NPCs could only by spawned using commands, while the Camera could be spawned only using mob editors, both lack their features from Education Edition.
Added cats which have one unused texture.
1.9.0 beta Seamless slab (now known as Smooth Stone) is now obtainable, making it no longer unused.
beta Added the barrel block, which has an unused top and fish barrel texture.
Added the bell which has an unused variant that can only obtained via commands.
1.10.0 beta The old stonecutter is now unused.
Added the jigsaw block.
Added the nitwit villager and nitwit zombie villager with a new texture, but the old textures still remain.
Bell with granite, polished granite, and diorite can generate in new villages, making them no longer unused.
Added Pillager Outposts and new Village Explorer Map.
Added a crafting recipe for Wood, making Wood, and therefore Stripped Wood, obtainable in Survival, and, as a result, not unused anymore.
Added locked smokers, blast furnaces, lecterns, barrels and smokeless campfires.
1.11.0 ?New villages are no longer behind experimental gameplay, making the new Village Explorer Map get removed, however old village chest loot was still not removed.
Removed bells with a unique side texture.
Old villager converted into new villager, however they still exist in the game along with their trade table if spawned at the template world.
1.12.0 beta Re-added the camera item that can be obtained via /give.
1.13.0 beta Added structure block functionality behind Experimental gameplay.
beta Added Elder Guardian Ghost.
beta Blindness can now be obtained by eating suspicious stew.